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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 57

  SELECT need_by_date,
  FROM   po_line_locations_merge_v
  WHERE  po_line_id = p_po_line_id_to_compare
  AND    draft_id = p_draft_id; --Autocreate grouping
Line: 367

      SELECT 'ADD'
      INTO l_line_action_tbl(i)
      FROM po_lines_merge_v
      WHERE po_header_id = p_add_to_po_header_id
      AND line_num = p_po_line_number_tbl(i)
      AND nvl(draft_id,-1) = nvl(p_draft_id,-1);
Line: 476

    SELECT index_num1 -- requisition line ID
    FROM po_session_gt
    WHERE key = c_key
    AND index_num2 = c_po_line_num
    AND index_num1 <> c_current_req_line_id;
Line: 513

    INSERT INTO po_session_gt(
      key, -- unique key
      index_num1, -- req line ID
      index_num2 -- PO line num
    VALUES (l_key, p_req_line_id_tbl(i), p_po_line_number_tbl(i));
Line: 524

    SELECT progress_payment_flag
    INTO   l_progress_payment_flag
    FROM   po_doc_style_headers
    WHERE  style_id = p_style_id;
Line: 540

      (SELECT 'Y'
       FROM dual
         -- Select all doc builder requisition lines that have the same PO line
         -- number as the current line in the loop.
         SELECT 'doc builder lines with same PO line number'
         FROM po_session_gt POSGT2
         WHERE POSGT2.index_num1 <> POSGT.index_num1 -- Not the current line
         AND POSGT2.index_num2 = POSGT.index_num2 -- Same PO line number
       OR EXISTS(
         -- Select all PO lines that have the same PO line number as the
         -- current line in the loop.
         SELECT 'PO lines with same PO line number'
         FROM po_lines_all
         WHERE po_header_id = p_add_to_po_header_id
         AND line_num = POSGT.index_num2 -- Same PO line number
      'N' -- NVL to 'N' if no other req/PO lines with same PO line number
    BULK COLLECT INTO l_line_combined_flag_tbl
    FROM po_session_gt POSGT
    WHERE key = l_key;
Line: 636

          SELECT po_line_id
          INTO l_po_line_id_to_compare
          FROM po_lines_merge_v
          WHERE po_header_id = p_add_to_po_header_id
		  AND draft_id = p_draft_id
          AND line_num = l_po_line_num;
Line: 673

  DELETE FROM po_session_gt
  WHERE key = l_key;
Line: 685

    DELETE FROM po_session_gt
    WHERE key = l_key;
Line: 762

  SELECT paha.contract_type,pon_auction_pkg.get_message_suffix(doc.internal_name)
  INTO sol_contract_type,message_suffix
  FROM pon_auction_headers_all paha, pon_auc_doctypes doc
  WHERE paha.auction_header_id =p_draft_id
  and paha.doctype_id = doc.doctype_id;
Line: 783

    SELECT prl.line_type_id, nvl(prl.item_id, -1), nvl(prl.item_revision, -1), nvl(prl.category_id, -1)
    , nvl(pol.ip_category_id, -1)
    ,nvl(decode(plt.order_type_lookup_code, 'AMOUNT', '1', mom.uom_code), 'NULL')
    NVL((SELECT nvl(ship_to_location_id,location_id) FROM hr_locations WHERE location_id = prl.deliver_to_location_id), -1)
    INTO req_line_type_id, req_item_id, req_item_revision, req_category_id
    FROM po_requisition_lines_all prl,po_line_types_b plt, mtl_units_of_measure mom, po_lines_all pol
    WHERE  prl.requisition_line_id = l_req_line_id
    AND prl.line_type_id = plt.line_type_id
    AND mom.unit_of_measure (+) = prl.unit_meas_lookup_code
    AND pol.po_header_id(+) = prl.blanket_po_header_id AND pol.line_num(+) = prl.blanket_po_line_num;
Line: 811

    SELECT paip.line_type_id, nvl(paip.item_id, -1), nvl(paip.item_revision, -1), nvl(paip.category_id, -1), paip.group_line_id,
    Nvl(paip.clm_info_flag , 'N'),
    nvl(paip.clm_option_indicator, 'B')
    ,nvl(paip.ip_category_id, -1)
    INTO sol_line_type_id, sol_item_id, sol_item_revision, sol_category_id, sol_group_line_id,
    FROM pon_auction_item_prices_all paip
    WHERE paip.line_number =l_sol_line_num
    AND paip.auction_header_id =p_draft_id;
Line: 841

    SELECT paip.line_type_id, nvl(paip.item_id, -1), nvl(paip.item_revision, -1), nvl(paip.category_id, -1), paip.group_line_id,
    Nvl(paip.clm_info_flag , 'N'),
    nvl(paip.clm_option_indicator, 'B')
    ,nvl(paip.ip_category_id, -1)
    INTO sol_line_type_id, sol_item_id, sol_item_revision, sol_category_id, sol_group_line_id,
    FROM pon_auction_item_prices_all paip
    WHERE paip.line_num_display =l_sol_line_num_disp
    AND paip.auction_header_id =p_draft_id;
Line: 1958

This matching is done only when the action selected is 'ADD' and not 'NEW'

2)If the action is 'ADD' then find_matching_po_line_num function is called. No change needs to be done here too.

3)If the action is 'NEW' then clm_find_matching_builder_line_num is called. this is a new function based on the existing find_matching_builder_line_num.
This will find the matching req lines that are selected and are in the interface.
We call this only if the present requisition line that is being checked for match
    + is not a SLIN
    + is not a info line
    + is not a option line
This condition will take care of the following grouping rules mentioned in the FDD,
?	Priced CLIN Line without SLIN Can Be Grouped If the Grouping Criteria Match
?	Single Priced CLIN with Info SLINs Holding the Funds Can Be Grouped If the Grouping Criteria Match
?	Info CLIN with Priced SLINs Are Not Grouped
?	Option Lines Are Not Grouped

We only group the CLINs and add the SLINs to the grouped CLIN and options are alse not grouped. So we will look for matching lines only for CLINs


Procedure clm_group_by_default
    p_req_line_id_tbl          IN               PO_TBL_NUMBER
,   p_req_group_line_id_tbl    IN               PO_TBL_NUMBER
,   p_req_clm_info_flag_tbl    IN               PO_TBL_VARCHAR1
,   p_req_option_flag_tbl      IN               PO_TBL_VARCHAR1
,   p_po_line_num_disp_tbl     IN OUT NOCOPY    PO_TBL_VARCHAR100
,   p_consigned_flag_tbl       IN               PO_TBL_VARCHAR1
,   p_add_to_po_header_id      IN               NUMBER
,   p_draft_id		       IN               NUMBER --Autocreate grouping
,   p_builder_agreement_id     IN               NUMBER
,   p_start_index              IN               NUMBER
,   p_end_index                IN               NUMBER
,   p_po_line_num_tbl          IN OUT NOCOPY    PO_TBL_NUMBER

    l_max_line_num              NUMBER;
Line: 2156

  This matching is done only when the action selected is 'ADD' and not 'NEW'

  2)If the action is 'ADD' then find_matching_po_line_num function is called. No change needs to be done here too.

  3)If the action is 'NEW' then clm_find_matching_builder_line_num is called. this is a new function based on the existing find_matching_builder_line_num.
  This will find the matching req lines that are selected and are in the interface.
  We call this only if the present requisition line that is being checked for match
      + is not a SLIN
      + is not a info line
      + is not a option line
  This condition will take care of the following grouping rules mentioned in the FDD,
  ?	Priced CLIN Line without SLIN Can Be Grouped If the Grouping Criteria Match
  ?	Single Priced CLIN with Info SLINs Holding the Funds Can Be Grouped If the Grouping Criteria Match
  ?	Info CLIN with Priced SLINs Are Not Grouped
  ?	Option Lines Are Not Grouped

  We only group the CLINs and add the SLINs to the grouped CLIN and options are alse not grouped. So we will look for matching lines only for CLINs


  Procedure clm_group_sol_by_default
      p_req_line_id_tbl          IN               PO_TBL_NUMBER
  ,   p_req_group_line_id_tbl    IN               PO_TBL_NUMBER
  ,   p_req_clm_info_flag_tbl    IN               PO_TBL_VARCHAR1
  ,   p_req_option_flag_tbl      IN               PO_TBL_VARCHAR1
  ,   p_neg_line_num_disp_tbl     IN OUT NOCOPY    PO_TBL_VARCHAR100
  ,   p_consigned_flag_tbl       IN               PO_TBL_VARCHAR1
  ,   p_add_to_neg_header_id      IN               NUMBER
  ,   p_draft_id		       IN               NUMBER --Autocreate grouping
  ,   p_builder_agreement_id     IN               NUMBER
  ,   p_start_index              IN               NUMBER
  ,   p_end_index                IN               NUMBER
  ,   p_neg_line_num_tbl          IN OUT NOCOPY    PO_TBL_NUMBER

      l_max_line_num              NUMBER;
Line: 2215

      SELECT Max(LINE_NUMBER) INTO l_max_line_num FROM pon_auction_item_prices_all WHERE AUCTION_HEADER_ID = p_draft_id;
Line: 2710

  SELECT PRL.item_id,
  INTO   l_item_id,
  FROM   po_requisition_lines_all PRL
  WHERE  PRL.requisition_line_id = p_req_line_id;
Line: 2896

  SELECT PRL.item_id,
         ), -- contract ID
         ), -- source document ID
         ), -- source document line ID
         NULL, -- cancel flag N/A for req line
         NULL, -- closed code N/A for req line
         , PRL.GROUP_LINE_ID
         , PRL.CLM_INFO_FLAG
		 , PRL.category_id  --bugfix#16097884
  INTO   l_req_line_info
  FROM   po_requisition_lines_all PRL,
         po_lines_all SRC_DOC_LINE
  WHERE  PRL.requisition_line_id = p_req_line_id
  AND    SRC_DOC_LINE.po_header_id(+) = PRL.blanket_po_header_id
  AND    SRC_DOC_LINE.line_num(+) = PRL.blanket_po_line_num;
Line: 2987

  SELECT item_id,
         from_header_id, -- source document ID
         from_line_id, -- source document line ID
		 ,category_id  --bugfix#16097884
  INTO   l_po_line_info
  FROM   po_lines_merge_v /* changing to po_lines_merge_v and passing in the draft_id, for the 'add to mods' flow*/
  WHERE  po_line_id = p_po_line_id
  AND    draft_id = p_draft_id;
Line: 4049

        SELECT requisition_header_id
        INTO   l_req_header_id
        FROM   po_requisition_lines_all
        WHERE  requisition_line_id = p_req_line_id_tbl(i);
Line: 4186

        INSERT INTO po_session_gt
        (      key
        ,      num1
        ,      num2
        ,      prl.requisition_line_id
        ,      pol.line_num
        FROM   po_requisition_lines_all  prl
        ,      po_lines_merge_v              pol
        ,      po_line_locations_merge_v     pll
        ,      po_lines_merge_v             src_line
        WHERE  pol.po_header_id = p_add_to_po_header_id
		AND	   pol.draft_id = p_draft_id
        AND    pll.po_line_id = pol.po_line_id
		AND    pll.draft_id = pol.draft_id
        AND    prl.requisition_line_id = p_req_line_id_tbl(i)
        AND    prl.group_line_id IS NULL
        AND    prl.clm_base_line_num IS NULL
        AND    Nvl(prl.clm_info_flag ,'N')='N'
        AND    pol.group_line_id IS NULL
        AND    pol.clm_base_line_num IS NULL
        AND    Nvl(pol.clm_info_flag ,'N')='N'
        AND    decode ( prl.item_id
                      , pol.item_id, 1, 0) = 1
        AND    ((prl.item_id IS NOT NULL OR pol.item_id IS NOT NULL)
                OR decode(
                  pol.item_description, 1, 0) = 1)
        AND    decode ( prl.item_revision
                      , pol.item_revision, 1, 0) = 1
        AND    decode ( prl.line_type_id
                      , pol.line_type_id, 1, 0) = 1
        AND    decode ( prl.preferred_grade
                      , pol.preferred_grade, 1, 0) = 1
        AND    decode ( prl.unit_meas_lookup_code
                      , pol.unit_meas_lookup_code, 1, 0) = 1
        AND    decode ( prl.transaction_reason_code
                      , pol.transaction_reason_code, 1, 0) = 1
        AND    decode ( prl.supplier_ref_number
                      , pol.supplier_ref_number, 1, 0) = 1
        AND    (  ( l_need_by_grouping_profile = 'N' )
               OR ( decode ( trunc(prl.need_by_date,'MI')
                           , trunc(pll.need_by_date,'MI'), 1, 0) = 1 ) )
        AND    (  ( l_ship_to_grouping_profile = 'N' )
               OR ( decode ( prl.destination_organization_id
                           , pll.ship_to_organization_id, 1, 0) = 1 ) )
        AND    (  ( prl.document_type_code <> 'CONTRACT' )
               OR ( decode ( prl.blanket_po_header_id
                           , pol.contract_id, 1, 0) = 1 ) )
        AND    src_line.po_header_id (+) = prl.blanket_po_header_id
        AND    src_line.line_num (+) = prl.blanket_po_line_num
        AND    (  ( p_builder_agreement_id IS NOT NULL )
               OR (   ( decode ( prl.blanket_po_header_id
                               , pol.from_header_id, 1, 0) = 1 )
                  AND ( decode ( src_line.po_line_id
                               , pol.from_line_id, 1, 0) = 1 ) ) )
        AND    nvl(pol.cancel_flag, 'N') <> 'Y'
        AND    nvl(pol.closed_code, 'OPEN') <> 'FINALLY CLOSED'
        AND    nvl(pll.consigned_flag, 'N') = p_consigned_flag_tbl(i);
Line: 4252

    DELETE FROM po_session_gt
    WHERE key = l_key
    RETURNING num1, num2
    BULK COLLECT INTO x_req_line_id_tbl, x_po_line_num_tbl;
Line: 4337

        INSERT INTO po_session_gt
        (      key
        ,      num1
        ,      num2
        ,      char1
        ,      prl.requisition_line_id
        ,      pol.line_num
        ,      pol.line_num_display
        FROM   po_requisition_lines_all  prl
        ,      po_lines_merge_v              pol
        ,      po_line_locations_merge_v     pll
        ,      po_lines_merge_v             src_line
        WHERE  pol.po_header_id = p_add_to_po_header_id
	AND    nvl(pol.draft_id,-1) = nvl(p_draft_id,-1)
        AND    pll.po_line_id = pol.po_line_id
        AND    nvl(pll.draft_id,-1) = nvl(pol.draft_id,-1)
        AND    prl.requisition_line_id = p_req_line_id_tbl(i)
        AND    prl.group_line_id IS NULL
        AND    prl.clm_base_line_num IS NULL
        AND    Nvl(prl.clm_info_flag ,'N')='N'
        AND    pol.group_line_id IS NULL
        AND    pol.clm_base_line_num IS NULL
        AND    Nvl(pol.clm_info_flag ,'N')='N'
        AND    decode ( Nvl(prl.item_id,-1)
                      , Nvl(pol.item_id,-1), 1, 0) = 1
        AND    ((prl.item_id IS NOT NULL OR pol.item_id IS NOT NULL)
                OR decode(
                  pol.item_description, 1, 0) = 1)
        AND    decode ( prl.item_revision
                      , pol.item_revision, 1, 0) = 1
        AND    decode ( prl.line_type_id
                      , pol.line_type_id, 1, 0) = 1
        AND    decode ( prl.preferred_grade
                      , pol.preferred_grade, 1, 0) = 1
        AND    decode ( prl.unit_meas_lookup_code
                      , pol.unit_meas_lookup_code, 1, 0) = 1
        AND    decode ( prl.transaction_reason_code
                      , pol.transaction_reason_code, 1, 0) = 1
        AND    decode ( prl.supplier_ref_number
                      , pol.supplier_ref_number, 1, 0) = 1
        AND    (  ( l_need_by_grouping_profile = 'N' )
               OR ( decode ( trunc(prl.need_by_date,'MI')
                           , trunc(pll.need_by_date,'MI'), 1, 0) = 1 ) )
        AND    (  ( l_ship_to_grouping_profile = 'N' )
               OR ( decode ( prl.destination_organization_id
                           , pll.ship_to_organization_id, 1, 0) = 1 ) )
        AND    (  ( prl.document_type_code <> 'CONTRACT' )
               OR ( decode ( prl.blanket_po_header_id
                           , pol.contract_id, 1, 0) = 1 ) )
        AND    src_line.po_header_id (+) = prl.blanket_po_header_id
        AND    src_line.line_num (+) = prl.blanket_po_line_num
        AND    (  ( p_builder_agreement_id IS NOT NULL )
               OR (   ( decode ( prl.blanket_po_header_id
                               , pol.from_header_id, 1, 0) = 1 )
                  AND ( decode ( src_line.po_line_id
                               , pol.from_line_id, 1, 0) = 1 ) ) )
        AND    nvl(pol.cancel_flag, 'N') <> 'Y'
        AND    nvl(pol.closed_code, 'OPEN') <> 'FINALLY CLOSED'
        AND    nvl(pll.consigned_flag, 'N') = p_consigned_flag_tbl(i);
Line: 4406

    DELETE FROM po_session_gt
    WHERE key = l_key
    RETURNING num1, num2, char1
    BULK COLLECT INTO x_req_line_id_tbl, x_po_line_num_tbl, x_po_line_num_disp_tbl;
Line: 4634

        SELECT nvl(max(line_num), 0)
        INTO   x_max_po_line_num
        FROM   po_lines_merge_v
        WHERE  po_header_id = p_po_header_id;
Line: 4713

        SELECT nvl(max(line_num_display), '0000')
        INTO   x_max_po_line_num
        FROM   po_lines_merge_v
        WHERE  po_header_id = p_po_header_id
		--AND draft_id = p_draft_id
        and group_line_id is null
        and CLM_EXHIBIT_NAME IS null; --Bug 16572476
Line: 4728

        	In case of PAR ELINs, when the ELIN line is selected in DWB.
        	It will be considered to find out the max clin number. It should
        	not be considered. So skipping ELIN lines by finding out if the line number
        	is having characters or not. ELIN Numbers will have characters
        IF ((TRIM(TRANSLATE(p_po_line_num_tbl(i),'+-.0123456789',' ')) IS  NULL) -- Check whether it is a number or char
            AND p_po_line_num_tbl(i) > x_max_po_line_num and p_req_group_line_id_tbl(i) is null)
            x_max_po_line_num := p_po_line_num_tbl(i);
Line: 4800

          SELECT nvl(max(line_num_display), '0000')
          INTO   x_max_po_line_num
          FROM   pon_auction_item_prices_all
          WHERE  auction_header_id = p_draft_id
          and group_line_id is null;
Line: 4887

        SELECT item_id
        INTO l_item_id
        FROM po_requisition_lines_all
        WHERE requisition_line_id = p_req_line_id_tbl(i);
Line: 5031

      SELECT 'Y' INTO l_is_info_fund_req_line
      FROM po_requisition_lines_all PRL
      prl.REQUISITION_LINE_ID = p_req_line_id and
      nvl(prl.clm_info_flag, 'N') = 'N' AND prl.group_line_id IS NULL AND EXISTS (SELECT 1
      FROM po_req_distributions_all prd1 WHERE prd1.requisition_line_id = prl.REQUISITION_LINE_ID
      AND prd1.info_line_id IS NOT NULL AND ROWNUM = 1);
Line: 5044

      SELECT po_line_id, Decode(clm_option_indicator, 'O', 'Y', 'N')
      INTO l_po_line_id, l_is_option_line
      FROM po_lines_merge_v
      WHERE po_header_id = p_po_header_id AND
      line_num = p_po_line_num AND
      draft_id <> -1;
Line: 5062

      SELECT Max(line_num_display)
      INTO l_max_slin_num
      FROM po_lines_merge_v
      WHERE group_line_id = l_po_line_id AND
      draft_id <> -1 AND
      Nvl(clm_info_flag, 'N') = 'Y' AND
      group_line_id IS NOT NULL;
Line: 5157

            SELECT 'Y'
             INTO l_lock_available
            FROM   dual
            WHERE  NOT EXISTS (SELECT 'Another Mod has F lock'
                               FROM   po_entity_locks poel,
                                      po_lines_merge_v plm
                               WHERE  plm.po_line_id = poel.entity_pk1
                                AND plm.po_header_id = p_add_to_po_header_id
                                AND plm.draft_id = p_draft_id
                                AND plm.line_num = p_po_line_number_tbl(i)
                                AND poel.entity_name = 'PO_LINE'
                                AND poel.lock_by_draft_id <> p_draft_id
                                AND poel.lock_type = 'F');
Line: 5459

select PO_SESSION_GT_S.nextval into l_session_key from dual;
Line: 5483

index_num1 - index, this is inserted to ensure correct order of retrieval

-- now do the bulk insert
-- When the line_num_display are edited on the details page
IF p_orig_line_num <> -1 AND p_edit_line_num <> -1
    -- Renumber flag needs to be set 'Y' only for po_line_num which match
    -- p_orig_line_num OR p_edit_line_num
    FOR i IN l_start_index..l_end_index LOOP
    IF p_po_line_num_tbl(i) = p_orig_line_num OR p_po_line_num_tbl(i) = p_edit_line_num THEN
       l_renumber_flag(i) := 'Y';
Line: 5499

    insert into po_session_gt (key, num1, num2, num3, char1, char2, char3, char5, index_num1)
    values ( l_session_key,
    ,   p_source_group_line_id_tbl(i)
    ,   p_po_line_num_tbl(i)
    ,   p_po_line_num_disp_tbl(i)
    ,   l_action_tbl(i)
    ,   l_renumber_flag(i)
    ,   nvl(p_req_clm_info_flag_tbl(i), 'N')
    ,   i
Line: 5514

    insert into po_session_gt (key, num1, num2, num3, char1, char2, char3, char5, index_num1)
    values ( l_session_key,
    ,   p_source_group_line_id_tbl(i)
    ,   p_po_line_num_tbl(i)
    ,   p_po_line_num_disp_tbl(i)
    ,   l_action_tbl(i)
    ,   nvl(p_renumber_flag(i), 'Y')
    ,   nvl(p_req_clm_info_flag_tbl(i), 'N')
    ,   i
Line: 5533

    UPDATE po_session_gt
    SET num4 = (select po_line_id
               FROM   PO_LINES_MERGE_V
               where  PO_HEADER_ID = p_add_to_po_header_id
               AND    LINE_NUM_DISPLAY  = char1
               AND    ROWNUM=1)
    where num2 is null            -- group line id
    and   char2 = 'ADD'           -- action
    and   char3 = 'Y'             -- renumber flag
    and   index_num1 between l_start_index and l_end_index
    and   key = l_session_key;
Line: 5545

    update po_session_gt
        char4 = PO_LINES_DRAFT_PVT.get_next_slin_num(num4, --po_line_id
                                                     'Y',  --clmInfoFlag
                                                     -9999),--Invalid Draft Id
        char6 = PO_LINES_DRAFT_PVT.get_next_slin_num(num4, --po_line_id
                                                     'N',  --clmInfoFlag
                                                     -9999)--Invalid Draft Id

    where num2 is null            -- group line id
    and   char2 = 'ADD'           -- action
    and   char3 = 'Y'             -- renumber flag
    and   index_num1 between l_start_index and l_end_index
    and   key = l_session_key;
Line: 5566

update po_session_gt
set   char4 = char1 || '01',
      char6 = char1 || 'AA'
where num2 is null            -- group line id
and   char2 = 'NEW'           -- action
and   char3 = 'Y'             -- renumber flag
and   index_num1 between l_start_index and l_end_index
and   key = l_session_key;
Line: 5583

for po_line_num in (select distinct num3, char4, char6  -- char4 is the next slin number, previous logic ensure that a given value of num3 will have same char4
                     from po_session_gt
                     where key = l_session_key
                     and   char3 = 'Y' -- renumber flag
                     and   index_num1 between l_start_index and l_end_index
                     --and   char5 = 'N' --priced
                     and   num2 is null -- clin
       l_next_info_slin_num := po_line_num.char4;
Line: 5595

       for rec in (select slins.num1, slins.char5 from po_session_gt clins,  po_session_gt slins
                   where clins.key = l_session_key
                   and   slins.key = l_session_key
                   AND   clins.num3 = po_line_num.num3  -- po line number
                   and   slins.num2 = clins.num1        -- slins.group line id = clins.line id
                   order by slins.index_num1
           IF rec.char5 = 'Y' THEN -- info slin
              l_next_slin_num := l_next_info_slin_num;
Line: 5612

           update po_session_gt
           set    char1 = l_next_slin_num
           where key = l_session_key
           and   num1 = rec.num1;
Line: 5622

select char1
bulk collect into p_po_line_num_disp_tbl
from po_session_gt
where key = l_session_key
order by index_num1; -- order is important
Line: 5647

SELECT line_num
INTO l_line_num
FROM po_lines_merge_v
WHERE nvl(draft_id,-1) = nvl(p_draft_id,-1)
--Bug 13552726 : While creating new modification the draft_id was null
--Hence the query returned no value. The line_num was not set and no
--validations were fired.
AND po_header_id = p_add_to_po_header_id
AND line_num_display = p_po_line_num_disp;
Line: 5668

New procedure to update the po line num and po line num display based on the shipment selected during the 'ADD_FUNDS' case.*/
--Start of Comments
--Name:  get_po_linenum_for_shipment
--Derives the po_line_num and po_line_num_display for the shipment num selected in ADD_FUNDS case
--  The line_location_id of the shipment to which the funds will be added.
--  builder.
--  The draft ID of the mod for the Add funds To PO/Mod case. If Add funds to PO case, this will be -1
--  The po line  number of the PO line to which the shipment belongs
--The po line number of the PO line to which the shipment belongs
--End of Comments

PROCEDURE get_po_linenum_for_shipment
    p_po_shipment_id     IN   NUMBER
,   p_draft_id		 IN   NUMBER
,   x_po_line_num        OUT  NOCOPY NUMBER
,   x_po_line_num_disp   OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2

d_mod                       CONSTANT VARCHAR2(100) := D_get_po_linenum_for_shipment ;
Line: 5706

        SELECT line_num, line_num_display
         INTO x_po_line_num, x_po_line_num_disp
        FROM po_lines_merge_v plm,
         po_line_locations_merge_v pllm
        WHERE plm.po_line_id = pllm.po_line_id
        AND plm.draft_id = pllm.draft_id
        AND pllm.line_location_id = p_po_shipment_id
        AND pllm.draft_id = p_draft_id;
Line: 5788

   SELECT item_id, item_description
   INTO l_po_item_id, l_po_item_desc
   FROM po_lines_all
   WHERE po_header_id = p_po_header_id
     AND line_num  = p_po_line_num;