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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 29

          select asset_number
          from fa_additions
          where asset_number = x_asset_number;
Line: 36

          select asset_number
          from fa_mass_additions
          where asset_number = x_asset_number;
Line: 45

	select initial_asset_id
	from fa_system_controls
	where initial_asset_id < x_numeric_asset_number;
Line: 127

          select asset_type
          from fa_additions
          where asset_id = x_asset_id;
Line: 135

          select book_class
          from fa_book_controls
          where book_type_code = x_book_type_code;
Line: 142

	select asset_id
	from fa_books
	where x_asset_id = fa_books.asset_id
	and exists
	  (select 1 from fa_books fabk
	   where x_asset_id = fabk.asset_id
		and fabk.book_type_code = x_book_type_code
		and fabk.date_ineffective is null
		and fabk.period_counter_fully_retired is null
		and (fabk.period_counter_fully_reserved is null or
		    (fabk.period_counter_fully_reserved is not null
		and fabk.period_counter_life_complete is not null))
		and not exists
		   (select 1 from fa_retirements faret
		    where faret.asset_id = x_asset_id
		    and faret.book_type_code = x_book_type_code
		    and faret.status in
Line: 213

        select count(*) dummy
        from fa_deprn_periods dp, fa_book_controls bc
	where trunc(x_date_in_service) >
	and bc.book_class = 'CORPORATE'
	and bc.book_type_code = nvl(x_book_type_code, 'X')
	and dp.book_type_code = nvl(x_book_type_code, 'X')
	and dp.period_close_date is null;
Line: 226

	select greatest(dp.calendar_period_open_date,
		 least(sysdate, dp.calendar_period_close_date))
	from fa_deprn_periods dp
	where dp.book_type_code = nvl(x_book_type_code, 'X')
	and dp.period_close_date is null;