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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 26

            SELECT uom_code
            INTO l_uom_code
            FROM mtl_units_of_measure_vl
            WHERE unit_of_measure = p_uom_name;
Line: 48

        SELECT * FROM mtl_system_items_kfv msib
        WHERE  wms_deploy.get_client_code(msib.inventory_item_id) = p_client_code
        AND nvl(msib.USAGE_ITEM_FLAG, 'N')  = 'N'
        AND nvl(msib.SERVICE_ITEM_FLAG, 'N') = 'N'
        AND nvl(msib.VENDOR_WARRANTY_FLAG, 'N') = 'N';
Line: 93

                    Select count(1) INTO l_temp
                    from rcv_transactions rt , rcv_shipment_lines rsl
                    WHERE rsl.shipment_line_id = rt.shipment_line_id
                    and rt.shipment_header_id = rt.shipment_header_id
                    AND rsl.item_id = recs.inventory_item_id
                    AND rt.creation_date <= l_source_to_date
                    AND rt.creation_date > l_last_computation_Date
                    AND rt.transaction_type = 'RECEIVE'
                    AND rt.organization_id = recs.organization_id;
Line: 135

        SELECT * FROM mtl_system_items_b msib
        WHERE  wms_deploy.get_client_code(msib.inventory_item_id) = p_client_code
        and nvl(msib.USAGE_ITEM_FLAG, 'N')  = 'N'
        AND nvl(msib.SERVICE_ITEM_FLAG, 'N') = 'N'
        AND nvl(msib.VENDOR_WARRANTY_FLAG, 'N') = 'N';
Line: 179

                    Select count(*) INTO l_temp
                    from mtl_material_transactions mmt
                    where transaction_source_type_id = 2
                    AND transaction_type_id = 33
                    AND transaction_action_id= 1
                    AND inventory_item_id = recs.inventory_item_id
                    AND creation_date <= l_source_to_date
                    AND creation_date > l_last_computation_date
                    AND organization_id = recs.organization_id;
Line: 221

        SELECT * FROM mtl_system_items_b msib
        WHERE  wms_deploy.get_client_code(msib.inventory_item_id) = p_client_code
        and nvl(msib.USAGE_ITEM_FLAG, 'N')  = 'N'
        AND nvl(msib.SERVICE_ITEM_FLAG, 'N') = 'N'
        AND nvl(msib.VENDOR_WARRANTY_FLAG, 'N') = 'N';
Line: 264

              Select count(*) INTO l_temp
                from mtl_material_transactions mmt
                where transaction_source_type_id = 2
                AND transaction_type_id = 52
                AND transaction_action_id = 28
                and inventory_item_id = recs.inventory_item_id
                AND transaction_quantity > 0
                AND creation_date <= l_source_to_date
                AND creation_date > l_last_computation_date
                AND organization_id = recs.organization_id;
Line: 312

        SELECT *
        FROM mtl_system_items_b msib
        WHERE  wms_deploy.get_client_code(msib.inventory_item_id) = p_client_code
        AND nvl(msib.USAGE_ITEM_FLAG, 'N')  = 'N'
        AND nvl(msib.SERVICE_ITEM_FLAG, 'N') = 'N'
        AND nvl(msib.VENDOR_WARRANTY_FLAG, 'N') = 'N';
Line: 322

        Select rt.quantity quantity, NVL(rt.uom_code, get_item_uom_code(rt.unit_of_measure)) from_uom_code , rsl.item_id
        from rcv_transactions rt, rcv_shipment_lines rsl
        WHERE rsl.shipment_line_id = rt.shipment_line_id
        and rt.shipment_header_id = rt.shipment_header_id
        AND rsl.item_id = p_inventory_item_id
        AND rt.creation_date <= p_source_to_date
        AND rt.creation_date > p_last_computation_Date
        AND rt.transaction_type = 'RECEIVE'
        AND rt.organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 392

                      SELECT inv_convert.inv_um_convert(items.item_id,items.from_uom_code,l_billing_uom)
                      INTO l_conversion
                      FROM dual;
Line: 446

        SELECT * FROM mtl_system_items_b msib
        WHERE  wms_deploy.get_client_code(msib.inventory_item_id) = p_client_code
        and nvl(msib.USAGE_ITEM_FLAG, 'N')  = 'N'
        AND nvl(msib.SERVICE_ITEM_FLAG, 'N') = 'N'
        AND nvl(msib.VENDOR_WARRANTY_FLAG, 'N') = 'N';
Line: 489

                Select count(*) INTO l_temp
                from rcv_transactions rt, rcv_shipment_lines rsl
                WHERE rsl.shipment_line_id = rt.shipment_line_id
                and rt.shipment_header_id = rt.shipment_header_id
                AND rsl.item_id = recs.inventory_item_id
                AND rt.creation_date <= l_source_to_date
                AND rt.creation_date > l_last_computation_Date
                AND rt.transaction_type = 'DELIVER'
                AND rt.organization_id = recs.organization_id;
Line: 535

        SELECT Trunc(greatest(last_receipt_date, Nvl(last_invoiced_date, last_receipt_date))) greater_date
        , locator_id, client_code, organization_id, Trunc(transaction_date) txn_date, transaction_action_id ,
        transaction_quantity , current_onhand, Trunc(last_receipt_date) last_rcpt_date,
        number_of_days, Trunc(last_invoiced_date) last_inv_date
        from mtl_3pl_locator_occupancy inv
        WHERE  client_code = p_client_code
        and organization_id in (select organization_id from org_organization_definitions
        where operating_unit = p_operating_unit_id)
        and  (( nvl(last_invoiced_date, p_source_to_date) <= p_source_to_date )
              AND ( transaction_date <= p_source_to_date ) )
        order by organization_id, locator_id;
Line: 617

                    SELECT 'Y'
                    INTO l_lock_record
                    FROM mtl_3pl_locator_occupancy
                    WHERE locator_id = locator_occupancy_rec.locator_id
                    AND organization_id = locator_occupancy_rec.organization_id
                    AND client_code = locator_occupancy_rec.client_code
                    FOR UPDATE NOWAIT;
Line: 625

                    UPDATE mtl_3pl_locator_occupancy
                    SET number_of_days = l_new_number_of_days,
                        last_invoiced_date = l_invoice_date,
                        request_id= l_reqstid,
                        program_application_id = l_reqstid,
                        program_id = l_progid,
                        program_update_date  = SYSDATE
                    WHERE locator_id = locator_occupancy_rec.locator_id
                    AND organization_id = locator_occupancy_rec.organization_id
                    AND client_code = locator_occupancy_rec.client_code;
Line: 637

                    debug(' : Reset Number of days counter, rows updated -> '||sql%rowcount);
Line: 678

        SELECT Trunc(greatest(last_receipt_date, Nvl(last_invoiced_date, last_receipt_date))) greater_date
        , locator_id, client_code, organization_id, Trunc(transaction_date) txn_date, transaction_action_id ,
        transaction_quantity , current_onhand, Trunc(last_receipt_date) last_rcpt_date,
        number_of_days, Trunc(last_invoiced_date) last_inv_date
        from mtl_3pl_locator_occupancy inv
        WHERE  client_code = p_client_code
        and organization_id in (select organization_id from org_organization_definitions
        where operating_unit = p_operating_unit_id)
        and  (( nvl(last_invoiced_date, p_source_to_date) <= p_source_to_date )
              AND ( transaction_date <= p_source_to_date ) )
        order by organization_id, locator_id;
Line: 809

                    SELECT 'Y'
                    INTO l_lock_record
                    FROM mtl_3pl_locator_occupancy
                    WHERE locator_id = locator_occupancy_rec.locator_id
                    AND organization_id = locator_occupancy_rec.organization_id
                    AND client_code = locator_occupancy_rec.client_code
                    FOR UPDATE NOWAIT;
Line: 817

                    UPDATE mtl_3pl_locator_occupancy
                    SET number_of_days = l_new_number_of_days,
                        last_invoiced_date = l_invoice_date,
                        request_id= l_reqstid,
                        program_application_id = l_reqstid,
                        program_id = l_progid,
                        program_update_date  = SYSDATE
                    WHERE locator_id = locator_occupancy_rec.locator_id
                    AND organization_id = locator_occupancy_rec.organization_id
                    AND client_code = locator_occupancy_rec.client_code;
Line: 829

                    debug(' : Reset Number of days counter, rows updated -> '||sql%rowcount);
Line: 869

        SELECT Trunc(greatest(last_receipt_date, Nvl(last_invoiced_date, last_receipt_date))) greater_date
        , locator_id, client_code, organization_id, Trunc(transaction_date) txn_date, transaction_action_id ,
        transaction_quantity , current_onhand, Trunc(last_receipt_date) last_rcpt_date,
        number_of_days, Trunc(last_invoiced_date) last_inv_date
        from mtl_3pl_locator_occupancy inv
        WHERE  client_code = p_client_code
        and organization_id in (select organization_id from org_organization_definitions
        where operating_unit = p_operating_unit_id)
        and  (( nvl(last_invoiced_date, p_source_to_date) <= p_source_to_date )
              AND ( transaction_date <= p_source_to_date ) )
        order by organization_id, locator_id;
Line: 987

                    SELECT 'Y'
                    INTO l_lock_record
                    FROM mtl_3pl_locator_occupancy
                    WHERE locator_id = locator_occupancy_rec.locator_id
                    AND organization_id = locator_occupancy_rec.organization_id
                    AND client_code = locator_occupancy_rec.client_code
                    FOR UPDATE NOWAIT;
Line: 995

                    UPDATE mtl_3pl_locator_occupancy
                    SET number_of_days = l_new_number_of_days,
                        last_invoiced_date = l_invoice_date,
                        request_id= l_reqstid,
                        program_application_id = l_reqstid,
                        program_id = l_progid,
                        program_update_date  = SYSDATE
                    WHERE locator_id = locator_occupancy_rec.locator_id
                    AND organization_id = locator_occupancy_rec.organization_id
                    AND client_code = locator_occupancy_rec.client_code;
Line: 1007

                    debug(' : Reset Number of days counter, rows updated -> '||sql%rowcount);
Line: 1077

          SELECT inv_convert.inv_um_convert(0,x_volume_uom_code,p_billing_uom)
          INTO l_conversion
          FROM dual;
Line: 1110

        Select width , length
        into x_width , x_length
        from mtl_item_locations
        where inventory_location_id = p_inventory_location_id
        and organization_id = p_organization_id;