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2 /* $Header: hrwkflss.pkh 120.1.12010000.4 2010/03/14 18:56:21 ckondapi ship $ */
3 /*
4    This package contails new (v4.0+)workflow related business logic
5 */
6 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 -- |-------------------------< branch_on_approval_flag>------------------------|
8 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 -- Purpose: This procedure will read the HR_RUNTIME_APPROVAL_REQ_FLAG item level
10 -- attribute value and branch accordingly. This value will be set by the review
11 -- page by reading its attribute level attribute HR_APPROVAL_REQ_FLAG
13 -- For
14 --  YES          => branch with Yes result
15 --  YES_DYNAMIC  => branch with Yes result
16 --  NO           => branch with No result
17 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
18 --
19 PROCEDURE branch_on_approval_flag
20  (itemtype in     varchar2
21   ,itemkey  in     varchar2
22   ,actid    in     number
23   ,funcmode in     varchar2
24   ,resultout   out nocopy varchar2);
27 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
28 -- |----------------------< set_rejected_by_payroll > -------------------------|
29 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
30 -- Purpose: This procedure will set the item attribute HR_REJECTED_BY_PAYROLL
31 -- to 'Y'.
32 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
33 PROCEDURE set_rejected_by_payroll
34  (itemtype in     varchar2
35   ,itemkey  in     varchar2
36   ,actid    in     number
37   ,funcmode in     varchar2
38   ,resultout   out nocopy varchar2);
41 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
42 -- |----------------------- < copy_payroll_comment > -------------------------|
43 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
44 -- Purpose: This procedure will populate the wf_note from WF and set the item
45 --          attribute HR_SALBASISCHG_PAYROLL_COMMENT with that value.
46 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
47 PROCEDURE copy_payroll_comment
48  (itemtype in     varchar2
49   ,itemkey  in     varchar2
50   ,actid    in     number
51   ,funcmode in     varchar2
52   ,resultout   out nocopy varchar2);
54 function get_item_type
55 (p_transaction_id IN hr_api_transactions.transaction_id%TYPE)
56         return varchar2;
57 function get_item_key
58 (p_transaction_id IN hr_api_transactions.transaction_id%TYPE)
59         return varchar2;
60 function get_process_name
61          (p_transaction_id IN hr_api_transactions.transaction_id%TYPE)
62         return varchar2;
63 function get_approval_level
64          (p_transaction_id IN hr_api_transactions.transaction_id%TYPE)
65         return number;
66 function get_effective_date
67          (p_transaction_id IN hr_api_transactions.transaction_id%TYPE)
68         return date;
69 function get_assignment_id
70          (p_transaction_id IN hr_api_transactions.transaction_id%TYPE)
71         return number;
72 function get_final_approver
73          (p_transaction_id IN hr_api_transactions.transaction_id%TYPE)
74         return number;
76 --
77 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
78 -- |------------------------< Get_next_approver >-------------------------|
79 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
80 --
81 -- Description
82 --
83 --  Get the next approver in the chain
84 -- This procedure confirms to the Workflow API specification standards.
85 --
86 --
87 procedure Get_Next_Approver (   itemtype    in varchar2,
88                 itemkey     in varchar2,
89                 actid       in number,
90                 funmode     in varchar2,
91                 result      out nocopy varchar2     );
94 --
95 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
96 -- |------------------------< update_approval_status >-------------------------|
97 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
98 --
99 -- Description
100 --
101 --  Update the status of the current approvers' approval notification
102 -- This procedure confirms to the Workflow API specification standards.
103 --
104 --
105 procedure update_approval_status (   itemtype    in varchar2,
106                 itemkey     in varchar2,
107                 actid       in number,
108                 funmode     in varchar2,
109                 result      out nocopy varchar2     );
112 function allow_requestor_approval
113          (p_transaction_id IN hr_api_transactions.transaction_id%TYPE)
114         return varchar2;
115 --
116 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
117 -- |------------------ < check_mid_pay_period_change > --------------------|
118 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
119 --
120 -- Description
121 --
122 --  Determine if a mid pay period change was performed when a salary basis
123 --  was changed.  If yes, we need to set the WF item attribute
124 --  HR_MID_PAY_PERIOD_CHANGE ='Y' so that a notification will be sent to the
125 --  Payroll Contact.
126 --
127 --  This procedure is invoked by the WF HR_CHK_SAL_BASIS_MID_PAY_PERIOD process.
128 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
129 --
130 procedure check_mid_pay_period_change
131              (p_item_type    in varchar2,
132               p_item_key     in varchar2,
133               p_act_id       in number,
134               funmode        in varchar2,
135               result         out nocopy varchar2 );
138 --
139 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
140 -- |------------------ < APPS_INITIALIZE > --------------------|
141 --  Method to initialize the session apps context if there is no context already
142 --  set.
143 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
145 PROCEDURE  apps_initialize
146 ( p_itemtype in varchar2
147 , p_itemkey in varchar2
148 , p_actid in number
149 , p_funcmode in varchar2
150 , p_result  in out  nocopy varchar2
151 );
154 --
155 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
156 -- |------------------ < DEFER_COMMIT > --------------------|
157 --  Method to read profile value (HR_DEFER_UPDATE)
161              (p_item_type    in varchar2,
158 --  and branch the workflow accordingly.
159 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
160 procedure defer_commit
162               p_item_key     in varchar2,
163               p_act_id       in number,
164               funmode        in varchar2,
165               result          in out  nocopy varchar2 ) ;
166 --
169 --
170 -- |------------------ <GetActivityAttrText > --------------------|
171 --   Get the value of a text item attribute.
172 --   If the attribute is a NUMBER or DATE type, then translate the
173 --   number/date value to a text-string representation using attrbute format.
174 --   For all other types, get the value directly.
175 -- IN:
176 --   itemtype - Item type
177 --   itemkey - Item key
178 --   actid - Process activity id
179 --   aname - Attribute Name
180 -- RETURNS:
181 --   Attribute value
182 --
183 function GetActivityAttrText(itemtype in varchar2,
184                              itemkey in varchar2,
185                              actid in number,
186                              aname in varchar2,
187                              ignore_notfound in varchar2 default 'FALSE')
188 return varchar2;
190 --
191 -- |------------------ <GetActivityAttrNumber > --------------------|
192 --   Get the value of a number item attribute.
193 --   Attribute must be a NUMBER-type attribute.
194 -- IN:
195 --   itemtype - Item type
196 --   itemkey - Item key
197 --   actid - Process activity id
198 --   aname - Attribute Name
199 -- RETURNS:
200 --   Attribute value
201 --
202 function GetActivityAttrNumber(itemtype in varchar2,
203                                itemkey in varchar2,
204                                actid in number,
205                                aname in varchar2,
206                                ignore_notfound in varchar2 default 'FALSE')
207 return number;
209 --
210 -- |------------------ <GetActivityAttrDate > --------------------|
211 --   Get the value of a date item attribute.
212 --   Attribute must be a DATE-type attribute.
213 -- IN:
214 --   itemtype - Item type
215 --   itemkey - Item key
216 --   actid - Process activity id
217 --   aname - Attribute Name
218 -- RETURNS:
219 --   Attribute value
220 --
221 function GetActivityAttrDate(itemtype in varchar2,
222                              itemkey in varchar2,
223                              actid in number,
224                              aname in varchar2,
225                              ignore_notfound in varchar2 default 'FALSE')
226 return date;
229 procedure getPageDetails
230              (p_item_type    in varchar2,
231               p_item_key     in varchar2,
232               p_activityId   out nocopy  number,
233               p_page         out nocopy  varchar2,
234               p_page_type    out nocopy  varchar2,
235               p_page_applicationId out nocopy  varchar2,
236               p_additional_params out nocopy  varchar2 ) ;
238 function GetItemAttrText(itemtype in varchar2,
239                          itemkey in varchar2,
240                          aname in varchar2,
241                          ignore_notfound in varchar2 default 'FALSE')
242 return varchar2;
244 procedure get_item_type_and_key (
245               p_ntfId       IN NUMBER
246              ,p_itemType   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
247              ,p_itemKey    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 );
249 procedure build_edit_link(document_id IN Varchar2,
250                           display_type IN Varchar2,
251                           document IN OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
252                           document_type IN OUT NOCOPY Varchar2) ;
254 function GetAttrText (nid in number,
255                       aname in varchar2,
256 		      ignore_notfound in varchar2 default 'FALSE') return varchar2;
258 function getApprStartingPointPersonId
259          (p_transaction_id IN hr_api_transactions.transaction_id%TYPE) return number;
262 procedure updateSFLTransaction (itemtype    in varchar2,
263                                 itemkey     in varchar2,
264 			        actid       in number,
265 		                funmode     in varchar2,
266 				result      out nocopy varchar2     );
269 procedure getProcessDisplayName(document_id IN Varchar2,
270                           display_type IN Varchar2,
271                           document IN OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
272                           document_type IN OUT NOCOPY Varchar2) ;
274 function getProcessDisplayName(itemtype    in varchar2,
275                                itemkey     in varchar2)
276 			       return wf_runnable_processes_v.display_name%type;
280 procedure getApprovalMsgSubject(document_id IN Varchar2,
281                           display_type IN Varchar2,
282                           document IN OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
283                           document_type IN OUT NOCOPY Varchar2) ;
284 function getNextApproverForHist(p_item_type    in varchar2,
285                                 p_item_key     in varchar2) return varchar2;
287 function Authenticate(
288   p_username in varchar2,
289   p_nid in number,
290   p_nkey in varchar2)
291 return varchar2;
293 function Authenticate(p_username in varchar2,
294                       p_txn_id     in number
295                       )
296 return varchar2;
298 function getOrganizationManagersubject
299          (p_item_type IN varchar2,
300          p_item_key IN varchar2)
301 return varchar2;
303 PROCEDURE isFyiNtfDet
304  (itemtype in     varchar2
305   ,itemkey  in     varchar2
306   ,actid    in     number
307   ,funcmode in     varchar2
308   ,resultout   out nocopy varchar2);
310 END hr_workflow_ss;