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Line 112: from hr_locations_all loc, per_assignments_f asg

108: l_package varchar2(80) := g_package||'.get_rule_data';
110: cursor csr_asg is
111: select asg.assignment_id, asg.organization_id, loc.region_2, asg.location_id
112: from hr_locations_all loc, per_assignments_f asg
113: where asg.person_id = p_person_id
114: and asg.primary_flag = 'Y'
115: and asg.assignment_type <> 'C'
116: and loc.location_id(+) = asg.location_id

Line 204: from hr_locations_all loc, per_assignments_f asg

200: --l_cbs c_cbs%rowtype;
202: cursor csr_asg is
203: select asg.assignment_id, asg.organization_id, loc.region_2, asg.location_id
204: from hr_locations_all loc, per_assignments_f asg
205: where asg.person_id = p_person_id
206: and asg.assignment_type <> 'C'
207: and asg.primary_flag = 'Y'
208: and loc.location_id(+) = asg.location_id

Line 473: l_region_2 hr_locations_all.region_2%TYPE; -- UTF8 varchar2(70);

469: null;
470: l_assignment_id number;
471: l_location_id number;
472: l_organization_id number;
473: l_region_2 hr_locations_all.region_2%TYPE; -- UTF8 varchar2(70);
474: l_start_or_stop_cd varchar2(30);
475: l_start_or_stop_date date;
476: l_prorate_flag varchar2(30);
477: --