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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 66

      G_update_allowed := 'Y';
Line: 71

      G_update_allowed := NULL;
Line: 102

   ||     'ALLOW_QUERY' is to verify that the user has cross project view/update
   ||     access, or has the project authority role in the organizational domain
   ||     of this project, or is a key member of the project.
   ||     There are only two valid values returned from the extension
   ||     procedure:  'Y' or 'N'.  If the value returned is not one of
   ||     these values, then this function returns 'Y'.
   ||     -- changed the return value to 'N' for bug 2635016
   || ---------------------------------------------------------------------

  FUNCTION allow_query ( X_project_id     IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2
    V_allow_query               VARCHAR2(1);
Line: 117

    V_allow_update              VARCHAR2(1); /* added for bug 2686117 */
Line: 129

    IF ( G_update_allowed = 'Y') THEN
      RETURN( G_update_allowed );
Line: 138

                        , 'ALLOW_UPDATE'
                        , V_allow_update );
Line: 141

    IF ( V_allow_update = 'Y') THEN
      RETURN( V_allow_update );
Line: 174

   ||  Function Name:  allow_update
   ||  Input Parameters:
   ||     X_project_id     <-- project identifier
   ||  Description:
   ||     This function determines whether a user has update privileges for
   ||     a particular project.
   ||     The structure is identical to the allow_query function. The default
   ||     validation that PA seeds in the client extension for 'ALLOW_QUERY' is
   ||     to verify that the user has cross project update access, or has the
   ||     project authority role in the organizational domain of this project,
   ||     or is a key member of the project.
   || ---------------------------------------------------------------------

  FUNCTION allow_update ( X_project_id     IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2
    V_allow_update  		VARCHAR2(1);
Line: 205

    IF ( G_update_allowed IS NOT NULL ) THEN
      RETURN( G_update_allowed );
Line: 214

                        , 'ALLOW_UPDATE'
                        , V_allow_update );
Line: 217

    IF ( V_allow_update IN ('Y', 'N') ) THEN
      RETURN( V_allow_update );
Line: 224

  END allow_update;
Line: 414

    ELSIF ( X_security_level = 'ALLOW_UPDATE' ) THEN
      IF ( X_value IS NULL ) THEN
        G_update_allowed := NULL;
Line: 418

        G_update_allowed := X_value;
Line: 460

           SELECT 1
             INTO dummy
             FROM pa_project_players
            WHERE project_id = X_project_id
              AND person_id = X_person_id
	AND TRUNC(sysdate) >= trunc(start_date_active)
	AND TRUNC(sysdate) <= trunc(NVL(end_date_active, sysdate+1));
Line: 514

           SELECT 1
             INTO dummy
             --FROM pa_project_role_types rt --bug 4004821
             FROM pa_project_role_types_b rt
           ,      pa_project_players pp
	   ,      pa_role_controls rc    -- Added for bug 3058844
            WHERE rt.project_role_type = pp.project_role_type
	     /*  Below code added for  bug 3058844 */
	      AND rt.project_role_id = rc.project_role_id
	      AND rc.role_control_code = 'ALLOW_QUERY_LABOR_COST'
	     /* Code addition ends for bug 3058844 */
  	      AND TRUNC(sysdate) >= trunc(pp.start_date_active)
	      AND TRUNC(sysdate) <= trunc(NVL(pp.end_date_active, sysdate+1))
              AND pp.person_id = X_person_id
              AND pp.project_id = X_project_id;
Line: 567

       SELECT '1'
       FROM pa_projects_all ppa,
            pa_project_role_types_b ppr, -- Added for bug 3224170
            fnd_grants fg,
            fnd_objects fo
            --fg.grantee_key = 'PER:'||X_person_id and  /* commenting this line for 11.5.10 security changes */
            fg.grantee_key = PA_SECURITY_PVT.get_grantee_key( 'PERSON', X_person_id, 'N') and
/* replaced the above line with this call. The last paramater will assert that the function will not write to database. */
            fg.grantee_type = 'USER' and
												fg.menu_id = ppr.menu_id  and  -- Added for bug 3224170
												ppr.project_role_id = 3  and   -- Added for bug 3224170
            ppa.project_id = X_project_id and
            to_char(ppa.carrying_out_organization_id) = fg.instance_pk1_value and  -- bug 2777621
            fg.object_id = fo.object_id and
            fo.obj_name = 'ORGANIZATION' and
            fg.instance_type = 'INSTANCE' and
            TRUNC(sysdate) >= trunc(fg.start_date) and
  	    trunc(sysdate) <= trunc(NVL(fg.end_date, sysdate+1));
Line: 635

           SELECT 1
             INTO dummy
             FROM pa_project_players
            WHERE project_id = X_project_id
              AND person_id = X_person_id;
Line: 676

       SELECT '1'
       FROM pa_projects_all ppa,
            fnd_grants fg,
            fnd_objects fo,
            fnd_menus fm
       WHERE */
            --fg.grantee_key = 'PER:'||X_person_id and  /* commenting this line for 11.5.10 security changes */
 /*           fg.grantee_key = PA_SECURITY_PVT.get_grantee_key( 'PERSON', X_person_id, 'N') and*/
/* replaced the above line with this call. The last paramater will assert that the function will not write to database. */
/*            fg.grantee_type = 'USER' and
            ppa.project_id = X_project_id and
            to_char(ppa.carrying_out_organization_id) = fg.instance_pk1_value and  -- bug2777621
            fg.object_id = fo.object_id and
            fm.menu_name  = 'PA_PRM_FCST_AUTH'  and
            fg.menu_id = fm.menu_id and
            fo.obj_name = 'ORGANIZATION' and
            fg.instance_type = 'INSTANCE' and
            TRUNC(sysdate) >= trunc(fg.start_date) and
            trunc(sysdate) <= trunc(NVL(fg.end_date, sysdate+1));