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1 PACKAGE oke_contract_party_pub AUTHID CURRENT_USER AS
2 /* $Header: OKEPCPLS.pls 120.0.12020000.2 2013/02/22 06:47:39 ansraj noship $ */
3 /*#
4  * This is the public interface to create and update the project contract party roles
5  * and contacts for header and lines.
6  * scope Public
7  * product OKE
8  * lifecycle active
9  * displayname Oracle Project Contracts
10  * compatibility S
12  */
15   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
16   G_PKG_NAME                   CONSTANT   VARCHAR2(200) := 'oke_contract_party_pub';
17   G_MODULE                     CONSTANT   VARCHAR2(200) := 'oke.plsql.'||G_PKG_NAME||'.';
18   G_APP_NAME                   CONSTANT   VARCHAR2(3)   := 'OKE';
20  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
22    /* ctcv_rec_type record is the  parameter to create and update the contact for a party
23     id    -- for   CREATE_K_CONTACT it needs to be passed as null
24              for   UPDATE_K_CONTACT id of the contact which needs to be updated should be passed.Mandatory for update
25     object_version_number  --for   CREATE_K_CONTACT it needs to be passed as null
26                    for   UPDATE_K_CONTACT id is not mandatory .Value is derived in the code based on id
27     cpl_id     -- Party id .It is the id(from okc_k_party_roles_b) of the party for which contact needs to be created.Mandatory for create
28     cro_code   -- Contact Role Code from lookup OKC_CONTACT_ROLE Ex:OFFICER Mandatory field,
29     dnz_chr_id -- k_header_id Project contract id Mandaotory field,
30     contact_sequence -- contact sequence,
31     object1_id1  -- contact id ,
32     object1_id2  -- contact id
33     jtot_object1_code -- not mandatory .derived in the code if nothing is passed,
34     primary_yn    -- not required for OKE,
35     RESOURCE_CLASS --not required for OKE,
36     SALES_GROUP_ID --not required for OKE,
37     attribute_category  ,
38     attribute1          ,
39     attribute2          ,
40     attribute3          ,
41     attribute4          ,
42     attribute5          ,
43     attribute6          ,
44     attribute7          ,
45     attribute8          ,
46     attribute9          ,
47     attribute10         ,
48     attribute11         ,
49     attribute12         ,
50     attribute13         ,
51     attribute14         ,
52     attribute15         ,
53     created_by         --who columns
54     creation_date
55     last_updated_by
56     last_update_date
57     last_update_login
58     start_date     --not required for OKE     ,
59     end_date       --not required for OKE     */
60   subtype ctcv_rec_type is OKC_CONTRACT_PARTY_PUB.ctcv_rec_type;
61   subtype ctcv_tbl_type is OKC_CONTRACT_PARTY_PUB.ctcv_tbl_type;
64    /* cplv_rec_type record is the parameter to create and update the party role
65     id     -- for   CREATE_K_PARTY_ROLE it needs to be passed as null
66               for   UPDATE_K_PARTY_ROLE id of the party role which needs to be updated should be passed.Mandatory for update
67     object_version_number  --for   CREATE_K_PARTY_ROLE it needs to be passed as null
68                    for   UPDATE_K_PARTY_ROLE id is not mandatory .Value is derived in the code based on id
69     sfwt_flag    -- not required for OKE,
70     cpl_id       -- not required for OKE,
71     chr_id       -- it is mandatory for header party role creation,it should be passed as null for line party role creation
72     cle_id       -- it is mandatory for line party role creation,it should be passed as null for header party role creation
73     rle_code     -- contract Party role from lookup OKC_ROLE ,
74     dnz_chr_id   -- contract header id ,
75     object1_id1  -- party id
76     object1_id2
77     jtot_object1_code --not mandatory .derived in the code if nothing is passed
78     cognomen      ,
79     code          ,
80     facility      ,
81     minority_group_lookup_code   ,
82     small_business_flag          ,
83     women_owned_flag             ,
84     alias                        ,
85     primary_yn                   ,
86     cust_acct_id                 --not required for OKE
87     bill_to_site_use_id          --not required for OKE
88     attribute_category            ,
89     attribute1                     ,
90     attribute2                    ,
91     attribute3                    ,
92     attribute4                    ,
93     attribute5                    ,
94     attribute6                    ,
95     attribute7                    ,
96     attribute8                    ,
97     attribute9                    ,
98     attribute10                   ,
99     attribute11                   ,
100     attribute12                   ,
101     attribute13                   ,
102     attribute14                   ,
103     attribute15                   ,
104     created_by               --who coloums
105     creation_date           ,
106     last_updated_by         ,
107     last_update_date        ,
108     last_update_login        */
109   subtype cplv_rec_type is OKC_CONTRACT_PARTY_PUB.cplv_rec_type;
110   subtype cplv_tbl_type is OKC_CONTRACT_PARTY_PUB.cplv_tbl_type;
113 /**
114  * This procedure accepts multiple contracts for party role creation.
115  * The plsql table cplv_tbl_type should be passed to the API containing
116  * the contract for party role creation.
117  * p_api_version API version
118  * p_api_version API version
119  * cplv_tbl_type   check tthe description of cplv_rec_type record
120  * x_return_status Execution Status
121  * x_msg_count Message Count
122  * x_msg_data Message Data
123  * scope public
124  * lifecycle active
125  * displayname Create Contract Party role
126  */
127 procedure create_k_party_role(p_api_version	IN	NUMBER,
128                               p_init_msg_list	IN	VARCHAR2 default OKC_API.G_FALSE,
129                               x_return_status	OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2,
130                               x_msg_count	OUT NOCOPY	NUMBER,
131                               x_msg_data	OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2,
132                               p_cplv_tbl	IN	cplv_tbl_type,
133                               x_cplv_tbl	OUT NOCOPY	cplv_tbl_type,
134                               p_skip_minor_vers              IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT OKE_API.G_FALSE
135                               );
138 /**
139  * To create the party role for a contract header and line
140  * param p_api_version API version
141  * param p_api_version API version
142  * param p_cplv_rec   check the description of cplv_rec_type record
143  * param x_return_status Execution Status
144  * param x_msg_count Message Count
145  * param x_msg_data Message Data
146  * p:scope public
147  * p:lifecycle active
148  * p:displayname Create Contract Party role
149  */
151 procedure create_k_party_role(p_api_version	IN	NUMBER,
152                               p_init_msg_list	IN	VARCHAR2 default OKC_API.G_FALSE,
153                               x_return_status	OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2,
154                               x_msg_count	OUT NOCOPY	NUMBER,
155                               x_msg_data	OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2,
156                               p_cplv_rec	IN	cplv_rec_type,
157                               x_cplv_rec	OUT NOCOPY	cplv_rec_type,
158                               p_skip_minor_vers  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT OKE_API.G_FALSE
159 );
162 /**
163  * This procedure accepts multiple contracts for party role updation in a contract.
164  * The plsql table cplv_tbl_type should be passed to the API containing
165  * the contract for party role updation.
166  * param p_api_version API version
167  * param cplv_tbl_type   check tthe description of cplv_rec_type record
168  * param x_return_status Execution Status
169  * param x_msg_count Message Count
170  * param x_msg_data Message Data
171  * :scope public
172  * :lifecycle active
173  * :displayname Update Contract Party role
174  */
175 procedure update_k_party_role(p_api_version	IN	NUMBER,
176                               p_init_msg_list	IN	VARCHAR2 default OKC_API.G_FALSE,
177                               x_return_status	OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2,
178                               x_msg_count	OUT NOCOPY	NUMBER,
179                               x_msg_data	OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2,
180                               p_cplv_tbl	IN	cplv_tbl_type,
181                               x_cplv_tbl	OUT NOCOPY	cplv_tbl_type,
182                               p_skip_minor_vers   IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT OKE_API.G_FALSE
183  );
184  /**
185  * To update the party role for a contract header and line
186  * param p_api_version API version
187  * param p_cplv_rec   check the description of cplv_rec_type record
188  * param x_return_status Execution Status
189  * param x_msg_count Message Count
190  * param x_msg_data Message Data
191  * :scope public
192  * :lifecycle active
193  * :displayname Update Contract Party role
194  */
195 procedure update_k_party_role(p_api_version	IN	NUMBER,
196                               p_init_msg_list	IN	VARCHAR2 default OKC_API.G_FALSE,
197                               x_return_status	OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2,
198                               x_msg_count	OUT NOCOPY	NUMBER,
199                               x_msg_data	OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2,
200                               p_cplv_rec	IN	cplv_rec_type,
201                               x_cplv_rec	OUT NOCOPY	cplv_rec_type,
202                               p_skip_minor_vers  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT OKE_API.G_FALSE
203 );
205 /**
206  * This procedure accepts multiple contracts for contacts creation in a contract.
207  * The plsql table ctcv_tbl_type should be passed to the API containing
208  * the contract forcontacts creation.
209  * param p_api_version API version
210  * param ctcv_tbl_type   check the description of ctcv_rec_type record
211  * param x_return_status Execution Status
212  * param x_msg_count Message Count
213  * param x_msg_data Message Data
214  * :scope public
215  * lifecycle active
216  * :displayname Create Contract Contact
217  */
218 procedure create_k_contact(p_api_version	IN	NUMBER,
219                               p_init_msg_list	IN	VARCHAR2 default OKC_API.G_FALSE,
220                               x_return_status	OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2,
221                               x_msg_count	OUT NOCOPY	NUMBER,
222                               x_msg_data	OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2,
223                               p_ctcv_tbl	IN	ctcv_tbl_type,
224                               x_ctcv_tbl	OUT NOCOPY	ctcv_tbl_type,
225                              p_skip_minor_vers              IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT OKE_API.G_FALSE
226                           );
228 /**
229  * To create a contact for a contract header and line
230  * param p_api_version API version
231  * param p_cplv_rec   check the description of ctcv_rec_type record
232  * param x_return_status Execution Status
233  * param x_msg_count Message Count
234  * param x_msg_data Message Data
235  * :scope public
236  * :lifecycle active
237  * displayname Create Contract Contact
238  */
239 procedure create_k_contact(p_api_version	IN	NUMBER,
240                               p_init_msg_list	IN	VARCHAR2 default OKC_API.G_FALSE,
241                               x_return_status	OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2,
242                               x_msg_count	OUT NOCOPY	NUMBER,
243                               x_msg_data	OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2,
244                               p_ctcv_rec	IN	ctcv_rec_type,
245                               x_ctcv_rec	OUT NOCOPY	ctcv_rec_type,
246                              p_skip_minor_vers              IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT OKE_API.G_FALSE
247 );
249  /**
250  * This procedure accepts multiple contracts for contacts updation in a contract.
251  * The plsql table ctcv_tbl_type should be passed to the API containing
252  * the contract for contacts updation.
253  * param p_api_version API version
254  * param ctcv_tbl_type   check the description of ctcv_rec_type record
255  * param x_return_status Execution Status
256  * param x_msg_count Message Count
257  * param x_msg_data Message Data
258  * :scope public
259  * :lifecycle active
260  * :displayname Update Contract Contact
261  */
262 procedure update_k_contact(p_api_version	IN	NUMBER,
263                               p_init_msg_list	IN	VARCHAR2 default OKC_API.G_FALSE,
264                               x_return_status	OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2,
265                               x_msg_count	OUT NOCOPY	NUMBER,
266                               x_msg_data	OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2,
267                               p_ctcv_tbl	IN	ctcv_tbl_type,
268                               x_ctcv_tbl	OUT NOCOPY	ctcv_tbl_type,
269 p_skip_minor_vers              IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT OKE_API.G_FALSE);
271 /**
272  * To update contact for a contract header and line
273  * param p_api_version API version
274  * param p_cplv_rec   check the description of ctcv_rec_type record
275  * param x_return_status Execution Status
276  * param x_msg_count Message Count
277  * param x_msg_data Message Data
278  * :scope public
279  * lifecycle active
280  * displayname Update Contract Contact
281  */
282 procedure update_k_contact(p_api_version	IN	NUMBER,
283                               p_init_msg_list	IN	VARCHAR2 default OKC_API.G_FALSE,
284                               x_return_status	OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2,
285                               x_msg_count	OUT NOCOPY	NUMBER,
286                               x_msg_data	OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2,
287                               p_ctcv_rec	IN	ctcv_rec_type,
288                               x_ctcv_rec	OUT NOCOPY	ctcv_rec_type,
289 p_skip_minor_vers              IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT OKE_API.G_FALSE);
292 END oke_contract_party_pub;