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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 18

  SELECT COUNT(p.person_id)
  INTO  l_v_hires
  FROM  hr_all_organization_units b,
        per_requisitions          r,
        per_all_vacancies         v,
        per_all_assignments_f     a,
        per_all_people_f          p
  WHERE TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN p.effective_start_date
                          AND p.effective_end_date
/* bug 2033292 */
  AND    TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN a.effective_start_date
            AND a.effective_end_date
/* bug 2033292 */
  AND   p.employee_number IS NOT NULL
  AND   p.person_id        = a.person_id
  AND   a.vacancy_id       = v.vacancy_id
  AND   v.name             = p_vacancy
  AND   v.requisition_id   = r.requisition_id
  AND   r.name             = p_requisition
  AND   b.organization_id  = v.business_group_id
  AND   b.organization_id  = b.business_group_id
  AND   a.assignment_type  = 'E'
  AND   b.name             = p_business_group;
Line: 67

  SELECT COUNT(p.person_id)
  INTO  l_v_offers
  FROM  hr_all_organization_units   b,
        per_assignment_status_types ast,
        per_requisitions            r,
        per_all_vacancies           v,
        per_all_assignments_f       a,
        per_all_people_f            p
  WHERE TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN p.effective_start_date
                       AND p.effective_end_date
/* bug 2033292 */
  AND    TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN a.effective_start_date
            AND a.effective_end_date
/* bug 2033292 */
  AND   p.applicant_number IS NOT NULL
  AND   p.person_id           = a.person_id
  AND   a.assignment_type     = 'A'
  AND   a.assignment_status_type_id =
  AND   ast.per_system_status = 'OFFER'
  AND   a.vacancy_id          = v.vacancy_id
  AND   v.name                = p_vacancy
  AND   v.requisition_id      = r.requisition_id
  AND   r.name                = p_requisition
  AND   b.organization_id     = v.business_group_id
  AND   b.organization_id     = b.business_group_id
  AND   b.name                = p_business_group;
Line: 120

  SELECT COUNT(p.person_id)
  INTO   l_ra_hires
  FROM   hr_all_organization_units  b,
         per_recruitment_activities r,
         per_all_assignments_f      a,
         per_all_people_f           p
  WHERE  TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN p.effective_start_date
                            AND p.effective_end_date
/* bug 2033292 */
  AND    TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN a.effective_start_date
            AND a.effective_end_date
/* bug 2033292 */
  AND    p.employee_number IS NOT NULL
  AND    p.person_id               = a.person_id
  AND    a.recruitment_activity_id = r.recruitment_activity_id
  AND    r.name                    = p_rec_activity
  AND    b.organization_id         = r.business_group_id
  AND    b.organization_id         = b.business_group_id
  AND    a.assignment_type         = 'E'
  AND    b.name                    = p_business_group;
Line: 165

  SELECT COUNT(p.person_id)
  INTO   l_ra_offers
  FROM   hr_all_organization_units   b,
         per_assignment_status_types ast,
         per_recruitment_activities  r,
         per_all_assignments_f       a,
         per_all_people_f            p
  WHERE  TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN p.effective_start_date
                            AND p.effective_end_date
/* bug 2033292 */
  AND    TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN a.effective_start_date
            AND a.effective_end_date
/* bug 2033292 */
  AND    p.applicant_number IS NOT NULL
  AND    p.person_id               = a.person_id
  AND    a.assignment_type         = 'A'
  AND    a.assignment_status_type_id =
  AND    ast.per_system_status     = 'OFFER'
  AND    a.recruitment_activity_id = r.recruitment_activity_id
  AND    r.name                    = p_rec_activity
  AND    b.organization_id         = r.business_group_id
  AND    b.organization_id         = b.business_group_id
  AND    b.name                    = p_business_group;
Line: 216

  SELECT COUNT(p.person_id)
  INTO   l_rav_hires
  FROM   hr_all_organization_units  b,
         per_all_vacancies          v,
         per_recruitment_activities r,
         per_all_assignments_f      a,
         per_all_people_f           p
  WHERE  TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN p.effective_start_date
                            AND p.effective_end_date
/* bug 2033292 */
  AND    TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN a.effective_start_date
            AND a.effective_end_date
/* bug 2033292 */
  AND    p.employee_number IS NOT NULL
  AND    p.person_id               = a.person_id
  AND    a.vacancy_id              = v.vacancy_id
  AND    a.recruitment_activity_id = r.recruitment_activity_id
  AND    v.name                    = p_vacancy
  AND    r.name                    = p_rec_activity
  AND    b.organization_id         = v.business_group_id
  AND    b.organization_id         = r.business_group_id
  AND    b.organization_id         = b.business_group_id
  AND    a.assignment_type         = 'E'
  AND    b.name                    = p_business_group;
Line: 266

  SELECT COUNT(p.person_id)
  INTO   l_rav_offers
  FROM   hr_all_organization_units   b,
         per_assignment_status_types ast,
         per_all_vacancies           v,
         per_recruitment_activities  r,
         per_all_assignments_f       a,
         per_all_people_f            p
  WHERE  TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN p.effective_start_date
                            AND p.effective_end_date
/* bug 2033292 */
  AND    TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN a.effective_start_date
            AND a.effective_end_date
/* bug 2033292 */
  AND    p.applicant_number IS NOT NULL
  AND    p.person_id       = a.person_id
  AND    a.assignment_type = 'A'
  AND    a.assignment_status_type_id =
  AND    ast.per_system_status       = 'OFFER'
  AND    a.recruitment_activity_id   = r.recruitment_activity_id
  AND    a.vacancy_id      = v.vacancy_id
  AND    r.name            = p_rec_activity
  AND    v.name            = p_vacancy
  AND    b.organization_id = r.business_group_id
  AND    b.organization_id = v.business_group_id
  AND    b.organization_id = b.business_group_id
  AND    b.name            = p_business_group;
Line: 322

  SELECT COUNT(person_id)
  INTO l_emp_count
  FROM per_all_assignments_f a
  WHERE TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN a.effective_start_date AND a.effective_end_date
  AND a.assignment_type = 'E'
  AND a.recruitment_activity_id = p_rec_act_id;
Line: 355

  FROM dual
                       AND NVL(p_date_to,SYSDATE);