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Line 1077: ben_ler_f ler

1074: cursor c_prev_pil(c_per_in_ler_id number ) is
1075: select pil.per_in_ler_id
1076: from ben_per_in_ler pil,
1077: ben_ler_f ler
1078: where pil.per_in_ler_id not in (c_per_in_ler_id)
1079: and pil.person_id = p_person_id
1080: and pil.ler_id = ler.ler_id
1081: and p_effective_date between

Line 1094: select pil.per_in_ler_id from ben_per_in_ler pil,ben_ler_f le

1092: /* Added for Bug 8227214 */
1093: cursor c_get_per_in_ler(c_lf_evt_ocrd_dt date) is
1094: select pil.per_in_ler_id from ben_per_in_ler pil,ben_ler_f le
1095: where pil.lf_evt_ocrd_dt=c_lf_evt_ocrd_dt
1096: and pil.ler_id=le.ler_id
1097: and pil.person_id=p_person_id
1098: and c_lf_evt_ocrd_dt between le.effective_start_date and le.effective_end_date

Line 4593: ben_ler_f ler

4589: cursor c_pil (p_per_in_ler_id number ) is
4590: select pil.lf_evt_ocrd_dt,
4591: ler.typ_cd
4592: from ben_per_in_ler pil ,
4593: ben_ler_f ler
4594: where pil.per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id
4595: and ler.ler_id = pil.ler_id
4596: and p_effective_date between
4597: ler.effective_start_date and ler.effective_end_date ;

Line 4604: FROM ben_per_in_ler pil, ben_ler_f ler

4600: --
4601: CURSOR c_get_pil IS
4602: --
4603: SELECT pil.*
4604: FROM ben_per_in_ler pil, ben_ler_f ler
4605: WHERE pil.person_id = p_person_id
4606: AND pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd = 'STRTD'
4607: AND ler.ler_id = pil.ler_id
4608: AND ler.ler_id = NVL (p_ler_id, pil.ler_id)

Line 4632: l_pil_typ_cd ben_ler_f.typ_cd%type ;

4628: --
4629: l_lf_evt_ocrd_dt date ;
4630: -- 3296015
4631: l_pil_lf_evt_ocrd_dt date ;
4632: l_pil_typ_cd ben_ler_f.typ_cd%type ;
4633: --
4634: begin
4635: --
4636: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,10);