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Line 62: | is on ar_misc_cash_distributions not |

58: | 26-SEP-02 RKADER Bug #2561342: The GL date should not be |
59: | updated for the history record while a Misc |
60: | receipt is updated
61: | 14-OCT-04 JBECKETT Bug 3911642: Check for unposted entries |
62: | is on ar_misc_cash_distributions not |
63: | ar_cash_receipt_history as rows from the |
64: | former are deleted/recreated. |
65: | 20-MAY-05 JBECKETT Added p_legal_entity_id for R12 LE uptake |
66: | 14-OCT-11 Jianchao Chi Bug fix 7422644: Add the logic to store the |

Line 477: ar_misc_cash_distributions as it is this accounting that is deleted/

473: p_gl_tax_acct);
475: -- Check if Misc Receipt has been posted before calling accounting entry library
476: /* Bug 3911642 - check for unposted rows should be in
477: ar_misc_cash_distributions as it is this accounting that is deleted/
478: recreated. */
479: SELECT count(*)
480: INTO l_unposted_count
481: FROM ar_misc_cash_distributions

Line 481: FROM ar_misc_cash_distributions

477: ar_misc_cash_distributions as it is this accounting that is deleted/
478: recreated. */
479: SELECT count(*)
480: INTO l_unposted_count
481: FROM ar_misc_cash_distributions
482: WHERE cash_receipt_id = p_cash_receipt_id
483: AND posting_control_id = -3
484: AND reversal_gl_date IS NULL;