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2 /* $Header: FARXRPS.pls 120.3 2009/03/26 23:33:56 bridgway ship $ */
4 /*=====================================================================================+
5 |
6 |   Name:          Preview_Reclass
7 |
8 |   Description:   Procedure for mass reclass preview.
9 |		   This procedure is called from the concurrent wrapper procedure
10 |		   FARX_C_RP.Mass_Reclass_Preview().
11 |		   This procedure calls Reclass Validation Engine to verify that
12 |		   the asset can be reclassified, and if so inserts the results
13 |		   into the interface table, FA_MASS_RECLASS_ITF.
14 |		   User asset selection and reclass criteria are fetched from
15 |		   FA_MASS_RECLASS table.
16 |
17 |   Parameters:    X_Mass_Reclass_Id -- Mass Reclass ID from FA_MASS_RECLASS table.
18 |		   X_RX_Flag -- Indicates whether this procedure is called from
19 |			RX report or not.
20 |		   retcode -- OUT parameter.  Denotes completion status.
21 |			0 -- Completed normally.
22 |			1 -- Completed with warning.
23 |			2 -- Completed with error.
24 |		   errbuf -- OUT parameter.  Error or warning description.
25 |
26 |   Returns:
27 |
28 |   Notes:
29 |
30 +=====================================================================================*/
32 PROCEDURE Preview_Reclass(
33 	X_Mass_Reclass_Id	IN	NUMBER,
34 	X_RX_Flag		IN	VARCHAR2 := 'NO',
35 	retcode		 OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
36 	errbuf		 OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
39 /*=====================================================================================+
40 |
41 |   Name:          Store_Results
42 |
43 |   Description:   Procedure to store the preview results of an asset into a
44 |		   private pl/sql asset table(of type
45 |		   FA_MASS_REC_UTILS_PKG.asset_table) for all the books
46 |		   the asset belongs to.  Proper conversions for output
47 |		   are taken care of in this procedure.
48 |
49 |   Parameters:    X_Get_New_Rules
50 |			1. If this flag is set to YES, new depreciation
51 |			   rules are retrieved from FA_LOAD_TBL_PKG.deprn_table
52 |			   and stored into the asset table, if the user chooses to
53 |			   redefault and if redefault is allowed in the book.
54 |			   Otherwise, the old(current) asset rules are retrieved
55 |			   and stored into the asset table.
56 |			   * Now we allow, redefault per book instead of per asset.
57 |			     Validation for redefault is performed in this
58 |			     procedure.
59 |			2. If this flag is set to NO(default), old(current) asset
60 |			   rules are retrieved and stored into the asset table.
61 |		   X_Cat_Flex_Struct -- Category flexfield structure.
62 |			If NULL, the procedure figures out nocopy the structure.
63 |
64 |   Returns:
65 |
66 |   Notes:         The asset's old(current) category information is stored in
67 |		   the asset table record.  New category information will
68 |		   be fetched from mass reclass record upon insertion into
69 |		   fa_mass_reclass_itf interface table.
70 |
71 +=====================================================================================*/
73 PROCEDURE Store_Results(
74 	X_Get_New_Rules		IN	VARCHAR2 := 'NO',
75 	X_Cat_Flex_Struct	IN	NUMBER := NULL
76 	);
79 /*=====================================================================================+
80 |
81 |   Name:          Check_Trans_Date_Book
82 |
83 |   Description:   Function to check if transaction_date_entered is valid in a given
84 |		   book.
85 |
86 |   Parameters:    X_Asset_Id -- Asset id.
87 |		   X_Book_Type_Code -- book the asset belongs to.
88 |		   X_Trx_Type -- Transaction type -- ADJUSTMENT or other values.
89 |
90 |   Returns:       TRUE -- if validation succeeds.
91 |                  FALSE -- if validation fails.
92 |
93 |   Notes:         Transaction_date_entered is validated in reclass/redefault
94 |		   transaction engines instead of validation engines, since all
95 |		   the required values for validation are available at transaction
96 |		   step.
97 |		   This validation is sufficed by FA_MASS_RECLASS_PKG.Check_Trans_Date
98 |		   for reclass part.  For adjustment part, the following function
99 |		   can be used.  This is separated out nocopy from redefault valiation engine,
100 |		   since there is no need to create performance overhead in mass
101 |		   reclass transaction, by duplicating the validation effort.
102 |
103 +======================================================================================*/
105 FUNCTION Check_Trans_Date_Book(
106         X_Asset_Id              IN      NUMBER,
107         X_Book_Type_Code        IN      VARCHAR2,
108         X_Trx_Type              IN      VARCHAR2
109         ) RETURN BOOLEAN;