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Line 77: |from latest record in PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F table. |

74: /*-----------------------------------------------------+
75: | Cursor for finding a person party from person_id |
76: |Bug#8262607 Changed logic to get valid Party_id value|
77: |from latest record in PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F table. |
78: |This is FP for 11i bug 7154782. |
79: +-----------------------------------------------------*/
80: CURSOR per_person_party_cur(l_per_person_id
81: per_all_people_f.person_id%TYPE) IS

Line 81: per_all_people_f.person_id%TYPE) IS

77: |from latest record in PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F table. |
78: |This is FP for 11i bug 7154782. |
79: +-----------------------------------------------------*/
80: CURSOR per_person_party_cur(l_per_person_id
81: per_all_people_f.person_id%TYPE) IS
82: /* SELECT pp.party_id
83: FROM hz_parties pp
84: , per_all_people_f per
85: WHERE pp.orig_system_reference = 'PER:'||per.person_id

Line 84: , per_all_people_f per

80: CURSOR per_person_party_cur(l_per_person_id
81: per_all_people_f.person_id%TYPE) IS
82: /* SELECT pp.party_id
83: FROM hz_parties pp
84: , per_all_people_f per
85: WHERE pp.orig_system_reference = 'PER:'||per.person_id
86: AND per.person_id = l_per_person_id;
87: */
88: SELECT party_id

Line 91: FROM per_all_people_f

87: */
88: SELECT party_id
89: FROM (
90: SELECT party_id , '1-HR' ORDER_BY_SOURCE , effective_end_date EFFECTIVE_DATE
91: FROM per_all_people_f
92: WHERE person_id = l_per_person_id
93: AND party_id IS NOT NULL
95: SELECT pp.party_id , '2-TCA' ORDER_BY_SOURCE , pp.last_update_date EFFECTIVE_DATE

Line 97: per_all_people_f per

93: AND party_id IS NOT NULL
95: SELECT pp.party_id , '2-TCA' ORDER_BY_SOURCE , pp.last_update_date EFFECTIVE_DATE
96: FROM hz_parties pp,
97: per_all_people_f per
98: WHERE pp.orig_system_reference = 'PER:'||per.person_id
99: AND per.person_id = l_per_person_id
100: AND per.party_id IS NULL

Line 215: | HZ_PARTIES to link to PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F |

211: | since a per person is allowed to have multiple |
212: | fnd users. |
213: | |
214: | For now we rely on the ORIG_SYSTEM_REFERENCE in |
215: | HZ_PARTIES to link to PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F |
216: | |
217: | After HR Merge into TCA, we should use the PARTY_ID |
218: | in PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F. Creating a Person Party |
219: | for a HR Person can be obsolete since a party will |

Line 218: | in PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F. Creating a Person Party |

214: | For now we rely on the ORIG_SYSTEM_REFERENCE in |
215: | HZ_PARTIES to link to PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F |
216: | |
217: | After HR Merge into TCA, we should use the PARTY_ID |
218: | in PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F. Creating a Person Party |
219: | for a HR Person can be obsolete since a party will |
220: | be created when a HR person is created |
221: | |
222: +-----------------------------------------------------*/

Line 443: | Create a party for a per_all_people_f person if it has not

439: /*===================================================================+
440: | PRIVATE procedure Create_Per_Person_Party
441: |
443: | Create a party for a per_all_people_f person if it has not
444: | already created. The concept here is that we believe that
445: | HR person is more reliable resource than email_address for
446: | the fnd users that are already assigned a per_all_people.
447: |

Line 456: | p_per_person_id Person Identifier for PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F

452: |
454: |
456: | p_per_person_id Person Identifier for PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F
457: |
458: |
459: | RETURNS
460: | x_party_id Party Identifier

Line 476: | per_all_people_f for creating a person party. |

472: x_party_id OUT NOCOPY NUMBER) IS
474: /*-----------------------------------------------------+
475: | Cursor for fetching a person record from |
476: | per_all_people_f for creating a person party. |
477: | |
478: | Note: We don't try to do a full mapping here. |
479: | That will be done in TCA/HR merge. |
480: | Only minimal information is populated here for UI |

Line 484: per_all_people_f.person_id%TYPE) IS

480: | Only minimal information is populated here for UI |
481: | to display basic personal information about a user |
482: +-----------------------------------------------------*/
483: CURSOR per_person_cur(l_per_person_id
484: per_all_people_f.person_id%TYPE) IS
485: SELECT per.person_id,
486: per.first_name,
487: per.last_name,
488: per.email_address

Line 489: FROM per_all_people_f per

485: SELECT per.person_id,
486: per.first_name,
487: per.last_name,
488: per.email_address
489: FROM per_all_people_f per
490: WHERE per.person_id = l_per_person_id
491: AND TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN effective_start_date
492: AND effective_end_date;

Line 516: -- Raise an exception if PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F not found.

512: FETCH per_person_cur INTO per_person_rec;
513: CLOSE per_person_cur;
515: --
516: -- Raise an exception if PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F not found.
517: --
519: --
520: -- Create a Person Party