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Line 54: , ben_ler_per_info_cs_ler_f lpl

50: and ( l_status = 'I' or ler.typ_cd in ('COMP','GSP','ABS','CHECKLIST') )
51: and ( (exists
52: (select 1
53: from ben_per_info_chg_cs_ler_f psl
54: , ben_ler_per_info_cs_ler_f lpl
55: where source_table = 'PER_PEOPLE_EXTRA_INFO'
56: and psl.per_info_chg_cs_ler_id = lpl.per_info_chg_cs_ler_id
57: and lpl.business_group_id = psl.business_group_id
58: and lpl.business_group_id = ler.business_group_id

Line 86: , ben_ler_per_info_cs_ler_f lpl

82: , psl.new_val
83: , psl.old_val
84: , 'P', psl.per_info_chg_cs_ler_rl, psl.rule_overrides_flag, lpl.chg_mandatory_cd
85: from ben_per_info_chg_cs_ler_f psl
86: , ben_ler_per_info_cs_ler_f lpl
87: where lpl.ler_id = p_ler_id
88: and lpl.business_group_id = l_business_group_id
89: and lpl.business_group_id = psl.business_group_id
90: and psl.source_column = nvl(p_new.information_type,p_old.information_type)

Line 433: , ben_ler_per_info_cs_ler_f lpl

429: and ( l_status = 'I' or ler.typ_cd in ('COMP','GSP','ABS','CHECKLIST') )
430: and ( (exists
431: (select 1
432: from ben_per_info_chg_cs_ler_f psl
433: , ben_ler_per_info_cs_ler_f lpl
434: where source_table = 'PER_ASSIGNMENT_EXTRA_INFO'
435: and psl.per_info_chg_cs_ler_id = lpl.per_info_chg_cs_ler_id
436: and lpl.business_group_id = psl.business_group_id
437: and lpl.business_group_id = ler.business_group_id

Line 465: , ben_ler_per_info_cs_ler_f lpl

461: , psl.new_val
462: , psl.old_val
463: , 'P', psl.per_info_chg_cs_ler_rl, psl.rule_overrides_flag, lpl.chg_mandatory_cd
464: from ben_per_info_chg_cs_ler_f psl
465: , ben_ler_per_info_cs_ler_f lpl
466: where lpl.ler_id = p_ler_id
467: and lpl.business_group_id = l_business_group_id
468: and lpl.business_group_id = psl.business_group_id
469: and psl.source_column =nvl(p_new.information_type,p_old.information_type)