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Line 192: FROM fnd_lookups

188: ELSIF p_lookup_table = 'FND_LOOKUP_VALUES' THEN
189: Begin
190: SELECT lookup_code
191: INTO l_dummy_lookup
192: FROM fnd_lookups
193: --FROM fnd_lookup_vlaues
194: --modified by abhsaxen from fnd_lookup_vlaues to fnd_lookups
195: --as fnd_lookups is respecting user language.
196: WHERE lookup_type = p_lookup_type

Line 194: --modified by abhsaxen from fnd_lookup_vlaues to fnd_lookups

190: SELECT lookup_code
191: INTO l_dummy_lookup
192: FROM fnd_lookups
193: --FROM fnd_lookup_vlaues
194: --modified by abhsaxen from fnd_lookup_vlaues to fnd_lookups
195: --as fnd_lookups is respecting user language.
196: WHERE lookup_type = p_lookup_type
197: AND lookup_code = p_column_value
198: AND enabled_flag = 'Y'

Line 195: --as fnd_lookups is respecting user language.

191: INTO l_dummy_lookup
192: FROM fnd_lookups
193: --FROM fnd_lookup_vlaues
194: --modified by abhsaxen from fnd_lookup_vlaues to fnd_lookups
195: --as fnd_lookups is respecting user language.
196: WHERE lookup_type = p_lookup_type
197: AND lookup_code = p_column_value
198: AND enabled_flag = 'Y'
199: AND nvl(end_date_active,sysdate+1) > sysdate;