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Line 1646: From hr_all_organization_units_tl haout

1642: Bug 2124765 */
1644: if wt_rec.c_business_group_id is not null THEN
1645: Select haout.name into l_business_group_name
1646: From hr_all_organization_units_tl haout
1647: WHERE
1648: haout.organization_id = wt_rec.c_business_group_id
1649: AND haout.language = USERENV('LANG');
1650: else /* Modified for bug 8398299 to ensure we pass the business group name

Line 1655: FROM hr_all_organization_units_tl HAOUT

1651: when the Cross Business Group profile has been activated*/
1652: IF l_cross_bg_profile = 'Y' THEN
1653: SELECT HAOUT.name
1654: INTO l_business_group_name
1655: FROM hr_all_organization_units_tl HAOUT
1656: WHERE HAOUT.organization_id =
1657: (SELECT COD.business_group_id
1658: FROM cst_organization_definitions COD
1659: WHERE COD.organization_id = p_org_id)

Line 7783: /*Bug 8398299: We will pass the business_group_name from hr_all_organization_units_tl from the business group

7780: End If;
7782: l_stmt_num := 51;
7783: /*Bug 8398299: We will pass the business_group_name from hr_all_organization_units_tl from the business group
7784: id that we will obtain from cst_organization_definitions for that particular organization_id to
7785: prevent the error: PA_TOO_MANY_ORGN when they have activated the profile HR:Cross Business Group
7786: */
7787: IF (l_cross_bg_profile = 'Y') THEN

Line 7790: FROM hr_all_organization_units_tl HAOUT

7786: */
7787: IF (l_cross_bg_profile = 'Y') THEN
7788: SELECT HAOUT.name
7789: INTO l_business_group_name
7790: FROM hr_all_organization_units_tl HAOUT
7791: WHERE HAOUT.organization_id =
7792: (SELECT COD.business_group_id
7793: FROM cst_organization_definitions COD
7794: WHERE COD.organization_id = p_organization_id)