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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 63

    INSERT INTO hr_h2pi_message_lines
       ( to_business_group_id, request_id, from_id, table_name,
         message_level, message_name_encoded, api_module_id)
    VALUES ( hr_h2pi_upload.g_to_business_group_id, hr_h2pi_upload.g_request_id,
         NVL(p_from_id, 0), p_table_name, UPPER(p_message_level),
         nvl(l_message_name_encoded,p_message_text), p_api_module_id );
Line: 96

  SELECT count(*)
    INTO l_count
    FROM hr_h2pi_message_lines
   WHERE request_id = hr_h2pi_upload.g_request_id
     AND message_level = 'FATAL';
Line: 134

  SELECT message_name_encoded,
    FROM hr_h2pi_message_lines
   WHERE to_business_group_id = hr_h2pi_upload.g_to_business_group_id
     AND request_id           = hr_h2pi_upload.g_request_id
GROUP BY to_business_group_id,
Line: 161

    SELECT name
      INTO l_to_business_group_name
      FROM per_business_groups
     WHERE business_group_id = hr_h2pi_upload.g_to_business_group_id;
Line: 202

         SELECT last_name || ', ' || first_name
           INTO l_person_name
           FROM hr_h2pi_employees
          WHERE person_id = csr_rec.from_id
            --AND business_group_id = l_from_business_group_id
            AND client_id = l_from_client_id
            AND rownum < 2;
Line: 218

        SELECT location_code
          INTO l_location_name
          FROM hr_h2pi_locations
         WHERE location_id = csr_rec.from_id
           --AND business_group_id = l_from_business_group_id;
Line: 233

        SELECT name
          INTO l_org_name
          FROM hr_h2pi_hr_organizations
         WHERE organization_id = csr_rec.from_id
           --AND business_group_id = l_from_business_group_id;
Line: 249

        SELECT assignment_number
          INTO l_assignment_number
          FROM hr_h2pi_assignments
         WHERE assignment_id = csr_rec.from_id
        --   AND business_group_id = l_from_business_group_id
            AND client_id = l_from_client_id
           AND rownum < 2;
Line: 266

        SELECT asg.assignment_number,
          INTO l_assignment_number,
          FROM hr_h2pi_element_entries ee,
               hr_h2pi_id_mapping      map,
               hr_h2pi_id_mapping      map2,
               pay_element_links_f el,
               pay_element_types_f et,
               hr_h2pi_assignments_v   asg
         WHERE ee.element_entry_id = csr_rec.from_id
           --AND ee.business_group_id = l_from_business_group_id
           AND ee.client_id = l_from_client_id
           AND ee.element_link_id = map.from_id
           AND map.table_name = 'PAY_ELEMENT_LINKS_F'
           AND map.to_business_group_id = csr_rec.to_business_group_id
           AND map.to_id = el.element_link_id
           AND el.element_type_id = et.element_type_id
           AND ee.assignment_id = map2.from_id
           AND map2.table_name = 'PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_F'
           AND map2.to_business_group_id = csr_rec.to_business_group_id
           AND map2.to_id = asg.assignment_id
           AND ee.effective_start_date between el.effective_start_date
                                           and el.effective_end_date
           AND el.effective_start_date between et.effective_start_date
                                           and et.effective_end_date
           AND ee.effective_start_date between asg.effective_start_date
                                           and asg.effective_end_date
           AND rownum < 2;
Line: 305

        SELECT assignment_number
          INTO l_assignment_number
          FROM hr_h2pi_salaries sal,
               hr_h2pi_assignments_v asg,
               hr_h2pi_id_mapping map
         WHERE sal.pay_proposal_id = csr_rec.from_id
           --AND sal.business_group_id = l_from_business_group_id
           AND sal.client_id = l_from_client_id
           AND sal.assignment_id = map.from_id
           AND map.table_name = 'PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_F'
           AND map.to_business_group_id = csr_rec.to_business_group_id
           AND map.to_id = asg.assignment_id
           AND asg.business_group_id = csr_rec.to_business_group_id
           AND sal.change_date between asg.effective_start_date
                                   and asg.effective_end_date
           AND rownum < 2;
Line: 331

        SELECT asg.assignment_number,
          INTO l_assignment_number,
          FROM hr_h2pi_payment_methods ppm,
               hr_h2pi_org_payment_methods opm,
               hr_h2pi_assignments_v asg,
               hr_h2pi_id_mapping map
         WHERE personal_payment_method_id = csr_rec.from_id
           --AND ppm.business_group_id = l_from_business_group_id
           AND ppm.client_id = l_from_client_id
           AND ppm.business_group_id = opm.business_group_id
           AND ppm.org_payment_method_id = opm.org_payment_method_id
           AND asg.business_group_id = csr_rec.to_business_group_id
           AND ppm.assignment_id = map.from_id
           AND map.table_name = 'PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_F'
           AND map.to_id = asg.assignment_id
           AND ppm.effective_start_date between opm.effective_start_date
                                            and opm.effective_end_date
           AND ppm.effective_start_date between asg.effective_start_date
                                            and asg.effective_end_date
           AND rownum < 2;
Line: 365

        SELECT ogs.name,
          INTO l_org_name,
          FROM hr_h2pi_organization_class ogc,
               hr_h2pi_hr_organizations_v ogs,
               hr_h2pi_id_mapping map
         WHERE ogc.org_information_id = csr_rec.from_id
           --AND ogc.business_group_id = l_from_business_group_id
           AND ogc.client_id = l_from_client_id
           AND ogc.organization_id = map.from_id
           AND map.table_name = 'HR_ALL_ORGANIZATION_UNITS'
           AND ogs.business_group_id = csr_rec.to_business_group_id
           AND map.to_id = ogs.organization_id
           AND rownum < 2;
Line: 392

        SELECT name,
          INTO l_org_name,
          FROM hr_h2pi_organization_info   ogi,
               hr_h2pi_hr_organizations_v  ogs,
               hr_h2pi_id_mapping map
         WHERE org_information_id = csr_rec.from_id
           --AND ogi.business_group_id = l_from_business_group_id
           AND ogi.client_id = l_from_client_id
           AND ogi.organization_id = map.from_id
           AND map.table_name = 'HR_ALL_ORGANIZATION_UNITS'
           AND ogs.business_group_id = csr_rec.to_business_group_id
           AND map.to_id = ogs.organization_id
           AND rownum < 2;
Line: 414

            SELECT bg.name,
              INTO l_org_name,
              FROM hr_h2pi_organization_info ogi,
                   hr_h2pi_bg_and_gre        bg
             WHERE ogi.org_information_id = csr_rec.from_id
               --AND ogi.business_group_id = l_from_business_group_id
               AND ogi.client_id = l_from_client_id
               AND ogi.business_group_id = bg.business_group_id
               AND ogi.organization_id = bg.organization_id
               AND rownum < 2;
Line: 441

        SELECT em.last_name || ', ' || em.first_name
          INTO l_person_name
          FROM hr_h2pi_addresses   ad,
               hr_h2pi_employees_v em,
               hr_h2pi_id_mapping  map
         WHERE ad.address_id = csr_rec.from_id
           --AND ad.business_group_id = l_from_business_group_id
           AND ad.client_id = l_from_client_id
           AND em.business_group_id = csr_rec.to_business_group_id
           AND ad.person_id = map.from_id
           AND map.table_name = 'PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F'
           AND map.to_id = em.person_id
           AND rownum < 2;
Line: 464

        SELECT asg.assignment_number
          INTO l_assignment_number
          FROM hr_h2pi_federal_tax_rules ftr,
               hr_h2pi_assignments_v asg,
               hr_h2pi_id_mapping map
         WHERE ftr.emp_fed_tax_rule_id = csr_rec.from_id
           --AND ftr.business_group_id = l_from_business_group_id
           AND ftr.client_id = l_from_client_id
           AND asg.business_group_id = csr_rec.to_business_group_id
           AND ftr.assignment_id = map.from_id
           AND map.table_name = 'PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_F'
           AND map.to_id = asg.assignment_id
           AND rownum < 2;
Line: 487

        SELECT asg.assignment_number
          INTO l_assignment_number
          FROM hr_h2pi_state_tax_rules str,
               hr_h2pi_assignments_v asg,
               hr_h2pi_id_mapping map
         WHERE str.emp_state_tax_rule_id = csr_rec.from_id
           --AND str.business_group_id = l_from_business_group_id
           AND str.client_id = l_from_client_id
           AND str.assignment_id = map.from_id
           AND map.table_name = 'PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_F'
           AND map.to_id = asg.assignment_id
           AND asg.business_group_id = csr_rec.to_business_group_id
           AND rownum < 2;
Line: 511

        SELECT asg.assignment_number
          INTO l_assignment_number
          FROM hr_h2pi_county_tax_rules ctr,
               hr_h2pi_assignments_v asg,
               hr_h2pi_id_mapping map
         WHERE ctr.emp_county_tax_rule_id = csr_rec.from_id
           --AND ctr.business_group_id = l_from_business_group_id
           AND ctr.client_id = l_from_client_id
           AND ctr.assignment_id = csr_rec.from_id
           AND map.table_name = 'PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_F'
           AND map.to_id = asg.assignment_id
           AND asg.business_group_id = csr_rec.to_business_group_id
           AND rownum < 2;
Line: 535

        SELECT asg.assignment_number
          INTO l_assignment_number
          FROM hr_h2pi_city_tax_rules ctr,
               hr_h2pi_assignments_v asg,
               hr_h2pi_id_mapping map
         WHERE ctr.emp_city_tax_rule_id = csr_rec.from_id
           --AND ctr.business_group_id = l_from_business_group_id
           AND ctr.client_id = l_from_client_id
           AND ctr.assignment_id = map.from_id
           AND map.table_name = 'PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_F'
           AND map.to_id = asg.assignment_id
           AND asg.business_group_id = csr_rec.to_business_group_id
           AND rownum < 2;