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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 8

 *               While inserting when we call this function then if 'N'
 *               is returned then proceed else throw an error.
 P_PA_DEBUG_MODE varchar2(1) := NVL(FND_PROFILE.value('PA_DEBUG_MODE'), 'N');
Line: 25

     SELECT 'N'
     INTO l_check_unique_res
     FROM pa_resource_list_members
     WHERE resource_list_id = p_resource_list_id
     AND alias = p_resource_alias
     AND object_type = p_object_type
     AND object_id   = p_object_id
     AND resource_list_member_id <>
Line: 58

  SELECT def.item_master_id
    INTO l_master_organization_id
    FROM pa_resource_classes_b cls,
         pa_plan_res_defaults def
   WHERE cls.resource_class_code = 'MATERIAL_ITEMS'
     AND cls.resource_class_id = def.resource_class_id
     AND def.object_type = 'CLASS';
Line: 79

                SELECT primary_uom_code
                INTO   l_uom
                FROM   mtl_system_items_b items
                WHERE  items.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
                AND    items.organization_id = l_organization_id
                AND    ROWNUM = 1;
Line: 92

                   SELECT primary_uom_code
                   INTO   l_uom
                   FROM   mtl_system_items_b items
                   WHERE  items.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
                   AND    items.organization_id = l_master_organization_id;
Line: 104

                   SELECT 'Y'
                   INTO   l_currency
                   FROM   mtl_units_of_measure meas
                   WHERE  meas.uom_code = l_uom
                   AND    meas.uom_class = 'Currency';
Line: 126

               SELECT unit_of_measure
               INTO l_uom
               FROM pa_expenditure_types et
               WHERE et.expenditure_type = p_expenditure_type
               AND ROWNUM = 1;
Line: 235

        SELECT resource_class_code
        FROM pa_resource_classes_b
        WHERE resource_class_id = p_resource_class_id;
Line: 239

        SELECT res_type_id,res_type_enabled_flag,
        FROM pa_res_formats_b
        WHERE res_format_id = p_res_format_id;
Line: 245

      SELECT res_type_code
        FROM pa_res_types_b
        WHERE res_type_id = p_res_type_id;
Line: 340

   SELECT meaning || ' '
   INTO   g_token
   FROM   pa_lookups
   WHERE  lookup_type = 'PA_PLANNING_RESOURCE'
   AND    lookup_code = 'PLANNING_RESOURCE';
Line: 436

          SELECT resource_class_id
          INTO l_res_class_id
          FROM pa_resource_classes_b
          WHERE resource_class_code = l_res_class_code;
Line: 462

          SELECT 'Y'
          INTO l_res_class_valid
          FROM pa_resource_classes_b
          WHERE resource_class_code = p_resource_class_code
          AND resource_class_id = p_resource_class_id;
Line: 635

      SELECT g_token ||
             decode(l_fin_cat_name, NULL, NULL, '-' || l_fin_cat_name) ||
             decode(l_org_name, NULL, NULL, '-' || l_org_name) ||
             decode(l_supplier_name, NULL, NULL, '-' || l_supplier_name) ||
             decode(l_role_name, NULL, NULL, '-' || l_role_name) ||
             decode(l_inc_by_name, NULL, NULL, '-' || l_inc_by_name)
      INTO   g_token
      FROM   dual;
Line: 729

 * Then Insert into pa_resources
 * followed by insert into pa_resources_txn_attributes

 IF l_res_type = 'NAMED_PERSON' THEN
          SELECT full_name
          INTO   l_person_name
          FROM   per_people_x
          WHERE person_id = l_person_id;
Line: 800

       * Table. This is done by a call to
       * pa_create_resource.Create_Resource procedure.
                (p_resource_name            => l_person_name,
                 p_resource_type_Code       => 'EMPLOYEE',
                 p_description              => l_person_name,
                 p_unit_of_measure          => l_res_uom, --NULL, /*Changed for bug#14337097*/
                 p_rollup_quantity_flag     => l_rollup_qty_flag, --NULL, /*Changed for bug#14337097*/
                 p_track_as_labor_flag      => l_track_as_labor_flag, --NULL, /*Changed for bug#14337097*/
                 p_start_date               => SYSDATE,
                 p_end_date                 => NULL,
                 p_person_id                => l_person_id,
                 p_job_id                   => NULL,
                 p_proj_organization_id     => NULL,
                 p_vendor_id                => NULL,
                 p_expenditure_type         => NULL,
                 p_event_type               => NULL,
                 p_expenditure_category     => NULL,
                 p_revenue_category_code    => NULL,
                 p_non_labor_resource       => NULL,
                 p_system_linkage           => NULL,
                 p_project_role_id          => NULL,
                 p_resource_id              => l_resource_id,
                 p_err_code                 => l_err_code,
                 p_err_stage                => l_err_stage,
                 p_err_stack                => l_err_stack);
Line: 846

 * to to the Insert Into PA_RESOURCE_LIST_MEMBERS.
 * If it is not Unique then we should display an error
 * saying  'Planning resource already exists in this
 * Planning resource list'
 * If its = 'Y' dont insert. If it is = 'N' then insert.
  * Bug         : 3486256
  * Description : This fix has been done to fix the Duplicates issue.
  *               Earlier the NVL for incurred_by_res_flag
  *               used to check for 'B' but while inserting if
  *               the value was Null we were inserting 'N'
  *               Therefore it used to never find the dup record.
  *               We have now added NVL 'N' clause to help solve
  *               the issue.
     Select 'Y'
     Into l_unique_res_list
     From pa_resource_list_members
     Where resource_list_id = p_resource_list_id
     And res_format_id = p_res_format_id
      --Added the below 2 lines to check for the uniqueness
      -- on a list/proj combination.
      -- Removed NVL for performance tuning
     And object_type = nvl(l_object_type,'DUMMY')
     And object_id = nvl(l_object_id,-99)
     -- Added resource class ID for performance
     and resource_class_Id = l_res_class_id
     And nvl(person_id, -99) = nvl(l_person_id, -99)
     And nvl(organization_id, -99) = nvl(l_organization_id, -99)
     And nvl(job_id, -99) = nvl(l_job_id, -99)
     And nvl(vendor_id, -99) = nvl(l_vendor_id, -99)
     -- Team Role Changes.
     --And nvl(PROJECT_ROLE_ID, -99) = nvl(l_role_id, -99)
     And nvl(inventory_item_id, -99) = nvl(l_inventory_item_id, -99)
     And nvl(item_category_id, -99) = nvl(l_item_category_id, -99)
     And nvl(bom_resource_id, -99) = nvl(l_bom_resource_id, -99)
     And nvl(person_type_code, 'DUMMY') = nvl(l_person_type_code, 'DUMMY')
     -- Team Role changes
     And nvl(team_role, 'DUMMY') = nvl(l_team_role, 'DUMMY')
     And nvl(incurred_by_res_flag, 'N') = nvl(l_incur_by_res_flag, 'N')
     And nvl(incur_by_res_class_code, 'DUMMY') =
     And nvl(incur_by_role_id, -99) = nvl(l_incur_by_role_id, -99)
     And nvl(expenditure_type,'DUMMY') = nvl(l_expenditure_type, 'DUMMY') --Verify This
     And nvl(event_type, 'DUMMY') = nvl(l_event_type, 'DUMMY')
     And nvl(non_labor_resource, 'DUMMY') =
                          nvl(l_non_labor_resource, 'DUMMY')
     And nvl(expenditure_category, 'DUMMY')
                         = nvl(l_expenditure_category,'DUMMY')
     And nvl(revenue_category, 'DUMMY') = nvl(l_revenue_category, 'DUMMY');
Line: 921

 * Insert_row procedure.
 * This value is got by call to Validate_Fin_Cat_For_WP
 * Function, which takes in the p_fc_res_type_code
 * and returns a 'Y' or 'N'.
 * ************************************************/
  l_wp_eligible_flag :=
Line: 936

 * Insert Into Pa_resource_list_members
   IF l_res_list_member_id IS NULL THEN
      SELECT pa_resource_list_members_s.NEXTVAL
      INTO l_res_list_member_id
      FROM dual;
Line: 952

    * Call to Pa_Planning_Resource_pkg.insert_row
    * Procedure, which will insert into the
    * pa_resource_list_members table.
   --Added for CBS bug13535688 & 13546557
   /*  l_expenditure_type:=p_expenditure_type;
Line: 961

    pa_debug.write('Create_Planning_Resource: ' || g_module_name,'Calling pa_res_list_members_pkg.insert_row',1);
Line: 964

        (p_resource_list_member_id =>  l_res_list_member_id,
         p_resource_list_id        =>  p_resource_list_id,
         p_resource_id             =>  l_resource_id,
         p_resource_alias          =>  p_resource_alias,
         p_person_id               =>  l_person_id,
         p_job_id                  =>  l_job_id               ,
         p_organization_id         =>  l_organization_id      ,
         p_vendor_id               =>  l_vendor_id            ,
         p_expenditure_type        =>  l_expenditure_type     ,
         p_event_type              =>  l_event_type           ,
         p_non_labor_resource      =>  l_non_labor_resource   ,
         p_expenditure_category    =>  l_expenditure_category ,
         p_revenue_category        =>  l_revenue_category     ,
         p_role_id                 =>  l_role_id              ,
         p_resource_class_id       =>  l_res_class_id    ,
         p_res_class_code          =>  l_res_class_code       ,
         p_res_format_id           =>  p_res_format_id        ,
         p_spread_curve_id         =>  p_spread_curve_id      ,
         p_etc_method_code         =>  p_etc_method_code      ,
         p_mfc_cost_type_id        =>  p_mfc_cost_type_id     ,
         p_res_class_flag          =>  l_res_class_flag       ,
         p_fc_res_type_code        =>  p_fc_res_type_code     ,
         p_inventory_item_id       =>  l_inventory_item_id    ,
         p_item_category_id        =>  l_item_category_id     ,
         p_attribute_category      =>  p_attribute_category   ,
         p_attribute1              =>  p_attribute1           ,
         p_attribute2              =>  p_attribute2           ,
         p_attribute3              =>  p_attribute3           ,
         p_attribute4              =>  p_attribute4           ,
         p_attribute5              =>  p_attribute5           ,
         p_attribute6              =>  p_attribute6           ,
         p_attribute7              =>  p_attribute7           ,
         p_attribute8              =>  p_attribute8           ,
         p_attribute9              =>  p_attribute9           ,
         p_attribute10             =>  p_attribute10          ,
         p_attribute11             =>  p_attribute11          ,
         p_attribute12             =>  p_attribute12          ,
         p_attribute13             =>  p_attribute13          ,
         p_attribute14             =>  p_attribute14          ,
         p_attribute15             =>  p_attribute15          ,
         p_attribute16             =>  p_attribute16          ,
         p_attribute17             =>  p_attribute17          ,
         p_attribute18             =>  p_attribute18          ,
         p_attribute19             =>  p_attribute19          ,
         p_attribute20             =>  p_attribute20          ,
         p_attribute21             =>  p_attribute21          ,
         p_attribute22             =>  p_attribute22          ,
         p_attribute23             =>  p_attribute23          ,
         p_attribute24             =>  p_attribute24          ,
         p_attribute25             =>  p_attribute25          ,
         p_attribute26             =>  p_attribute26          ,
         p_attribute27             =>  p_attribute27          ,
         p_attribute28             =>  p_attribute28          ,
         p_attribute29             =>  p_attribute29          ,
         p_attribute30             =>  p_attribute30          ,
         p_person_type_code        =>  l_person_type_code,
         p_bom_resource_id         =>  l_bom_resource_id,
         p_team_role               =>  l_team_role,
         p_incur_by_res_class_code =>  l_incur_by_res_class_code,
         p_incur_by_role_id        =>  l_incur_by_role_id,
         p_incur_by_res_flag       =>  l_incur_by_res_flag,
         p_object_type             =>  l_object_type,
         p_object_id               =>  l_object_id,
         p_wp_eligible_flag        =>  l_wp_eligible_flag,
         p_unit_of_measure         =>  l_uom,
		 p_expenditure_type_2	   =>	p_expenditure_type_2, --Added for CBS bug13535688 & 13546557
         x_msg_count               =>  x_msg_count,
         x_return_status           =>  x_return_status ,
         x_error_msg_data          =>  x_error_msg_data );
Line: 1036

    pa_debug.write('Create_Planning_Resource: ' || g_module_name,'After calling pa_res_list_members_pkg.insert_row x_return_status '|| x_return_status ,1);
Line: 1037

    pa_debug.write('Create_Planning_Resource: ' || g_module_name,'After calling pa_res_list_members_pkg.insert_row x_error_msg_data '|| x_error_msg_data ,1);
Line: 1051

    * The below select would get the default values for
    * spread curve id, etc method code and mfc cost type id
       SELECT spread_curve_id,
       INTO   l_spread_curve_id,
       FROM   Pa_Plan_Res_Defaults
       WHERE  resource_class_id = l_res_class_id
       AND    object_type = 'CLASS';
Line: 1075

   UPDATE  pa_resource_list_members
   SET  spread_curve_id = DECODE(spread_curve_id,NULL,
                         l_spread_curve_id, spread_curve_id),
        etc_method_code = DECODE(etc_method_code,NULL,
                         l_etc_method_code, etc_method_code)
   WHERE  resource_list_member_id = l_res_list_member_id;
Line: 1083

      SELECT res.res_type_code
      INTO l_res_type_code
      from pa_res_formats_b fmt,pa_res_types_b res
      where fmt.res_type_id = res.res_type_id
      and fmt.res_format_id = p_res_format_id;
Line: 1095

        UPDATE  pa_resource_list_members
        SET  mfc_cost_type_id = DECODE(mfc_cost_type_id,NULL,
            l_mfc_cost_type_id, mfc_cost_type_id)
        WHERE  resource_list_member_id = l_res_list_member_id;
Line: 1100

         UPDATE  pa_resource_list_members
         SET  mfc_cost_type_id = NULL
         WHERE  resource_list_member_id = l_res_list_member_id;
Line: 1109

 * and then we need to update the table pa_resource_list_members
 * with the derived value.
 IF p_resource_alias IS NULL
 * Get_Plan_Res_Combination
     PA_PLANNING_RESOURCE_UTILS. Get_Plan_Res_Combination(
        P_Resource_List_Member_Id  => l_res_list_member_id,
        X_resource_alias           => l_resource_alias,
        X_Plan_Res_Combination     => l_res_combo,
        X_Return_Status            => l_return_status,
        X_Msg_Count                => l_msg_count,
        X_Msg_Data                 => l_error_msg_data);
Line: 1162

      UPDATE pa_resource_list_members
      SET alias = l_resource_alias
      WHERE resource_list_member_id = l_res_list_member_id;
Line: 1184

 * Procedure : Update_Planning_Resource
 * Description : The purpose of this procedure is to
 *               Validate and update attributes on an existing
 *               planning resource for a resource list.
 *               It first checks for the Uniqueness of the
 *               resource list. If it is Unique then it updates
 *               the table PA_RESOURCE_LIST_MEMBERS
 *               with the values passed.
PROCEDURE Update_Planning_Resource
         (p_resource_list_id       IN   NUMBER,
         p_resource_list_member_id IN NUMBER,
         p_enabled_flag           IN   VARCHAR2,
         p_resource_alias         IN   VARCHAR2  ,
         p_spread_curve_id        IN   NUMBER    DEFAULT NULL,
         p_etc_method_code        IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
         p_mfc_cost_type_id       IN   NUMBER    DEFAULT NULL,
         p_attribute_category     IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
         p_attribute1             IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
         p_attribute2             IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
         p_attribute3             IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
         p_attribute4             IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
         p_attribute5             IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
         p_attribute6             IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
         p_attribute7             IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
         p_attribute8             IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
         p_attribute9             IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
         p_attribute10            IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
         p_attribute11            IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
         p_attribute12            IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
         p_attribute13            IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
         p_attribute14            IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
         p_attribute15            IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
         p_attribute16            IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
         p_attribute17            IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
         p_attribute18            IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
         p_attribute19            IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
         p_attribute20            IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
         p_attribute21            IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
         p_attribute22            IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
         p_attribute23            IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
         p_attribute24            IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
         p_attribute25            IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
         p_attribute26            IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
         p_attribute27            IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
         p_attribute28            IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
         p_attribute29            IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
         p_attribute30            IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
         p_record_version_number  IN   NUMBER,
		 p_expenditure_type_2			IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, -- Added for Bug13535688 & 13546557 for CBS project
         x_record_version_number  OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER  ,
         x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2  ,
         x_msg_count              OUT NOCOPY     NUMBER    ,
         x_error_msg_data         OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2  )

l_resource_alias VARCHAR2(80);
Line: 1251

   SELECT meaning || ' '
   INTO   g_token
   FROM   pa_lookups
   WHERE  lookup_type = 'PA_PLANNING_RESOURCE'
   AND    lookup_code = 'PLANNING_RESOURCE';
Line: 1266

     SELECT object_type,object_id
     INTO   l_object_type,l_object_id
     FROM   pa_resource_list_members
     WHERE  resource_list_member_id = p_resource_list_member_id;
Line: 1372

 * If it is Unique we go ahead with the Update to
 * pa_resource_list_members table.
 * Update using the values passed.

      (p_alias                    => l_resource_alias,
       p_enabled_flag             => p_enabled_flag,
       p_resource_list_member_id  =>  p_resource_list_member_id,
       p_spread_curve_id          => p_spread_curve_id,
       p_etc_method_code          => p_etc_method_code,
       p_mfc_cost_type_id         => p_mfc_cost_type_id,
       p_attribute_category       =>  p_attribute_category,
       p_attribute1               => p_attribute1,
       p_attribute2               => p_attribute2,
       p_attribute3               => p_attribute3,
       p_attribute4               => p_attribute4,
       p_attribute5               => p_attribute5,
       p_attribute6               => p_attribute6,
       p_attribute7              => p_attribute7,
       p_attribute8               => p_attribute8,
       p_attribute9               => p_attribute9,
       p_attribute10              => p_attribute10,
       p_attribute11              => p_attribute11,
       p_attribute12              => p_attribute12,
       p_attribute13              => p_attribute13,
       p_attribute14              => p_attribute14,
       p_attribute15              => p_attribute15,
       p_attribute16              => p_attribute16,
       p_attribute17              => p_attribute17,
       p_attribute18              => p_attribute18,
       p_attribute19              => p_attribute19,
       p_attribute20              => p_attribute20,
       p_attribute21              => p_attribute21,
       p_attribute22              => p_attribute22,
       p_attribute23              => p_attribute23,
       p_attribute24              => p_attribute24,
       p_attribute25              => p_attribute25,
       p_attribute26              => p_attribute26,
       p_attribute27              => p_attribute27,
       p_attribute28              => p_attribute28,
        p_attribute29             => p_attribute29,
       p_attribute30              => p_attribute30,
       p_record_version_number    => p_record_version_number,
	   p_expenditure_type_2		  => p_expenditure_type_2, --Added for Bug13535688 & 13546557 for CBS project
       x_return_status            => x_return_status,
       x_error_msg_data           => x_error_msg_data,
       x_msg_count                => x_msg_count);
Line: 1430

END Update_Planning_Resource;
Line: 1434

 * Procedure : Delete_Planning_Resource
 * Description : The purpose of this procedure is to
 *              delete a planning resource if it is not
 *              being used, else disable it.
PROCEDURE Delete_Planning_Resource(
         p_resource_list_member_id  IN   NUMBER,
         x_return_status            OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
         x_msg_count                OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
         x_error_msg_data                 OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2)
   l_exist_res_list    VARCHAR2(30) := 'N';
Line: 1451

   SELECT meaning || ' '
   INTO   g_token
   FROM   pa_lookups
   WHERE  lookup_type = 'PA_PLANNING_RESOURCE'
   AND    lookup_code = 'PLANNING_RESOURCE';
Line: 1465

SELECT resource_list_id, migration_code
INTO   l_resource_list_id, l_migration_code
FROM   pa_resource_list_members
WHERE  resource_list_member_id = p_resource_list_member_id;
Line: 1486

        *               or pa_project_assignments we cannot delete
        *               it. We will only set the enabled_flag = 'Y'.
       SELECT 'Y'
       INTO l_exist_res_list
       FROM DUAL
       (SELECT 'Y' from pa_resource_assignments
       WHERE resource_list_member_id = p_resource_list_member_id
       SELECT 'Y' from pa_project_assignments
       WHERE resource_list_member_id = p_resource_list_member_id );
Line: 1503

         ,p_procedure_name => PA_DEBUG.G_Err_Stack);
Line: 1514

           l_resource_list_id        => l_resource_list_id,
           l_resource_list_member_id => p_resource_list_member_id,
           x_err_code                => x_msg_count,
           x_err_stage               => x_error_msg_data);
Line: 1527

       (p_resource_list_member_id => p_resource_list_member_id,
        p_exist_res_list          => l_exist_res_list,
        x_msg_count               => x_msg_count,
        x_return_status           => x_return_status);
Line: 1533

END Delete_Planning_Resource;
Line: 1615

      SELECT control_flag
      INTO l_control_flag
      FROM pa_resource_lists_all_bg
      WHERE resource_list_id = p_destination_resource_list_id;
Line: 1622

    * The below select would be used to determine the
    * uniqueness of the resource within the resource list.
   -- Bug 3642940
   IF l_control_flag = 'Y' THEN
      l_object_id := p_destination_resource_list_id;
Line: 1662

   DELETE FROM pa_res_members_temp;
Line: 1664

   DELETE FROM pa_res_member_id_temp;
Line: 1677

         INSERT INTO pa_res_member_id_temp
Line: 1691

   INSERT INTO pa_res_members_temp
          (resource_list_member_id           ,
           order_id                          ,
           person_id                         ,
           project_role_id                   ,
           organization_id                   ,
           job_id                            ,
           vendor_id                         ,
           inventory_item_id                 ,
           item_category_id                  ,
           bom_resource_id                   ,
           person_type_code                  ,
           -- named_role is holding team role
           named_role                        ,
           incurred_by_res_flag              ,
           incur_by_res_class_code           ,
           incur_by_role_id                  ,
           expenditure_type                  ,
           Event_type                        ,
           non_labor_resource                ,
           expenditure_category              ,
           revenue_category                  ,
           org_id                            ,
           resource_class_id                 ,
           -- Spread curve id is holding format id.
           spread_curve_id                   )
           a.resource_list_member_id         ,
           b.order_id                        ,
           a.person_id                       ,
           a.project_role_id                 ,
           a.organization_id                 ,
           a.job_id                          ,
           a.vendor_id                       ,
           a.inventory_item_id               ,
           a.item_category_id                ,
           a.bom_resource_id                 ,
           a.person_type_code                ,
           a.team_role                       ,
           a.incurred_by_res_flag            ,
           a.incur_by_res_class_code         ,
           a.incur_by_role_id                ,
           a.expenditure_type                ,
           a.event_type                      ,
           a.non_labor_resource              ,
           a.expenditure_category            ,
           a.revenue_category                ,
           NULL                              ,
           a.resource_class_id               ,
   FROM    pa_res_member_id_temp b,
           pa_resource_list_members a
   WHERE   a.resource_list_member_id = b.resource_list_member_id;
Line: 1748

   UPDATE pa_res_members_temp rlmtmp
   SET org_id = -1
      SELECT 'Y'
      FROM   Pa_Plan_rl_formats
      WHERE  res_format_id = rlmtmp.spread_curve_id
      AND    resource_list_id = p_destination_resource_list_id
      AND    rownum = 1);
Line: 1771

   SELECT a.resource_list_member_id,  -- matching rlm on dest
          a.enabled_flag,             -- enabled flag of match
          b.resource_list_member_id   -- matching rlm on source list
   BULK COLLECT INTO l_bulk_resource_list_member_id,
   FROM   pa_resource_list_members a,
          pa_res_members_temp b
   WHERE  a.resource_list_id = p_destination_resource_list_id
   -- To process only those RLM which has corr formats as that of source RL.
   AND b.org_id IS NULL
   AND a.res_format_id = b.spread_curve_id
   AND a.object_type = l_object_type
   And a.object_id   = l_object_id
   And a.resource_class_id   = b.resource_class_id
   And nvl(a.person_id, -99) = nvl(b.person_id, -99)
   And nvl(a.organization_id, -99) =
       nvl(b.organization_id, -99)
   And nvl(a.job_id, -99) = nvl(b.job_id, -99)
   And nvl(a.vendor_id, -99) = nvl(b.vendor_id, -99)
   And nvl(a.inventory_item_id, -99) =
       nvl(b.inventory_item_id, -99)
   And nvl(a.item_category_id, -99) =
       nvl(b.item_category_id, -99)
   And nvl(a.bom_resource_id, -99) =
       nvl(b.bom_resource_id, -99)
   And nvl(a.person_type_code, 'DUMMY') =
       nvl(b.person_type_code, 'DUMMY')
   And nvl(a.team_role, 'DUMMY') =
       nvl(b.named_role, 'DUMMY')
   And nvl(a.incurred_by_res_flag, 'B') =
       nvl(b.incurred_by_res_flag, 'B')
   And nvl(a.incur_by_res_class_code, 'DUMMY') =
   And nvl(a.incur_by_role_id, -99) =
       nvl(b.incur_by_role_id, -99)
   And nvl(a.expenditure_type,'DUMMY') =
       nvl(b.expenditure_type, 'DUMMY')
   And nvl(a.event_type, 'DUMMY') =  nvl(b.event_type, 'DUMMY')
   And nvl(a.non_labor_resource, 'DUMMY') =
       nvl(b.non_labor_resource, 'DUMMY')
   And nvl(a.expenditure_category, 'DUMMY') =
   And nvl(a.revenue_category, 'DUMMY') =
       nvl(b.revenue_category, 'DUMMY');
Line: 1829

         UPDATE pa_res_members_temp
         SET org_id = DECODE(l_bulk_enabled_flag(j), 'Y' ,
         WHERE resource_list_member_id = l_old_resource_list_member_id(j);
Line: 1850

      l_bulk_resource_list_member_id.delete; -- initializing the table
Line: 1852

      SELECT DISTINCT resource_list_member_id
      BULK COLLECT INTO l_bulk_resource_list_member_id
      FROM pa_res_members_temp
      WHERE org_id IS NULL;
Line: 1866

            SELECT pa_resource_list_members_s.NEXTVAL
            INTO l_new_resource_list_member_id(i)
            FROM dual;
Line: 1880

                  ( RESOURCE_LIST_MEMBER_ID  ,
                    RESOURCE_LIST_ID         ,
                    RESOURCE_ID              ,
                    ALIAS                    ,
                    DISPLAY_FLAG             ,
                    ENABLED_FLAG             ,
                    TRACK_AS_LABOR_FLAG      ,
                    PERSON_ID                ,
                    JOB_ID                   ,
                    ORGANIZATION_ID          ,
                    VENDOR_ID                ,
                    EXPENDITURE_TYPE         ,
                    EVENT_TYPE               ,
                    NON_LABOR_RESOURCE       ,
                    EXPENDITURE_CATEGORY     ,
                    REVENUE_CATEGORY         ,
                    PROJECT_ROLE_ID          ,
                    OBJECT_TYPE              ,
                    OBJECT_ID                ,
                    RESOURCE_CLASS_ID        ,
                    RESOURCE_CLASS_CODE      ,
                    RES_FORMAT_ID            ,
                    SPREAD_CURVE_ID          ,
                    ETC_METHOD_CODE          ,
                    MFC_COST_TYPE_ID         ,
                    COPY_FROM_RL_FLAG        ,
                    RESOURCE_CLASS_FLAG      ,
                    FC_RES_TYPE_CODE         ,
                    INVENTORY_ITEM_ID        ,
                    ITEM_CATEGORY_ID         ,
                    MIGRATION_CODE           ,
                    ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY       ,
                    ATTRIBUTE1               ,
                    ATTRIBUTE2               ,
                    ATTRIBUTE3               ,
                    ATTRIBUTE4               ,
                    ATTRIBUTE5               ,
                    ATTRIBUTE6               ,
                    ATTRIBUTE7               ,
                    ATTRIBUTE8               ,
                    ATTRIBUTE9               ,
                    ATTRIBUTE10              ,
                    ATTRIBUTE11              ,
                    ATTRIBUTE12              ,
                    ATTRIBUTE13              ,
                    ATTRIBUTE14              ,
                    ATTRIBUTE15              ,
                    ATTRIBUTE16              ,
                    ATTRIBUTE17              ,
                    ATTRIBUTE18              ,
                    ATTRIBUTE19              ,
                    ATTRIBUTE20              ,
                    ATTRIBUTE21              ,
                    ATTRIBUTE22              ,
                    ATTRIBUTE23              ,
                    ATTRIBUTE24              ,
                    ATTRIBUTE25              ,
                    ATTRIBUTE26              ,
                    ATTRIBUTE27              ,
                    ATTRIBUTE28              ,
                    ATTRIBUTE29              ,
                    ATTRIBUTE30              ,
                    RECORD_VERSION_NUMBER    ,
                    PERSON_TYPE_CODE         ,
                    BOM_RESOURCE_ID          ,
                    TEAM_ROLE                ,
                    INCURRED_BY_RES_FLAG     ,
                    INCUR_BY_RES_CLASS_CODE  ,
                    INCUR_BY_ROLE_ID         ,
                    WP_ELIGIBLE_FLAG         ,
                    UNIT_OF_MEASURE          ,
                    LAST_UPDATED_BY          ,
                    LAST_UPDATE_DATE         ,
                    CREATION_DATE            ,
                    CREATED_BY               ,
                    LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN        )
                   l_new_resource_list_member_id(k)  ,
                   p_destination_resource_list_id    ,
                   a.resource_id                     ,
                   a.alias                           ,
                   a.display_flag                    ,
                   a.enabled_flag                    ,
                   a.track_as_labor_flag             ,
                   a.person_id                       ,
                   a.job_id                          ,
                   a.organization_id                 ,
                   a.vendor_id                       ,
                   a.expenditure_type                ,
                   a.event_type                      ,
                   a.non_labor_resource              ,
                   a.expenditure_category            ,
                   a.revenue_category                ,
                   a.project_role_id                 ,
                   'PROJECT'                         ,
                   p_destination_project_id          ,
                   a.resource_class_id               ,
                   a.resource_class_code             ,
                   a.res_format_id                   ,
                   a.spread_curve_id                 ,
                   a.etc_method_code                 ,
                   a.mfc_cost_type_id                ,
                   a.copy_from_rl_flag               ,
                   a.resource_class_flag             ,
                   a.fc_res_type_code                ,
                   a.inventory_item_id               ,
                   a.item_category_id                ,
                   a.migration_code                  ,
                   a.attribute_category              ,
                   a.attribute1                      ,
                   a.attribute2                      ,
                   a.attribute3                      ,
                   a.attribute4                      ,
                   a.attribute5                      ,
                   a.attribute6                      ,
                   a.attribute7                      ,
                   a.attribute8                      ,
                   a.attribute9                      ,
                   a.attribute10                     ,
                   a.attribute11                     ,
                   a.attribute12                     ,
                   a.attribute13                     ,
                   a.attribute14                     ,
                   a.attribute15                     ,
                   a.attribute16                     ,
                   a.attribute17                     ,
                   a.attribute18                     ,
                   a.attribute19                     ,
                   a.attribute20                     ,
                   a.attribute21                     ,
                   a.attribute22                     ,
                   a.attribute23                     ,
                   a.attribute24                     ,
                   a.attribute25                     ,
                   a.attribute26                     ,
                   a.attribute27                     ,
                   a.attribute28                     ,
                   a.attribute29                     ,
                   a.attribute30                     ,
                   a.record_version_number           ,
                   a.person_type_code                ,
                   a.bom_resource_id                 ,
                   a.team_role                       ,
                   a.incurred_by_res_flag            ,
                   a.incur_by_res_class_code         ,
                   a.incur_by_role_id                ,
                   a.wp_eligible_flag                ,
                   a.unit_of_measure                 ,
                   FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID                ,
                   SYSDATE                           ,
                   SYSDATE                           ,
                   FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID                ,
            FROM   pa_resource_list_members a
            WHERE  a.resource_list_id = p_source_resource_list_id
            AND    a.resource_list_member_id =
Line: 2050

            UPDATE pa_res_members_temp
            SET org_id = l_new_resource_list_member_id(x)
            WHERE resource_list_member_id = l_bulk_resource_list_member_id(x);
Line: 2060

   UPDATE pa_res_members_temp
   SET    org_id = NULL
   WHERE  org_id = -1;
Line: 2069

   SELECT a.org_id
   BULK COLLECT INTO x_dest_res_list_member_id_tbl
   FROM pa_res_members_temp a,
        pa_res_member_id_temp b
   WHERE a.resource_list_member_id = b.resource_list_member_id
   AND a.order_id  = b.order_id
   ORDER BY b.order_id;
Line: 2083

   DELETE FROM pa_res_members_temp;
Line: 2085

   DELETE FROM pa_res_member_id_temp;