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Line 1205: ghr_history_conv_rg.conv_to_people_rg(

1201: p_result_code => l_result_code);
1203: p_result_code := l_result_code;
1204: if nvl(l_result_code, 'found') <> c_not_found then
1205: ghr_history_conv_rg.conv_to_people_rg(
1206: p_history_data => l_hist_data,
1207: p_people_data => l_people_data);
1208: p_people_data := l_people_data;
1209: end if;

Line 1271: ghr_history_conv_rg.conv_to_asgnei_rg(

1267: p_result_code => l_result_code);
1269: p_result_code := l_result_code;
1270: if nvl(l_result_code, 'found') <> c_not_found then
1271: ghr_history_conv_rg.conv_to_asgnei_rg(
1272: p_history_data => l_hist_data,
1273: p_asgnei_data => l_asgei_data);
1274: p_asgei_data := l_asgei_data;
1275: if upper(p_get_ovn_flag) = 'Y' then

Line 1346: ghr_history_conv_rg.conv_to_positionei_rg(

1342: if nvl(l_result_code, 'found') <> c_not_found then
1343: hr_utility.set_location (' NOT FOUND ' || l_result_code || l_proc, 90);
1344: -- Bug # 7646662 to get the effective date of the history record
1345: g_cascad_eff_date := l_hist_data.effective_date;
1346: ghr_history_conv_rg.conv_to_positionei_rg(
1347: p_history_data => l_hist_data,
1348: p_position_ei_data => l_posei_data);
1349: p_posei_data := l_posei_data;
1350: if upper(p_get_ovn_flag) = 'Y' then

Line 1435: ghr_history_conv_rg.conv_to_asgn_rg(

1431: p_result_code => l_result_code);
1433: p_result_code := l_result_code;
1434: if nvl(l_result_code, 'found') <> c_not_found then
1435: ghr_history_conv_rg.conv_to_asgn_rg(
1436: p_history_data => l_hist_data,
1437: p_assignment_data => l_assignment_data);
1438: p_assignment_data := l_assignment_data;
1439: end if;

Line 1523: ghr_history_conv_rg.conv_to_element_entry_rg(

1519: p_result_code => l_result_code);
1521: p_result_code := l_result_code;
1522: if nvl(l_result_code, 'found') <> c_not_found then
1523: ghr_history_conv_rg.conv_to_element_entry_rg(
1524: p_history_data => l_hist_data,
1525: p_element_entries_data => l_element_entry_data);
1526: p_element_entry_data := l_element_entry_data;
1527: end if;

Line 1601: ghr_history_conv_rg.conv_to_peopleei_rg(

1598: p_result_code := l_result_code;
1599: if nvl(l_result_code, 'found') <> c_not_found then
1600: hr_utility.set_location (' NOT FOUND ' || l_result_code || l_proc, 90);
1601: ghr_history_conv_rg.conv_to_peopleei_rg(
1602: p_history_data => l_hist_data,
1603: p_people_ei_data => l_peopleei_data);
1604: p_peopleei_data := l_peopleei_data;
1605: if upper(p_get_ovn_flag) = 'Y' then

Line 1798: ghr_history_conv_rg.conv_to_element_entval_rg(

1794: p_hist_data => l_hist_data,
1795: p_result_code => p_result_code);
1796: p_pa_history_id := l_hist_data.pa_history_id;
1797: hr_utility.set_location( l_proc, 75);
1798: ghr_history_conv_rg.conv_to_element_entval_rg(
1799: p_history_data => l_hist_data,
1800: p_element_entval_data => l_element_entval_data );
1801: p_element_entry_data := l_element_entval_data;
1802: hr_utility.set_location( l_proc, 25);

Line 1876: ghr_history_conv_rg.conv_to_element_entval_rg(

1872: p_result_code => l_result_code);
1874: p_result_code := l_result_code;
1875: if nvl(l_result_code, 'found') <> c_not_found then
1876: ghr_history_conv_rg.conv_to_element_entval_rg(
1877: p_history_data => l_hist_data,
1878: p_element_entval_data => l_element_entval_data);
1879: p_element_entry_data := l_element_entval_data;
1880: end if;

Line 2373: ghr_history_conv_rg.conv_to_addresses_rg(

2369: p_result_code => l_result_code);
2371: p_result_code := l_result_code;
2372: if nvl(l_result_code, 'found') <> c_not_found then
2373: ghr_history_conv_rg.conv_to_addresses_rg(
2374: p_history_data => l_hist_data,
2375: p_addresses_data => l_address_data);
2376: p_address_data := l_address_data;
2377: end if;

Line 2438: ghr_history_conv_rg.conv_to_peranalyses_rg(

2434: p_result_code => l_result_code);
2436: p_result_code := l_result_code;
2437: if nvl(l_result_code, 'found') <> c_not_found then
2438: ghr_history_conv_rg.conv_to_peranalyses_rg(
2439: p_history_data => l_hist_data,
2440: p_peranalyses_data => l_peranalyses_data);
2441: p_peranalyses_data := l_peranalyses_data;
2442: end if;

Line 2677: ghr_history_conv_rg.conv_to_position_rg(

2673: p_result_code => l_result_code);
2675: p_result_code := l_result_code;
2676: if nvl(l_result_code, 'found') <> c_not_found then
2677: ghr_history_conv_rg.conv_to_position_rg(
2678: p_history_data => l_hist_data,
2679: p_position_data => l_position_data);
2680: p_position_data := l_position_data;
2681: if upper(p_get_ovn_flag) = 'Y' then