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Line 69: pay_action_interlocks loc

65: and rpaa.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
66: and rpaa.action_sequence =
67: (select max(aa.action_sequence)
68: from pay_assignment_actions aa,
69: pay_action_interlocks loc
70: where loc.locked_action_id = aa.assignment_action_id
71: and aa.source_action_id is null
72: and loc.locking_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id); */

Line 94: pay_action_interlocks loc

90: and rpaa.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
91: and rpaa.action_sequence =
92: (select max(aa.action_sequence)
93: from pay_assignment_actions aa,
94: pay_action_interlocks loc
95: where loc.locked_action_id = aa.assignment_action_id
96: and aa.source_action_id is null
97: and loc.locking_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id);
98: */

Line 103: pay_action_interlocks loc

99: cursor cur_lat_action( curvar2 number)is
100: select fnd_number.canonical_to_number(substr(max(lpad(paa.action_sequence,15,'0')||
101: paa.assignment_action_id),16))
102: from pay_assignment_actions paa,
103: pay_action_interlocks loc
104: where loc.locked_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id
105: and paa.source_action_id IS NULL
106: and loc.locking_action_id = curvar2;

Line 279: pay_action_interlocks loc

275: cursor csr_formula_2 is
276: -- for prepayment action find the latest interlocked run
277: select assact.assignment_action_id
278: from pay_assignment_actions assact,
279: pay_action_interlocks loc
280: where loc.locking_action_id = p_assignment_action_id
281: and assact.assignment_action_id = loc.locked_action_id
282: and assact.source_action_id is null
283: --order by loc.locked_action_id desc ;

Line 290: pay_action_interlocks loc

286: -- for run action check if its been prepaid
287: select assact.assignment_action_id
288: from pay_assignment_actions assact,
289: pay_payroll_actions pact,
290: pay_action_interlocks loc
291: where loc.locked_action_id = p_assignment_action_id
292: and assact.assignment_action_id = loc.locking_action_id
293: and pact.payroll_action_id = assact.payroll_action_id
294: and pact.action_type in ('P','U') /* prepayments only */