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Line 108: term_assign row in per_assignments_f.

104: pay_element_entries_f with
105: sysdate.
106: 70.23 26-JUL-95 RFine 291763 Added missing column PAY_BASIS_ID to
107: the SQL statement which inserts the new
108: term_assign row in per_assignments_f.
109: It was missing, with the effective
110: result that terminating the person also
111: cleared the assignments' pay basis.
112: 70.24 29-AUG-95 RFine 270356 Get the default TERM_ASSIGN status

Line 143: explicit insert for per_assignments_f.

139: procedure to state from 70.28
140: 70.31 18-Mar-1996 Vtreiger Fixed a bug in post_update for
141: terminate_employee procedure.
142: 70.32 15-Apr-1996 VTreiger 354874 Included employment category in the
143: explicit insert for per_assignments_f.
144: 70.33 15-May-1996 VTreiger 364214 Included additional criteria for
145: function check_for_future_actions
146: 70.34 22-May-1996 VTreiger 364214 Restored back to version 70.32.
147: 70.35 04-Jun-1996 VTreiger 364214 Added function check_for_compl_actions.

Line 199: PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F during the post update

195: 115.10 06-MAR-2000 Rvydyana Leapfroged version of v115.8 with code fix
196: for 1176101 ie. Added call to
197: ben_dt_trg_handle in cancel termination.
198: 115.11 16-NOV-1999 I Harding 1076054 Added extra attributes to insert into
199: PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F during the post update
200: work following a termination of an
201: employee. Requested by John Rhodes
202: following French Phase 1.
203: 115.12 13-MAR-2000 CSimpson Added town_of_birth, region_of_birth,

Line 560: FROM per_assignments_f

556: AND pev.date_start > p_actual_termination_date
557: AND pev.event_or_interview = 'I'
558: AND pev.assignment_id IS NOT NULL
559: AND pev.assignment_id NOT IN (SELECT assignment_id
560: FROM per_assignments_f
561: WHERE person_id = p_person_id
562: )
563: );
564: --

Line 587: DELETE per_assignments_f ass

583: begin
584: hr_utility.trace('Entered delete_de_assign for '||p_assignment_id);
585: --
586: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,1);
587: DELETE per_assignments_f ass
588: WHERE ass.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
589: AND ass.effective_start_date > p_delete_date;
590: --
591: end delete_de_assign;

Line 609: FROM per_assignments_f ass

605: --
606: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,1);
607: SELECT max(ass.effective_end_date)
608: INTO l_max_end_date
609: FROM per_assignments_f ass
610: WHERE ass.assignment_id = p_assignment_id;
611: --
612: return l_max_end_date;
613: --

Line 642: per_assignments_f asg

638: WHERE exists
639: (SELECT null
640: FROM pay_payroll_actions pac,
641: pay_assignment_actions act,
642: per_assignments_f asg
643: WHERE asg.person_id = p_person_id
644: AND act.assignment_id = asg.assignment_id
645: AND pac.payroll_action_id = act.payroll_action_id
646: AND pac.action_type <> 'BEE'

Line 696: per_assignments_f asg

692: WHERE exists
693: (SELECT null
694: FROM pay_payroll_actions pac,
695: pay_assignment_actions act,
696: per_assignments_f asg
697: WHERE asg.person_id = p_person_id
698: AND act.assignment_id = asg.assignment_id
699: AND pac.payroll_action_id = act.payroll_action_id
700: AND pac.action_type NOT IN ('X','BEE') -- Bug 889806, 2711532

Line 715: per_assignments_f asg

711: WHERE exists
712: (SELECT null
713: FROM pay_payroll_actions pac,
714: pay_assignment_actions act,
715: per_assignments_f asg
716: WHERE asg.person_id = p_person_id
717: AND act.assignment_id = asg.assignment_id
718: AND pac.payroll_action_id = act.payroll_action_id
719: AND pac.action_status = 'C'

Line 916: -- from per_assignments_f a

912: -- into l_cobra_benefits_exist
913: -- from sys.dual
914: -- where exists
915: -- (select null
916: -- from per_assignments_f a
917: -- , per_cobra_cov_enrollments e
918: -- , per_cobra_coverage_benefits_f b
919: -- where a.person_id = p_person_id
920: -- and p_final_process_date between

Line 2158: FROM per_assignments_f ass

2154: -- Added AND assignment_type = 'E' 307957 tm 19-sep-1995
2155: --
2156: CURSOR c_assignment IS
2157: SELECT *
2158: FROM per_assignments_f ass
2159: WHERE ass.person_id = p_person_id
2160: AND p_actual_termination_date
2161: BETWEEN ass.effective_start_date
2162: AND ass.effective_end_date

Line 2662: UPDATE per_assignments_f

2658: hrempter.delete_de_assign(c_ass_rec.assignment_id
2659: ,p_final_process_date);
2660: --
2661: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,95);
2662: UPDATE per_assignments_f
2663: SET effective_end_date = p_final_process_date
2664: WHERE CURRENT OF c_assignment;
2665: --
2666: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,1200);

Line 2710: INSERT INTO per_assignments_f

2706: end if;
2707: --
2708: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,108);
2709: -- VT 04/12/96 bug #354874 added EMPLOYMENT_CATEGORY processing
2710: INSERT INTO per_assignments_f

Line 2918: UPDATE per_assignments_f ass

2914: , c_ass_rec.EMPLOYEE_CATEGORY
2915: , c_ass_rec.JOB_POST_SOURCE_NAME);
2916: --
2917: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,110);
2918: UPDATE per_assignments_f ass
2919: SET ass.effective_end_date = p_actual_termination_date
2920: WHERE CURRENT OF c_assignment;
2921: --
2922: end if;

Line 2974: FROM per_assignments_f ass

2970: l_ent_loop VARCHAR2(1) := 'N';
2971: --
2972: CURSOR c_assignment IS
2973: SELECT ass.assignment_id
2974: FROM per_assignments_f ass
2975: WHERE ass.person_id = p_person_id
2976: AND p_final_process_date
2977: BETWEEN ass.effective_start_date
2978: AND ass.effective_end_date

Line 3079: UPDATE per_assignments_f ass

3075: hrempter.delete_de_assign(c_ass_rec.assignment_id
3076: ,p_final_process_date);
3077: --
3078: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,40);
3079: UPDATE per_assignments_f ass
3080: SET ass.effective_end_date = p_final_process_date
3081: WHERE CURRENT OF c_assignment;
3082: end if;
3083: --

Line 3396: FROM per_assignments_f ass

3392: CURSOR c_assignment IS
3393: SELECT assignment_id
3394: , assignment_status_type_id
3395: , business_group_id
3396: FROM per_assignments_f ass
3397: WHERE ass.person_id = p_person_id
3398: AND ass.effective_end_date = p_actual_termination_date
3400: */

Line 3411: FROM per_assignments_f ass

3407: , effective_start_date
3408: , effective_end_date
3409: , payroll_id
3410: , object_version_number
3411: FROM per_assignments_f ass
3412: WHERE ass.person_id = p_person_id
3413: AND ass.effective_end_date = p_actual_termination_date
3414: -- start changes for bug 8841176
3415: AND (

Line 3421: from per_assignments_f ass1, per_assignment_status_types past

3417: or
3418: (p_actual_termination_date <> nvl(lp_final_process_date,to_date('31/12/4712','dd/mm/yyyy'))
3419: and
3420: exists (select 1
3421: from per_assignments_f ass1, per_assignment_status_types past
3422: where ass1.assignment_status_type_id = past.assignment_status_type_id
3423: and past.per_system_status = 'TERM_ASSIGN'
3424: and ass1.person_id = ass.person_id
3425: and ass1.assignment_id = ass.assignment_id

Line 3856: UPDATE per_assignments_f ass

3852: if l_sys_per_type is not null and l_sys_per_type = 'EX_APL' then
3853: --
3854: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,261);
3855: --
3856: UPDATE per_assignments_f ass
3857: SET ass.effective_end_date = l_effective_end_date
3858: WHERE assignment_id = c_ass_rec.assignment_id
3859: AND effective_end_date = l_max_end_date
3860: AND ass.assignment_type = 'E';

Line 3865: UPDATE per_assignments_f ass

3861: else
3862: --
3863: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,262);
3864: --
3865: UPDATE per_assignments_f ass
3866: SET ass.effective_end_date = l_effective_end_date
3867: WHERE assignment_id = c_ass_rec.assignment_id
3868: AND effective_end_date = l_max_end_date;
3869: end if;

Line 4022: UPDATE per_assignments_f ass

4018: -- AOL WHO and OVN columns.
4019: --
4020: -- First update all future assignments to set the assignment status...
4021: --
4022: UPDATE per_assignments_f ass
4023: SET ass.assignment_status_type_id = l_asg_status_type_id
4024: WHERE assignment_id = c_ass_rec.assignment_id
4025: AND effective_start_date >= p_actual_termination_date;
4026: --