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Line 270: * in gmf_rcv_accounting_txns. *

266: * x_msg_data OUT VARCHAR2(2000) *
267: * x_distribution_acct_id OUT NUMBER *
268: * Description *
269: * This API creates all accounting transactions for RETURN TO VENDOR transactions *
270: * in gmf_rcv_accounting_txns. *
271: ****************************************************************************************************/
273: PROCEDURE Get_HookAccount
274: (

Line 807: l_currency_code gmf_rcv_accounting_txns.currency_code%TYPE;

803: l_ic_pricing_option NUMBER := 1;
804: l_transfer_price NUMBER;
805: l_unit_price NUMBER;
806: l_transaction_uom VARCHAR2 (3);
807: l_currency_code gmf_rcv_accounting_txns.currency_code%TYPE;
808: l_item_exists NUMBER;
809: l_from_organization_id NUMBER;
810: l_from_org_id NUMBER;
811: l_to_org_id NUMBER;

Line 812: l_incr_currency_code gmf_rcv_accounting_txns.currency_code%TYPE;

808: l_item_exists NUMBER;
809: l_from_organization_id NUMBER;
810: l_from_org_id NUMBER;
811: l_to_org_id NUMBER;
812: l_incr_currency_code gmf_rcv_accounting_txns.currency_code%TYPE;
813: l_incr_transfer_price NUMBER;
814: BEGIN
815: -- Standard start of API savepoint
816: SAVEPOINT get_unitprice_pvt;

Line 2084: -- in gmf_rcv_accounting_txns.

2080: -- Initial version 1.0
2081: --
2082: --
2083: -- Notes : This API creates all accounting transactions for RETURN TO VENDOR transactions
2084: -- in gmf_rcv_accounting_txns.
2085: --
2086: -- End of comments
2087: PROCEDURE get_accounts (
2088: p_api_version IN NUMBER,

Line 3608: l_intercompany_curr_code gmf_rcv_accounting_txns.currency_code%TYPE;

3604: l_rcv_txn_type rcv_transactions.transaction_type%TYPE;
3605: l_parent_txn_flag NUMBER := 1;
3606: l_intercompany_price NUMBER;
3607: -- may include nr tax depending on the pricing option
3608: l_intercompany_curr_code gmf_rcv_accounting_txns.currency_code%TYPE;
3609: l_transfer_organization_id NUMBER := NULL;
3610: l_rcv_accttxn gmf_rcv_accounting_pkg.rcv_accttxn_rec_type;
3611: invalid_event EXCEPTION;
3612: BEGIN

Line 5145: SELECT gmf_rcv_accounting_txns_s.NEXTVAL

5141: FOR i IN p_rcv_accttxn_tbl.FIRST .. p_rcv_accttxn_tbl.LAST
5142: LOOP
5143: l_stmt_num := 30;
5145: SELECT gmf_rcv_accounting_txns_s.NEXTVAL
5146: INTO l_accounting_txn_id
5147: FROM DUAL;
5149: IF g_debug = 'Y'

Line 5188: INSERT INTO gmf_rcv_accounting_txns

5184: -- to multiple tables is not worthwhile in this case since we do not expect the
5185: -- number of rows to exceed 10.
5186: l_stmt_num := 40;
5188: INSERT INTO gmf_rcv_accounting_txns
5189: (accounting_txn_id,
5190: rcv_transaction_id,
5191: event_type,
5192: event_source,

Line 5237: VALUES (gmf_rcv_accounting_txns_s.NEXTVAL,

5233: /* start LCM-OPM Integration */
5234: unit_landed_cost
5235: /* end LCM-OPM Integration */
5236: )
5237: VALUES (gmf_rcv_accounting_txns_s.NEXTVAL,
5238: DECODE (p_rcv_accttxn_tbl (i).event_source,
5239: 'INVOICEMATCH', p_rcv_accttxn_tbl (i).inv_distribution_id,
5240: p_rcv_accttxn_tbl (i).rcv_transaction_id
5241: ),

Line 7395: -- in gmf_rcv_accounting_txns.

7391: -- Initial version 1.0
7392: --
7393: --
7394: -- Notes : This API creates all accounting transactions for RETURN TO VENDOR transactions
7395: -- in gmf_rcv_accounting_txns.
7396: --
7397: -- End of comments
7398: PROCEDURE create_rtv_txns (
7399: p_api_version IN NUMBER := 1.0,

Line 8493: -- in GMF_RCV_ACCOUNTING_TXNS. For online accruals, it also generates

8489: -- Version :
8490: -- Initial version 1.0
8491: --
8492: -- Notes : This API creates all accounting events for retroactive price adjustments
8493: -- in GMF_RCV_ACCOUNTING_TXNS. For online accruals, it also generates
8494: -- the accounting entries for the event.
8495: --
8496: -- End of comments
8497: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Line 8724: FROM gmf_rcv_accounting_txns

8720: l_stmt_num := 50;
8722: SELECT COUNT (*)
8723: INTO l_rae_count
8724: FROM gmf_rcv_accounting_txns
8725: WHERE rcv_transaction_id = c_par_txn.transaction_id;
8727: IF l_rae_count > 0
8728: THEN

Line 8737: FROM gmf_rcv_accounting_txns grat, rcv_transactions rt

8733: SELECT grat.organization_id, grat.trx_flow_header_id,
8734: NVL (rt.dropship_type_code, 3)
8735: INTO l_organization_id, l_trx_flow_header_id,
8736: l_drop_ship_flag
8737: FROM gmf_rcv_accounting_txns grat, rcv_transactions rt
8738: WHERE grat.rcv_transaction_id = c_par_txn.transaction_id
8739: AND rt.transaction_id = grat.rcv_transaction_id
8740: AND grat.procurement_org_flag = 'Y'
8741: AND ROWNUM = 1;