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Line 159: --| in select for table - gmd_spec_tests_b |

155: --| Susan Feinstein 10-Mar-2003 allow retained samples to save record|
156: --| in gmd_sample_spec_disp table |
157: --| |
158: --| Chetan Nagar 01-Apr-2002 Added exclude_ind column condition |
159: --| in select for table - gmd_spec_tests_b |
160: --| Brenda Stone 21-Aug-2003 Changed cursor c_vrs_vw; removed the |
161: --| use of the view and replaced with |
162: --| UNION ALL of all the spec vr tables |
163: --| to improve performance |

Line 200: FROM gmd_spec_tests_b st, gmd_test_methods_b tm

196: , st.test_qty
197: , st.test_qty_uom
198: , tm.test_method_id
199: , tm.test_duration
200: FROM gmd_spec_tests_b st, gmd_test_methods_b tm
201: WHERE st.spec_id = p_spec_id
202: AND st.exclude_ind IS NULL
203: AND ((p_lot_retest_ind IS NULL) OR
204: (st.retest_lot_expiry_ind = p_lot_retest_ind)

Line 944: --| in select for table - gmd_spec_tests_b |

940: --| HISTORY |
941: --| Chetan Nagar 08-Aug-2002 Created. |
942: --| |
943: --| Chetan Nagar 01-Apr-2002 Added exclude_ind column condition |
944: --| in select for table - gmd_spec_tests_b |
945: --| |
946: --+========================================================================+
947: -- End of comments

Line 960: FROM gmd_spec_tests_b st

957: -- Cursors
958: CURSOR c_new_spec_tests (p_spec_id NUMBER) IS
959: SELECT st.test_id
960: FROM gmd_spec_tests_b st
961: WHERE st.spec_id = p_spec_id
962: AND st.exclude_ind IS NULL
963: AND st.test_id NOT IN
964: (SELECT r.test_id

Line 1048: --| in select for table - gmd_spec_tests_b |

1044: --| HISTORY |
1045: --| Chetan Nagar 16-Sep-2002 Created. |
1046: --| |
1047: --| Chetan Nagar 01-Apr-2002 Added exclude_ind column condition |
1048: --| in select for table - gmd_spec_tests_b |
1049: --| |
1050: --+========================================================================+
1051: -- End of comments

Line 1064: FROM gmd_spec_tests_b st

1061: -- Cursors
1062: CURSOR c_new_spec_tests (p_composite_spec_disp_id NUMBER) IS
1063: SELECT st.test_id
1064: FROM gmd_spec_tests_b st
1065: WHERE st.spec_id = p_spec_id
1066: AND st.exclude_ind IS NULL
1067: AND st.test_id NOT IN
1068: (SELECT cr.test_id

Line 1149: --| in select for table - gmd_spec_tests_b |

1145: --| LeAta Jackson 08-Nov-2002 Karen said unvalidated tests |
1146: --| should not automatically be in spec. |
1147: --| |
1148: --| Chetan Nagar 01-Apr-2002 Added exclude_ind column condition |
1149: --| in select for table - gmd_spec_tests_b |
1150: --| srakrish 18-Dec-2006 bug 5652689: Corrected the cursor |
1151: --| fetch position |
1152: --+========================================================================+
1153: -- End of comments

Line 1167: FROM gmd_qc_tests_b t, gmd_spec_tests_b st

1164: -- Cursors
1165: CURSOR c_spec_test_val (p_spec_id NUMBER, p_test_id NUMBER) IS
1166: SELECT t.test_type, st.min_value_num, st.max_value_num, st.target_value_char
1167: FROM gmd_qc_tests_b t, gmd_spec_tests_b st
1168: WHERE t.test_id= st.test_id
1169: AND st.exclude_ind IS NULL
1170: AND st.spec_id = p_spec_id
1171: AND st.test_id = p_test_id

Line 1380: --| in select for table - gmd_spec_tests_b |

1376: --| Chetan Nagar 05-Dec-2002 Assign the OUT variables at proper |
1377: --| index position. |
1378: --| |
1379: --| Chetan Nagar 01-Apr-2002 Added exclude_ind column condition |
1380: --| in select for table - gmd_spec_tests_b |
1381: --| M.Grosser 04-May-2006: BUG 5167171 - Forward Port of BUG 5097450 |
1382: --| Modified code to prevent the setting of sample disposition |
1383: --| to In Progress on the addition of a test if the current |
1384: --| disposition is Pending |

Line 1644: FROM gmd_spec_tests_b st, gmd_test_methods_b tm

1640: IF (l_additional_test_ind IS NULL) THEN
1641: -- Test is part of the Spec so get the replicate from spec.
1642: SELECT st.test_replicate, st.viability_duration, tm.resources
1643: INTO l_replicate,l_viability_duration, l_resources
1644: FROM gmd_spec_tests_b st, gmd_test_methods_b tm
1645: WHERE st.spec_id = l_event_spec_disp.spec_id
1646: AND st.exclude_ind IS NULL
1647: AND st.test_id = p_test_ids(i)
1648: AND st.test_method_id = tm.test_method_id

Line 2100: --| in select for table - gmd_spec_tests_b |

2096: --| HISTORY |
2097: --| Chetan Nagar 21-Aug-2002 Created. |
2098: --| |
2099: --| Chetan Nagar 01-Apr-2002 Added exclude_ind column condition |
2100: --| in select for table - gmd_spec_tests_b |
2101: --| |
2102: --| RLNAGARA 07-Feb-2006 Modified the cursor c_vrs_vw and get_organization_code. |
2103: --| RLNAGARA 19-MAY-2006 Bug#5220513 (FP of 5026764) |
2104: --| Added code so as to re-evaluate the results against the target|

Line 2138: FROM gmd_spec_tests_b st, gmd_test_methods_b tm

2134: CURSOR c_spec_tests (p_spec_id NUMBER) IS
2135: SELECT st.test_id
2136: , st.test_replicate
2137: , tm.test_kit_inv_item_id
2138: FROM gmd_spec_tests_b st, gmd_test_methods_b tm
2139: WHERE st.spec_id = p_spec_id
2140: AND st.exclude_ind IS NULL
2141: AND st.test_method_id = tm.test_method_id
2142: ;

Line 2161: l_spec_id gmd_spec_tests_b.spec_id%TYPE;

2157: ;
2159: --Begin Bug#5220513
2160: l_test_id GMD_QC_TESTS.test_id%TYPE;
2161: l_spec_id gmd_spec_tests_b.spec_id%TYPE;
2163: CURSOR c_evaluation_ind (p_result_id NUMBER, p_event_spec_disp_id NUMBER) IS
2164: SELECT evaluation_ind from gmd_spec_results gsr, gmd_event_spec_disp esd --, gmd_sample_spec_disp ssd
2165: WHERE gsr.result_id=p_result_id

Line 2194: FROM gmd_spec_tests_b s

2190: LocalDisRec c_get_display%ROWTYPE;
2192: CURSOR c_get_spec_test_num IS
2193: SELECT s.min_value_num, s.max_value_num, s.target_value_num,s.display_precision
2194: FROM gmd_spec_tests_b s
2195: WHERE s.spec_id = l_spec_id
2196: AND s.test_id = l_test_id
2197: AND s.exclude_ind IS NULL;

Line 2203: FROM gmd_spec_tests_b s

2199: LocalNumRec c_get_spec_test_num%ROWTYPE;
2201: CURSOR c_get_spec_test_char IS
2202: SELECT s.min_value_char, s.max_value_char, s.target_value_char
2203: FROM gmd_spec_tests_b s
2204: WHERE s.spec_id = l_spec_id
2205: AND s.test_id = l_test_id
2206: AND s.exclude_ind IS NULL;

Line 2212: FROM gmd_spec_tests_b

2208: LocalCharRec c_get_spec_test_char%ROWTYPE;
2210: CURSOR c_spec_test_all (p_spec_id NUMBER, p_test_id NUMBER) IS
2211: SELECT *
2212: FROM gmd_spec_tests_b
2213: WHERE spec_id = p_spec_id
2214: AND test_id = p_test_id
2215: ;

Line 2221: l_spec_test_all GMD_SPEC_TESTS_B%ROWTYPE;

2218: -- Local Variables
2219: x_rec result_data;
2220: old_event_spec_disp_id NUMBER;
2221: l_spec_test_all GMD_SPEC_TESTS_B%ROWTYPE;
2223: --End Bug#5220513
2225: --RLNAGARA Bug 4918820 Changed from mtl_organizations to mtl_parameters

Line 2962: --| in select for table - gmd_spec_tests_b |

2958: --| Added display_precisions column to the select list
2959: --| in the cursor c_get_spec_test_num
2960: --| |
2961: --| Chetan Nagar 01-Apr-2002 Added exclude_ind column condition |
2962: --| in select for table - gmd_spec_tests_b |
2963: --| Rameshwar 13-APR-2004 B#3545701 |
2964: --| Added non validated test type to retrieve |
2965: --| target values for non-validated tests. |
2966: --========================================================================+

Line 3018: FROM gmd_spec_tests_b s

3014: --BEGIN BUG#2871126 Rameshwar
3015: --Added display_precision to the selct list.
3016: CURSOR c_get_spec_test_num IS
3017: SELECT s.min_value_num, s.max_value_num, s.target_value_num,s.display_precision
3018: FROM gmd_spec_tests_b s
3019: WHERE s.spec_id = l_spec_id
3020: AND s.test_id = l_test_id
3021: AND s.exclude_ind IS NULL;

Line 3032: FROM gmd_spec_tests_b s

3030: CURSOR c_get_spec_test_char IS
3031: SELECT s.min_value_char, s.max_value_char, s.target_value_char
3032: FROM gmd_spec_tests_b s
3033: WHERE s.spec_id = l_spec_id
3034: AND s.test_id = l_test_id
3035: AND s.exclude_ind IS NULL;

Line 3898: --| in select for table - gmd_spec_tests_b |

3894: --| HISTORY |
3895: --| Chetan Nagar 04-Sep-2002 Created. |
3896: --| |
3897: --| Chetan Nagar 01-Apr-2002 Added exclude_ind column condition |
3898: --| in select for table - gmd_spec_tests_b |
3899: --| |
3900: --| RLNAGARA 21-Jul-2006 B5396610 Modified the CURSOR c_test_date. |
3901: --+========================================================================+
3902: -- End of comments

Line 3940: FROM gmd_spec_tests_b

3936: ;
3938: CURSOR c_spec_test (p_spec_id NUMBER, p_test_id NUMBER) IS
3939: SELECT display_precision
3940: FROM gmd_spec_tests_b
3941: WHERE spec_id = p_spec_id
3942: AND test_id = p_test_id
3943: AND exclude_ind IS NULL
3944: ;

Line 5000: --| in select for table - gmd_spec_tests_b |

4996: --| Ger Kelly 17 Sep 2002 Created. |
4997: --| GK 17 Oct 2002 B 2621648 Changed the IF, ELSIF to IF END IF for the text chars
4998: --| |
4999: --| Chetan Nagar 01-Apr-2002 Added exclude_ind column condition |
5000: --| in select for table - gmd_spec_tests_b |
5001: --+========================================================================+
5002: PROCEDURE get_composite_rslt
5003: (
5004: p_composite_spec_disp_id IN NUMBER,

Line 5054: FROM gmd_spec_tests_b s

5050: LocalTypeRec c_get_type%ROWTYPE;
5052: CURSOR c_get_spec_test_num IS
5053: SELECT s.min_value_num, s.max_value_num, s.target_value_num
5054: FROM gmd_spec_tests_b s
5055: WHERE s.spec_id = l_spec_id
5056: AND s.test_id = l_test_id
5057: AND s.exclude_ind IS NULL;
5058: LocalNumRec c_get_spec_test_num%ROWTYPE;

Line 5062: FROM gmd_spec_tests_b s

5058: LocalNumRec c_get_spec_test_num%ROWTYPE;
5060: CURSOR c_get_spec_test_char IS
5061: SELECT s.min_value_char, s.max_value_char, s.target_value_char
5062: FROM gmd_spec_tests_b s
5063: WHERE s.spec_id = l_spec_id
5064: AND s.test_id = l_test_id
5065: AND s.exclude_ind IS NULL;
5066: LocalCharRec c_get_spec_test_char%ROWTYPE;

Line 5919: --| in select for table - gmd_spec_tests_b |

5915: -- #
5916: -- # HISTORY
5917: --| |
5918: --| Chetan Nagar 01-Apr-2002 Added exclude_ind column condition |
5919: --| in select for table - gmd_spec_tests_b |
5920: --| |
5921: --| Vipul Vaish 23-Jul-2003 Bug#3063671 |
5922: --| Added a call to the Validate_Result procedure which is used |
5923: --| to update the gmd_spec_results table with proper values when the |

Line 6013: FROM gmd_spec_tests_b

6009: --BEGIN BUG#3063671 Vipul Vaish
6010: --Declared a Cursor to fetch the test type
6011: CURSOR c_spec_test_all (p_spec_id NUMBER, p_test_id NUMBER) IS
6012: SELECT *
6013: FROM gmd_spec_tests_b
6014: WHERE spec_id = p_spec_id
6015: AND test_id = p_test_id
6016: ;

Line 6034: l_spec_test_all GMD_SPEC_TESTS_B%ROWTYPE;

6031: l_additional_test_ind VARCHAR2(1);
6032: l_min_value_num number;
6033: l_max_value_num number;
6034: l_spec_test_all GMD_SPEC_TESTS_B%ROWTYPE;
6035: --Declared the X_rec of result_data type.
6036: X_rec result_data;
6037: --END BUG#3063671

Line 6054: FROM gmd_spec_tests_b

6050: ;
6052: CURSOR c_spec_test (p_spec_id NUMBER, p_test_id NUMBER) IS
6053: SELECT display_precision, report_precision
6054: FROM gmd_spec_tests_b
6055: WHERE spec_id = p_spec_id
6056: AND test_id = p_test_id
6057: AND exclude_ind IS NULL
6058: ;

Line 6343: --| in select for table - gmd_spec_tests_b |

6339: --| Else Disposition Change not required.
6340: --|
6341: --| |
6342: --| Chetan Nagar 01-Apr-2002 Added exclude_ind column condition |
6343: --| in select for table - gmd_spec_tests_b |
6344: --| RLNAGARA 27-Mar-2006 B5106039 Modified the procedure so that it considers the Flag |
6345: --| Consider Optional Tests Result which is there in Process Quality Parameters Form |
6346: --| P Lowe 17-Sep-2012 Bug 14349136 OPTIONAL TESTS |
6347: --| follow the rules for optional tests and the parameter 'Include Optional |

Line 6513: FROM gmd_results r, gmd_spec_tests st, gmd_spec_results sr

6510: -- Select COUNT of Incomplete Tests in Sample WITH Spec
6511: SELECT count(1)
6512: INTO l_incomplete_count_from_spec
6513: FROM gmd_results r, gmd_spec_tests st, gmd_spec_results sr
6514: WHERE sr.event_spec_disp_id = l_event_spec_disp.event_spec_disp_id
6515: AND sr.result_id = r.result_id
6516: AND r.sample_id = l_sample.sample_id
6517: AND st.spec_id = l_event_spec_disp.spec_id

Line 6533: FROM gmd_results r, gmd_spec_tests st, gmd_spec_results sr,gmd_quality_config gc

6529: ;
6530: ELSE --IF the process parameters for the sample org is defined then consider the tests based on the vlaue of include_optional_test_rslt_ind checkbox
6531: /* SELECT count(1)
6532: INTO l_incomplete_count_from_spec
6533: FROM gmd_results r, gmd_spec_tests st, gmd_spec_results sr,gmd_quality_config gc
6534: WHERE sr.event_spec_disp_id = l_event_spec_disp.event_spec_disp_id
6535: AND sr.result_id = r.result_id
6536: AND r.sample_id = l_sample.sample_id
6537: AND st.spec_id = l_event_spec_disp.spec_id

Line 6561: FROM gmd_results r, gmd_spec_tests st, gmd_spec_results sr,gmd_quality_config gc

6559: SELECT count(1)
6560: INTO l_incomplete_count_from_spec
6561: FROM gmd_results r, gmd_spec_tests st, gmd_spec_results sr,gmd_quality_config gc
6562: WHERE sr.event_spec_disp_id = l_event_spec_disp.event_spec_disp_id
6563: AND sr.result_id = r.result_id
6564: AND r.sample_id = l_sample.sample_id
6565: AND st.spec_id = l_event_spec_disp.spec_id

Line 6592: FROM gmd_results r, gmd_spec_tests st, gmd_spec_results sr,gmd_quality_config gc

6588: -- replace above with below for bug 15885923 rework and bug 15942047
6590: SELECT count(1)
6591: INTO l_incomplete_count_from_spec
6592: FROM gmd_results r, gmd_spec_tests st, gmd_spec_results sr,gmd_quality_config gc
6593: WHERE sr.event_spec_disp_id = l_event_spec_disp.event_spec_disp_id
6594: AND sr.result_id = r.result_id
6595: AND r.sample_id = l_sample.sample_id
6596: AND st.spec_id = l_event_spec_disp.spec_id

Line 6823: gmd_spec_tests_b st

6819: CURSOR count_optional_tests(p_ssample_id number,
6820: p_event_spec_disp_id number ) IS
6821: SELECT st.optional_ind
6822: FROM gmd_event_spec_disp esd, gmd_results r, gmd_spec_results sr,
6823: gmd_spec_tests_b st
6824: WHERE esd.event_spec_disp_id = p_event_spec_disp_id
6825: AND esd.event_spec_disp_id = sr.event_spec_disp_id
6826: AND sr.result_id = r.result_id
6827: AND r.sample_id = p_ssample_id

Line 6914: gmd_spec_tests_b st

6910: -- Select COUNT of Tests with Evaluation other then ACCEPT
6911: SELECT count(1)
6912: INTO l_count_with_spec
6913: FROM gmd_event_spec_disp esd, gmd_results r, gmd_spec_results sr,
6914: gmd_spec_tests_b st
6915: WHERE esd.event_spec_disp_id = l_sample_rec.event_spec_disp_id
6916: AND esd.event_spec_disp_id = sr.event_spec_disp_id
6917: AND sr.result_id = r.result_id
6918: AND r.sample_id = p_sample_id

Line 7031: gmd_spec_tests_b st

7027: -- Select COUNT of Tests with Evaluation other then ACCEPT
7028: SELECT count(1)
7029: INTO l_count_with_spec
7030: FROM gmd_event_spec_disp esd, gmd_results r, gmd_spec_results sr,
7031: gmd_spec_tests_b st
7032: WHERE esd.event_spec_disp_id = l_sample_rec.event_spec_disp_id
7033: AND esd.event_spec_disp_id = sr.event_spec_disp_id
7034: AND sr.result_id = r.result_id
7035: AND r.sample_id = p_sample_id

Line 7423: gmd_composite_results cr, gmd_spec_tests_b st

7420: SELECT count(1)
7421: INTO l_count_with_spec
7422: FROM gmd_composite_spec_disp csd, gmd_event_spec_disp esd,
7423: gmd_composite_results cr, gmd_spec_tests_b st
7424: WHERE csd.event_spec_disp_id = l_event_spec_disp_id
7425: AND csd.latest_ind = 'Y'
7426: AND csd.event_spec_disp_id = esd.event_spec_disp_id
7427: AND csd.composite_spec_disp_id = cr.composite_spec_disp_id

Line 7447: FROM gmd_spec_tests_b st

7443: AND csd.composite_spec_disp_id = cr.composite_spec_disp_id
7444: AND cr.in_spec_ind IS NULL -- Result is out-of-spec
7445: AND cr.test_id NOT IN
7446: (SELECT st.test_id
7447: FROM gmd_spec_tests_b st
7448: WHERE st.spec_id = esd.spec_id)
7449: ;
7451: l_count := l_count_with_spec + l_count_wo_spec;