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Line 53: from sys.dual

50: /* Commented for bug 2744993
51: cursor amt_over is
52: select 1
53: from sys.dual
54: where not exists
55: (select 1
56: from pa_agreements_all a,
57: pa_summary_project_fundings f

Line 71: from sys.dual

67: and a.revenue_limit_flag = 'Y');
68: */
69: cursor amt_over is
70: select 1
71: from sys.dual
72: where not exists
73: (select 1
74: from pa_agreements_all a,
75: pa_summary_project_fundings f

Line 156: select 1 from dual where not exists

153: /* Code for Bug#2303396 */
155: cursor agreements is
156: select 1 from dual where not exists
157: (
158: select PPC.customer_id from pa_project_customers PPC
159: where PPC.project_id= x_project_id
160: and PPC.customer_bill_split > 0 /* Added for Bug2453912 */

Line 1112: from dual;

1108: x_err_stage := 'Get next agreement id.';
1110: select pa_agreements_s.nextval
1111: into x_agreement_id
1112: from dual;
1114: -- dbms_output.put_line('x_agreement_id = '||to_char(x_agreement_id));
1115: x_err_stage := 'Insert into pa_agreements.';

Line 1792: from dual

1788: BEGIN
1790: BEGIN
1791: select 'Y' into l_fund_exists
1792: from dual
1793: where exists(select null
1794: from pa_summary_project_fundings spf
1795: where spf.project_id = x_project_id);

Line 1834: from dual

1831: begin
1832: Select 'N'
1833: Into l_Exist_Flag
1834: from dual
1835: where exists ( select null
1836: From PA_Project_Fundings
1837: Where Project_ID = P_Project_ID
1838: and budget_type_code = 'DRAFT');

Line 1897: from dual

1893: begin
1894: -- Case 1 : If it has any project level unbaselined funding
1895: Select 'N'
1896: Into l_Exist_Flag
1897: from dual
1898: where exists ( select null
1899: From PA_Project_Fundings
1900: Where Project_ID = P_Project_ID
1901: and Task_ID IS NULL

Line 1976: From dual

1972: sum(Total_Accrued_Amount) > 0 ); --Added for Bug3729634 */
1973: /* commented above and added below for bug 8683074 */
1974: Select 'N'
1975: Into l_Exist_Flag
1976: From dual
1977: Where exists
1978: ( select 1 from pa_draft_revenue_items
1979: where project_id = P_Project_ID
1980: group by nvl(task_id,-99)

Line 2009: from dual

2006: begin
2007: Select 'N'
2008: Into l_Exist_Flag
2009: from dual
2010: where exists ( select null
2011: From PA_Project_Fundings
2012: Where Project_ID = P_Project_ID
2013: AND Task_ID = P_Task_ID

Line 2046: from dual

2042: /* Fix for bug 7437739 starts here*/
2043: begin
2044: select 'N'
2045: into l_Exist_Flag
2046: from dual
2047: where exists (select 1
2048: from pa_expenditure_items_all ei, pa_tasks pt
2049: where ei.task_id = pt.task_id
2050: and pt.top_task_id = P_Task_ID

Line 2065: from dual where exists (select 1

2061: begin
2063: select 'N'
2064: into l_Exist_Flag
2065: from dual where exists (select 1
2066: from pa_expenditure_items_all ei, pa_tasks pt
2067: where ei.task_id = pt.task_id
2068: and pt.top_task_id = P_Task_ID
2069: and pt.project_id = P_Project_ID