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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 17

       	select max(due_date)
	into due_date
	from ar_payment_schedules;
Line: 21

     	/*SRW.MESSAGE('2','After Selecting Due Date');*/null;
Line: 30

   	select to_char(gl.chart_of_accounts_id)
   	from   gl_sets_of_books gl, ar_system_parameters p
   	where  gl.set_of_books_id = p.set_of_books_id;
Line: 36

     	   /*SRW.MESSAGE('3','After Selecting Chart of Accounts Id');*/null;
Line: 38

	select currency_code
	from gl_sets_of_books gl, ar_system_parameters ar
	where ar.set_of_books_id = gl.set_of_books_id;
Line: 43

     	   /*SRW.MESSAGE('4','After Selecting Currency Code');*/null;
Line: 45

	select precision
	from fnd_currencies
	where currency_code = P_CURRENCY;
Line: 50

     	  /*SRW.MESSAGE('5','After Selecting Precision');*/null;
Line: 52

	select minimum_accountable_unit
	from fnd_currencies
	where currency_code = P_CURRENCY;
Line: 57

     	/*SRW.MESSAGE('6','After Selecting Minimum Accountable Unit');*/null;
Line: 59

	select gl.name, gl.set_of_books_id, ar.org_id
	into P_NAME, P_SET_OF_BOOKS_ID,acc_org_id
	from gl_sets_of_books gl, ar_system_parameters ar
	where gl.set_of_books_id = ar.set_of_books_id;
Line: 64

     	   /*SRW.MESSAGE('7','After Selecting Set Of Books Id, Company Name');*/null;
Line: 66

	select end_date
	into P_END_DATE
	from gl_period_statuses gl
	where gl.set_of_books_id = P_SET_OF_BOOKS_ID            and gl.application_id  = 222
          and gl.period_name     = P_REVALUATION_PERIOD;
Line: 72

        select min(start_date)
        into acc_start_date
        from gl_period_statuses gl
        where gl.set_of_books_id = P_SET_OF_BOOKS_ID
        and gl.application_id=222;
Line: 167

	select decode(tr.EOP_RATE, 0,0, 1/tr.EOP_RATE) 	into eop_rate
	from gl_translation_rates tr
	where tr.set_of_books_id    = P_SET_OF_BOOKS_ID
	  and tr.to_currency_code   = C_CURR
	  and upper(tr.period_name) = upper(P_REVALUATION_PERIOD)
	  and tr.actual_flag        = 'A';
Line: 233

   select sum(nvl(app.amount_applied,0) + nvl(app.earned_discount_taken,0) + nvl(app.unearned_discount_taken,0))
     into receipt
     from ar_receivable_applications app
    where app.applied_payment_schedule_id = C_PAY_ID
      and app.status = 'APP'
      and app.gl_date <= P_END_DATE
      and app.application_type='CASH'
      and not exists (
		select 'reversed'
		   from ar_cash_receipt_history crh
		  where app.cash_receipt_id = crh.cash_receipt_id
		    and crh.status = 'REVERSED'
		    and crh.gl_date <= P_END_DATE);
Line: 247

   select sum(nvl(app.amount_applied,0) + nvl(app.earned_discount_taken,0) + nvl(app.unearned_discount_taken,0))
     into receipt
     from ar_receivable_applications app
    where app.applied_payment_schedule_id = C_PAY_ID
      and app.status = 'APP'
      and app.gl_date <= P_END_DATE
      and app.application_type='CASH'
      and exists
       ( select 'Cleared Receipt'
           from ar_cash_receipt_history_all crh
          where crh.cash_receipt_id = app.cash_receipt_id
            and crh.status = 'CLEARED'
            and crh.gl_date <= P_END_DATE
            and nvl(crh.reversal_gl_date,P_END_DATE+1) > P_END_DATE) ;
Line: 322

select sum(amount)
	into adjust
from  ar_adjustments adj
where  adj.payment_schedule_id = C_PAY_ID
  and  adj.gl_date <= P_END_DATE
  and  adj.status = 'A';
Line: 378

select 	sum(nvl(app.amount_applied,0))
	into cm
from 	ar_receivable_applications app
where 	app.gl_date <= P_END_DATE
   and	app.status ='APP'
   and  app.application_type = 'CM'
   and  app.applied_payment_schedule_id = C_PAY_ID ;
Line: 438

select sum(amount)
	into adjust
from  ar_adjustments adj
where  adj.payment_schedule_id = C_PAY_ID
  and  adj.gl_date > P_REVALUATION_DATE
  and  adj.status = 'APP';
Line: 473

       		' ( select ''receipt clear after p_end_date''  ' ||
		'	  from ar_receivable_applications_all app ' ||
		'               ,ar_cash_receipt_history_all crh ' ||
		'	where trx.customer_trx_id = app.applied_customer_Trx_id ' ||
		'  	and   app.cash_receipt_id = crh.cash_receipt_id' ||
                '       and   crh.status <> ''CLEARED'' ' ||
		--(orig st)'       and   crh.gl_date <= :P_END_DATE' ||
		'       and   crh.gl_date <= :LP_END_DATE' ||
             --(orig st) '        and   nvl(crh.reversal_gl_date, :P_END_DATE +1 ) > :P_END_DATE ) ) ' ;
Line: 557

select 	sum(nvl(app.amount_applied,0))
	into cm
from 	ar_receivable_applications app
where 	app.gl_date <= P_END_DATE
   and	app.status ='APP'
   and  app.application_type = 'CM'
   and  app.payment_schedule_id = C_PAY_ID ;
Line: 573

	SELECT displayed_field
	INTO   l_return_var
	FROM   ap_lookup_codes
	WHERE  lookup_type = 'APXINREV_RATE_TYPE'
	AND    lookup_code = P_RATE_TYPE_LOOKUP;
Line: 586

	SELECT user_conversion_type
	INTO   l_return_var
	FROM   gl_daily_conversion_types
	WHERE  conversion_type = p_daily_rate_type;
Line: 598

	select meaning
	into return_value
	from fnd_lookups
	where lookup_type = 'YES_NO'
	and lookup_code = P_POSTED;
Line: 608

	select meaning
	into return_value
	from fnd_lookups
	where lookup_type = 'YES_NO'
	and lookup_code = P_CLEARED;