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Line 20: FROM Oks_K_Lines_B BPL

18: SELECT BPL.Offset_Duration
19: ,BPL.Offset_period
20: FROM Oks_K_Lines_B BPL
21: WHERE BPL.Cle_Id = Cx_BPL_Id;
24: Ld_SVL_Start CONSTANT DATE := P_SVL_Start;

Line 171: oks_k_lines_b oksbpl, -- 11.5.10 rule rearchitecture changes

167: Select nvl(oksbpl.allow_bt_discount,'N') --'Y' -- fixed the 11.5.9 bug 3612660
168: From --okc_rules_b rul,
169: --okc_rule_groups_b rgp,
170: okc_k_lines_b bpl,
171: oks_k_lines_b oksbpl, -- 11.5.10 rule rearchitecture changes
172: okc_k_lines_b cov,
173: okc_k_lines_b svl,
174: okc_k_items cimbp
175: where svl.id = p_line_id

Line 198: oks_k_lines_b oksbpl, -- 11.5.10 rule rearchitecture changes

194: Select nvl(oksbpl.allow_bt_discount,'N') --'Y' -- fixed the 11.5.9 bug 3612660
195: From --okc_rules_b rul,
196: --okc_rule_groups_b rgp,
197: okc_k_lines_b bpl,
198: oks_k_lines_b oksbpl, -- 11.5.10 rule rearchitecture changes
199: okc_k_lines_b cov,
200: okc_k_lines_b svl
201: where svl.id = p_line_id
202: and cov.cle_id = svl.id

Line 225: oks_k_Lines_b ksl,

221: Cursor l_bp_csr Is
222: Select /*+ leading(svl) use_nl(svl ksl bpl cimbp oksbpl) index(cimbp okc_k_items_n1) */
223: nvl(oksbpl.allow_bt_discount,'N') --'Y' -- fixed the 11.5.9 bug 3612660
224: From okc_k_lines_b svl,
225: oks_k_Lines_b ksl,
226: okc_k_lines_b bpl,
227: okc_k_items cimbp,
228: oks_k_lines_b oksbpl -- 11.5.10 rule rearchitecture changes
229: where svl.id = p_line_id

Line 228: oks_k_lines_b oksbpl -- 11.5.10 rule rearchitecture changes

224: From okc_k_lines_b svl,
225: oks_k_Lines_b ksl,
226: okc_k_lines_b bpl,
227: okc_k_items cimbp,
228: oks_k_lines_b oksbpl -- 11.5.10 rule rearchitecture changes
229: where svl.id = p_line_id
230: and svl.lse_id in (1,14,19)
231: and ksl.cle_id = svl.id
232: and bpl.cle_id = ksl.coverage_id

Line 245: oks_k_lines_b oksbpl, -- 11.5.10 rule rearchitecture changes

242: Cursor l_txn_grp_csr Is
243: Select nvl(oksbpl.allow_bt_discount,'N') --'Y' -- fixed the 11.5.9 bug 3612660
244: From okc_k_lines_b bpl,
245: oks_k_lines_b oksbpl, -- 11.5.10 rule rearchitecture changes
246: okc_k_lines_b svl,
247: oks_k_Lines_b ksl
248: where svl.id = p_line_id
249: and svl.lse_id in (1,14,19)

Line 247: oks_k_Lines_b ksl

243: Select nvl(oksbpl.allow_bt_discount,'N') --'Y' -- fixed the 11.5.9 bug 3612660
244: From okc_k_lines_b bpl,
245: oks_k_lines_b oksbpl, -- 11.5.10 rule rearchitecture changes
246: okc_k_lines_b svl,
247: oks_k_Lines_b ksl
248: where svl.id = p_line_id
249: and svl.lse_id in (1,14,19)
250: and ksl.cle_id = svl.id
251: and bpl.cle_id = ksl.coverage_id

Line 348: oks_k_lines_b oksbtl, --11.5.10 rule reachitecture changes

344: from okc_k_lines_b svl,
345: okc_k_lines_b cov,
346: okc_k_lines_b bpl,
347: okc_k_lines_b btl,
348: oks_k_lines_b oksbtl, --11.5.10 rule reachitecture changes
349: okc_k_items cimbp,
350: okc_k_items cimbt
351: -- okc_rule_groups_b rgp,
352: -- okc_rules_b rul

Line 378: oks_k_lines_b oksbtl, --11.5.10 rule reachitecture changes

374: from okc_k_lines_b svl,
375: okc_k_lines_b cov,
376: okc_k_lines_b bpl,
377: okc_k_lines_b btl,
378: oks_k_lines_b oksbtl, --11.5.10 rule reachitecture changes
379: okc_k_items cimbt
380: -- okc_rule_groups_b rgp,
381: -- okc_rules_b rul
382: where svl.id = p_contract_line_id

Line 412: oks_k_lines_b oksbtl, --11.5.10 rule reachitecture changes

408: oksbtl.discount_percent PER_CVD
409: from okc_k_lines_b svl,
410: okc_k_lines_b bpl,
411: okc_k_lines_b btl,
412: oks_k_lines_b oksbtl, --11.5.10 rule reachitecture changes
413: okc_k_items cimbp,
414: okc_k_items cimbt
415: ,OKS_K_LINES_B ksl

Line 415: ,OKS_K_LINES_B ksl

411: okc_k_lines_b btl,
412: oks_k_lines_b oksbtl, --11.5.10 rule reachitecture changes
413: okc_k_items cimbp,
414: okc_k_items cimbt
415: ,OKS_K_LINES_B ksl
417: where svl.id = p_contract_line_id
418: and svl.lse_id in (1,14,19)
419: and ksl.cle_id = svl.id

Line 438: oks_k_lines_b oksbtl, --11.5.10 rule reachitecture changes

434: oksbtl.discount_percent PER_CVD
435: from okc_k_lines_b svl,
436: okc_k_lines_b bpl,
437: okc_k_lines_b btl,
438: oks_k_lines_b oksbtl, --11.5.10 rule reachitecture changes
439: okc_k_items cimbt
440: ,OKS_K_LINES_B ksl
442: where svl.id = p_contract_line_id

Line 440: ,OKS_K_LINES_B ksl

436: okc_k_lines_b bpl,
437: okc_k_lines_b btl,
438: oks_k_lines_b oksbtl, --11.5.10 rule reachitecture changes
439: okc_k_items cimbt
440: ,OKS_K_LINES_B ksl
442: where svl.id = p_contract_line_id
443: and svl.lse_id in (1,14,19)
444: and ksl.cle_id = svl.id

Line 798: oks_k_lines_b oksbpl,

794: chr.price_list_id chr_pre
795: from okc_k_lines_b svl,
796: okc_k_lines_b cov,
797: okc_k_lines_b bpl,
798: oks_k_lines_b oksbpl,
799: okc_k_items cimbp,
800: okc_k_headers_b chr -- 11.5.10 addition
801: where svl.id = p_contract_line_id
802: and svl.chr_id = chr.id -- 11.5.10 addition

Line 829: oks_k_lines_b oksbpl,

825: oksbpl.discount_list oksbpl_dst,
826: chr.price_list_id chr_pre
827: from okc_k_lines_b svl,
828: okc_k_lines_b bpl,
829: oks_k_lines_b oksbpl,
830: okc_k_items cimbp,
831: okc_k_headers_all_b chr -- Modified for 12.0 MOAC project (JVARGHES)
832: , oks_k_lines_b ksl
833: where svl.id = p_contract_line_id

Line 832: , oks_k_lines_b ksl

828: okc_k_lines_b bpl,
829: oks_k_lines_b oksbpl,
830: okc_k_items cimbp,
831: okc_k_headers_all_b chr -- Modified for 12.0 MOAC project (JVARGHES)
832: , oks_k_lines_b ksl
833: where svl.id = p_contract_line_id
834: and svl.lse_id in (1,14,19)
835: and ksl.cle_id = svl.id
836: and svl.chr_id = chr.id -- 11.5.10 addition

Line 940: oks_k_lines_b ksl

936: okc_k_lines_b bpl,
937: okc_k_items cimbp,
938: okc_k_lines_b btl,
939: okc_k_items cimbt,
940: oks_k_lines_b ksl
941: where svl.id = p_cont_line_id
942: and svl.lse_id in (1,14,19)
943: and ksl.cle_id = svl.id
944: and bpl.cle_id = ksl.coverage_id