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1 package body pay_us_tax_balance_perf as
2 /* $Header: pyustxpl.pkb 120.4.12020000.2 2012/11/01 17:25:14 emunisek ship $ */
3 --
4 -- Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1991, 1992, 1993. All rights reserved.
5 --
6 /*
7    NAME
8       pyustxpl.pkb
9 --
11       API to get US tax balance figures performance version.
12 --
14   N Bristow  21-MAY-1996     Changed package name to comply with standards.
15   N Bristow  30-APR-1996     Created from a copy of pay_us_tax_bals_pkg,
16                              altered package for chequewriter performance
17                              reasons.
18   19-mar-98 McVeagh          Change create or replace 'as' not 'is'
19   08-apr-99 djoshi           Verfied and converted for Canonical
20                              Complience of Date
21   14-Sep-1999 skutteti 115.4 Pre-tax enhancements
22   15-SEP-2000 skutteti 115.5 Currently there is no balance for FIT gross,
23                              instead 'Gross Earnings' is used. Changed code
24                              to subtract Alien earnings from FIT Gross.
25   23-NOV-2000 skutteti 115.6 Pre tax for Alien expat earnings has to be
26                              reported in 1042s. Added code to subtract the
27                              Alien portion of Pre-tax for SIT/FIT purposes.
28   15-AUG-2000 tmehra   115.7 Reverted the above changes for SIT Redns as
29                              it is now directly being reduced by feeds.
30   04-DEC-2008 tclewis  115.8 Added validaton for SUI1 EE AND SDI1 EE.
31   03-JUN-2010 emunisek 115.9 Modified US_TAX_BALANCE function to change the way Federal Tax
32                              Balances are fetched.Replaced the derived approach with estimated
33                              values from Earnings with Run Results.The new changes are dependant
34                              on a profile value set at site level.If the profile value is not
35                              set or set as No, the balances will be fetched as it was before.
36                              Only when Profile value is made Yes, the new changes will be effective.
37   03-JUN-2010 emunisek 115.10 Added dbdrv hint to the file to make it GSCC compliant
38   24-NOV-2011 nkjaladi 115.11 Bug #11926304 Modified US_TAX_BALANCE function
39                               to support the value fetching for PSD taxes.
40   01-NOV-2012 emunisek 115.12 Bug#14385437 Added changes to check the value set for Profile
41                               Option 'PAY_US_DIRECT_BALANCE_START_YEAR' to use
42                               the Direct US Federal Balances approach.
44 */
45 -- Global declarations
46 type char_array is table of varchar(81) index by binary_integer;
47 type num_array  is table of number(16) index by binary_integer;
48 --
49 g_defbal_tbl_id num_array;
50 g_defbal_tbl_name char_array;
51 g_nxt_free_defbal number;
52 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
53 --
54 --  Quick procedure to raise an error
55 --
56 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
57 PROCEDURE local_error(p_procedure varchar2,
58                       p_step      number) IS
60 --
61   hr_utility.set_message(801,'HR_6153_ALL_PROCEDURE_FAIL');
62   hr_utility.set_message_token('PROCEDURE',
63                                'pay_us_tax_balance_perf.'||p_procedure);
64   hr_utility.set_message_token('STEP',p_step);
65   hr_utility.raise_error;
66 --
67 END local_error;
68 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
69 --
70 --  Wrapper around the core bal user exit
71 --
72 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
73 FUNCTION call_balance_user_exit
74                          (p_balance_name          varchar2,
75                           p_dimension_suffix      varchar2,
76                           p_assignment_action_id  number,
77                           p_business_group_id     number)
78 RETURN number IS
79 --
80 l_defined_balance_id  number;
81 l_balance_type_id     number;
82 l_dimension_id        number;
83 l_defbal_name         char(81);
84 l_count               number;
85 l_found               boolean;
86 --
88  --
89  -- Search for the defined balance in the Cache.
90  --
91  l_defbal_name := p_balance_name||p_dimension_suffix||p_business_group_id;
92  l_count := 1;
93  l_found := FALSE;
94  while (l_count < g_nxt_free_defbal and l_found = FALSE) loop
95     if (l_defbal_name = g_defbal_tbl_name(l_count)) then
96        l_defined_balance_id := g_defbal_tbl_id(l_count);
97        l_found := TRUE;
98     end if;
99     l_count := l_count + 1;
100  end loop;
101 --
102  --
103  -- If the balance is not in the Cache get it from the database.
104  --
105  if (l_found = FALSE) then
106     BEGIN
107 --
108        hr_utility.trace('Looking for def_bal:  ' || p_balance_name ||
109                         '  :  ' || p_dimension_suffix);
110 --
111        SELECT  creator_id
112          INTO  l_defined_balance_id
113          FROM  ff_user_entities
114         WHERE  user_entity_name like
115                   translate(p_balance_name||'_'||p_dimension_suffix,' ','_');
116 --
117        --
118        -- Place the defined balance in cache.
119        --
120        g_defbal_tbl_name(g_nxt_free_defbal) := l_defbal_name;
121        g_defbal_tbl_id(g_nxt_free_defbal) := l_defined_balance_id;
122        g_nxt_free_defbal := g_nxt_free_defbal + 1;
123        hr_utility.trace('Calling core balance user exit');
124 --
125     EXCEPTION WHEN no_data_found THEN
126        hr_utility.trace('Error:  Failure to find defined balance');
127        local_error('call_balance_user_exit',1);
128 --
129     END;
130 --
131   end if;
132 --
133   return pay_balance_pkg.get_value (l_defined_balance_id,
134                                       p_assignment_action_id);
135 --
136 END call_balance_user_exit;
137 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
138 --
139 --
140 --
141 --
142 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
143 FUNCTION  us_tax_balance (p_tax_balance_category  in varchar2,
144                           p_tax_type              in varchar2,
145                           p_ee_or_er              in varchar2,
146                           p_time_type             in varchar2,
147                           p_asg_type              in varchar2,
148                           p_gre_id_context        in number,
149                           p_jd_context            in varchar2  DEFAULT NULL,
150                           p_assignment_action_id  in number    DEFAULT NULL,
151                           p_assignment_id         in number    DEFAULT NULL,
152                           p_virtual_date          in date      DEFAULT NULL,
153                           p_business_group_id     in number)
154 RETURN number IS
156 CURSOR get_year (p_assign_action_id NUMBER) IS
157 SELECT TO_CHAR(effective_date,'YYYY')
158 FROM pay_assignment_actions paa,pay_payroll_actions ppa
159 WHERE ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
160   AND paa.assignment_action_id = p_assign_action_id;
162 --
163 l_return_value   number;
164 l_test           number;
165 l_tax_balance_category  varchar2(30);
166 l_tax_type       varchar2(15);
167 l_ee_or_er       varchar2(5);
168 l_dimension_string  varchar2(80);
169 l_jd_dimension_string varchar2(80);
170 l_assignment_id  number;
171 l_assignment_action_id number;
172 l_asg_exists     number;
173 l_max_date       date;
174 l_bal_start_date date;
175 l_virtual_date   date;
176 l_valid          number;
177 l_non_w2_cat     varchar2(60);
178 l_direct_fed_bal_call varchar2(2) := 'N'; /*Added for Bug#6696348*/
179 /* Added for Bug#14385437 */
180 l_year           varchar2(4);
181 l_direct_bal_year varchar2(4);
182 /* End of changes for Bug#14385437 */
183 l_tax_tag        varchar2(20);/*Added for Bug#6696348*/
184 --
186 /*Changes for Bug#6696348*/
187 --
188 --Check if Direct Balances needs to be used for Federal Balances
189 --
190 l_direct_fed_bal_call := nvl(fnd_profile.value('PAY_DIRECT_US_FEDERAL_BALANCES'),'N');
192 /* Added for Bug#14385437 */
194 IF l_direct_fed_bal_call = 'Y' THEN
196   IF p_assignment_action_id IS NOT NULL THEN
198      OPEN get_year(p_assignment_action_id);
199      FETCH get_year INTO l_year;
200      CLOSE get_year;
202      hr_utility.trace('Year from Assignment Action ID: '||l_year);
204   ELSE
206      l_year := TO_CHAR(p_virtual_date,'YYYY');
208      hr_utility.trace('Year from Virtual Date: '||l_year);
210   END IF;
212   l_direct_bal_year := NVL(fnd_profile.value('PAY_US_DIRECT_BALANCE_START_YEAR'),'0001');
214   IF l_direct_bal_year > l_year THEN
216     l_direct_fed_bal_call := 'N';
218   ELSE
220     hr_utility.trace('US Federal Balances will be fetched from Direct Values');
222   END IF;
224 END IF;
225 /* End of changes for Bug#14385437 */
226 /*End Bug#6696348*/
227 --
228 -- Check that inputs based on lookups are valid
229 --
230 SELECT count(*)
231 INTO   l_valid
232 FROM   hr_lookups
233 WHERE  lookup_type = 'US_TAX_BALANCE_CATEGORY'
234 AND    lookup_code = p_tax_balance_category;
235 --
236 IF l_valid = 0 THEN
237    hr_utility.trace('Error:  Invalid tax balance category');
238    local_error('us_tax_balance',1);
239 END IF;
240 --
241 SELECT count(*)
242 INTO   l_valid
243 FROM   hr_lookups
244 WHERE  lookup_type = 'US_TAX_TYPE'
245 AND    lookup_code = p_tax_type;
246 --
247 IF l_valid = 0 THEN
248   IF instr(l_tax_type,'PSD') = 0 THEN  -- #11926304 Added If to support PSD tax
249     hr_utility.trace('Error:  Invalid tax type');
250     local_error('us_tax_balance',2);
251   END IF;  -- #11926304
252 END IF;
253 --
254 SELECT count(*)
255 INTO   l_valid
256 FROM   dual
257 WHERE  p_asg_type in ('ASG','PER','GRE');
258 --
259 IF l_valid = 0 THEN
260    hr_utility.trace('Error:  Invalid asg_type parameter');
261    local_error('us_tax_balance',3);
262 END IF;
263 --
264 SELECT count(*)
265 INTO   l_valid
266 FROM   dual
267 WHERE  p_time_type in ('RUN','PTD','MONTH','QTD','YTD', 'PAYMENTS', 'PYDATE');
268 --
269 IF l_valid = 0 THEN
270    hr_utility.trace('Error:  Invalid time_type parameter');
271    local_error('us_tax_balance',4);
272 END IF;
273 --
274 -- Set the contexts used in the bal user exit.  Same throughout, so set
275 -- them up front
276 --
277  hr_utility.set_location('pay_tax_bals_pkg',30);
278 --
279 IF p_jd_context IS NOT NULL THEN
280   IF (p_tax_type = 'SCHOOL' and length(p_jd_context) > 11) THEN
281     pay_balance_pkg.set_context('JURISDICTION_CODE',substr(p_jd_context,1,2)||
282                                               '-'||substr(p_jd_context,13,5));
283   ELSE
284     pay_balance_pkg.set_context('JURISDICTION_CODE',p_jd_context);
285   END IF;
286 END IF;
287 --
288  hr_utility.set_location('pay_tax_bals_pkg',40);
289 --
290 l_assignment_id := p_assignment_id;
291 l_assignment_action_id := p_assignment_action_id;
292 l_tax_type := p_tax_type;
293 l_tax_balance_category := p_tax_balance_category;
294 l_virtual_date := p_virtual_date;
295 --
296 -- Check if assignment exists at l_virtual_date, if using date mode
297 --
298  hr_utility.set_location('pay_tax_bals_pkg',50);
299 --
300 --
301 -- Convert "WITHHELD" to proper balance categories;
302 --
303  hr_utility.set_location('pay_tax_bals_pkg',80);
304 --
305 IF l_tax_balance_category = 'WITHHELD' THEN
306   IF p_ee_or_er = 'ER' or l_tax_type = 'FUTA' or l_tax_type = 'HT' THEN
307     l_tax_balance_category := 'LIABILITY';
308   ELSIF l_tax_type = 'EIC' THEN
309     l_tax_balance_category := 'ADVANCE';
310   END IF;
311 END IF;
312 IF l_tax_balance_category = 'ADVANCED' THEN
313     l_tax_balance_category := 'ADVANCE';
314 END IF;
315 --
316 --  Check if illegal tax combo (FIT and TAXABLE, FUTA and SUBJ_NWHABLE, etc.)
317 --
318  hr_utility.set_location('pay_tax_bals_pkg',90);
319 --
320 IF (l_tax_type = 'FIT' or l_tax_type = 'SIT' or l_tax_type = 'COUNTY' or
321     l_tax_type = 'CITY' or l_tax_type = 'EIC' or l_tax_type = 'HT' or
322     l_tax_type = 'SCHOOL') THEN    -- income tax
323   IF (l_tax_balance_category = 'TAXABLE' or
324       l_tax_balance_category = 'EXCESS')  THEN
325      hr_utility.trace('Error:  Illegal tax category for tax type');
326      local_error('us_tax_balance',5);
327   END IF;
328 --
329 -- return 0 for currently unsupported EIC balances.
330 -- skutteti added 403,457 and Pre tax REDNS
331 --
332   IF l_tax_type = 'EIC' and (l_tax_balance_category = 'SUBJ_NWHABLE'   or
333                              l_tax_balance_category = '401_REDNS'      or
334                              l_tax_balance_category = '125_REDNS'      or
335                              l_tax_balance_category = 'DEP_CARE_REDNS' or
336                              l_tax_balance_category = '403_REDNS'      or
337                              l_tax_balance_category = '457_REDNS'      or
338                              l_tax_balance_category = 'PRE_TAX_REDNS'  ) THEN
339     return 0;
340   END IF;
341 ELSE       -- limit tax
342   IF l_tax_balance_category = 'SUBJ_NWHABLE' THEN
343     return 0;
344   END IF;
345 END IF;
346 --
347  hr_utility.set_location('pay_tax_bals_pkg',100);
348 --
349 l_ee_or_er := ltrim(rtrim(p_ee_or_er));
350 --
351 --------------- Some Error Checking -------------
352 --
353 --
354 if (l_tax_type = 'FIT' or l_tax_type = 'SIT' or l_tax_type = 'CITY' or
355     l_tax_type = 'COUNTY' or l_tax_type = 'EIC' or l_tax_type = 'SCHOOL'
356     or instr(l_tax_type,'PSD') <> 0 ) THEN  --#11926304
357   if l_ee_or_er = 'ER' THEN
358      hr_utility.trace('Error:  ER not allowed for tax type');
359      local_error('us_tax_balance',6);
360   else
361     l_ee_or_er := NULL;
362   end if;
363 elsif (l_tax_type = 'FUTA' or l_tax_type = 'HT') THEN
364   if l_ee_or_er = 'EE' THEN
365      hr_utility.trace('Error:  EE not allowed for tax type');
366      local_error('us_tax_balance',7);
367   else
368     l_ee_or_er := NULL;
369   end if;
370 elsif (l_tax_type = 'SS' or l_tax_type = 'MEDICARE' or l_tax_type = 'SDI' or
371        l_tax_type = 'SUI') THEN
372   if (l_ee_or_er <> 'EE' and l_ee_or_er <> 'ER') THEN
373      hr_utility.trace('Error:  EE or ER required for tax type');
374      local_error('us_tax_balance',8);
375   end if;
376 elsif (l_tax_type = 'SUI1') OR  (l_tax_type = 'SDI1')THEN
377   if (l_ee_or_er <> 'EE' ) THEN
378      hr_utility.trace('Error:  EE required for tax type');
379      local_error('us_tax_balance',9);
380   end if;
381 end if;
382 --
383  hr_utility.set_location('pay_tax_bals_pkg',110);
385 -- As of implementation of the SUI1 EE Tax, we only maintain
386 -- a WIthheld balance.   As the SUI1 tax type should match
387 -- balances with SUI We will return the SUI balances.
389 IF l_tax_type = 'SUI1' and (l_tax_balance_category <> 'WITHHELD'
390 			    ) THEN
391     l_tax_type := 'SUI';
392  END IF;
394 IF l_tax_type = 'SDI1' and (l_tax_balance_category <> 'WITHHELD'
395 			    ) THEN
396     l_tax_type := 'SDI';
397  END IF;
398 --
399 -- Force space at end of this parameter if necessary
400 --
401  hr_utility.set_location('pay_tax_bals_pkg',120);
402 --
403 IF l_ee_or_er IS NOT NULL THEN
404   l_ee_or_er := rtrim(l_ee_or_er)||' ';
405 END IF;
406 --
407 --  Set up dimension strings
408 --
409 IF p_asg_type <> 'GRE' THEN
410   l_dimension_string := p_asg_type||'_GRE_'||p_time_type;
411   l_jd_dimension_string := p_asg_type||'_JD_GRE_'||p_time_type;
412 ELSE
413 --
414   l_dimension_string := 'GRE_'||p_time_type;
415   l_jd_dimension_string := 'GRE_JD_'||p_time_type;
416 --
417   l_assignment_id := p_assignment_id;
418 --
419 END IF;
421 IF p_time_type = 'PAYMENTS' THEN
422 --
423 -- 333594 payments_jd dimension is defunct
424 -- removed following line
425 --  l_jd_dimension_string := p_time_type||'_JD';
426 --
427   l_dimension_string := p_time_type;
428   l_jd_dimension_string := p_time_type;
430 END IF;
431 --
432 --
433 --  Check if the tax is federal or not.
434 --
435 SELECT count(*)
436 INTO   l_test
437 FROM   sys.dual
438 WHERE  l_tax_type in ('FIT','FUTA','MEDICARE','SS','EIC');
439 --
440 IF l_test <> 0 THEN   -- yes, the tax is federal
441 --
443 IF l_direct_fed_bal_call = 'Y' THEN
445  IF l_tax_type IN ('MEDICARE','SS') THEN
447    l_tax_tag := l_tax_type||'_'||rtrim(l_ee_or_er);
449  ELSE
451    l_tax_tag := l_tax_type;
453  END IF;
455 END IF;
457   IF l_tax_balance_category = 'GROSS' THEN
459     IF l_direct_fed_bal_call = 'Y' THEN
461         l_return_value := call_balance_user_exit (l_tax_tag||'_'||l_tax_balance_category,
462                                              l_dimension_string,
463                                              l_assignment_action_id,
464                                              p_business_group_id);
466     ELSE
468     l_return_value := call_balance_user_exit ('GROSS_EARNINGS',
469                                              l_dimension_string,
470                                              l_assignment_action_id,
471                                              p_business_group_id);
472     --
473     -- The if condition was added by subbu on 15-sep-2000
474     --
475     IF l_tax_type = 'FIT' AND l_return_value > 0 THEN
476        l_return_value := l_return_value -
477                      call_balance_user_exit ('ALIEN_EXPAT_EARNINGS',
478                                              l_dimension_string,
479                                              l_assignment_action_id,
480                                              p_business_group_id);
481     END IF;
483 END IF;
484 --
485   ELSIF l_tax_balance_category = 'SUBJ_WHABLE' THEN
487   IF l_direct_fed_bal_call = 'Y' THEN
489     l_return_value := call_balance_user_exit (l_tax_tag||'_'||l_tax_balance_category,
490                                              l_dimension_string,
491                                              l_assignment_action_id,
492                                              p_business_group_id);
494     ELSE
496     l_return_value := call_balance_user_exit ('REGULAR_EARNINGS',
497                                              l_dimension_string,
498                                              l_assignment_action_id,
499                                              p_business_group_id)
500                    + call_balance_user_exit (
501                                    'SUPPLEMENTAL_EARNINGS_FOR_'||l_tax_type,
502                                       'SUBJECT_TO_TAX_'||l_dimension_string,
503                                              l_assignment_action_id,
504                                              p_business_group_id);
506 END IF;
507 --
508   ELSIF l_tax_balance_category = 'SUBJ_NWHABLE' THEN
510   IF l_direct_fed_bal_call = 'Y' THEN
512     l_return_value := call_balance_user_exit (l_tax_tag||'_'||l_tax_balance_category,
513                                              l_dimension_string,
514                                              l_assignment_action_id,
515                                              p_business_group_id);
517     ELSE
519     l_return_value := call_balance_user_exit (
520                                 'SUPPLEMENTAL_EARNINGS_FOR_NW'||l_tax_type,
521                                       'SUBJECT_TO_TAX_'||l_dimension_string,
522                                              l_assignment_action_id,
523                                              p_business_group_id);
525 END IF;
526 --
527   ELSIF l_tax_balance_category = '401_REDNS' THEN
529   IF l_direct_fed_bal_call = 'Y' THEN
531   l_return_value :=   call_balance_user_exit (l_tax_tag||'_'||l_tax_balance_category,
532                                              l_dimension_string,
533                                              l_assignment_action_id,
534                                              p_business_group_id);
536     ELSE
538   l_return_value :=   call_balance_user_exit ('DEF_COMP_401K',
539                                              l_dimension_string,
540                                              l_assignment_action_id,
541                                              p_business_group_id);
542 	--
543 	-- 337641
544 	-- check if balance 0 therefore no need to
545 	-- subtract subsequent balance
546 	--
547 	IF ( l_return_value <> 0 )
548 	THEN
549 	l_return_value := l_return_value
550                     - call_balance_user_exit ('DEF_COMP_401K_FOR_'||l_tax_type,
551                                       'SUBJECT_TO_TAX_'||l_dimension_string,
552                                              l_assignment_action_id,
553                                              p_business_group_id);
554          --
555          -- added by skutteti in Nov 2000, to remove the Non W2 portion
556          --
557          IF l_tax_type = 'FIT' THEN
558             l_return_value := l_return_value - call_balance_user_exit
559                                               ('FIT_NON_W2_DEF_COMP_401',
560                                                l_dimension_string,
561                                                l_assignment_action_id,
562                                                p_business_group_id);
563          END IF;
564 	END IF;
566 END IF;
567 --
568   ELSIF l_tax_balance_category = '125_REDNS' THEN
570   IF l_direct_fed_bal_call = 'Y' THEN
572     l_return_value := call_balance_user_exit (l_tax_tag||'_'||l_tax_balance_category,
573                                              l_dimension_string,
574                                              l_assignment_action_id,
575                                              p_business_group_id);
577     ELSE
579     l_return_value := call_balance_user_exit ('SECTION_125',
580                                              l_dimension_string,
581                                              l_assignment_action_id,
582                                              p_business_group_id);
583 	--
584 	-- 337641
585 	-- check if balance 0 therefore no need to
586 	-- subtract subsequent balance
587 	--
588 	IF ( l_return_value <> 0 )
589 	THEN
590 	l_return_value := l_return_value
591                     - call_balance_user_exit ('SECTION_125_FOR_'||l_tax_type,
592                                             'SUBJECT_TO_TAX_'||l_dimension_string,
593                                              l_assignment_action_id,
594                                              p_business_group_id);
595          --
596          -- added by skutteti in Nov 2000, to remove the Non W2 portion
597          --
598          IF l_tax_type = 'FIT' THEN
599             l_return_value := l_return_value - call_balance_user_exit
600                                               ('FIT_NON_W2_SECTION_125',
601                                                l_dimension_string,
602                                                l_assignment_action_id,
603                                                p_business_group_id);
604          END IF;
605 	END IF;
607 END IF;
608 --
609   ELSIF l_tax_balance_category = 'DEP_CARE_REDNS' THEN
611   IF l_direct_fed_bal_call = 'Y' THEN
613       l_return_value := call_balance_user_exit (l_tax_tag||'_'||l_tax_balance_category,
614                                              l_dimension_string,
615                                              l_assignment_action_id,
616                                              p_business_group_id);
618     ELSE
620     l_return_value := call_balance_user_exit ('DEPENDENT_CARE',
621                                              l_dimension_string,
622                                              l_assignment_action_id,
623                                              p_business_group_id);
624 	--
625 	-- 337641
626 	-- check if balance 0 therefore no need to
627 	-- subtract subsequent balance
628 	--
629 	IF ( l_return_value <> 0 )
630 	THEN
631 	l_return_value := l_return_value
632                - call_balance_user_exit ('DEPENDENT_CARE_FOR_'||l_tax_type,
633                                       'SUBJECT_TO_TAX_'||l_dimension_string,
634                                              l_assignment_action_id,
635                                              p_business_group_id);
636          --
637          -- added by skutteti in Nov 2000, to remove the Non W2 portion
638          --
639          IF l_tax_type = 'FIT' THEN
640             l_return_value := l_return_value - call_balance_user_exit
641                                               ('FIT_NON_W2_DEPENDENT_CARE',
642                                                l_dimension_string,
643                                                l_assignment_action_id,
644                                                p_business_group_id);
645          END IF;
646 	END IF;
648 END IF;
649 --
650   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
651   -- skutteti added the following: 403,457 and PRE_TAX as part of the pre-tax
652   -- enhancements
653   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
654   ELSIF l_tax_balance_category = 'PRE_TAX_REDNS' THEN
656   IF l_direct_fed_bal_call = 'Y' THEN
658         l_return_value :=   call_balance_user_exit (l_tax_tag||'_'||l_tax_balance_category,
659                                                     l_dimension_string,
660                                                     l_assignment_action_id,
661                                                     p_business_group_id);
663     ELSE
665         l_return_value :=   call_balance_user_exit ('PRE_TAX_DEDUCTIONS',
666                                                     l_dimension_string,
667                                                     l_assignment_action_id,
668                                                     p_business_group_id);
669 	IF ( l_return_value <> 0 )
670 	THEN
671 	l_return_value := l_return_value - call_balance_user_exit (
672                                               'PRE_TAX_DEDUCTIONS_FOR_'||l_tax_type,
673                                               'SUBJECT_TO_TAX_'||l_dimension_string,
674                                               l_assignment_action_id,
675                                               p_business_group_id);
676          --
677          -- added by skutteti in Nov 2000, to remove the Non W2 portion
678          --
679          IF l_tax_type = 'FIT' THEN
680             l_return_value := l_return_value - call_balance_user_exit
681                                               ('FIT_NON_W2_PRE_TAX_DEDNS',
682                                                l_dimension_string,
683                                                l_assignment_action_id,
684                                                p_business_group_id);
685          END IF;
686      --
687      END IF;
689 END IF;
690 --
691   ELSIF l_tax_balance_category = '403_REDNS' THEN
693   IF l_direct_fed_bal_call = 'Y' THEN
695      l_return_value :=   call_balance_user_exit (l_tax_tag||'_'||l_tax_balance_category,
696                                              l_dimension_string,
697                                              l_assignment_action_id,
698                                              p_business_group_id);
700     ELSE
702      l_return_value :=   call_balance_user_exit ('DEF_COMP_403B',
703                                              l_dimension_string,
704                                              l_assignment_action_id,
705                                              p_business_group_id);
706 	IF ( l_return_value <> 0 ) THEN
707 	   l_return_value := l_return_value - call_balance_user_exit (
708                                              'DEF_COMP_403B_FOR_'||l_tax_type,
709                                              'SUBJECT_TO_TAX_'||l_dimension_string,
710                                              l_assignment_action_id,
711                                              p_business_group_id);
712          --
713          -- added by skutteti in Nov 2000, to remove the Non W2 portion
714          --
715          IF l_tax_type = 'FIT' THEN
716             l_return_value := l_return_value - call_balance_user_exit
717                                               ('FIT_NON_W2_DEF_COMP_403',
718                                                l_dimension_string,
719                                                l_assignment_action_id,
720                                                p_business_group_id);
721          END IF;
722 	END IF;
724 END IF;
725 --
726   ELSIF l_tax_balance_category = '457_REDNS' THEN
728   IF l_direct_fed_bal_call = 'Y' THEN
730      l_return_value :=   call_balance_user_exit (l_tax_tag||'_'||l_tax_balance_category,
731                                              l_dimension_string,
732                                              l_assignment_action_id,
733                                              p_business_group_id);
735     ELSE
737      l_return_value :=   call_balance_user_exit ('DEF_COMP_457',
738                                              l_dimension_string,
739                                              l_assignment_action_id,
740                                              p_business_group_id);
741 	IF ( l_return_value <> 0 ) THEN
742 	   l_return_value := l_return_value - call_balance_user_exit (
743                                              'DEF_COMP_457_FOR_'||l_tax_type,
744                                              'SUBJECT_TO_TAX_'||l_dimension_string,
745                                              l_assignment_action_id,
746                                              p_business_group_id);
747          --
748          -- added by skutteti in Nov 2000, to remove the Non W2 portion
749          --
750          IF l_tax_type = 'FIT' THEN
751             l_return_value := l_return_value - call_balance_user_exit
752                                               ('FIT_NON_W2_DEF_COMP_457',
753                                                l_dimension_string,
754                                                l_assignment_action_id,
755                                                p_business_group_id);
756          END IF;
757 	END IF;
759   END IF;
760 	--
761   ELSIF l_tax_balance_category = 'TAXABLE' THEN
763     l_return_value := call_balance_user_exit (l_tax_type||'_'||
764                                               l_ee_or_er||'TAXABLE',
765                                              l_dimension_string,
766                                              l_assignment_action_id,
767                                              p_business_group_id);
768 --
769   ELSIF (l_tax_balance_category = 'WITHHELD' or
770          l_tax_balance_category = 'LIABILITY' or
771          l_tax_balance_category = 'ADVANCE') THEN
772     l_return_value := call_balance_user_exit (
773                            l_tax_type||'_'||l_ee_or_er||l_tax_balance_category,
774                                            l_dimension_string,
775                                            l_assignment_action_id,
776                                            p_business_group_id);
777   END IF;
778 ELSE   -- the tax is non-federal
779 --
780 -- if the tax balance is not derived, get it here.
781   IF (l_tax_balance_category <> 'SUBJECT' and
782       l_tax_balance_category <> 'EXEMPT' and
783       l_tax_balance_category <> 'EXCESS' and
784       l_tax_balance_category <> 'REDUCED_SUBJ_WHABLE') THEN
785 --
786 -- Use the CITY balances for HT if we don't want to see LIABILITY
787 --
788     IF (l_tax_type = 'HT') THEN
789       IF (l_tax_balance_category <> 'LIABILITY') THEN
790         l_tax_type := 'CITY';
791       ELSE
792         l_tax_type := 'HEAD TAX';
793       END IF;
794     END IF;
795 --
796     l_return_value := call_balance_user_exit (
797                     l_tax_type||'_'||l_ee_or_er||l_tax_balance_category,
798                                            l_jd_dimension_string,
799                                            l_assignment_action_id,
800                                            p_business_group_id);
801 /*  The following code was commented by tmehra as SIT Redns is now
802     directly being reduced by the feeds.
803     --
804     -- added by skutteti to remove the non w2 portion for pre tax REDNS
805     --
806     IF (l_return_value <> 0                   AND
807        l_tax_type      = 'SIT'                AND
808        l_tax_balance_category like '%REDNS' ) THEN
809        IF l_tax_balance_category = 'PRE_TAX_REDNS' THEN
810           l_non_w2_cat := 'NON_W2_PRE_TAX_DEDNS';
811        ELSIF l_tax_balance_category = '401_REDNS' THEN
812           l_non_w2_cat := 'NON_W2_DEF_COMP_401';
813        ELSIF l_tax_balance_category = '403_REDNS' THEN
814           l_non_w2_cat := 'NON_W2_DEF_COMP_403';
815        ELSIF l_tax_balance_category = '457_REDNS' THEN
816           l_non_w2_cat := 'NON_W2_DEF_COMP_457';
817        ELSIF l_tax_balance_category = '125_REDNS' THEN
818           l_non_w2_cat := 'NON_W2_SECTION_125';
819        ELSIF l_tax_balance_category = 'DEP_CARE_REDNS' THEN
820           l_non_w2_cat := 'NON_W2_DEPENDENT_CARE';
821        END IF;
822        l_return_value := l_return_value - call_balance_user_exit (
823                                            'SIT_'||l_non_w2_cat,
824                                            l_jd_dimension_string,
825                                            l_assignment_action_id,
826                                            p_business_group_id);
827     END IF;
829 */
831   END IF;
832 END IF;
833 --
834 IF l_tax_balance_category = 'SUBJECT' THEN
835   l_return_value := us_tax_balance('SUBJ_WHABLE',
836                                   l_tax_type,
837                                   p_ee_or_er,
838                                   p_time_type,
839                                   p_asg_type,
840                                   p_gre_id_context,
841                                   p_jd_context,
842                                   l_assignment_action_id,
843                                   l_assignment_id,
844                                   l_virtual_date,
845                                   p_business_group_id)
846                  + us_tax_balance('SUBJ_NWHABLE',
847                                   l_tax_type,
848                                   p_ee_or_er,
849                                   p_time_type,
850                                   p_asg_type,
851                                   p_gre_id_context,
852                                   p_jd_context,
853                                   l_assignment_action_id,
854                                   l_assignment_id,
855                                   l_virtual_date,
856                                   p_business_group_id);
857 --
858 ELSIF l_tax_balance_category = 'EXEMPT' THEN
859   l_return_value := us_tax_balance('GROSS',
860                                   l_tax_type,
861                                   p_ee_or_er,
862                                   p_time_type,
863                                   p_asg_type,
864                                   p_gre_id_context,
865                                   p_jd_context,
866                                   l_assignment_action_id,
867                                   l_assignment_id,
868                                   l_virtual_date,
869                                   p_business_group_id);
870 	--
871 	-- 337641
872 	-- check if balance 0 therefore no need to
873 	-- subtract subsequent balance
874 	--
875 	IF ( l_return_value <> 0 )
876 	THEN
877 	l_return_value := l_return_value
878                  - us_tax_balance('SUBJECT',
879                                   l_tax_type,
880                                   p_ee_or_er,
881                                   p_time_type,
882                                   p_asg_type,
883                                   p_gre_id_context,
884                                   p_jd_context,
885                                   l_assignment_action_id,
886                                   l_assignment_id,
887                                   l_virtual_date,
888                                   p_business_group_id);
889 	END IF;
890 --
891 ELSIF l_tax_balance_category = 'REDUCED_SUBJ_WHABLE' THEN
892   l_return_value := us_tax_balance('SUBJ_WHABLE',
893                                   l_tax_type,
894                                   p_ee_or_er,
895                                   p_time_type,
896                                   p_asg_type,
897                                   p_gre_id_context,
898                                   p_jd_context,
899                                   l_assignment_action_id,
900                                   l_assignment_id,
901                                   l_virtual_date,
902                                   p_business_group_id);
903 	--
904 	-- 337641
905 	-- check if balance 0 therefore no need to
906 	-- subtract subsequent balance
907 	--
908 	IF ( l_return_value <> 0 )
909 	THEN
910         /***************************************************************
911          * skutteti commented all the individual pre-tax categories and
912          * replaced it by PRE_TAX_REDNS
913          ***************************************************************/
914          -- l_return_value := l_return_value
915          --        - us_tax_balance('401_REDNS',
916          --                         l_tax_type,
917          --                         p_ee_or_er,
918          --                         p_time_type,
919          --                         p_asg_type,
920          --                         p_gre_id_context,
921          --                         p_jd_context,
922          --                         l_assignment_action_id,
923          --                         l_assignment_id,
924          --                         l_virtual_date,
925          --                         p_business_group_id)
926          --        - us_tax_balance('125_REDNS',
927          --                         l_tax_type,
928          --                         p_ee_or_er,
929          --                         p_time_type,
930          --                         p_asg_type,
931          --                         p_gre_id_context,
932          --                         p_jd_context,
933          --                         l_assignment_action_id,
934          --                         l_assignment_id,
935          --                         l_virtual_date,
936          --                         p_business_group_id)
937          --        - us_tax_balance('DEP_CARE_REDNS',
938          --                         l_tax_type,
939          --                         p_ee_or_er,
940          --                         p_time_type,
941          --                         p_asg_type,
942          --                         p_gre_id_context,
943          --                         p_jd_context,
944          --                         l_assignment_action_id,
945          --                         l_assignment_id,
946          --                         l_virtual_date,
947          --                         p_business_group_id);
948          /**********************************************************
949           *            skutteti added the following part
950           **********************************************************/
951          l_return_value := l_return_value - us_tax_balance(
952                                   'PRE_TAX_REDNS',
953                                   l_tax_type,
954                                   p_ee_or_er,
955                                   p_time_type,
956                                   p_asg_type,
957                                   p_gre_id_context,
958                                   p_jd_context,
959                                   l_assignment_action_id,
960                                   l_assignment_id,
961                                   l_virtual_date,
962                                   p_business_group_id);
963 	END IF;
964 --
965 ELSIF l_tax_balance_category = 'EXCESS' THEN
966   l_return_value := us_tax_balance('REDUCED_SUBJ_WHABLE',
967                                   l_tax_type,
968                                   p_ee_or_er,
969                                   p_time_type,
970                                   p_asg_type,
971                                   p_gre_id_context,
972                                   p_jd_context,
973                                   l_assignment_action_id,
974                                   l_assignment_id,
975                                   l_virtual_date,
976                                   p_business_group_id);
977 	--
978 	-- 337641
979 	-- check if balance 0 therefore no need to
980 	-- subtract subsequent balance
981 	--
982 	IF ( l_return_value <> 0 )
983 	THEN
984 	l_return_value := l_return_value
985                  - us_tax_balance('TAXABLE',
986                                   l_tax_type,
987                                   p_ee_or_er,
988                                   p_time_type,
989                                   p_asg_type,
990                                   p_gre_id_context,
991                                   p_jd_context,
992                                   l_assignment_action_id,
993                                   l_assignment_id,
994                                   l_virtual_date,
995                                   p_business_group_id);
996 	END IF;
997 END IF;
998 --
999 hr_utility.trace('Returning : ' || l_return_value);
1000 --
1001 return l_return_value;
1002 --
1003 END us_tax_balance;
1004 --
1005 BEGIN
1006    g_nxt_free_defbal := 1;
1007 END pay_us_tax_balance_perf;