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Line 18: -- Get attributes of Standard Purchase Order and Blanket Release for

14: -- None.
15: --Locks:
16: -- None.
17: --Function:
18: -- Get attributes of Standard Purchase Order and Blanket Release for
19: -- Transportation delivery record.
20: --Parameters:
21: --IN:
22: --p_api_version

Line 63: -- Standard call to check for call compatibility.

59: message => 'Check API Call Compatibility');
60: END IF;
61: END IF;
63: -- Standard call to check for call compatibility.
64: IF NOT FND_API.Compatible_API_Call(
65: p_current_version_number => l_api_version,
66: p_caller_version_number => p_api_version,
67: p_api_name => l_api_name,

Line 84: --SQL What: Querying data from Standard PO or Blanket Release based on

80: message => 'Query to get x_po_releases_attributes');
81: END IF;
82: END IF;
84: --SQL What: Querying data from Standard PO or Blanket Release based on
85: --SQL line_location_id
86: --SQL Where: MUOM1.unit_of_measure(+) = POL.secondary_unit_of_measure
87: --SQL To get secondary_uom_code
88: --SQL Why: Same as SQL What