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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 7

       select quote_header_id
       from   IBE_ACTIVE_QUOTES
       where party_id        = c_party_id
       and   cust_account_id = c_cust_account_id
       and   record_type     = 'CART';
Line: 17

       select quote_name
       from   aso_quote_headers_all
       where  party_id = c_party_id
       and    cust_account_id = c_cust_account_id
       and    quote_header_id = c_q_hdr_id;
Line: 25

       select customer_id
       from FND_USER
       where user_id = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID;
Line: 38

  select quote_sharee_id,quote_header_id,party_id, cust_account_id
  from   ibe_sh_quote_access
  where  quote_sharee_number = c_retrieval_num ;
Line: 43

  select cust_account_id, party_type
  from aso_quote_headers_all a, hz_parties p
  where a.party_id = p.party_id
  and quote_header_id = c_quote_header_id;
Line: 75

            p_QUOTE_SHAREE_ID => l_recip_id
           ,p_party_id        => p_party_id
           ,p_cust_account_id => p_cust_account_id);
Line: 108

    P_source_last_update_date IN  Date     := FND_API.G_MISS_DATE              ,
    p_minisite_id             IN  NUMBER                                       ,
    p_URL                     IN  VARCHAR2                                     ,
    p_notes                   IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR              ,
    p_api_version             IN  NUMBER   := 1                                ,
    p_init_msg_list           IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_TRUE                   ,
    p_commit                  IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE                  ,
    x_return_status           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2                              ,
    x_msg_count               OUT NOCOPY NUMBER                                ,
    x_msg_data                OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2                              ) is

    L_control_rec      aso_quote_pub.control_rec_type;
Line: 123

    l_last_update_date DATE                    ;
Line: 150

    p_api_version_number  => 1.0
   ,p_init_msg_list       => FND_API.G_FALSE
   ,p_quote_header_rec    => P_Quote_header_rec
   ,p_quote_access_tbl    => p_quote_access_tbl
   ,p_party_id            => P_party_id
   ,p_cust_account_id     => P_cust_account_id
   ,p_retrieval_number    => p_retrieval_number
   ,p_operation_code      => p_saveshare_control_rec.operation_code
   ,x_return_status       => x_return_status
   ,x_msg_count           => x_msg_count
   ,x_msg_data            => x_msg_data)  ;
Line: 187

        x_last_update_date   => l_last_update_date                 ,

        x_return_status      => x_return_status                    ,
        x_msg_count          => x_msg_count                        ,
        x_msg_data           => x_msg_data);
Line: 242

        P_source_last_update_date => P_source_last_update_date,
        P_target_header_rec       => P_Quote_header_rec,
        P_control_rec             => P_saveshare_control_rec.control_rec,
        P_delete_source_cart      => P_saveshare_control_rec.delete_source_cart,
        P_combinesameitem         => P_saveshare_control_rec.combinesameitem,
        P_minisite_id             => p_minisite_id,
        p_api_version             => 1,
        p_init_msg_list           => FND_API.G_FALSE,
        p_commit                  => FND_API.G_FALSE,
        x_return_status           => x_return_status,
        x_msg_count               => x_msg_count,
        x_msg_data                => x_msg_data);
Line: 378

    IF (p_saveshare_control_rec.operation_code = OP_DELETE_CART) THEN
      IF (IBE_UTIL.G_DEBUGON = l_true) THEN
        IBE_UTIL.DEBUG('Save_share_v2:Op_code in p_saveshare_control_rec.operation_code: '||p_saveshare_control_rec.operation_code);
Line: 381

        IBE_UTIL.DEBUG('Save_share_v2:Ready to call IBE_QUOTE_SAVE_PVT.Delete on: '||P_Quote_header_rec.quote_header_id);
Line: 382

        IBE_UTIL.DEBUG('save_share_v2:Expunge flag passed to delete_cart is: '||p_saveshare_control_rec.delete_source_cart);
Line: 383

        IBE_UTIL.DEBUG('save_share_v2:P_Quote_header_rec.last_update_date: '||P_Quote_header_rec.last_update_date);
Line: 388

           p_api_version_number => p_api_version
           ,p_init_msg_list      => fnd_api.g_false
           ,p_commit             => fnd_api.g_false
           ,x_return_status      => x_return_status
           ,x_msg_count          => x_msg_count
           ,x_msg_data           => x_msg_data
           ,p_quote_header_id    => P_Quote_header_rec.quote_header_id
           ,p_expunge_flag       => FND_API.G_FALSE
           ,p_minisite_id        => p_minisite_id
           ,p_last_update_date   => P_Quote_header_rec.last_update_date
           ,p_Quote_access_tbl   => p_quote_access_tbl
           ,p_notes              => p_notes
           ,p_initiator_party_id => p_party_id
           ,p_initiator_account_id => p_cust_account_id );
Line: 411

          IBE_UTIL.DEBUG('Delete owner cart :Done');
Line: 413

    END IF; --op_code = OP_DELETE_CART
Line: 459

-Handling all possible updates to recipient info from Share Cart Details page in subsequent
updates from "Add/Modify Recipients" - this includes adding recipients, changing recipient
info (access level), and removing recipients.
-"End Working" button from recipient pages
-"Remove" button on the "List of Saved Carts" page for recipients.
-Possibly other api's to do single removes, adds, or updates. */

Procedure save_recipients  (
                           := IBE_QUOTE_SAVESHARE_pvt.G_miss_quote_access_Tbl     ,
    P_Quote_header_id  IN  Number                                          ,
    P_Party_id         IN  Number                := FND_API.G_MISS_NUM     ,
    P_Cust_account_id  IN  Number                := FND_API.G_MISS_NUM     ,
    P_URL              IN  Varchar2              := FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR    ,
    P_minisite_id      IN  Number                := FND_API.G_MISS_NUM     ,
    p_send_notif       IN  Varchar2              := FND_API.G_TRUE         ,
    p_notes            IN  Varchar2              := FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR    ,
    p_api_version      IN  Number                := 1                      ,
    p_init_msg_list    IN  varchar2              := FND_API.G_TRUE         ,
    p_commit           IN  Varchar2              := FND_API.G_FALSE        ,
    x_return_status    OUT NOCOPY Varchar2                                 ,
    x_msg_count        OUT NOCOPY Number                                   ,
    x_msg_data         OUT NOCOPY Varchar2                                 ) is

cursor c_check_recip_row(c_quote_hdr_id    number,
                         c_party_id        number,
                         c_cust_account_id number) is
  select quote_header_id, quote_sharee_id, quote_sharee_number
  from ibe_sh_quote_access
  where party_id        = c_party_id
  and   cust_account_id = c_cust_account_id
  and   quote_header_id = c_quote_hdr_id
  and   nvl(end_date_active, sysdate+1) > sysdate;
Line: 496

  select nvl(update_privilege_type_code, fnd_api.g_miss_char) access_level,
         fnd.customer_id shared_by_party_id
  from  ibe_sh_quote_access ibe, fnd_user fnd
  where ibe.created_by = fnd.user_id
  and (quote_sharee_id    = c_recip_id
      or (quote_header_id = c_quote_header_id
      and party_id        = c_party_id));
Line: 511

  select party_id, cust_account_id
  where quote_header_id = c_quote_id;
Line: 518

  select quote_sharee_id
  from   ibe_sh_quote_access
  where  party_id        = c_party_id
  and    quote_header_id = c_quote_header_id
  and    created_by      = c_created_by;
Line: 542

l_call_insert_handler     VARCHAR2(1) := FND_API.G_FALSE;
Line: 590

	   l_call_insert_handler     := FND_API.G_FALSE;
Line: 663

            quote_hdr in quote_access then use this record, else insert a new record*/
          IF (IBE_UTIL.G_DEBUGON = l_true) THEN
            IBE_UTIL.DEBUG('Save_recipients: Opening c_get_created_recip');
Line: 682

               IBE_UTIL.DEBUG('Record found for the recipient in quote_access table, need to update it');
Line: 685

                      p_quote_sharee_id            => l_quote_access_rec.quote_sharee_id
                     ,p_quote_header_id            => p_quote_header_id
                     ,p_party_id                   => p_quote_access_tbl(counter).party_id
                     ,p_cust_account_id            => p_quote_access_tbl(counter).cust_account_id
                     ,p_update_privilege_type_code => p_quote_access_tbl(counter).update_privilege_type_code
                     ,p_contact_point_id           => p_quote_access_tbl(counter).contact_point_id
                     ,p_start_date_active          => sysdate
                     ,p_end_date_active            => null);
Line: 695

               IBE_UTIL.DEBUG('Finsihed calling update handler of quote_access table');
Line: 709

            select IBE_SH_QUOTE_ACCESS_s1.nextval into l_quote_recip_id
            from dual;
Line: 745

            l_call_insert_handler :=  FND_API.G_TRUE;
Line: 782

          IF (l_call_insert_handler = FND_API.G_TRUE) THEN
            IF (IBE_UTIL.G_DEBUGON = l_true) THEN
               IBE_UTIL.DEBUG('calling ins handler ');
Line: 787

                  p_quote_sharee_id            => l_quote_recip_id,
                  p_quote_header_id            => p_quote_header_id,
                  p_quote_sharee_number		   => l_quote_access_rec.quote_sharee_number,
                  p_update_privilege_type_code => p_quote_access_tbl(counter).update_privilege_type_code,
                  p_party_id                   => p_quote_access_tbl(counter).party_id,
                  p_cust_account_id            => p_quote_access_tbl(counter).cust_account_id,
                  p_recipient_name             => p_quote_access_tbl(counter).recipient_name,
                  p_contact_point_id           => l_contact_point_id);
Line: 797

               IBE_UTIL.DEBUG('finished inserting ');
Line: 827

        ELSIF(p_quote_access_tbl(counter).operation_code = 'UPDATE') THEN

          IF (IBE_UTIL.G_DEBUGON = l_true) THEN
             IBE_UTIL.DEBUG('Operation code in quote_access_table is UPDATE');
Line: 832

          IF((l_quote_access_rec.update_privilege_type_code is not null) and
             (l_quote_access_rec.update_privilege_type_code <> FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR) and
             (l_old_access_level <> l_quote_access_rec.update_privilege_type_code)) then
            IF (IBE_UTIL.G_DEBUGON = l_true) THEN
              IBE_UTIL.DEBUG('Calling IBE_SH_QUOTE_ACCESS_PKG.Update_Row to update the recip record');
Line: 840

              p_QUOTE_HEADER_ID               => p_quote_header_id,
              p_quote_sharee_id               => p_quote_access_tbl(counter).quote_sharee_id,
              p_UPDATE_PRIVILEGE_TYPE_CODE    => p_quote_access_tbl(counter).update_privilege_type_code);
Line: 846

               IBE_UTIL.DEBUG('Done IBE_SH_QUOTE_ACCESS_PKG.Update_Row ');
Line: 850

            IF(p_quote_access_tbl(counter).UPDATE_PRIVILEGE_TYPE_CODE = 'R') THEN
              IF (IBE_UTIL.G_DEBUGON = l_true) THEN
                 IBE_UTIL.DEBUG('Update privilege type is downgraded to read-only');
Line: 862

                    IBE_UTIL.DEBUG('Recipient has '||l_quote_present||' shared cart as the active-cart , delete this while downgrading level');
Line: 866

                    IBE_UTIL.DEBUG('Calling delete handler of active_quotes_all table');
Line: 869

                          x_object_version_number => 1,
                          x_quote_header_id       => null,
                          x_party_id              => l_quote_access_rec.party_id       ,
                          x_cust_account_id       => l_quote_access_rec.cust_account_id,
                          X_RECORD_TYPE           => 'CART',
                          X_CURRENCY_CODE         => null,
                          x_last_update_date      => sysdate,
                          x_last_updated_by       => fnd_global.user_id,
                          x_last_update_login     => 1);
Line: 880

                    IBE_UTIL.DEBUG('Done calling Update handler of active_quotes_all table to erase the quote header id' );
Line: 916

              IBE_UTIL.DEBUG('Opcode was update but access level has not changed. Consider generic email');
Line: 925

              l_quote_access_rec.UPDATE_PRIVILEGE_TYPE_CODE := l_old_access_level;
Line: 927

                 IBE_UTIL.DEBUG('l_quote_access_rec.UPDATE_PRIVILEGE_TYPE_CODE '||l_quote_access_rec.UPDATE_PRIVILEGE_TYPE_CODE);
Line: 948

        ELSIF(p_quote_access_tbl(counter).operation_code = 'DELETE') then
        --ELSE --orig functionality was to default to delete, so we've got to keep it that way
--IF(p_quote_access_tbl(counter).operation_code = 'DELETE') THEN  --OPERATION_CODE IS DELETE
          --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Operation code in save recip is delete: Caling delete_recipient');
Line: 953

             IBE_UTIL.DEBUG('Operation code in save recip is delete');
Line: 954

             IBE_UTIL.DEBUG('Calling delete_recipient');
Line: 958

            P_Quote_access_rec  => l_quote_access_rec ,
            p_minisite_id       => p_minisite_id      ,
            p_url               => p_url              ,
            p_notes             => p_notes            ,
            x_return_status     => x_return_status    ,
            x_msg_count         => x_msg_count        ,
            x_msg_data          => x_msg_data         );
Line: 974

             IBE_UTIL.DEBUG('Done calling delete_recipient');
Line: 1090

l_last_update_date            date;
Line: 1107

  select aq.quote_header_id ,aq.party_id
  from ibe_active_quotes aq
  where party_id      = c_party_id
  and cust_account_id = c_cust_account_id
  and record_type     = 'CART';
Line: 1114

  select quote_source_code
  from aso_quote_headers
  where quote_header_id = c_qte_hdr_id;
Line: 1119

  select quote_header_id, quote_name
  from aso_quote_headers
  where quote_header_id = c_qh_id;
Line: 1169

      (p_quote_header_id        => p_quote_header_rec.quote_header_id,
       p_party_id               => p_party_id,
       p_cust_account_id        => p_cust_account_id,
       p_quote_retrieval_number => p_retrieval_number,
       p_validate_user          => FND_API.G_TRUE,
       p_last_update_date       => p_quote_header_rec.last_update_date,
       x_return_status          => x_return_status,
       x_msg_count              => x_msg_count,
       x_msg_data               => x_msg_data);
Line: 1192

    If yes then update the quote_header_id of this record to p_quote_header_rec.quote_header_id(new active_cart hdr_id)
    else insert a record into the active_quotes table*/

    for rec_check_ac_aqa in c_check_ac_aqa( p_party_id,
                                            p_cust_account_id) loop
      l_ac_present  := rec_check_ac_aqa.quote_header_id;
Line: 1248

                  x_last_update_date   => l_last_update_date ,

                  x_return_status      => x_return_status    ,
                  x_msg_count          => x_msg_count        ,
                  x_msg_data           => x_msg_data);
Line: 1278

         IBE_UTIL.DEBUG('IBE_QUOTE_SAVESHARE_V2_PVT.activate_quote:Calling update row hdlr');
Line: 1282

                  X_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER  => 1,
                  x_last_update_date       => sysdate,
                  x_last_updated_by        => fnd_global.user_id,
                  x_last_update_login      => 1,
		        X_RECORD_TYPE            => 'CART',
                  X_CURRENCY_CODE          => null,
                  x_party_id               => p_party_id,
                  x_cust_account_id        => p_cust_account_id,
                  x_quote_header_id        => p_quote_header_rec.quote_header_id);
Line: 1298

         IBE_UTIL.DEBUG('no active carts present for p_party_id hence inserting a new record');
Line: 1301

                X_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER  => 1,
                X_QUOTE_HEADER_ID        => p_quote_header_rec.quote_header_id,
                X_PARTY_ID               => p_party_id,
                X_CUST_ACCOUNT_ID        => p_cust_account_id,
                X_LAST_UPDATE_DATE       => sysdate,
                X_CREATION_DATE          => sysdate,
		      X_RECORD_TYPE            => 'CART',
                X_CURRENCY_CODE          => null,
                X_CREATED_BY             => fnd_global.USER_ID,
                X_LAST_UPDATED_BY        => fnd_global.USER_ID,
                X_LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN      => fnd_global.conc_login_id,
                X_ORG_ID                 => MO_GLOBAL.get_current_org_id());
Line: 1349

                  x_last_update_date   => l_last_update_date         ,

                  x_return_status      => x_return_status            ,
                  x_msg_count          => x_msg_count                ,
                  x_msg_data           => x_msg_data);
Line: 1442

  Select contact_point_id, object_version_number
  From  hz_contact_points
  Where OWNER_TABLE_NAME   = c_owner_table_name
  AND OWNER_TABLE_ID       = c_owner_table_id;
Line: 1498

  SELECT COUNT(contact_point_id)
  INTO l_test
  FROM hz_contact_points
  WHERE owner_table_name = l_contact_points_rec.owner_table_name
    AND owner_table_id   = l_contact_points_rec.owner_table_id;
Line: 1541

          IBE_UTIL.DEBUG('call hz_conteact_point_pub.update_contact_points at'
                      || to_char(sysdate, 'mm/dd/yyyy:hh24:MI:SS'));
Line: 1545

           p_init_msg_list      => FND_API.G_FALSE
          ,p_contact_point_rec => l_contact_points_rec
          ,p_web_rec            => l_web_rec
          ,p_email_rec          => l_email_rec
          ,p_object_version_number   => l_object_version_number
          ,x_return_status      => x_return_status
          ,x_msg_count          => x_msg_count
          ,x_msg_data           => x_msg_data);
Line: 1563

          IBE_UTIL.DEBUG('done hz_conteact_point_pub.update_contact_points at'
                      || to_char(sysdate, 'mm/dd/yyyy:hh24:MI:SS'));
Line: 1636

cursor c_select_recip(c_qte_hdr_id number) is
  select party_id, cust_account_id
  from ibe_sh_quote_access
  where quote_header_id = c_qte_hdr_id
  and nvl(end_date_active, sysdate+1) > sysdate ;
Line: 1642

rec_select_recip  c_select_recip%rowtype;
Line: 1679

           IBE_UTIL.DEBUG('Calling update handler of active_quotes_all table');
Line: 1687

                          X_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER => 1,
                          X_QUOTE_HEADER_ID       => null,
                          X_PARTY_ID              => p_party_id       ,
                          X_CUST_ACCOUNT_ID       => p_cust_account_id,
			           X_RECORD_TYPE           => 'CART',
                          X_CURRENCY_CODE         => null,
                          x_last_update_date      => sysdate,
                          x_last_updated_by       => fnd_global.user_id,
                          x_last_update_login     => 1);
Line: 1698

           IBE_UTIL.DEBUG('Done calling Update handler of active_quotes_all table to erase the quote header id' );
Line: 1755

/*to handle new Active Cart Definition (may be able to use original version w/ updates to handle new
active cart definition)
-Saving active cart and selecting a previously saved cart to append to.
    P_source_quote_header_id  IN Number                             ,
    P_source_last_update_date IN Date                               ,
    P_target_header_rec       IN ASO_QUOTE_PUB.Qte_Header_Rec_Type  ,
    P_control_rec             IN ASO_QUOTE_PUB.control_rec_type
                               := ASO_QUOTE_PUB.G_MISS_Control_Rec  ,
    P_delete_source_cart      IN Varchar2  := FND_API.G_TRUE         ,
    P_combinesameitem         IN Varchar2  := FND_API.G_TRUE         ,
    P_minisite_id             IN Number    := FND_API.G_MISS_NUM     ,
    p_api_version             IN  NUMBER   := 1                      ,
    p_init_msg_list           IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_TRUE         ,
    p_commit                  IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE        ,
    x_return_status           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2                    ,
    x_msg_count               OUT NOCOPY NUMBER                      ,
    x_msg_data                OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2                           ) is

    l_api_name                 CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30)   := 'APPENDQUOTE_V2';
Line: 1787

    l_last_update_date         DATE;
Line: 1819

      (p_quote_header_id  => P_source_quote_header_id,
       p_validate_user    => FND_API.G_TRUE,
       x_return_status    => x_return_status,
       x_msg_count        => x_msg_count,
       x_msg_data         => x_msg_data);
Line: 1891

      ,x_last_update_date  => l_last_update_date
      ,x_return_status     => x_return_status
      ,x_msg_count         => x_msg_count
      ,x_msg_data          => x_msg_data) ;
Line: 1903

       IBE_UTIL.DEBUG('IBE_QUOTE_SAVESHARE_V2_PVT.APPEND_QUOTE: P_delete_source_cart: '||P_delete_source_cart);
Line: 1905

    IF (P_delete_source_cart = FND_API.G_TRUE ) THEN
      IF (IBE_UTIL.G_DEBUGON = l_true) THEN
         IBE_UTIL.DEBUG('IBE_QUOTE_SAVESHARE_V2_PVT.APPEND_QUOTE: P_delete_source_cart is true');
Line: 1909

         p_api_version_number => p_api_version
        ,p_init_msg_list      => FND_API.G_FALSE
        ,p_commit             => FND_API.G_FALSE
        ,x_return_status      => x_return_status
        ,x_msg_count          => x_msg_count
        ,x_msg_data           => x_msg_data
        ,p_quote_header_id    => P_source_quote_header_id
        ,p_expunge_flag       => FND_API.G_FALSE
        ,p_minisite_id        => p_minisite_id
        ,p_last_update_date   => P_source_last_update_date);
Line: 1928

         IBE_UTIL.DEBUG('IBE_QUOTE_SAVESHARE_V2_PVT.APPEND_QUOTE:Delete on source cart done');
Line: 1976

-Other apis where cart becomes "unusable" - submit quote and delete on the shared cart.

Procedure stop_sharing (
    p_quote_header_id  IN  Number                                 ,
    p_delete_context   IN  VARCHAR2 := 'IBE_SC_CART_STOPSHARING'  ,
    P_minisite_id      IN  Number := FND_API.G_MISS_NUM           ,
    p_notes            IN  Varchar2 := FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR        ,
    p_quote_access_tbl IN  IBE_QUOTE_SAVESHARE_pvt.QUOTE_ACCESS_Tbl_Type
                           := IBE_QUOTE_SAVESHARE_pvt.G_miss_quote_access_Tbl,
    p_api_version      IN  NUMBER   := 1                          ,
    p_init_msg_list    IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_TRUE             ,
    p_commit           IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE            ,
    x_return_status    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2                        ,
    x_msg_count        OUT NOCOPY NUMBER                          ,
    x_msg_data         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2                               ) is

    l_api_name         CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30)   := 'STOPSHARING_V2';
Line: 2006

      select quote_sharee_id,
             FND.customer_id shared_by_party_id
           FND_USER FND
      where SH.contact_point_id = HZ.Contact_point_id
      and quote_header_id = c_qte_hdr_id
      and nvl(end_date_active, sysdate+1) > sysdate
      and sh.created_by = fnd.user_id;
Line: 2022

      select quote_sharee_id,
             FND.customer_id shared_by_party_id
           FND_USER FND
      where SH.contact_point_id = HZ.Contact_point_id
      and quote_sharee_id = c_recipient_id
      and nvl(end_date_active, sysdate+1) > sysdate
      and sh.created_by = fnd.user_id;
Line: 2038

      select party_id, cust_account_id
      from aso_quote_headers
      where quote_header_id = c_quote_header_id;
Line: 2174

    IBE_UTIL.DEBUG('STOP_SHARING:calling delete_recipient on the following recipients:');
Line: 2179

       IBE_UTIL.DEBUG('STOP_SHARING:calling delete_recipient');
Line: 2187

            P_Quote_access_rec  => l_quote_access_tbl(i) ,
            p_minisite_id       => p_minisite_id         ,
            p_delete_code       => p_delete_context      ,
            p_notes             => p_notes               ,
            x_return_status     => x_return_status       ,
            x_msg_count         => x_msg_count           ,
            x_msg_data          => x_msg_data            );
Line: 2233

            P_Quote_access_rec  => l_quote_access_tbl_tmp(i) ,
            p_minisite_id       => p_minisite_id         ,
            p_delete_code       => p_delete_context      ,
            p_notes             => FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR   ,
            x_return_status     => x_return_status       ,
            x_msg_count         => x_msg_count           ,
            x_msg_data          => x_msg_data            );
Line: 2328

      SELECT quote_sharee_id, quote_header_id
      WHERE quote_sharee_number = c_retrieval_num
      OR (party_id = c_party_id and cust_account_id = c_cust_account_id)
      AND quote_header_id = c_quote_header_id
      AND nvl(end_date_active, sysdate+1) > sysdate;
Line: 2342

     SELECT party_id,
     FROM ibe_sh_quote_access
     where quote_sharee_id = c_recipient_id;
Line: 2408

        P_Quote_access_rec  => l_quote_access_rec ,
        p_minisite_id       => p_minisite_id      ,
        p_delete_code       => 'END_WORKING'      ,
        p_url               => p_url              ,
        p_notes             => p_notes            ,
        x_return_status     => x_return_status    ,
        x_msg_count         => x_msg_count        ,
        x_msg_data          => x_msg_data         );
Line: 2433

        l_quote_access_rec_recip.update_privilege_type_code := rec_get_recipient_party.update_privilege_type_code;
Line: 2512

/*updates all recipients' access levels to readonly
-Status changes from "cart" to"quote" - request sales assistance, contract cart
Procedure share_readonly  (
    p_quote_header_id  IN  Number                      ,
    P_minisite_id      IN  Number := FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
    p_url              IN  Varchar2 := FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
    p_api_version      IN  NUMBER   := 1               ,
    p_init_msg_list    IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_TRUE  ,
    p_commit           IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE ,
    x_return_status    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2             ,
    x_msg_count        OUT NOCOPY NUMBER               ,
    x_msg_data         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2             ) is

  l_api_name         CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30)   := 'SHAREREADONLY_V2';
Line: 2536

    select quote_sharee_id,
    where quote_header_id = c_qte_hdr_id
    and nvl(end_date_active,sysdate+1) > sysdate;
Line: 2593

      l_quote_access_tbl(tbl_counter).update_privilege_type_code := 'R';
Line: 2597

      l_quote_access_tbl(tbl_counter).operation_code             := 'UPDATE';
Line: 2607

     IBE_UTIL.DEBUG('Calling save_recipients to update recipient access level');
Line: 2622

     IBE_UTIL.DEBUG('Done calling save_recipients to update recipient access level');
Line: 2663

/*To delete a recipient (a sort of wrapper around the "raw" delete table hander)
-To remove a recipient from the list of persons to whom a cart is shared.
-All deletes for a recipient should be done using this api.
-As of IBE.P - p_quote_access_rec must have the shared_by_party_id set
                            := IBE_QUOTE_SAVESHARE_pvt.G_MISS_QUOTE_ACCESS_REC ,
    P_minisite_id       IN  NUMBER                                             ,
    p_delete_code       IN  VARCHAR2 := 'IBE_SC_CART_STOPSHARING'            ,
    p_url               IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR                    ,
    p_notes             IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR                    ,
    p_api_version       IN  NUMBER   := 1                                      ,
    p_init_msg_list     IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_TRUE                         ,
    p_commit            IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE                        ,
    x_return_status     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2                                    ,
    x_msg_count         OUT NOCOPY NUMBER                                      ,
    x_msg_data          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2                                    ) is

    l_api_name         CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30)   := 'DELETERECIPIENT_V2';
Line: 2696

       select a.quote_header_id, a.party_id ,a.cust_account_id
       from   IBE_ACTIVE_QUOTES a, ibe_sh_quote_access b
       where a.party_id = b.party_id
       and a.cust_account_id = b.cust_account_id
       and b.quote_sharee_id = P_Quote_access_rec.quote_sharee_id
       and nvl(b.end_date_active, sysdate+1) > sysdate
       and a.quote_header_id = p_quote_access_rec.quote_header_id
       and record_type= 'CART';
Line: 2706

      select party_id, cust_account_id
      where quote_header_id = c_quote_id;
Line: 2711

      select QUOTE_ACCESS.party_id, CNTCT_POINTS.contact_point_id, CNTCT_POINTS.object_version_number
      from  hz_contact_points CNTCT_POINTS, ibe_sh_quote_access QUOTE_ACCESS
      where CNTCT_POINTS.contact_point_id  = QUOTE_ACCESS.contact_point_id
        and quote_sharee_id = c_quote_sharee_id;
Line: 2719

    l_delete_context     VARCHAR2(2000);
Line: 2724

Line: 2745

Line: 2750

Line: 2751

       IBE_UTIL.DEBUG('Calling update row handler to deactivate the cart');
Line: 2755

           X_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER => 1                                   ,
           X_QUOTE_HEADER_ID       => null                                ,
           X_PARTY_ID              => rec_find_active_cart.party_id       ,
           X_CUST_ACCOUNT_ID       => rec_find_active_cart.cust_account_id,
           X_RECORD_TYPE           => 'CART'                             ,
           X_CURRENCY_CODE         => null                                ,
           x_last_update_date      => sysdate                             ,
           x_last_updated_by       => fnd_global.user_id                  ,
           x_last_update_login     => 1);
Line: 2766

       IBE_UTIL.DEBUG('Done calling update row handler to deactivate the cart');
Line: 2772

     IBE_UTIL.DEBUG('Calling Update row handler on sh_quote_access table to end-date recipient row');
Line: 2783

        			p_init_msg_list	     	=>  FND_API.G_FALSE,
				    p_contact_point_rec  	=>  l_contact_point_rec,
				    p_object_version_number =>  l_object_version_number,
				    x_return_status		    =>  x_return_status,
				    x_msg_count		        =>  x_msg_count,
     				x_msg_data		        =>  x_msg_data);
Line: 2796

                     p_quote_sharee_id   => P_Quote_access_rec.quote_sharee_id
                     ,p_end_date_active  => sysdate);
Line: 2800

    IBE_UTIL.DEBUG('Done calling Update row handler on sh_quote_access table to end-date recipient row');
Line: 2803

Line: 2804

    IBE_UTIL.DEBUG('delete_code is: '||p_delete_code);
Line: 2809

    IF (p_delete_code = 'END_WORKING') THEN
      /*obtain the owner party_id and acctid of the cart/quote being dealt with*/
      FOR rec_get_owner_ids in c_get_owner_ids(p_quote_access_rec.quote_header_id) LOOP
        l_owner_partyid := rec_get_owner_ids.party_id;
Line: 2862

         p_context_code     => p_delete_code      ,
         p_shared_by_partyid=> p_quote_access_rec.shared_by_party_id,
         p_notes            => p_notes            ,
         x_return_status    => x_return_status    ,
         x_msg_count        => x_msg_count        ,
         x_msg_data         => x_msg_data         );
Line: 2883

Line: 2889

         IBE_Util.Debug('Expected error in IBE_QUOTE_SAVESHARE_V2_PVT.DELETE_RECIPIENT()');
Line: 2893

Line: 2899

         IBE_Util.Debug('Unexpected error in IBE_QUOTE_SAVESHARE_V2_PVT.DELETE_RECIPIENT()');
Line: 2903

Line: 2913

         IBE_Util.Debug('Unknown error in IBE_QUOTE_SAVESHARE_V2_PVT.DELETE_RECIPIENT()');
Line: 2918

PROCEDURE Validate_share_Update(
 p_api_version_number         IN NUMBER   := 1.0
,p_init_msg_list              IN VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE
,p_quote_header_rec           IN ASO_QUOTE_PUB.Qte_Header_Rec_Type
,p_quote_access_tbl           IN IBE_QUOTE_SAVESHARE_pvt.QUOTE_ACCESS_Tbl_Type
                                := IBE_QUOTE_SAVESHARE_pvt.G_miss_quote_access_Tbl
-- partyid and accountid cannot be gmiss coming in
,p_party_id                   IN NUMBER
,p_cust_account_id            IN NUMBER
,p_retrieval_number           IN NUMBER     := FND_API.G_MISS_NUM
,p_operation_code             IN VARCHAR2
,x_return_status              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
,x_msg_count                  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
,x_msg_data                   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2


l_api_name    CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'Validate_share_Update';
Line: 2938

l_check_updates        VARCHAR2(1)  := FND_API.G_FALSE; -- checks timestamps and if updates are really necessary
Line: 2944

l_db_last_update_date  DATE;
Line: 2951

  select party_id
  where quote_header_id = c_quote_id;
Line: 2958

  select update_privilege_type_code
  from ibe_sh_quote_access
  where quote_sharee_number = c_retrieval_number
  and (party_id is null or party_id = c_party_id)
  and (cust_account_id is null or cust_account_id = c_acct_id);
Line: 2967

  select update_privilege_type_code
  from ibe_sh_quote_access
  where quote_header_id = c_qte_hdr_id
  and party_id = c_party_id
  and cust_account_id = c_account_id
  AND nvl(end_date_active, sysdate+1) > sysdate;
Line: 2978

  select last_update_date, last_updated_by, end_date_active, update_privilege_type_code
  from ibe_sh_quote_access
  where quote_sharee_id = c_recipient_id;
Line: 2987

     IBE_UTIL.DEBUG('Begin validate_share_update : ' || to_char(sysdate, 'mm/dd/yyyy:hh24:MI:SS'));
Line: 3045

        l_access_level := rec_get_role_by_retr_num.update_privilege_type_code;
Line: 3050

        l_access_level := rec_get_role_by_user.update_privilege_type_code;
Line: 3079

      l_check_updates := FND_API.G_TRUE;
Line: 3082

  elsif (p_operation_code in (OP_STOP_SHARING, OP_DELETE_CART)) then
    if ((l_is_owner = FND_API.G_FALSE) and (l_access_level <> 'A')) then
      IF FND_Msg_Pub.Check_Msg_Level (FND_Msg_Pub.G_MSG_LVL_ERROR) THEN
        FND_Message.Set_Name('IBE', 'IBE_SC_ERR_PRIVILEGE');
Line: 3092

    l_check_updates := FND_API.G_TRUE;
Line: 3099

    l_check_updates := FND_API.G_TRUE;
Line: 3101

    l_check_updates := FND_API.G_FALSE; -- no validations to do here that have not already been done
Line: 3106

     IBE_UTIL.DEBUG('l_check_updates is     :'||l_check_updates);
Line: 3110

  if ((l_check_updates = FND_API.G_TRUE) or (l_check_onlynotify = FND_API.G_TRUE)) then
    l_env_user_id := FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID;
Line: 3124

          l_db_quote_access_tbl(i).last_update_date := rec_get_recipient_info.last_update_date;
Line: 3125

          l_db_quote_access_tbl(i).last_updated_by := rec_get_recipient_info.last_updated_by;
Line: 3127

          l_db_quote_access_tbl(i).update_privilege_type_code := rec_get_recipient_info.update_privilege_type_code;
Line: 3132

          IBE_UTIL.DEBUG('input last_update_date  : '||to_char(p_quote_access_tbl(i).last_update_date,'mm/dd/yyyy:hh24:MI:SS'));
Line: 3133

          IBE_UTIL.DEBUG('db    last_update_date  : '||to_char(l_db_quote_access_tbl(i).last_update_date,'mm/dd/yyyy:hh24:MI:SS'));
Line: 3134

          IBE_UTIL.DEBUG('input access_level      : '||p_quote_access_tbl(i).update_privilege_type_code);
Line: 3135

          IBE_UTIL.DEBUG('db    access_level      : '||l_db_quote_access_tbl(i).update_privilege_type_code);
Line: 3140

          if ((p_quote_access_tbl(i).operation_code = 'DELETE')
               or(p_quote_access_tbl(i).operation_code = 'CREATE')
               or ((p_quote_access_tbl(i).operation_code = 'UPDATE')
                   and (p_quote_access_tbl(i).update_privilege_type_code is not null)
                   and (p_quote_access_tbl(i).update_privilege_type_code <> FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR)
                   and (p_quote_access_tbl(i).update_privilege_type_code <> l_db_quote_access_tbl(i).update_privilege_type_code))) then
            IF FND_Msg_Pub.Check_Msg_Level (FND_Msg_Pub.G_MSG_LVL_ERROR) THEN
              FND_Message.Set_Name('IBE', 'IBE_SC_ERR_PRIVILEGE');
Line: 3156

    if (l_check_updates = FND_API.G_TRUE) then
      FOR i in 1..p_quote_access_tbl.count LOOP
        IF (IBE_UTIL.G_DEBUGON = l_true) THEN
          IBE_UTIL.DEBUG('current quote_sharee_id : '||p_quote_access_tbl(i).quote_sharee_id);
Line: 3164

          if ((p_quote_access_tbl(i).last_update_date <> FND_API.G_MISS_DATE) and
              (p_quote_access_tbl(i).last_update_date <> l_db_quote_access_tbl(i).last_update_date)) then
            -- i.e. don't throw exception if we want to end a row and it's already enddated.
            if ((p_quote_access_tbl(i).operation_code = 'DELETE') and (nvl(l_db_quote_access_tbl(i).end_date_active,sysdate-1) < sysdate)) then
              IF (IBE_UTIL.G_DEBUGON = l_true) THEN
                IBE_UTIL.DEBUG('deleteing an end dated row, allowing it to pass through');
Line: 3171

            elsif (l_env_user_id = l_db_quote_access_tbl(i).last_updated_by) then
              IF (IBE_UTIL.G_DEBUGON = l_true) THEN
                IBE_UTIL.DEBUG('timestamps do not match, but user was the last to update the row so allowing it to go through');
Line: 3183

          end if; -- end if last_update_dates dont match
Line: 3186

    end if; -- end if doing check updates
Line: 3187

  end if; -- end check of updates
Line: 3190

    IBE_UTIL.DEBUG('End validate_share_update' || to_char(sysdate, 'mm/dd/yyyy:hh24:MI:SS'));
Line: 3200

     IBE_Util.Debug('End  IBE_Quote_Misc_pvt.validate_share_update: expected error');
Line: 3208

      IBE_Util.Debug('End  IBE_Quote_Misc_pvt.validate_share_update: unexpected error');
Line: 3219

     IBE_Util.Debug('End IBE_Quote_Misc_pvt.validate_share_update: other exception');
Line: 3221

END validate_share_update;