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Line 723: FROM eam_pm_activities where activity_association_id=activity_assoc_id)

719: cursor pm_schedule(activity_assoc_id NUMBER,l_default VARCHAR2) is
720: select rescheduling_point
721: from eam_pm_schedulings
722: where pm_schedule_id in (SELECT pm_schedule_id
723: FROM eam_pm_activities where activity_association_id=activity_assoc_id)
724: and default_implement=l_default;

Line 921: from eam_pm_activities epac,

917: function mr_mandatory_for_pm(p_activity_assoc_id in number,
918: p_meter_id in number) return boolean is
919: cursor C is
920: select epac.activity_association_id
921: from eam_pm_activities epac,
922: eam_pm_schedulings eps,
923: eam_suppression_relations sup
924: where sup.parent_association_id = p_activity_assoc_id
925: and sup.child_association_id = epac.activity_association_id

Line 933: eam_pm_activities epa,

930: cursor testmr is
931: select 'X'
932: from eam_pm_scheduling_rules pr,
933: eam_pm_activities epa,
934: csi_counters_b ccb
935: where pr.meter_id = ccb.counter_id
936: and epa.activity_association_id = p_activity_assoc_id
937: and pr.pm_schedule_id = epa.pm_schedule_id

Line 976: from eam_pm_activities epac,

972: function pm_need_meter_reading(p_parent_pm_id in number)
973: return boolean is
974: cursor C is
975: select epac.pm_schedule_id
976: from eam_pm_activities epac,
977: eam_pm_schedulings eps,
978: eam_pm_activities epap,
979: eam_suppression_relations sup
980: where epap.activity_association_id = sup.parent_association_id

Line 978: eam_pm_activities epap,

974: cursor C is
975: select epac.pm_schedule_id
976: from eam_pm_activities epac,
977: eam_pm_schedulings eps,
978: eam_pm_activities epap,
979: eam_suppression_relations sup
980: where epap.activity_association_id = sup.parent_association_id
981: and epap.pm_schedule_id = p_parent_pm_id
982: and sup.child_association_id = epac.activity_association_id