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1 Package Body ota_lpm_shd as
2 /* $Header: otlpmrhi.pkb 120.0 2005/05/29 07:22:37 appldev noship $ */
3 --
4 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 -- |                     Private Global Definitions                           |
6 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 --
8 g_package  varchar2(33) := '  ota_lpm_shd.';  -- Global package name
9 --
10 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 -- |---------------------------< constraint_error >---------------------------|
12 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 Procedure constraint_error
14   (p_constraint_name in all_constraints.constraint_name%TYPE
15   ) Is
16 --
17   l_proc        varchar2(72) := g_package||'constraint_error';
18 --
19 Begin
20   --
21   If (p_constraint_name = 'OTA_LEARNING_PATH_MEMBERS_UK1') Then
22     fnd_message.set_name('PAY', 'HR_6153_ALL_PROCEDURE_FAIL');
23     fnd_message.set_token('PROCEDURE', l_proc);
24     fnd_message.set_token('STEP','5');
25     fnd_message.raise_error;
26   Else
27     fnd_message.set_name('PAY', 'HR_7877_API_INVALID_CONSTRAINT');
28     fnd_message.set_token('PROCEDURE', l_proc);
29     fnd_message.set_token('CONSTRAINT_NAME', p_constraint_name);
30     fnd_message.raise_error;
31   End If;
32   --
33 End constraint_error;
34 --
35 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
36 -- |-----------------------------< api_updating >-----------------------------|
37 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
38 Function api_updating
39   (p_learning_path_member_id              in     number
40   ,p_object_version_number                in     number
41   )
42   Return Boolean Is
43   --
44   --
45   -- Cursor selects the 'current' row from the HR Schema
46   --
47   Cursor C_Sel1 is
48     select
49        learning_path_member_id
50       ,learning_path_id
51       ,activity_version_id
52       ,course_sequence
53       ,business_group_id
54       ,duration
55       ,duration_units
56       ,object_version_number
57       ,attribute_category
58       ,attribute1
59       ,attribute2
60       ,attribute3
61       ,attribute4
62       ,attribute5
63       ,attribute6
64       ,attribute7
65       ,attribute8
66       ,attribute9
67       ,attribute10
68       ,attribute11
69       ,attribute12
70       ,attribute13
71       ,attribute14
72       ,attribute15
73       ,attribute16
74       ,attribute17
75       ,attribute18
76       ,attribute19
77       ,attribute20
78       ,learning_path_section_id
79       ,notify_days_before_target
80     from        ota_learning_path_members
81     where       learning_path_member_id = p_learning_path_member_id;
82   --
83   l_fct_ret     boolean;
84   --
85 Begin
86   --
87   If (p_learning_path_member_id is null and
88       p_object_version_number is null
89      ) Then
90     --
91     -- One of the primary key arguments is null therefore we must
92     -- set the returning function value to false
93     --
94     l_fct_ret := false;
95   Else
96     If (p_learning_path_member_id
97         = ota_lpm_shd.g_old_rec.learning_path_member_id and
98         p_object_version_number
99         = ota_lpm_shd.g_old_rec.object_version_number
100        ) Then
101       --
102       -- The g_old_rec is current therefore we must
103       -- set the returning function to true
104       --
105       l_fct_ret := true;
106     Else
107       --
108       -- Select the current row into g_old_rec
109       --
110       Open C_Sel1;
111       Fetch C_Sel1 Into ota_lpm_shd.g_old_rec;
112       If C_Sel1%notfound Then
113         Close C_Sel1;
114         --
115         -- The primary key is invalid therefore we must error
116         --
117         fnd_message.set_name('PAY', 'HR_7220_INVALID_PRIMARY_KEY');
118         fnd_message.raise_error;
119       End If;
120       Close C_Sel1;
121       If (p_object_version_number
122           <> ota_lpm_shd.g_old_rec.object_version_number) Then
123         fnd_message.set_name('PAY', 'HR_7155_OBJECT_INVALID');
124         fnd_message.raise_error;
125       End If;
126       l_fct_ret := true;
127     End If;
128   End If;
129   Return (l_fct_ret);
130 --
131 End api_updating;
132 --
133 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
134 -- |---------------------------------< lck >----------------------------------|
135 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
136 Procedure lck
137   (p_learning_path_member_id              in     number
138   ,p_object_version_number                in     number
139   ) is
140 --
141 -- Cursor selects the 'current' row from the HR Schema
142 --
143   Cursor C_Sel1 is
144     select
145        learning_path_member_id
146       ,learning_path_id
147       ,activity_version_id
148       ,course_sequence
149       ,business_group_id
150       ,duration
151       ,duration_units
152       ,object_version_number
153       ,attribute_category
154       ,attribute1
155       ,attribute2
156       ,attribute3
157       ,attribute4
158       ,attribute5
159       ,attribute6
160       ,attribute7
161       ,attribute8
162       ,attribute9
163       ,attribute10
164       ,attribute11
165       ,attribute12
166       ,attribute13
167       ,attribute14
168       ,attribute15
169       ,attribute16
170       ,attribute17
171       ,attribute18
172       ,attribute19
173       ,attribute20
174       ,learning_path_section_id
175       ,notify_days_before_target
176     from        ota_learning_path_members
177     where       learning_path_member_id = p_learning_path_member_id
178     for update nowait;
179 --
180   l_proc        varchar2(72) := g_package||'lck';
181 --
182 Begin
183   hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc, 5);
184   --
185   hr_api.mandatory_arg_error
186     (p_api_name           => l_proc
187     ,p_argument           => 'LEARNING_PATH_MEMBER_ID'
188     ,p_argument_value     => p_learning_path_member_id
189     );
190   hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,6);
191   hr_api.mandatory_arg_error
192     (p_api_name           => l_proc
193     ,p_argument           => 'OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER'
194     ,p_argument_value     => p_object_version_number
195     );
196   --
197   Open  C_Sel1;
198   Fetch C_Sel1 Into ota_lpm_shd.g_old_rec;
199   If C_Sel1%notfound then
200     Close C_Sel1;
201     --
202     -- The primary key is invalid therefore we must error
203     --
204     fnd_message.set_name('PAY', 'HR_7220_INVALID_PRIMARY_KEY');
205     fnd_message.raise_error;
206   End If;
207   Close C_Sel1;
208   If (p_object_version_number
209       <> ota_lpm_shd.g_old_rec.object_version_number) Then
210         fnd_message.set_name('PAY', 'HR_7155_OBJECT_INVALID');
211         fnd_message.raise_error;
212   End If;
213   --
214   hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 10);
215   --
216   -- We need to trap the ORA LOCK exception
217   --
218 Exception
219   When HR_Api.Object_Locked then
220     --
221     -- The object is locked therefore we need to supply a meaningful
222     -- error message.
223     --
224     fnd_message.set_name('PAY', 'HR_7165_OBJECT_LOCKED');
225     fnd_message.set_token('TABLE_NAME', 'ota_learning_path_members');
226     fnd_message.raise_error;
227 End lck;
228 --
229 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
230 -- |-----------------------------< convert_args >-----------------------------|
231 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
232 Function convert_args
233   (p_learning_path_member_id        in number
234   ,p_learning_path_id               in number
235   ,p_activity_version_id            in number
236   ,p_course_sequence                in number
237   ,p_business_group_id              in number
238   ,p_duration                       in number
239   ,p_duration_units                 in varchar2
240   ,p_object_version_number          in number
241   ,p_attribute_category             in varchar2
242   ,p_attribute1                     in varchar2
243   ,p_attribute2                     in varchar2
244   ,p_attribute3                     in varchar2
245   ,p_attribute4                     in varchar2
246   ,p_attribute5                     in varchar2
247   ,p_attribute6                     in varchar2
248   ,p_attribute7                     in varchar2
249   ,p_attribute8                     in varchar2
250   ,p_attribute9                     in varchar2
251   ,p_attribute10                    in varchar2
252   ,p_attribute11                    in varchar2
253   ,p_attribute12                    in varchar2
254   ,p_attribute13                    in varchar2
255   ,p_attribute14                    in varchar2
256   ,p_attribute15                    in varchar2
257   ,p_attribute16                    in varchar2
258   ,p_attribute17                    in varchar2
259   ,p_attribute18                    in varchar2
260   ,p_attribute19                    in varchar2
261   ,p_attribute20                    in varchar2
262   ,p_learning_path_section_id       in number
263   ,p_notify_days_before_target      in number
264   )
265   Return g_rec_type is
266 --
267   l_rec   g_rec_type;
268 --
269 Begin
270   --
271   -- Convert arguments into local l_rec structure.
272   --
273   l_rec.learning_path_member_id          := p_learning_path_member_id;
274   l_rec.learning_path_id                 := p_learning_path_id;
275   l_rec.activity_version_id              := p_activity_version_id;
276   l_rec.course_sequence                  := p_course_sequence;
277   l_rec.business_group_id                := p_business_group_id;
278   l_rec.duration                         := p_duration;
279   l_rec.duration_units                   := p_duration_units;
280   l_rec.object_version_number            := p_object_version_number;
281   l_rec.attribute_category               := p_attribute_category;
282   l_rec.attribute1                       := p_attribute1;
283   l_rec.attribute2                       := p_attribute2;
284   l_rec.attribute3                       := p_attribute3;
285   l_rec.attribute4                       := p_attribute4;
286   l_rec.attribute5                       := p_attribute5;
287   l_rec.attribute6                       := p_attribute6;
288   l_rec.attribute7                       := p_attribute7;
289   l_rec.attribute8                       := p_attribute8;
290   l_rec.attribute9                       := p_attribute9;
291   l_rec.attribute10                      := p_attribute10;
292   l_rec.attribute11                      := p_attribute11;
293   l_rec.attribute12                      := p_attribute12;
294   l_rec.attribute13                      := p_attribute13;
295   l_rec.attribute14                      := p_attribute14;
296   l_rec.attribute15                      := p_attribute15;
297   l_rec.attribute16                      := p_attribute16;
298   l_rec.attribute17                      := p_attribute17;
299   l_rec.attribute18                      := p_attribute18;
300   l_rec.attribute19                      := p_attribute19;
301   l_rec.attribute20                      := p_attribute20;
302   l_rec.learning_path_section_id         := p_learning_path_section_id;
303   l_rec.notify_days_before_target        := p_notify_days_before_target;
304   --
305   -- Return the plsql record structure.
306   --
307   Return(l_rec);
308 --
309 End convert_args;
310 --
311 end ota_lpm_shd;