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1 PACKAGE jtf_task_repeat_assignment_pvt AUTHID CURRENT_USER AS
2 /* $Header: jtfvtkcs.pls 120.1.12000000.2 2007/07/19 08:35:45 lokumar ship $ */
3 /*======================================================================+
4 |  Copyright (c) 1995 Oracle Corporation Redwood Shores, California, USA|
5 |                            All rights reserved.                       |
6 +=======================================================================+
7 | FILENAME                                                              |
8 |   jtftkcs.pls                                                         |
9 |                                                                       |
10 | DESCRIPTION                                                           |
11 |   This package is used to process the repsone of assignee's response  |
12 |    in repeating appointment.                                          |
13 |   The assignee can accept or reject either a specific appointment or  |
14 |        all the appointments among repeating appointments.             |
15 |                                                                       |
16 | NOTES                                                                 |
17 |   Action     assignment_status_id                                     |
18 |   ========== ======================                                   |
19 |   REJECT ALL          4                                               |
20 |   ACCEPT ALL          3                                               |
21 |                                                                       |
22 |   The possible value for add_option:                                  |
23 |       T: Add a new invitee to all the future appointments             |
24 |       A: Add a new invitee to all appointments                        |
25 |       F: Add a new invitee to the current selected appointment only   |
26 |       N: Skip the new functionality                                   |
27 |                                                                       |
28 |   The possible value for delete_option:                               |
29 |       T: Delete a new invitee from all the future appointments        |
30 |       A: Delete a new invitee from all appointments                   |
31 |       F: Delete a new invitee from the current selected appointment   |
32 |       N: Skip the new functionality                                   |
33 |                                                                       |
34 | Date          Developer    Change                                     |
35 |------         -----------  ---------------------------------------    |
36 | 28-Mar-2002   cjang        Created                                    |
37 | 29-Mar-2002   cjang        Added response_invitation_rec              |
38 |                                  add_assignee_rec                     |
39 |                                  delete_assignee_rec                  |
40 |                                  add_assignee_rec                     |
41 |                                  add_assignee_rec                     |
42 |                                  add_assignee                         |
43 |                                  delete_assignee                      |
44 |                            Modified response_invitation               |
45 | 10-Apr-2002   cjang        A user is NOT allowed to accept one of     |
46 |                              occurrences.                             |
47 |                            He/She can either accept all or reject all.|
48 |                            The "update_all" and "calendar_start_date" |
49 |                              in response_invitation_rec is removed.   |
50 *=======================================================================*/
52     TYPE response_invitation_rec IS RECORD
53     (
54         task_assignment_id     NUMBER,
55         assignment_status_id   NUMBER,
56         task_id                NUMBER,
57         recurrence_rule_id     NUMBER,
58         enable_workflow        VARCHAR2(1),
59         abort_workflow         VARCHAR2(1)
60     );
62     TYPE add_assignee_rec IS RECORD
63     (
64         recurrence_rule_id    NUMBER,
65         task_id               NUMBER,
66         calendar_start_date   DATE,
67         resource_type_code    jtf_task_all_assignments.resource_type_code%TYPE,
68 	free_busy_type        jtf_task_all_assignments.free_busy_type%TYPE,
69         resource_id           NUMBER,
70         assignment_status_id  NUMBER,
71         add_option            VARCHAR2(1),
72         enable_workflow       VARCHAR2(1),
73         abort_workflow        VARCHAR2(1)
74     );
76     TYPE delete_assignee_rec IS RECORD
77     (
78         recurrence_rule_id    NUMBER,
79         task_id               NUMBER,
80         calendar_start_date   DATE,
81         resource_id           NUMBER,
82         delete_option         VARCHAR2(1),
83         enable_workflow       VARCHAR2(1),
84         abort_workflow        VARCHAR2(1)
85     );
87     PROCEDURE response_invitation(
88         p_api_version             IN     NUMBER,
89         p_init_msg_list           IN     VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false,
90         p_commit                  IN     VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false,
91         p_object_version_number   IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
92         p_response_invitation_rec IN     response_invitation_rec,
93         x_return_status           OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2,
94         x_msg_count               OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER,
95         x_msg_data                OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
96     );
98     PROCEDURE add_assignee(
99         p_api_version         IN  NUMBER,
100         p_init_msg_list       IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false,
101         p_commit              IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false,
102         p_add_assignee_rec    IN  add_assignee_rec,
103         x_return_status       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
104         x_msg_count           OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
105         x_msg_data            OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
106         x_task_assignment_id  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
107     );
109     PROCEDURE delete_assignee(
110         p_api_version         IN  NUMBER,
111         p_init_msg_list       IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false,
112         p_commit              IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false,
113         p_delete_assignee_rec IN  delete_assignee_rec,
114         x_return_status       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
115         x_msg_count           OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
116         x_msg_data            OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
117     );
118 END jtf_task_repeat_assignment_pvt;