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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 135

    SELECT acn.correlation, acn.acn_type, cnh.name,cnh.id, cnh.dnz_chr_id,
           cnh.cnh_variance, cnh.before_after,
           nvl(cnh.last_rundate,sysdate-1) last_rundate,
    FROM okc_condition_headers_v cnh, okc_actions_v acn
    WHERE cnh.acn_id = acn.id
    AND acn.acn_type = 'DBA'
    AND condition_valid_yn = 'Y'
    AND template_yn = 'N'
    AND sysdate between date_active and nvl(date_inactive,sysdate)
    ORDER BY cnh.name;
Line: 215

                                OKC_CONDITIONS_PUB.update_cond_hdrs(p_api_version => 1,
                                                    p_init_msg_list => okc_api.g_false,
                                                    x_return_status => l_return_status,
                                                    x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
                                                    x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
                                                    p_cnhv_rec  => l_cnhv_rec,
                                                    x_cnhv_rec  => i_cnhv_rec);
Line: 227

                                        END IF; -- Update the Last Run date
Line: 268

                                OKC_CONDITIONS_PUB.update_cond_hdrs(p_api_version => 1,
                                                    p_init_msg_list => okc_api.g_false,
                                                    x_return_status => l_return_status,
                                                    x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
                                                    x_msg_data  => x_msg_data,
                                                    p_cnhv_rec  => l_cnhv_rec,
                                                    x_cnhv_rec  => i_cnhv_rec);
Line: 280

                                        END IF; -- Update the Last Run date