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1 package body ben_profile_handler as
2 /* $Header: benprhnd.pkb 120.0.12020000.2 2012/11/15 11:38:58 amnaraya ship $ */
3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 /*
5 +==============================================================================+
6 |			Copyright (c) 1997 Oracle Corporation		       |
7 |			   Redwood Shores, California, USA		       |
8 |			        All rights reserved.			       |
9 +==============================================================================+
11 Name
12 	Profile Handler
13 Purpose
14 	This package is used to handle setting of profile flags based on
15         data changes that have occurred on child component tables.
16 History
17         Date             Who        Version    What?
18         ----             ---        -------    -----
19         07-OCT-1999      GPERRY     115.0      Created.
20         18-NOV-1999      GPERRY     115.1      Created.
21         05-MAY-2003      STEE       115.3      Change dynamic sql to use
22                                                bind variables. Bug 2939392.
23        04-Feb-2004      vvprabhu    115.4      Bug 3431740 Parameter p_oracle_schema added
24                                                to cursor cc_chk_table_exists in
25                                                event_handler,
26                                                the value is got by the
27        				               call to fnd_installation.get_app_info
28        15-Feb-2004      vvprabhu   115.8       Initialized l_application_short_name to BEN
29        15-Nov-2012      amnaraya   120.0.12020000.1 Bug 15876152: Changed all_tab_columns
30                                    reference to dba_tab_columns using synonyms
32 */
33 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
34 g_package varchar2(80) := 'ben_profile_handler.';
35 --
36 procedure event_handler
37   (p_event                       in  varchar2,
38    p_base_table                  in  varchar2,
39    p_base_table_column           in  varchar2,
40    p_base_table_column_value     in  number,
41    p_base_table_reference_column in  varchar2,
42    p_reference_table             in  varchar2,
43    p_reference_table_column      in  varchar2) is
44   --
45   l_proc        varchar2(80) := g_package||'event_handler';
46   l_event       varchar2(80) := upper(p_event);
47   l_dynamic_sql varchar2(32000);
48   l_rows        number;
49   l_status			varchar2(1);
50   l_industry			varchar2(1);
51   l_application_short_name	varchar2(30) := 'BEN';
52   l_oracle_schema		varchar2(30);
53   l_return                    boolean;
54   --
55   --Bug 15876152: Changed the cursor select statement
56   cursor c_chk_table_exists(p_table         in varchar2
57                            ,p_column        in varchar2
58                            ,p_oracle_schema in varchar2
59                            ) is
60     select 1
61     from all_tab_columns tab,
62 	 user_synonyms syn
63     where syn.synonym_name = p_table
64     and tab.owner      =  syn.table_owner
65     and tab.table_name = syn.table_name
66     and tab.column_name = p_column
67     and tab.owner = upper(p_oracle_schema);
68   --
69 begin
70   --
71   hr_utility.set_location('Entering '||l_proc,10);
72   --
73   -- Debugging parameters
74   --
75   --hr_utility.set_location('Event '||
76   --                         p_event,10);
77   --hr_utility.set_location('Base Table '||
78   --                         p_base_table,10);
79   --hr_utility.set_location('Base Table Column '||
80   --                         p_base_table_column,10);
81   --hr_utility.set_location('Base Table Column Value '||
82   --                         p_base_table_column_value,10);
83   --hr_utility.set_location('Base Table Reference Column '||
84   --                         p_base_table_reference_column,10);
85   --hr_utility.set_location('Reference Table '||
86   --                         p_reference_table,10);
87   --hr_utility.set_location('Reference Table Column '||
88   --                         p_reference_table_column,10);
89   --
90   -- Parameter validation
91   --
92   hr_api.mandatory_arg_error(p_api_name       => l_proc,
93                              p_argument       => 'event',
94                              p_argument_value => p_event);
95   --
96   hr_api.mandatory_arg_error(p_api_name       => l_proc,
97                              p_argument       => 'base_table',
98                              p_argument_value => p_base_table);
99   --
100   hr_api.mandatory_arg_error(p_api_name       => l_proc,
101                              p_argument       => 'base_table_column',
102                              p_argument_value => p_base_table_column);
103   --
104   hr_api.mandatory_arg_error(p_api_name       => l_proc,
105                              p_argument       => 'base_table_column_value',
106                              p_argument_value => p_base_table_column_value);
107   --
108   hr_api.mandatory_arg_error(p_api_name       => l_proc,
109                              p_argument       => 'base_table_reference_column',
110                              p_argument_value => p_base_table_reference_column);
111   --
112   hr_api.mandatory_arg_error(p_api_name       => l_proc,
113                              p_argument       => 'reference_table',
114                              p_argument_value => p_reference_table);
115   --
116   hr_api.mandatory_arg_error(p_api_name       => l_proc,
117                              p_argument       => 'reference_table_column',
118                              p_argument_value => p_reference_table_column);
119   --
120   -- Check operation is valid
121   --
122   if l_event not in ('CREATE','DELETE','UPGRADE') then
123     --
124     fnd_message.set_name('BEN','BEN_92466_EVENT_HANDLER');
125     fnd_message.raise_error;
126     --
127   end if;
128   --
129   --  Check for reference table existence.
130   --
131   -- Bug 3431740 Parameter l_oracle_schema added to cursor c_chk_table_exists, the value is got
132   -- by the  following call
133   l_return := fnd_installation.get_app_info(application_short_name => l_application_short_name,
134               		                    status                 => l_status,
135                           	            industry               => l_industry,
136                                 	    oracle_schema          => l_oracle_schema);
137   --
138   open c_chk_table_exists(p_reference_table
139                          ,p_reference_table_column,l_oracle_schema);
140   if c_chk_table_exists%notfound then
141     close c_chk_table_exists;
142     fnd_message.set_name('BEN','BEN_93388_NO_TAB_COL');
143     fnd_message.raise_error;
144   else
145     close c_chk_table_exists;
146   end if;
147   --
148   --  Check for base table existence.
149   --
150   open c_chk_table_exists(p_base_table
151                          ,p_base_table_column,l_oracle_schema);
152   if c_chk_table_exists%notfound then
153     close c_chk_table_exists;
154     fnd_message.set_name('BEN','BEN_93388_NO_TAB_COL');
155     fnd_message.raise_error;
156   else
157     close c_chk_table_exists;
158   end if;
160   --
161   -- Rules
162   -- =====
163   -- The rules are as follows :
164   -- For create we update the flag if the query returns one row as thats the
165   -- one we have inserted. If the query returns more than one row then we don't
166   -- care we assume the update has happened already.
167   -- For delete we update the flag if the query returns zero rows as that means
168   -- the only existing row was the one we deleted. If the query returns more
169   -- than one row then we assume the update has already happened.
170   -- For upgrade we assume that the database could be in the incorrect state
171   -- thus we check and update whatever the result.
172   --
173   -- The SQL will look as follows :
174   -- select count(*)
175   -- from   :reference_table
176   -- where  :reference_table_column = :base_table_column_value
177   --
178   -- If this is succesful then depending on the mode the following will happen
179   --
180   -- update :base_table
181   -- set :base_table_column = :required_value
182   --
183   -- :required_value is set per the rules. If no rows exist then the flag is
184   -- set to N. if rows exist then the flag is set to Y.
185   --
186   l_dynamic_sql := 'select count(*)
187                     from   '||p_reference_table||' '||
188                    'where  '||p_reference_table_column||' = :1';
189   --
190   execute immediate l_dynamic_sql  into l_rows using p_base_table_column_value;
191   --
192   -- Test for flag updates and if so update them
193   --
194   if l_event = 'CREATE' and
195     l_rows = 1 then
196     --
197     l_dynamic_sql := 'update '||p_base_table||' '||
198                      'set    '||p_base_table_reference_column||' = :1
199                       where  '||p_base_table_column||' = :2';
200     --
201     execute immediate l_dynamic_sql using 'Y',p_base_table_column_value;
202     --
203   elsif l_event = 'DELETE' and
204     l_rows = 0 then
205     --
206     l_dynamic_sql := 'update '||p_base_table||' '||
207                      'set    '||p_base_table_reference_column||' = :1
208                       where  '||p_base_table_column||' = :2';
209     --
210     execute immediate l_dynamic_sql using 'N', p_base_table_column_value;
211     --
212   elsif l_event = 'UPGRADE' and
213     l_rows >= 1 then
214     --
215     l_dynamic_sql := 'update '||p_base_table||' '||
216                      'set    '||p_base_table_reference_column||' = :1
217                       where  '||p_base_table_column||' = :2';
218     --
219     execute immediate l_dynamic_sql using 'Y', p_base_table_column_value;
220     --
221   elsif l_event = 'UPGRADE' and
222     l_rows = 0 then
223     --
224     l_dynamic_sql := 'update '||p_base_table||' '||
225                      'set    '||p_base_table_reference_column||' = :1
226                       where  '||p_base_table_column||' = :2';
227     --
228     execute immediate l_dynamic_sql using 'N', p_base_table_column_value;
229     --
230   end if;
231   --
232   hr_utility.set_location('Leaving '||l_proc,10);
233   --
234 end event_handler;
235 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
236 end ben_profile_handler;