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Line 16: * -- This is based on the count_point_type in bom_operation_sequences

12: * p_txnTempID is the temp id in the MMTT
13: *
14: * We will base the overhead and resource transaction out of the BOM.
15: * 1. Charge the resources even if the auto-charge flag is set to NO.
16: * -- This is based on the count_point_type in bom_operation_sequences
17: * -- 1 Yes Autocharge
18: * -- 2 No Autocharge
19: * -- 3 No Direct Charge
20: * 2. Charge the Lot Based only once if it is pre-planned. Else we charge it everytime.

Line 54: from bom_operation_sequences

50: cursor op_c(p_commonRoutSeqID number,
51: p_effDate date) is
52: select operation_sequence_id,
53: operation_seq_num
54: from bom_operation_sequences
55: where routing_sequence_id = p_commonRoutSeqID
56: and nvl(operation_type, 1) = 1
57: and effectivity_date <= p_effDate
58: and nvl(disable_date, p_effDate+1) > p_effDate

Line 71: from bom_operation_sequences bos1,

67: p_scrapLineOp number,
68: p_parentTxnActionID number) is
69: select bos2.operation_sequence_id,
70: bos2.operation_seq_num
71: from bom_operation_sequences bos1,
72: bom_operation_sequences bos2
73: where bos2.line_op_seq_id = bos1.operation_sequence_id
74: and bos2.operation_type = 1
75: and bos1.operation_sequence_id = p_lineOpSeqID

Line 72: bom_operation_sequences bos2

68: p_parentTxnActionID number) is
69: select bos2.operation_sequence_id,
70: bos2.operation_seq_num
71: from bom_operation_sequences bos1,
72: bom_operation_sequences bos2
73: where bos2.line_op_seq_id = bos1.operation_sequence_id
74: and bos2.operation_type = 1
75: and bos1.operation_sequence_id = p_lineOpSeqID
76: and bos2.effectivity_date <= p_effDate

Line 91: from bom_operation_sequences

87: cursor standalone_event_c(p_routingSeqID number,
88: p_effDate date) is
89: select operation_sequence_id,
90: operation_seq_num
91: from bom_operation_sequences
92: where routing_sequence_id = p_routingSeqID
93: and operation_type = 1
94: and effectivity_date <= p_effDate
95: and nvl(disable_date, p_effDate+1) > p_effDate

Line 349: bom_operation_sequences bos,

345: bom_operation_resources bor,
346: wip_flow_schedules wfs,
347: bom_departments bd,
348: bom_resources br,
349: bom_operation_sequences bos,
350: mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
351: where bos.operation_sequence_id =
352: l_chargeTbl(l_count).operation_sequence_id
353: and mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_txnTempID

Line 491: bom_operation_sequences bos,

487: mmtt.project_id,
488: mmtt.task_id
489: from
490: bom_departments bd,
491: bom_operation_sequences bos,
492: wip_flow_schedules wfs,
493: mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
494: where bos.operation_sequence_id =
495: l_chargeTbl(l_count).operation_sequence_id

Line 592: bom_operation_sequences bos,

588: mmtt.project_id,
589: mmtt.task_id
590: from
591: bom_departments bd,
592: bom_operation_sequences bos,
593: wip_flow_schedules wfs,
594: mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
595: where bos.operation_sequence_id =
596: l_chargeTbl(l_count).operation_sequence_id

Line 653: bom_operation_sequences bos

649: mmtt.repetitive_line_id
650: from mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt,
651: wip_flow_schedules wfs,
652: bom_operational_routings bor,
653: bom_operation_sequences bos
654: where mmtt.completion_transaction_id =
655: (select mmtt2.completion_transaction_id
656: from mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt2
657: where mmtt2.transaction_temp_id = p_txnTempID)