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APPS.IBW_OE_PVT dependencies on FND_USER

Line 144: FROM fnd_user

140: l_guest_username := substr(l_guest_user_pwd,1,instr(l_guest_user_pwd,'/',1,1)-1);
142: SELECT customer_id,person_party_id,user_id
143: INTO l_guest_party_id,l_guest_person_id,l_guest_user_id
144: FROM fnd_user
145: WHERE user_name LIKE l_guest_username;
147: l_start_time := sysdate;

Line 827: , fnd_user usertab1

823: FROM jtf_pf_wa_info_vl pat
824: , ibe_msites_b sites1
825: , ibe_msites_b sites2
826: , ams_source_codes camptab
827: , fnd_user usertab1
828: , fnd_user usertab2
829: , hz_relationships rel2
830: , hz_relationships rel1
831: WHERE pat.last_update_date > l_pat_date -- Consider only records logged after the last puged date

Line 828: , fnd_user usertab2

824: , ibe_msites_b sites1
825: , ibe_msites_b sites2
826: , ams_source_codes camptab
827: , fnd_user usertab1
828: , fnd_user usertab2
829: , hz_relationships rel2
830: , hz_relationships rel1
831: WHERE pat.last_update_date > l_pat_date -- Consider only records logged after the last puged date
832: AND pat.attribute11 = 'true' -- Consider only display pages

Line 1133: , fnd_user usertab1

1129: ,pat.last_update_date as pat_last_update_date
1130: FROM jtf_pf_wa_info_vl pat
1131: , ibe_msites_b sites1
1132: , ibe_msites_b sites2
1133: , fnd_user usertab1
1134: , fnd_user usertab2
1135: , hz_relationships rel1
1136: , hz_relationships rel2
1137: WHERE pat.attribute11 = 'false'

Line 1134: , fnd_user usertab2

1130: FROM jtf_pf_wa_info_vl pat
1131: , ibe_msites_b sites1
1132: , ibe_msites_b sites2
1133: , fnd_user usertab1
1134: , fnd_user usertab2
1135: , hz_relationships rel1
1136: , hz_relationships rel2
1137: WHERE pat.attribute11 = 'false'
1138: AND pat.last_update_date > l_pat_date