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1 package body ame_api5 as
2 /* $Header: ameeapi5.pkb 120.5 2010/08/18 12:59:16 prasashe ship $ */
3   /* procedures */
4   procedure  clearItemClassApprovals1(applicationIdIn    in number,
5                                       transactionTypeIn  in varchar2,
6                                       transactionIdIn    in varchar2,
7                                       itemClassIdIn      in number,
8                                       itemIdIn           in varchar2 default null)as
9     ameAppId integer;
10     invalidItemClassException exception;
11     cursor chkItemClass is
12       select name
13         from ame_item_classes
14         where item_class_id  = itemClassIdIn
15           and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_date - ame_util.oneSecond, sysdate);
16     item_class_name ame_item_classes.name%type;
17     errorCode integer;
18     errorMessage ame_util.longestStringType;
19     begin
20       ame_engine.lockTransaction(fndApplicationIdIn => applicationIdIn,
21                                  transactionIdIn => transactionIdIn,
22                                  transactionTypeIdIn => transactionTypeIn);
23       ameAppId := ame_admin_pkg.getApplicationId(fndAppIdIn => applicationIdIn,
24                                                  transactionTypeIdIn => transactionTypeIn);
25       -- check that the item class being passed in is valid
26       open  chkItemClass;
27       fetch chkItemClass into  item_class_name;
28       if  chkItemClass%notFound then
29         raise invalidItemClassException;
30       end if;
31       -- update the approval status to null
32       update  ame_temp_old_approver_lists
33         set approval_status = null
34         where
35           application_id = ameAppId and
36           transaction_id = transactionIdIn and
37           item_class = item_class_name and
38            (itemIdIn is null  or
39             item_id = itemIdIn);
40       if sql%found then
41         ame_approver_deviation_pkg.clearDeviationState(
42                         applicationIdIn  => ameAppId
43                        ,transactionIdIn => transactionIdIn );
44       end if;
45       /* update all existing history rows from the Approval Notification History table
46          to indicate the rows were cleared */
47       update AME_TRANS_APPROVAL_HISTORY  set
48         date_cleared = sysdate
49         where
50           application_id = ameAppId and
51           transaction_id = transactionIdIn and
52           item_class = item_class_name and
53            (itemIdIn is null  or
54             item_id = itemIdIn) and
55           date_cleared is null;
56     exception
57       when invalidItemClassException then
58         ame_engine.unlockTransaction(fndApplicationIdIn => applicationIdIn,
59                                        transactionIdIn => transactionIdIn,
60                                        transactionTypeIdIn => transactionTypeIn);
61         errorCode := -20323;
62         errorMessage := ame_util.getMessage(applicationShortNameIn =>'PER',
63                                               messageNameIn => 'AME_99999_INVALID_ITEM_CLASS');
64         ame_util.runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_api3',
65                                   routineNameIn => 'getAvailableInsertions',
66                                   exceptionNumberIn => errorCode,
67                                   exceptionStringIn => errorMessage);
68         raise_application_error(errorCode,
69                                 errorMessage);
70       when others then
71           ame_engine.unlockTransaction(fndApplicationIdIn => applicationIdIn,
72                                        transactionIdIn => transactionIdIn,
73                                        transactionTypeIdIn => transactionTypeIn);
74           ame_util.runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_api2',
75                                     routineNameIn => 'clearAllApprovals',
76                                     exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
77                                     exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
78           raise;
79     end clearItemClassApprovals1;
80   procedure  clearItemClassApprovals2(applicationIdIn    in number,
81                                       transactionTypeIn  in varchar2,
82                                       transactionIdIn    in varchar2,
83                                       itemClassNameIn    in varchar2,
84                                       itemIdIn           in varchar2 default null)as
85     ameAppId integer;
86     invalidItemClassException exception;
87     cursor chkItemClass is
88       select item_class_id
89         from ame_item_classes
90         where name  = itemClassNameIn
91           and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_date - ame_util.oneSecond, sysdate);
92     item_class_id ame_item_classes.item_class_id%type;
93     errorCode integer;
94     errorMessage ame_util.longestStringType;
98                                  transactionTypeIdIn => transactionTypeIn);
95     begin
96       ame_engine.lockTransaction(fndApplicationIdIn => applicationIdIn,
97                                  transactionIdIn => transactionIdIn,
99       ameAppId := ame_admin_pkg.getApplicationId(fndAppIdIn => applicationIdIn,
100                                                  transactionTypeIdIn => transactionTypeIn);
101       -- check that the item class being passed in is valid
102       open  chkItemClass;
103       fetch chkItemClass into  item_class_id;
104       if  chkItemClass%notFound then
105         raise invalidItemClassException;
106       end if;
107       -- update the approval status to null
108       update  ame_temp_old_approver_lists
109         set approval_status = null
110         where
111           application_id = ameAppId and
112           transaction_id = transactionIdIn and
113           item_class = itemClassNameIn and
114            (itemIdIn is null  or
115             item_id = itemIdIn);
116       if sql%found then
117         ame_approver_deviation_pkg.clearDeviationState(
118                         applicationIdIn  => ameAppId
119                        ,transactionIdIn => transactionIdIn );
120       end if;
121       /* update all existing history rows from the Approval Notification History table
122          to indicate the rows were cleared */
123       update AME_TRANS_APPROVAL_HISTORY  set
124         date_cleared = sysdate
125         where
126           application_id = ameAppId and
127           transaction_id = transactionIdIn and
128           item_class = itemClassNameIn and
129            (itemIdIn is null  or
130             item_id = itemIdIn) and
131           date_cleared is null;
132     exception
133       when invalidItemClassException then
134         ame_engine.unlockTransaction(fndApplicationIdIn => applicationIdIn,
135                                        transactionIdIn => transactionIdIn,
136                                        transactionTypeIdIn => transactionTypeIn);
137         errorCode := -20323;
138         errorMessage := ame_util.getMessage(applicationShortNameIn =>'PER',
139                                               messageNameIn => 'AME_99999_INVALID_ITEM_CLASS');
140         ame_util.runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_api3',
141                                   routineNameIn => 'getAvailableInsertions',
142                                   exceptionNumberIn => errorCode,
143                                   exceptionStringIn => errorMessage);
144         raise_application_error(errorCode,
145                                 errorMessage);
146       when others then
147           ame_engine.unlockTransaction(fndApplicationIdIn => applicationIdIn,
148                                        transactionIdIn => transactionIdIn,
149                                        transactionTypeIdIn => transactionTypeIn);
150           ame_util.runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_api2',
151                                     routineNameIn => 'clearAllApprovals',
152                                     exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
153                                     exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
154           raise;
155     end clearItemClassApprovals2;
156   procedure  getApprovalGroupName(groupIdIn   in   number
157                                  ,groupNameOut out nocopy ame_util.stringType) as
158     errorCode integer;
159     errorMessage ame_util.longestStringType;
160     begin
161       select name
162         into groupNameOut
163         from ame_approval_groups
164         where approval_group_id = groupIdIn
165           and sysdate between start_date
166              and nvl(end_date - ame_util.oneSecond, sysdate);
167     exception
168       when no_data_found then
169           errorCode := -20001;
170           errorMessage := ame_util.getMessage(
171                            applicationShortNameIn => 'PER',
172                            messageNameIn   => 'AME_400453_GROUP_NOT_DEFINED',
173                            tokenNameOneIn  => 'APPROVAL_GROUP',
174                            tokenValueOneIn => groupIdIn);
175           ame_util.runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_api3',
176                                     routineNameIn => 'getApprovalGroupId',
177                                     exceptionNumberIn => errorCode,
178                                     exceptionStringIn => errorMessage);
179           raise_application_error(errorCode,
180                                   errorMessage);
181       when others then
182         ame_util.runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_api3',
183                                     routineNameIn => 'getApprovalGroupId',
184                                     exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
185                                     exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
186         raise;
187   end getApprovalGroupName;
189   procedure getAllApproversAndInsertions
190     (applicationIdIn                in            number
191     ,transactionTypeIn              in            varchar2
192     ,transactionIdIn                in            varchar2
193     ,activeApproversYNIn            in            varchar2 default ame_util.booleanFalse
194     ,coaInsertionsYNIn              in            varchar2 default ame_util.booleanFalse
195     ,approvalProcessCompleteYNOut      out nocopy varchar2
196     ,approversOut                      out nocopy ame_util.approversTable2
197     ,availableInsertionsOut            out nocopy ame_util2.insertionsTable3
198     ) as
200     allApprovers                       ame_util.approversTable2;
201     positionInsertions                 ame_util.insertionsTable2;
202     nextAvailableInsertionIndex        integer;
203     lastActiveApproverIndex            integer;
204     tempCount                          integer;
205     errorCode integer;
206     errorMessage ame_util.longestStringType;
207     procedure copyInsRec2ToInsRec3
211     begin
208       (insertionRec2In                in            ame_util.insertionRecord2
209       ,insertionRec3Out                  out nocopy ame_util2.insertionRecord3
210       ) as
212       insertionRec3Out.item_class := insertionRec2In.item_class;
213       insertionRec3Out.item_id := insertionRec2In.item_id;
214       insertionRec3Out.action_type_id := insertionRec2In.action_type_id;
215       insertionRec3Out.group_or_chain_id := insertionRec2In.group_or_chain_id;
216       insertionRec3Out.order_type := insertionRec2In.order_type;
217       insertionRec3Out.parameter := insertionRec2In.parameter;
218       insertionRec3Out.api_insertion := insertionRec2In.api_insertion;
219       insertionRec3Out.authority := insertionRec2In.authority;
220       insertionRec3Out.description := insertionRec2In.description;
221     end copyInsRec2ToInsRec3;
223   begin
224     /* Check if the fnd application and transaction type combination is valid. */
225     select count(*)
226       into tempCount
227       from ame_calling_apps
228      where sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_date - (1/86400),sysdate)
229        and fnd_application_id = applicationIdIn
230        and transaction_type_id = transactionTypeIn;
231      if tempCount = 0 then
232         errorCode := -20324;
233        errorMessage := ame_util.getMessage(applicationShortNameIn => 'PER',
234                                       messageNameIn => 'AME_400800_INVALID_ITEM_ID');
235        raise_application_error(errorCode,
236                                   errorMessage);
237      end if;
238 --+
239     /* Invoke the engine and generate the approver list */
240     ame_engine.updateTransactionState
241       (isTestTransactionIn          => false
242       ,isLocalTransactionIn         => false
243       ,fetchConfigVarsIn            => true
244       ,fetchOldApproversIn          => true
245       ,fetchInsertionsIn            => true
246       ,fetchDeletionsIn             => true
247       ,fetchAttributeValuesIn       => true
248       ,fetchInactiveAttValuesIn     => false
249       ,processProductionActionsIn   => false
250       ,processProductionRulesIn     => false
251       ,updateCurrentApproverListIn  => true
252       ,updateOldApproverListIn      => false
253       ,processPrioritiesIn          => true
254       ,prepareItemDataIn            => false
255       ,prepareRuleIdsIn             => false
256       ,prepareRuleDescsIn           => false
257       ,prepareApproverTreeIn        => true
258       ,transactionIdIn              => transactionIdIn
259       ,ameApplicationIdIn           => null
260       ,fndApplicationIdIn           => applicationIdIn
261       ,transactionTypeIdIn          => transactionTypeIn
262       );
264     /* Get all approvers from the engine */
265     ame_engine.getApprovers
266       (approversOut => allApprovers);
268     /* Get transaction's approval status from the engine */
269     approvalProcessCompleteYNOut := ame_engine.getApprovalProcessCompleteYN;
271     nextAvailableInsertionIndex := 0;
273     /* Copy approver records from input to output only if approvers are present */
274     if allApprovers.count > 0 then
275       for i in 1 .. allApprovers.count loop
276         if activeApproversYNIn = ame_util.booleanTrue then
277           if allApprovers(i).approval_status is null or
278              allApprovers(i).approval_status in
279                (ame_util.approveAndForwardStatus
280                ,ame_util.approvedStatus
281                ,ame_util.beatByFirstResponderStatus
282                ,ame_util.forwardStatus
283                ,ame_util.noResponseStatus
284                ,ame_util.notifiedStatus
285               ,ame_util.rejectStatus) then
286             ame_util.copyApproverRecord2
287               (approverRecord2In    => allApprovers(i)
288               ,approverRecord2Out   => approversOut(i)
289               );
291             positionInsertions.delete;
293             /* Get available insertions at position i from the engine */
294             ame_engine.getInsertions
295               (positionIn               => i
296               ,orderTypeIn              => null
297               ,coaInsertionsYNIn        => coaInsertionsYNIn
298               ,availableInsertionsOut   => positionInsertions
299               );
301             /* Copy insertion records only if insertions are available at this position */
302             if positionInsertions.count > 0 then
303               for j in 1 .. positionInsertions.count loop
304                 nextAvailableInsertionIndex := nextAvailableInsertionIndex + 1;
305                 copyInsRec2ToInsRec3
306                   (insertionRec2In  => positionInsertions(j)
307                   ,insertionRec3Out => availableInsertionsOut(nextAvailableInsertionIndex)
308                   );
309                 availableInsertionsOut(nextAvailableInsertionIndex).position := i;
310               end loop;
311             end if;
313           end if;
314         else /* if activeApproversYNIn = ame_util.booleanFalse */
315           ame_util.copyApproverRecord2
316             (approverRecord2In    => allApprovers(i)
317             ,approverRecord2Out   => approversOut(i)
318             );
320           positionInsertions.delete;
322           /* Get available insertions at position i from the engine */
323           ame_engine.getInsertions
324             (positionIn               => i
325             ,orderTypeIn              => null
326             ,coaInsertionsYNIn        => coaInsertionsYNIn
327             ,availableInsertionsOut   => positionInsertions
328             );
330           /* Copy insertion records only if insertions are available at this position */
334               copyInsRec2ToInsRec3
331           if positionInsertions.count > 0 then
332             for j in 1 .. positionInsertions.count loop
333               nextAvailableInsertionIndex := nextAvailableInsertionIndex + 1;
335                 (insertionRec2In  => positionInsertions(j)
336                 ,insertionRec3Out => availableInsertionsOut(nextAvailableInsertionIndex)
337                 );
338               availableInsertionsOut(nextAvailableInsertionIndex).position := i;
339             end loop;
340           end if;
341         end if;
342       end loop;
343     end if;
345     /* If all approvers are active or we want all approvers */
346     /* Also takes care when no approvers are present */
347     if allApprovers.count = approversOut.count or
348        activeApproversYNIn = ame_util.booleanFalse then
350       positionInsertions.delete;
352       /* Get available insertions at position i from the engine */
353       ame_engine.getInsertions
354         (positionIn               => allApprovers.count + 1
355         ,orderTypeIn              => null
356         ,coaInsertionsYNIn        => coaInsertionsYNIn
357         ,availableInsertionsOut   => positionInsertions
358         );
360       /* Copy insertion records only if insertions are available at this position */
361       if positionInsertions.count > 0 then
362         for j in 1 .. positionInsertions.count loop
363           nextAvailableInsertionIndex := nextAvailableInsertionIndex + 1;
364           copyInsRec2ToInsRec3
365             (insertionRec2In  => positionInsertions(j)
366             ,insertionRec3Out => availableInsertionsOut(nextAvailableInsertionIndex)
367             );
368           availableInsertionsOut(nextAvailableInsertionIndex).position := allApprovers.count + 1;
369         end loop;
370       end if;
371     else /* If active approvers are required and inactive approvers are present */
373       /* Incase no approvers are active lastActiveApproverIndex must be 0 */
374       /* else it will be the last active approver */
375       lastActiveApproverIndex := 0;
376       if approversOut.count > 0 then
377         lastActiveApproverIndex := approversOut.last;
378       end if;
380       positionInsertions.delete;
382       /* Get available insertions at position lastActiveApproverIndex + 1 from the engine */
383       ame_engine.getInsertions
384         (positionIn               => lastActiveApproverIndex + 1
385         ,orderTypeIn              => null
386         ,coaInsertionsYNIn        => coaInsertionsYNIn
387         ,availableInsertionsOut   => positionInsertions
388         );
390       /* Copy insertion records only if insertions are available at this position */
391       if positionInsertions.count > 0 then
392         for j in 1 .. positionInsertions.count loop
393           if positionInsertions(j).order_type <> ame_util.beforeApprover then
394             nextAvailableInsertionIndex := nextAvailableInsertionIndex + 1;
395             copyInsRec2ToInsRec3
396               (insertionRec2In  => positionInsertions(j)
397               ,insertionRec3Out => availableInsertionsOut(nextAvailableInsertionIndex)
398               );
399             availableInsertionsOut(nextAvailableInsertionIndex).position := lastActiveApproverIndex + 1;
400           end if;
401         end loop;
402       end if;
403     end if;
405   exception
406     when others then
407       ame_util.runtimeException
408         (packageNameIn      => 'ame_api5'
409         ,routineNameIn      => 'getAllApproversAndInsertions'
410         ,exceptionNumberIn  => sqlcode
411         ,exceptionStringIn  => sqlerrm
412         );
413       approvalProcessCompleteYNOut := null;
414       approversOut.delete;
415       availableInsertionsOut.delete;
416       raise;
417   end getAllApproversAndInsertions;
418 end ame_api5;