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Line 145: Update fnd_documents_tl because FND_API inserts newly generated

141: p_Fnd_Attachment_rec.short_text
142: );
143: else
144: /*
145: Update fnd_documents_tl because FND_API inserts newly generated
146: media_id into that table.
147: */
148: update fnd_documents_tl
149: set media_id = p_Fnd_Attachment_rec.media_id

Line 148: update fnd_documents_tl

144: /*
145: Update fnd_documents_tl because FND_API inserts newly generated
146: media_id into that table.
147: */
148: update fnd_documents_tl
149: set media_id = p_Fnd_Attachment_rec.media_id
150: where document_id = x_document_id;
152: end if;

Line 160: update fnd_documents_tl

156: table handler has generated a fnd_lobs_s.nextval but that's not what shoule be the
157: reference to the FND_LOBS table - because the upload program has already generated a
158: sequence */
159: /**
160: update fnd_documents_tl
161: set media_id = p_Fnd_Attachment_rec.media_id
162: where document_id = l_document_id;
163: **/
164: null;

Line 306: This procedure updates FND_DOCUMENTS,FND_DOCUMENTS_TL and FND_DOCUMENTS_SHORT_TEX T. FND_ATTACHED_DOCUMENTS is not updated because it maintains the link between

302: );
303: End Create_Fnd_Attachment;
305: /**
306: This procedure updates FND_DOCUMENTS,FND_DOCUMENTS_TL and FND_DOCUMENTS_SHORT_TEX T. FND_ATTACHED_DOCUMENTS is not updated because it maintains the link between
307: FND_DOCUMENTS and FND_DOCUMENT_ENTITIES. In Sales and Marketing the association cannot be updated.
309: **/

Line 560: from fnd_documents_tl

557: cursor c_get_media_id(p_document_id number)
558: is
559: select media_id
560: from fnd_documents_tl
561: where document_id= p_document_id
562: and language = userenv('LANG');
564: /* Need to check if the file/text is referenced by any other document */

Line 571: from fnd_documents_tl tl

567: select 1
568: from dual
569: where exists
570: (select 1
571: from fnd_documents_tl tl
572: ,fnd_documents b
573: where b.document_id=tl.document_id
574: and tl.media_id = p_media_id
575: and b.datatype_id = p_datatype_id

Line 628: For FILE/TEXT, checking if file_id/text_id exists in fnd_documents_tl,

624: fetch c_check_media_id_reference into l_media_exists;
625: close c_check_media_id_reference;
627: /*
628: For FILE/TEXT, checking if file_id/text_id exists in fnd_documents_tl,
629: if so not deleting the lob/text but otherwise delete the content as well
630: */
632: if (l_media_exists is null) then

Line 649: delete from fnd_documents_tl

646: delete from fnd_documents
647: where document_id=p_document_id;
649: delete from fnd_documents_tl
650: where document_id=p_document_id;
652: delete from fnd_attached_documents
653: where document_id=p_document_id;