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Line 150: PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.store_extract_exceptions

146: debug('g_home_address_type: '||g_home_address_type,20);
147: ELSE
148: -- No configuration for address types.
149: debug('ERROR: No configuration for address types.',20);
150: PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.store_extract_exceptions
151: (p_extract_type => 'ADDRESS'
152: ,p_error_number => 94436
153: ,p_error_text => 'BEN_94436_NO_ADD_TYPES_CONFIG'
154: ,p_error_warning_flag => 'E'

Line 193: l_errors_table pqp_gb_psi_functions.t_error_collection;

189: l_add_not_effective boolean := false;
190: l_no_add_type boolean := false;
191: l_add_type_not_mapped boolean := false;
192: l_error NUMBER;
193: l_errors_table pqp_gb_psi_functions.t_error_collection;
194: l_error_index NUMBER := 1;
195: BEGIN
196: debug_enter(l_proc);
197: debug('Inputs are: ',10);

Line 226: g_person_id := PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.get_current_extract_person

222: -- set the global events table
223: g_pay_proc_evt_tab := ben_ext_person.g_pay_proc_evt_tab;
225: -- set global person id
226: g_person_id := PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.get_current_extract_person
227: (
228: p_assignment_id => p_assignment_id
229: );
230: debug('g_person_id: '||g_person_id,10);

Line 299: l_error := PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.raise_extract_error

295: END LOOP;
296: IF NOT l_address_exists THEN
297: -- Raise Error: there are no addresses for the person
298: debug('ERROR: There are no addresses for the person');
299: l_error := PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.raise_extract_error
300: (p_error_number => 94437
301: ,p_error_text => 'BEN_94437_NO_ADDRESSES'
302: );
303: ELSIF (g_current_run = 'CUTOVER' AND g_person_cutover_addresses.COUNT = 0) THEN

Line 307: l_error := PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.raise_extract_error

303: ELSIF (g_current_run = 'CUTOVER' AND g_person_cutover_addresses.COUNT = 0) THEN
305: debug('raise the stored errors if there are no PenServer addresses');
306: FOR i IN l_errors_table.FIRST..l_errors_table.LAST LOOP
307: l_error := PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.raise_extract_error
308: (p_error_number => l_errors_table(i).error_number
309: ,p_error_text => l_errors_table(i).error_text
310: ,p_token1 => l_errors_table(i).token1
311: ,p_token2 => l_errors_table(i).token2

Line 317: l_error := PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.raise_extract_error

313: ,p_token4 => l_errors_table(i).token4
314: );
315: END LOOP;
316: debug('ERROR: There are no addresses for the person');
317: l_error := PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.raise_extract_error
318: (p_error_number => 94437
319: ,p_error_text => 'BEN_94437_NO_ADDRESSES'
320: );

Line 368: g_debug := pqp_gb_psi_functions.check_debug(g_business_group_id);

364: OR p_business_group_id <> nvl(g_business_group_id,0) THEN
366: g_business_group_id := p_business_group_id;
367: -- set the global debug value
368: g_debug := pqp_gb_psi_functions.check_debug(g_business_group_id);
369: debug_enter(l_proc);
370: debug('Inputs are: ',20);
371: debug('p_business_group_id: '||p_business_group_id,20);
372: debug('p_assignment_id: '||p_assignment_id,20);

Line 376: PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.set_shared_globals

372: debug('p_assignment_id: '||p_assignment_id,20);
373: debug('p_effective_date: '||to_char(p_effective_date,'dd/mm/yyyy'),20);
375: -- when business group id is null, all the globals shud be reset
376: PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.set_shared_globals
377: (p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id
378: ,p_paypoint => g_paypoint
379: ,p_cutover_date => g_cutover_date
380: ,p_ext_dfn_id => g_ext_dfn_id

Line 404: PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.raise_extract_exceptions('S');

400: RETURN l_include;
401: END IF; --IF g_office_address_type IS NULL
402: --Raise extract exceptions which are stored while checking for the setup
403: debug('Raising the set-up errors, with input parameter as S');
404: PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.raise_extract_exceptions('S');
405: END IF;--IF g_business_group_id IS NULL
407: l_include := PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.chk_penserver_basic_criteria
408: (p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id

Line 407: l_include := PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.chk_penserver_basic_criteria

403: debug('Raising the set-up errors, with input parameter as S');
404: PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.raise_extract_exceptions('S');
405: END IF;--IF g_business_group_id IS NULL
407: l_include := PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.chk_penserver_basic_criteria
408: (p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id
409: ,p_effective_date => p_effective_date
410: ,p_assignment_id => p_assignment_id
411: ,p_person_dtl => g_curr_person_dtls

Line 491: g_debug := pqp_gb_psi_functions.check_debug(g_business_group_id);

487: OR p_business_group_id <> nvl(g_business_group_id,0) THEN
489: g_business_group_id := p_business_group_id;
490: -- set the global debug value
491: g_debug := pqp_gb_psi_functions.check_debug(g_business_group_id);
492: debug_enter(l_proc);
493: debug('Inputs are: ');
494: debug('p_business_group_id: '||p_business_group_id);
495: debug('p_assignment_id: '||p_assignment_id);

Line 498: PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.set_shared_globals

494: debug('p_business_group_id: '||p_business_group_id);
495: debug('p_assignment_id: '||p_assignment_id);
496: debug('p_effective_date: '||to_char(p_effective_date,'dd/mm/yyyy'));
498: PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.set_shared_globals
499: (p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id
500: ,p_paypoint => g_paypoint
501: ,p_cutover_date => g_cutover_date
502: ,p_ext_dfn_id => g_ext_dfn_id

Line 521: PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.raise_extract_exceptions('S');

517: RETURN l_include;
518: END IF;
519: --Raise extract exceptions which are stored while checking for the setup
520: debug('Raising the set-up errors, with input parameter as S');
521: PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.raise_extract_exceptions('S');
523: END IF;
525: l_include := PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.chk_penserver_basic_criteria

Line 525: l_include := PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.chk_penserver_basic_criteria

521: PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.raise_extract_exceptions('S');
523: END IF;
525: l_include := PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.chk_penserver_basic_criteria
526: (p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id
527: ,p_effective_date => p_effective_date
528: ,p_assignment_id => p_assignment_id
529: ,p_person_dtl => g_curr_person_dtls

Line 555: l_include := pqp_gb_psi_functions.include_event

551: l_change_column := ben_ext_person.g_chg_pay_column;
552: l_curr_evt_index := ben_ext_person.g_chg_pay_evt_index;
554: debug('Calling the common include event proc');
555: l_include := pqp_gb_psi_functions.include_event
556: (p_actual_date => g_pay_proc_evt_tab(l_curr_evt_index).actual_date
557: ,p_effective_date => g_pay_proc_evt_tab(l_curr_evt_index).effective_date
558: );
559: IF l_include = 'N' THEN

Line 576: l_error := PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.raise_extract_error

572: debug('There are no penserver addresses active on the date: '||g_effective_date);
573: IF g_person_addresses(l_chg_surrogate_key).address_type IS NULL THEN
574: debug('Address type is null');
575: -- Raise Error: there are no addresses for the person
576: l_error := PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.raise_extract_error
577: (p_error_number => 94481
578: ,p_error_text => 'BEN_94481_NO_ADD_TYPE'
579: ,p_token1 => l_chg_surrogate_key
580: );

Line 584: l_error := PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.raise_extract_error

580: );
581: ELSE
582: debug('Address type of the Current address is not mapped');
583: -- Raise Error: there are no addresses for the person
584: l_error := PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.raise_extract_error
585: (p_error_number => 94469
586: ,p_error_text => 'BEN_94469_ADD_TYPE_NOT_MAPPED'
587: ,p_token1 => g_person_addresses(l_chg_surrogate_key).address_meaning
588: );

Line 925: l_error := PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.raise_extract_error

921: p_address_line1 := l_address_line1;
922: IF p_address_line1 IS NULL THEN
923: -- raise error
924: debug('ERROR: No Address Line 1. This is a mandatory field',20);
925: l_error := PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.raise_extract_error
926: (p_error_number => 94462
927: ,p_error_text => 'BEN_94462_NO_ADD_LINE1'
928: ,p_token1 => l_chg_surrogate_key
929: );

Line 1038: IF NOT pqp_gb_psi_functions.is_alphanumeric(l_address_line3) THEN

1035: END IF;
1036: END IF;
1037: /*-- check data type
1038: IF NOT pqp_gb_psi_functions.is_alphanumeric(l_address_line3) THEN
1039: -- raise error
1040: debug('ERROR: Invalid Datatype.',40);
1041: l_error := PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.raise_extract_error
1042: (p_error_number => 94464

Line 1041: l_error := PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.raise_extract_error

1037: /*-- check data type
1038: IF NOT pqp_gb_psi_functions.is_alphanumeric(l_address_line3) THEN
1039: -- raise error
1040: debug('ERROR: Invalid Datatype.',40);
1041: l_error := PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.raise_extract_error
1042: (p_error_number => 94464
1043: ,p_error_text => 'BEN_94464_INVALID_ADD_LIN3'
1044: ,p_token1 => l_chg_surrogate_key
1045: );

Line 1047: END IF; --IF NOT pqp_gb_psi_functions.is_numeric(l_address_line3)*/

1043: ,p_error_text => 'BEN_94464_INVALID_ADD_LIN3'
1044: ,p_token1 => l_chg_surrogate_key
1045: );
1047: END IF; --IF NOT pqp_gb_psi_functions.is_numeric(l_address_line3)*/
1049: p_address_line3 := l_address_line3;
1050: debug_exit(l_proc);
1051: return 0;

Line 1099: IF NOT pqp_gb_psi_functions.is_alphanumeric(l_address_line4) THEN

1096: END IF;
1097: END IF;
1098: /*-- check data type
1099: IF NOT pqp_gb_psi_functions.is_alphanumeric(l_address_line4) THEN
1100: -- raise error
1101: debug('ERROR: Invalid Datatype.',40);
1102: l_error := PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.raise_extract_error
1103: (p_error_number => 94464

Line 1102: l_error := PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.raise_extract_error

1098: /*-- check data type
1099: IF NOT pqp_gb_psi_functions.is_alphanumeric(l_address_line4) THEN
1100: -- raise error
1101: debug('ERROR: Invalid Datatype.',40);
1102: l_error := PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.raise_extract_error
1103: (p_error_number => 94464
1104: ,p_error_text => 'BEN_94464_INVALID_ADD_LIN4'
1105: ,p_token1 => l_chg_surrogate_key
1106: );

Line 1108: END IF; --IF NOT pqp_gb_psi_functions.is_numeric(l_address_line4)*/

1104: ,p_error_text => 'BEN_94464_INVALID_ADD_LIN4'
1105: ,p_token1 => l_chg_surrogate_key
1106: );
1108: END IF; --IF NOT pqp_gb_psi_functions.is_numeric(l_address_line4)*/
1110: p_address_line4 := l_address_line4;
1111: debug_exit(l_proc);
1112: return 0;

Line 1160: IF NOT pqp_gb_psi_functions.is_alphanumeric(l_address_line5) THEN

1157: END IF;
1158: END IF;
1159: /*-- check data type
1160: IF NOT pqp_gb_psi_functions.is_alphanumeric(l_address_line5) THEN
1161: -- raise error
1162: debug('ERROR: Invalid Datatype.',40);
1163: l_error := PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.raise_extract_error
1164: (p_error_number => 94464

Line 1163: l_error := PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.raise_extract_error

1159: /*-- check data type
1160: IF NOT pqp_gb_psi_functions.is_alphanumeric(l_address_line5) THEN
1161: -- raise error
1162: debug('ERROR: Invalid Datatype.',40);
1163: l_error := PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.raise_extract_error
1164: (p_error_number => 94464
1165: ,p_error_text => 'BEN_94464_INVALID_ADD_LIN4'
1166: ,p_token1 => l_chg_surrogate_key
1167: );

Line 1169: END IF; --IF NOT pqp_gb_psi_functions.is_numeric(l_address_line5)*/

1165: ,p_error_text => 'BEN_94464_INVALID_ADD_LIN4'
1166: ,p_token1 => l_chg_surrogate_key
1167: );
1169: END IF; --IF NOT pqp_gb_psi_functions.is_numeric(l_address_line5)*/
1171: p_address_line5 := l_address_line5;
1172: debug_exit(l_proc);
1173: return 0;

Line 1227: l_error := PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.raise_extract_error

1223: END IF;
1224: IF UPPER(l_country)='UNITED KINGDOM' AND l_postal_code IS NULL THEN
1225: -- raise error
1226: debug('ERROR: Postal Code cannot be empty for UK Addresses.',40);
1227: l_error := PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.raise_extract_error
1228: (p_error_number => 94438
1229: ,p_error_text => 'BEN_94438_INVALID_POST_CODE'
1230: ,p_token1 => l_chg_surrogate_key
1231: );

Line 1235: IF NOT pqp_gb_psi_functions.is_alphanumeric(l_postal_code) THEN

1231: );
1233: END IF;
1234: /*-- check data type
1235: IF NOT pqp_gb_psi_functions.is_alphanumeric(l_postal_code) THEN
1236: -- raise error
1237: debug('ERROR: Invalid Datatype.',40);
1238: l_error := PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.raise_extract_error
1239: (p_error_number => 94464

Line 1238: l_error := PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.raise_extract_error

1234: /*-- check data type
1235: IF NOT pqp_gb_psi_functions.is_alphanumeric(l_postal_code) THEN
1236: -- raise error
1237: debug('ERROR: Invalid Datatype.',40);
1238: l_error := PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.raise_extract_error
1239: (p_error_number => 94464
1240: ,p_error_text => ' BEN_94438_INVALID_POSTAL_CODE'
1241: ,p_token1 => l_chg_surrogate_key
1242: );

Line 1244: END IF; --IF NOT pqp_gb_psi_functions.is_numeric(l_postal_code)*/

1240: ,p_error_text => ' BEN_94438_INVALID_POSTAL_CODE'
1241: ,p_token1 => l_chg_surrogate_key
1242: );
1244: END IF; --IF NOT pqp_gb_psi_functions.is_numeric(l_postal_code)*/
1246: p_address_postcode := l_postal_code;
1247: debug_exit(l_proc);
1248: return 0;

Line 1296: l_error := PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.raise_extract_error

1292: END IF;
1293: END IF;
1294: IF l_country IS NULL THEN
1295: debug('ERROR: Country field is mandatory if not UK',40);
1296: l_error := PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.raise_extract_error
1297: (p_error_number => 94439
1298: ,p_error_text => 'BEN_94439_INVALID_COUNTRY'
1299: ,p_token1 => l_chg_surrogate_key
1300: );

Line 1308: IF NOT pqp_gb_psi_functions.is_alphanumeric(l_country) THEN

1304: l_country := '';
1306: END IF;
1307: /*-- check data type
1308: IF NOT pqp_gb_psi_functions.is_alphanumeric(l_country) THEN
1309: -- raise error
1310: debug('ERROR: Invalid Datatype.',40);
1311: l_error := PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.raise_extract_error
1312: (p_error_number => 94439

Line 1311: l_error := PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.raise_extract_error

1307: /*-- check data type
1308: IF NOT pqp_gb_psi_functions.is_alphanumeric(l_country) THEN
1309: -- raise error
1310: debug('ERROR: Invalid Datatype.',40);
1311: l_error := PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.raise_extract_error
1312: (p_error_number => 94439
1313: ,p_error_text => 'BEN_94439_INVALID_COUNTRY'
1314: ,p_token1 => l_chg_surrogate_key
1315: );

Line 1317: END IF; --IF NOT pqp_gb_psi_functions.is_numeric(l_country)*/

1313: ,p_error_text => 'BEN_94439_INVALID_COUNTRY'
1314: ,p_token1 => l_chg_surrogate_key
1315: );
1317: END IF; --IF NOT pqp_gb_psi_functions.is_numeric(l_country)*/
1319: p_country := l_country;
1320: debug_exit(l_proc);
1321: return 0;

Line 1413: IF NOT pqp_gb_psi_functions.is_numeric(l_mailstop) THEN

1409: FETCH csr_get_email_mailstop INTO g_email_address,l_mailstop;
1410: CLOSE csr_get_email_mailstop;
1412: END IF;
1413: IF NOT pqp_gb_psi_functions.is_numeric(l_mailstop) THEN
1414: -- raise error
1415: debug('ERROR: Invalid Datatype.',40);
1416: l_error := PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.raise_extract_error
1417: (p_error_number => 94472

Line 1416: l_error := PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.raise_extract_error

1412: END IF;
1413: IF NOT pqp_gb_psi_functions.is_numeric(l_mailstop) THEN
1414: -- raise error
1415: debug('ERROR: Invalid Datatype.',40);
1416: l_error := PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.raise_extract_error
1417: (p_error_number => 94472
1418: ,p_error_text => 'BEN_94472_INVALID_MAILSTOP'
1419: ,p_token1 => l_mailstop
1420: );

Line 1426: l_error := PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.raise_extract_warning

1422: ELSIF length(l_mailstop) > 5
1423: OR hr_number.canonical_to_number(l_mailstop) NOT BETWEEN 0 AND 99999 THEN
1424: -- raise error
1425: debug('ERROR: Invalid Length.',40);
1426: l_error := PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.raise_extract_warning
1427: (p_error_number => 94985
1428: ,p_error_text => 'BEN_94985_INVALID_MAILSTOP_LEN'
1429: ,p_token1 => l_mailstop
1430: );

Line 1435: END IF; --IF NOT pqp_gb_psi_functions.is_numeric(l_mailstop)

1431: l_mailstop := substr(l_mailstop,-5);
1432: ELSE
1433: debug('Apply format mask 09999 on correct mailstop',40);
1434: l_mailstop := ltrim(rtrim(to_char(hr_number.canonical_to_number(l_mailstop),'09999')));
1435: END IF; --IF NOT pqp_gb_psi_functions.is_numeric(l_mailstop)
1437: p_address_mailstop := l_mailstop;
1438: debug_exit(l_proc);
1439: return 0;

Line 1481: IF NOT pqp_gb_psi_functions.is_alphanumeric(l_email_address) THEN

1477: l_email_address := g_email_address;
1479: END IF;
1480: /*-- check data type
1481: IF NOT pqp_gb_psi_functions.is_alphanumeric(l_email_address) THEN
1482: -- raise error
1483: debug('ERROR: Invalid Datatype.',40);
1484: l_error := PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.raise_extract_error
1485: (p_error_number => 94464

Line 1484: l_error := PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.raise_extract_error

1480: /*-- check data type
1481: IF NOT pqp_gb_psi_functions.is_alphanumeric(l_email_address) THEN
1482: -- raise error
1483: debug('ERROR: Invalid Datatype.',40);
1484: l_error := PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.raise_extract_error
1485: (p_error_number => 94464
1486: ,p_error_text => 'BEN_94464_INVALID_EMAIL_ID'
1487: ,p_token1 => l_chg_surrogate_key
1488: ,p_token2 => l_email_address

Line 1491: END IF; --IF NOT pqp_gb_psi_functions.is_numeric(l_email_address)*/

1487: ,p_token1 => l_chg_surrogate_key
1488: ,p_token2 => l_email_address
1489: );
1491: END IF; --IF NOT pqp_gb_psi_functions.is_numeric(l_email_address)*/
1492: p_emailaddress := l_email_address;
1493: debug_exit(l_proc);
1494: return 0;

Line 1542: IF NOT pqp_gb_psi_functions.is_alphanumeric_space_allowed(l_telephone_number_1) THEN

1539: END IF;
1540: END IF;
1541: -- check data type
1542: IF NOT pqp_gb_psi_functions.is_alphanumeric_space_allowed(l_telephone_number_1) THEN
1543: -- raise error
1544: debug('ERROR: Invalid Datatype.',40);
1545: l_error := PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.raise_extract_error
1546: (p_error_number => 94470

Line 1545: l_error := PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.raise_extract_error

1541: -- check data type
1542: IF NOT pqp_gb_psi_functions.is_alphanumeric_space_allowed(l_telephone_number_1) THEN
1543: -- raise error
1544: debug('ERROR: Invalid Datatype.',40);
1545: l_error := PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.raise_extract_error
1546: (p_error_number => 94470
1547: ,p_error_text => 'BEN_94470_INVALID_TELE_PH1'
1548: ,p_token1 => l_chg_surrogate_key
1549: ,p_token2 => l_telephone_number_1

Line 1551: END IF; --IF NOT pqp_gb_psi_functions.is_numeric(l_telephone_number_1)

1547: ,p_error_text => 'BEN_94470_INVALID_TELE_PH1'
1548: ,p_token1 => l_chg_surrogate_key
1549: ,p_token2 => l_telephone_number_1
1550: );
1551: END IF; --IF NOT pqp_gb_psi_functions.is_numeric(l_telephone_number_1)
1553: p_telephone_number_1 := l_telephone_number_1;
1554: debug_exit(l_proc);
1555: return 0;

Line 1604: IF NOT pqp_gb_psi_functions.is_alphanumeric_space_allowed(l_telephone_number_2) THEN

1601: END IF;
1602: END IF;
1603: -- check data type
1604: IF NOT pqp_gb_psi_functions.is_alphanumeric_space_allowed(l_telephone_number_2) THEN
1605: -- raise error
1606: debug('ERROR: Invalid Datatype.',40);
1607: l_error := PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.raise_extract_error
1608: (p_error_number => 94471

Line 1607: l_error := PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.raise_extract_error

1603: -- check data type
1604: IF NOT pqp_gb_psi_functions.is_alphanumeric_space_allowed(l_telephone_number_2) THEN
1605: -- raise error
1606: debug('ERROR: Invalid Datatype.',40);
1607: l_error := PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.raise_extract_error
1608: (p_error_number => 94471
1609: ,p_error_text => 'BEN_94471_INVALID_TELE_PH2'
1610: ,p_token1 => g_person_id
1611: ,p_token2 => l_telephone_number_2

Line 1613: END IF; --IF NOT pqp_gb_psi_functions.is_numeric(l_telephone_number_2)

1609: ,p_error_text => 'BEN_94471_INVALID_TELE_PH2'
1610: ,p_token1 => g_person_id
1611: ,p_token2 => l_telephone_number_2
1612: );
1613: END IF; --IF NOT pqp_gb_psi_functions.is_numeric(l_telephone_number_2)
1615: p_telephone_number_2 := l_telephone_number_2;
1616: debug_exit(l_proc);
1617: return 0;

Line 1859: --PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.raise_extract_exceptions();

1855: debug_enter(l_proc);
1857: --Raise extract exceptions which are stored while processing the data elements
1858: --debug('Raising the DE errors, with input parameter as S');
1859: --PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.raise_extract_exceptions();
1861: --call the common post processing function
1862: PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.common_post_process(g_business_group_id);

Line 1862: PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.common_post_process(g_business_group_id);

1858: --debug('Raising the DE errors, with input parameter as S');
1859: --PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.raise_extract_exceptions();
1861: --call the common post processing function
1862: PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.common_post_process(g_business_group_id);
1864: debug_exit(l_proc);
1865: return 'Y';