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APPS.XTR_MM_COVERS dependencies on XTR_FPS2_P

Line 1182: return( xtr_fps2_p.interest_round(l_amount,

1178: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1179: -- Currency rounding needed for Coupon Amount, but not for Redemption Value.
1180: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1181: if nvl(p_compound_rec.p_amount_redemption_ind,'R') = 'A' then
1182: return( xtr_fps2_p.interest_round(l_amount,
1183: p_compound_rec.p_precision,p_compound_rec.p_rounding_type));
1184: else
1185: return( l_amount );
1186: end if;

Line 2191: l_consideration := round(l_amt1 * l_amt2 + xtr_fps2_p.interest_round(l_amt1 * l_amt3, nvl(l_precision,2), l_rounding_type));

2187: -- bug 2617512: change way consideration is calculated
2188: l_amt1 := round(l_face_value, nvl(l_precision,2));
2189: l_amt2 := round(p_clean_price, nvl(p_price_rounding,4)) / 100;
2190: l_amt3 := round(p_accrued_interest, nvl(p_price_rounding, 4)) / 100;
2191: l_consideration := round(l_amt1 * l_amt2 + xtr_fps2_p.interest_round(l_amt1 * l_amt3, nvl(l_precision,2), l_rounding_type));
2192: end if;
2194: if nvl(l_num_full_cpn_remain,0) <> 0 and l_consideration <> 0 then
2195: p_yield:= (POWER(l_dummy_num/l_consideration,1/l_num_full_cpn_remain)-1)*l_coupon_freq*100;

Line 2554: l_original_amount := xtr_fps2_p.interest_round((p_maturity_amount * (l_coupon_rate / 100) * (l_nbr_days_in_period / l_year_basis)), l_precision,p_rounding_type);

2550: );
2552: -- Changed for Interest Override
2553: -- l_coupon_amt := round((p_maturity_amount * (l_coupon_rate / 100) * (l_nbr_days_in_period / l_year_basis)), l_precision);
2554: l_original_amount := xtr_fps2_p.interest_round((p_maturity_amount * (l_coupon_rate / 100) * (l_nbr_days_in_period / l_year_basis)), l_precision,p_rounding_type);
2555: l_coupon_amt := l_original_amount;
2556: Elsif l_calc_type in ('FLAT COUPON','FL REGULAR') then
2557: --Flat coupons do not need to take day count basis into consideration.
2558: --We need to call this to calculate NO_OF_DAYS even though we are not using

Line 2579: l_original_amount := xtr_fps2_p.interest_round((p_maturity_amount * (l_coupon_rate / 100) / nvl(l_frequency,2)),

2575: l_first_trans_flag -- Added for Override feature
2576: );
2577: -- Changed for Interest Override
2578: -- l_coupon_amt := round((p_maturity_amount * (l_coupon_rate / 100) / nvl(l_frequency,2)), l_precision);
2579: l_original_amount := xtr_fps2_p.interest_round((p_maturity_amount * (l_coupon_rate / 100) / nvl(l_frequency,2)),
2580: l_precision,p_rounding_type);
2581: l_coupon_amt := l_original_amount;
2582: End If;