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Line 1184: FROM ahl_mr_routes mr, ahl_visit_stage_typ_asoc assoc, ahl_vwp_stages_b stage

1180: --VWP ER-12424063:: tchimira :: 17-FEB -2011 :: start
1181: -- cursor to fetch the stage_id of the stage, which has stage type associated that matches with the stage type of the passed task's route-MR association.
1182: CURSOR c_stage_id (c_visit_id IN NUMBER, c_mr_route_id IN NUMBER) IS
1183: SELECT stage.stage_id
1184: FROM ahl_mr_routes mr, ahl_visit_stage_typ_asoc assoc, ahl_vwp_stages_b stage
1185: WHERE assoc.stage_id = stage.stage_id
1186: AND stage.visit_id = c_visit_id
1187: AND assoc.stage_type_code = mr.stage_type_code
1188: AND mr.mr_route_id = c_mr_route_id

Line 4279: FROM ahl_vwp_stages_b

4276: --Cusor to fetch all the stages in a visit
4277: Cursor get_visit_stages (p_visit_id IN NUMBER) IS
4278: SELECT stage_id
4279: FROM ahl_vwp_stages_b
4280: WHERE visit_id = p_visit_id
4281: AND stage_status_code <> 'RELEASED';
4283: --To fetch all the route tasks of a stage in a visit.