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Line 218: from bom_resources br,

214: wcti.last_updated_by,
216: wcti.created_by,
217: wcti.last_update_login
218: from bom_resources br,
219: wip_operations wo,
220: wip_cost_txn_interface wcti
221: where wcti.source_code = 'NEW_RES'
222: and wcti.group_id = p_group_id

Line 1158: from bom_resources br1, WIP_SUB_OPERATION_RESOURCES wsor1

1154: -- Overwrite subinv/loc in WRO for pull components w/ the subinv/loc
1155: -- associated w/ the replacement resource
1156: select br1.supply_subinventory, br1.supply_locator_id
1157: into l_supply_subinventory, l_supply_locator_id
1158: from bom_resources br1, WIP_SUB_OPERATION_RESOURCES wsor1
1159: where br1.resource_id = wsor1.resource_id
1160: and br1.organization_id = wsor1.organization_id
1161: and wsor1.wip_entity_id = l_Wip_Entity_Id
1162: and NVL(wsor1.repetitive_schedule_id, -1) = NVL(l_Repetitive_Sched_Id, -1)

Line 1168: from bom_resources br2, WIP_SUB_OPERATION_RESOURCES wsor2

1164: and wsor1.substitute_group_num = l_Substitute_Group_Num
1165: and wsor1.replacement_group_num = nvl(l_Replacement_Group_Num,0)
1166: and wsor1.resource_seq_num in
1167: (select min(wsor2.resource_seq_num)
1168: from bom_resources br2, WIP_SUB_OPERATION_RESOURCES wsor2
1169: where wsor2.wip_entity_id = wsor1.wip_entity_id
1170: and NVL(wsor2.repetitive_schedule_id, -1) = NVL(l_Repetitive_Sched_Id, -1)
1171: and wsor2.organization_id= wsor1.organization_id
1172: and wsor2.operation_seq_num = wsor1.operation_seq_num