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Line 624: l_to_parent_tbl_name_line CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'INL_SHIP_LINES';

620: ) IS
622: l_proc_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'Get_ChargesFromQP';
623: l_to_parent_tbl_name_order CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'INL_SHIP_LINE_GROUPS';
624: l_to_parent_tbl_name_line CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'INL_SHIP_LINES';
625: l_no_freight_charge EXCEPTION;
627: l_debug_info VARCHAR2(200);
628: l_return_status VARCHAR2(1);

Line 2114: FROM inl_ship_lines sl

2110: SELECT sl.ship_line_src_type_code,
2111: sl.ship_line_source_id
2112: INTO l_ship_line_src_type_code,
2113: l_ship_line_source_id
2114: FROM inl_ship_lines sl
2115: WHERE sl.ship_line_id = p_ship_line_id;
2117: INL_LOGGING_PVT.Log_Variable(
2118: p_module_name => g_module_name,

Line 2140: inl_ship_lines_all sl

2136: SELECT sl.ship_line_id
2137: INTO l_simul_ship_line_id
2138: FROM inl_simulations s,
2139: inl_ship_headers_all sh,
2140: inl_ship_lines_all sl
2141: WHERE -- s.parent_table_name = DECODE(sh.interface_source_code,'PO','PO_HEADERS','-1')
2142: sh.interface_source_code = DECODE(s.parent_table_name,'PO_HEADERS','PO',
2143: DECODE(s.parent_table_name, 'PO_RELEASES', 'PO', '-1')) -- Bug 14280113
2144: -- AND s.parent_table_id = sh.interface_source_line_id

Line 2241: FROM inl_ship_lines_all sl

2237: CURSOR c_ship_ln(p_ship_header_id NUMBER) IS
2238: SELECT sl.ship_line_id,
2239: sl.primary_qty,
2240: sl.org_id
2241: FROM inl_ship_lines_all sl
2242: WHERE sl.ship_header_id = p_ship_header_id;
2244: TYPE ship_ln_list_type IS TABLE OF c_ship_ln%ROWTYPE;
2245: ship_ln_list ship_ln_list_type;

Line 2275: inl_ship_lines_all sl,

2271: cl.poa_party_site_id,
2272: cl.poo_organization_id,
2273: cl.poo_location_id
2274: FROM inl_charge_lines cl,
2275: inl_ship_lines_all sl,
2276: inl_allocations a
2277: WHERE cl.charge_line_id = a.from_parent_table_id
2278: AND sl.ship_line_id = a.ship_line_id
2279: AND from_parent_table_name = 'INL_CHARGE_LINES'

Line 2408: x_charge_ln_tbl(l_charge_ln_index).to_parent_table_name := 'INL_SHIP_LINES';

2404: x_charge_ln_tbl(l_charge_ln_index).poa_party_id := charge_ln_list(j).poa_party_id;
2405: x_charge_ln_tbl(l_charge_ln_index).poa_party_site_id := charge_ln_list(j).poa_party_site_id;
2406: x_charge_ln_tbl(l_charge_ln_index).poo_organization_id := charge_ln_list(j).poo_organization_id;
2407: x_charge_ln_tbl(l_charge_ln_index).poo_location_id := charge_ln_list(j).poo_location_id;
2408: x_charge_ln_tbl(l_charge_ln_index).to_parent_table_name := 'INL_SHIP_LINES';
2409: x_charge_ln_tbl(l_charge_ln_index).to_parent_table_id := ship_ln_list(i).ship_line_id;
2411: INL_LOGGING_PVT.Log_Variable(
2412: p_module_name => g_module_name,

Line 2755: inl_ship_lines_all sl2, -- Simulated Shipment Line

2752: INTO l_firm_simulation
2753: FROM inl_simulations s,
2754: inl_ship_headers_all sh,
2755: inl_ship_lines_all sl2, -- Simulated Shipment Line
2756: inl_ship_lines_all sl1 -- ELC Shipment Line
2757: WHERE s.simulation_id = sh.simulation_id
2758: AND s.firmed_flag = 'Y'
2759: AND sh.ship_header_id = sl2.ship_header_id

Line 2756: inl_ship_lines_all sl1 -- ELC Shipment Line

2752: INTO l_firm_simulation
2753: FROM inl_simulations s,
2754: inl_ship_headers_all sh,
2755: inl_ship_lines_all sl2, -- Simulated Shipment Line
2756: inl_ship_lines_all sl1 -- ELC Shipment Line
2757: WHERE s.simulation_id = sh.simulation_id
2758: AND s.firmed_flag = 'Y'
2759: AND sh.ship_header_id = sl2.ship_header_id
2760: -- AND sl2.ship_line_src_type_code = DECODE(s.parent_table_name,'PO_HEADERS','PO','-1') -- Bug 14280113