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Line 396: from jai_cmn_document_taxes b,

392: cursor c_tax_cnt(cp_draft_invoice_id in number) is
393: select
394: nvl( sum( decode( nvl(c.regime_code,'XX'), 'VAT', 1, 0)), 0) vat_cnt,
395: nvl( sum( decode( upper(b.tax_type), 'EXCISE', 1, 'ADDL. EXCISE', 1, 'OTHER EXCISE', 1, 0)), 0) excise_cnt
396: from jai_cmn_document_taxes b,
397: jai_regime_tax_types_v c
398: where b.source_doc_type = jai_pa_billing_pkg.gv_source_projects
399: and b.tax_type = c.tax_type(+)
400: and b.source_doc_id = cp_draft_invoice_id;

Line 406: from jai_cmn_document_taxes b

402: /*Bug 9535388 - Get the number of Tax Records for the Draft Invoice*/
404: cursor c_all_tax_cnt(cp_draft_invoice_id in number) is
405: select count (*) tax_cnt
406: from jai_cmn_document_taxes b
407: where b.source_doc_type = jai_pa_billing_pkg.gv_source_projects
408: and b.source_doc_id = cp_draft_invoice_id;
410: r_tax_cnt c_tax_cnt%rowtype;

Line 730: from jai_cmn_document_taxes

728: cursor c_exists_excise_tax (cpn_draft_invoice_id number) is
729: select 'Y'
730: from jai_cmn_document_taxes
731: where source_doc_type = jai_pa_billing_pkg.gv_source_projects
732: and source_doc_id = cpn_draft_invoice_id
733: and upper(tax_type)
734: in

Line 749: from jai_cmn_document_taxes

745: ,round(sum( decode( upper(tax_type),
746: upper(jai_constants.tax_type_exc_edu_cess), func_tax_amt, 0 )), 2) excise_cess
747: ,round(sum( decode( tax_type,
748: jai_constants.tax_type_sh_exc_edu_cess, func_tax_amt, 0 )), 2) sh_excise_cess /*budget07*/
749: from jai_cmn_document_taxes
750: where source_doc_type = jai_pa_billing_pkg.gv_source_projects
751: and source_doc_id = cpn_draft_invoice_id
752: and upper(tax_type)
753: in

Line 1535: -- This procedure imports the taxes from project draft invoice (jai_cmn_document_taxes) to

1531: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1533: procedure import_taxes_to_payables
1534: --
1535: -- This procedure imports the taxes from project draft invoice (jai_cmn_document_taxes) to
1536: -- payables (ap_invoice_distributions_all)
1537: --
1538: ( errbuf OUT NOCOPY varchar2
1539: , retcode OUT NOCOPY number

Line 1664: ,jai_cmn_document_taxes jcdt

1660: , jcdt.modvat_flag
1661: , jcdt.tax_amt
1662: , jcdt.doc_tax_id
1663: from jai_pa_draft_invoice_lines jpdil
1664: ,jai_cmn_document_taxes jcdt
1665: where jpdil.project_id = cpn_project_id
1666: and jpdil.draft_invoice_num = cpn_draft_invoice_num
1667: and jpdil.line_num = cpn_ar_invoice_line_num
1668: and jpdil.draft_invoice_line_id = jcdt.source_doc_line_id