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2 /* $Header: apwccvlb.pls 120.31.12020000.2 2013/02/08 14:01:36 meesubra ship $ */
4 type t_gen_cur is ref cursor;
6 --
7 -- Globals
8 -- These will all get initialized in one of the "set" routines.
9 --
10 g_where_clause_type varchar2(30);
11 g_where_clause varchar2(1000);
12 g_trx_id number;
13 g_request_id number;
14 g_card_program_id number;
15 g_start_date date;
16 g_end_date date;
17 g_validate_code varchar2(25);
19 --
20 -- Package private functions/procedures
21 --
22 function set_row_set_internal return number;
23 -- procedure validate_internal;
24 function execute_update(p_stmt_str in varchar2, p_valid_only in boolean) return number;
25 procedure execute_select(c in out nocopy t_gen_cur,
26                          p_stmt_str in out nocopy varchar2,
27                          p_valid_only in boolean);
30   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
31   --------------------------------- (1) ----------------------------------------
32   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
34   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
35   -- Sets the context to all credit card transactions.
36   -- (This should probably used sparingly since it really chooses everything
37   --  - even across orgs)
38 function set_all_row_set return number is
39 begin
40   g_where_clause_type := 'ALL';
42   return set_row_set_internal;
43 end set_all_row_set;
45   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
46   -- Sets the context to the following criteria
47   -- (start/end dates are on the transaction date)
48 function set_row_set(p_request_id in number,
49                      p_card_program_id in number,
50                      p_start_date in date,
51                      p_end_date in date) return number is
52 begin
53   g_where_clause_type := 'CARD_PROGRAM_ID';
54   g_request_id := p_request_id;
55   g_card_program_id := p_card_program_id;
56   g_start_date := p_start_date;
57   g_end_date := p_end_date;
59   if p_request_id is not null then
60     g_where_clause := ' AND CC.REQUEST_ID = :reqId ';
61   else
62     g_where_clause := ' AND :reqId IS NULL ';
63   end if;
65   if p_card_program_id is not null then
66     g_where_clause := g_where_clause || ' AND CC.CARD_PROGRAM_ID = :B_CARD_PROGRAM_ID ';
67   else
68     g_where_clause := g_where_clause || ' AND :B_CARD_PROGRAM_ID IS NULL ';
69   end if;
71   if p_start_date is not null and p_end_date is not null then
73   elsif p_start_date is not null then
74     g_where_clause := g_where_clause || ' AND (CC.TRANSACTION_DATE >= :B_START_DATE OR CC.TRANSACTION_DATE IS NULL) ';
75     g_where_clause := g_where_clause || ' AND :B_END_DATE IS NULL ';
76   elsif p_end_date is not null then
77     g_where_clause := g_where_clause || ' AND :B_START_DATE IS NULL ';
78     g_where_clause := g_where_clause || ' AND (CC.TRANSACTION_DATE <= :B_END_DATE OR CC.TRANSACTION_DATE IS NULL) ';
79   else
80     g_where_clause := g_where_clause || ' AND :B_START_DATE IS NULL ';
81     g_where_clause := g_where_clause || ' AND :B_END_DATE IS NULL ';
82   end if;
85   return set_row_set_internal;
86 end set_row_set;
88   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
89   -- Sets the context to one specific transaction
90 function set_row_set(p_trx_id in number) return number is
91 begin
92   g_where_clause_type := 'TRX_ID';
93   g_trx_id := p_trx_id;
95   if p_trx_id is not null then
96     g_where_clause := ' AND CC.TRX_ID = :trxId ';
97   else
98     g_where_clause := ' AND :trxId IS NULL ';
99   end if;
101   return set_row_set_internal;
102 end set_row_set;
104   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
105   --------------------------------- (2) ----------------------------------------
106   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
108   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
109   -- Default org_id - based on card program
110 function default_org_id(p_valid_only in boolean) return number is
111 begin
112   return execute_update( 'update ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc '||
113                          'set org_id = (select org_id from ap_card_programs_all apcp where apcp.card_program_id = cc.card_program_id) '||
114                          'where cc.org_id is null' , p_valid_only );
115 end default_org_id;
117   -- Set request_id only if the request_id is null, we do not want to update the request_id that is
118   -- populated during the creation or validation of cc transaction
119 function set_request_id(p_request_id in number) return number is
120  l_valid_only boolean;
121 begin
122   l_valid_only := true;
123   return execute_update( 'update ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc '||
124                          'set request_id = ' || to_char(p_request_id) ||
125                          'where cc.request_id is null' , l_valid_only );
126 end set_request_id;
128 function set_validate_request_id(p_request_id in number) return number is
129  l_valid_only boolean;
130 begin
131   l_valid_only := true;
132   return execute_update( 'update ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc '||
133                          'set validate_request_id = ' || to_char(p_request_id) ||
134                          'Where 1=1', l_valid_only );
135 end set_validate_request_id;
137   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
138   -- Default folio type using folio type mapping rules
139 function default_folio_type(p_valid_only in boolean) return number
140 is
141   c t_gen_cur;
142   stmt varchar2(2000);
144   l_validate_where varchar2(50) := null;
145   l_stmt varchar2(2000);
147   l_card_program_id number;
148   l_map_type_code varchar2(30);
149   l_column_name varchar2(30);
151   l_count number := 0;
152 begin
153   stmt := 'select distinct cp.card_program_id, cp.card_exp_type_map_type_code, cp.card_exp_type_source_col '||
154           'from ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc, ap_card_programs_all cp '||
155           'where cc.card_program_id = cp.card_program_id ';
157   if p_valid_only then
158     l_validate_where := ' AND CC.VALIDATE_CODE = ''UNTESTED''';
159   end if;
161   execute_select(c, stmt, p_valid_only);
162   loop
163     fetch c into l_card_program_id, l_map_type_code, l_column_name;
164     exit when c%notfound;
166     if l_map_type_code is not null and l_column_name is not null then
167       l_stmt := 'update ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc '||
168                 'set folio_type =  ap_map_types_pkg.get_map_to_code(:r0, cc.'||l_column_name||') '||
169                 'where cc.card_program_id = :r1';
171       if g_where_clause_type = 'ALL' then
172         execute immediate l_stmt || l_validate_where using l_map_type_code, l_card_program_id;
173       elsif g_where_clause_type = 'TRX_ID' then
174         execute immediate l_stmt || g_where_clause || l_validate_where using l_map_type_code, l_card_program_id, g_trx_id;
175       elsif g_where_clause_type = 'CARD_PROGRAM_ID' then
176         execute immediate l_stmt || g_where_clause || l_validate_where using l_map_type_code, l_card_program_id, g_request_id, g_card_program_id, g_start_date, g_end_date;
177       end if;
179       l_count := l_count + SQL%ROWCOUNT;
180     end if;
181   end loop;
182   close c;
184   return l_count;
185 end default_folio_type;
187   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
188   -- Default eLocation country code using elocation mapping rules
189 function default_country_code(p_valid_only in boolean) return number
190 is
191   l_count number;
192 begin
193   --
194   -- If a null merchant country was passed in,
195   -- default it based on various information of the card program.
196   l_count := execute_update('update ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc '||
197                             'set merchant_country = nvl(merchant_country, ap_web_locations_pkg.default_country(card_program_id)) '||
198                             'where merchant_country is null ', p_valid_only);
200   --
201   -- Default merchant country code
202   -- based on mapping rules
203   l_count := execute_update( 'update ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc '||
204                              'set merchant_country_code = ' ||
205                                '(select ap_map_types_pkg.get_map_to_code(c.country_map_type_code, cc.merchant_country) '||
206                                ' from ap_card_programs_all c '||
207                                ' where c.card_program_id = cc.card_program_id) '||
208                              'where 1=1', p_valid_only );
210   return l_count;
211 end default_country_code;
215   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
216   -- Assign payment flags (based on card specific info)
217 function default_payment_flag(p_valid_only in boolean) return number is
218   num_rows number;
219   l_custom_pay_trxn boolean := FALSE;
220 begin
221  --------------------------------------------------------------------
222   -- Set Payment Flag
223   --
224   -- To distinguish payment transactions from debit/credit transactions
225   -- American Express (mis_industry_code = PA)
226   -- Diner's Club (transaction_type = PAYMENTS)
227   -- MasterCard (merchant_activity = A and transaction_amount < 0)
228   -- Visa (transaction_type = 0108)-- MC?
229   -- Bug 5976422  Description stores adjustment description and is specific for mastercard.
230   --    In case other loader program start storing description, code needs to be modified.
231   --------------------------------------------------------------------
232   -- OPEN ISSUE:
233   --   The following is straight out of APXCCVAL.rdf
234   --   The criteria for MasterCard IS incorrect.
235   --        1) transaction_amount may be zero while billed_amount is negative
236   --        2) may include refunds - not just payments
237   l_custom_pay_trxn := AP_WEB_CUST_DFLEX_PKG.CustomMarkPaymentTrxn;
239   IF (l_custom_pay_trxn = FALSE) THEN
240   num_rows := execute_update(
241   ' update ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc
242     set    payment_flag = ''Y''
243     where  (mis_industry_code = ''PA''
244     or     upper(transaction_type) = ''PAYMENTS''
245     or     (card_program_id in (select card_program_id from ap_card_programs_all where card_brand_lookup_code = ''MasterCard'') and
246             upper(description)  like ''%PAYMENT%'' and
247            (upper(description) not like ''%FEE%''
248            and  upper(description) not like ''%REVERSAL%''
249            and upper(description) not like ''%ADJUSTMENT%''
250            and upper(description) not like ''%CREDIT%''
251            and upper(description) not like ''%DEBIT%''))
252     or     transaction_type in (''0108'',''0440'')) ', p_valid_only);
253   END IF;
255   return num_rows;
256 end default_payment_flag;
259   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
260   -- Convert numeric currency codes into FND currency codes
261 function convert_currency_code(p_valid_only in boolean) return number is
262   num_rows number;
263 begin
264   num_rows := execute_update(
265   'update ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc
266   set    cc.billed_currency_code =
267     (select currency_code
268      from ap_card_currencies
269      where numeric_currency_code = cc.billed_currency_code)
270   where  cc.billed_currency_code is not null
271   and    cc.billed_currency_code not in
272     (select fndcvl.currency_code
273      from   fnd_currencies_vl fndcvl
274      where  fndcvl.enabled_flag = ''Y''
275      and    fndcvl.currency_flag = ''Y''
276      and    trunc(nvl(fndcvl.start_date_active, sysdate)) <= trunc(sysdate)
277      and    trunc(nvl(fndcvl.end_date_active, sysdate)) >= trunc(sysdate))
278   and exists
279     (select currency_code
280      from ap_card_currencies
281      where numeric_currency_code = cc.billed_currency_code)', p_valid_only
282   );
285   --------------------------------------------------------------------
286   -- Convert null billed currency codes
287   --------------------------------------------------------------------
288   num_rows := num_rows + execute_update(
289   'update ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc
290   set    cc.billed_currency_code =
291     (select cp.card_program_currency_code
292      from ap_card_programs_all cp
293      where cp.card_program_id = cc.card_program_id)
294   where billed_currency_code is null', p_valid_only
295   );
297   --------------------------------------------------------------------
298   -- Convert posted currency codes
299   --------------------------------------------------------------------
300   num_rows := num_rows + execute_update(
301   'update ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc
302   set    cc.posted_currency_code =
303     (select currency_code
304      from ap_card_currencies
305      where numeric_currency_code = cc.posted_currency_code)
306   where  cc.posted_currency_code is not null
307   and exists
308     (select currency_code
309      from ap_card_currencies
310      where numeric_currency_code = cc.posted_currency_code)', p_valid_only
311   );
313   --------------------------------------------------------------------
314   -- Convert null posted currency codes
315   --------------------------------------------------------------------
316   num_rows := num_rows + execute_update(
317   'update ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc
318   set    cc.posted_currency_code =
319     (select cp.card_program_currency_code
320      from ap_card_programs_all cp
321      where cp.card_program_id = cc.card_program_id)
322   where posted_currency_code is null', p_valid_only
323   );
325   return num_rows;
326 end convert_currency_code;
329   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
330   -- eLocation integration
331 function get_locations(p_valid_only in boolean) return number is
332   stmt varchar2(2000);
334   l_loc_cur t_gen_cur;
335   l_cc_trx ap_credit_card_trxns_all%rowtype;
337   l_return_status varchar2(30);
338   l_msg_count number;
339   l_msg_data varchar2(2000);
341   num_rows number := 0;
342 begin
343   stmt := 'select *
344      from ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc
345      where location_id is null '||g_where_clause
346      || ' for update of location_id nowait';
347   execute_select(l_loc_cur, stmt, p_valid_only);
348   loop
349     fetch l_loc_cur into l_cc_trx;
350     exit when l_loc_cur%notfound;
352     num_rows := num_rows + 1;
353     ap_web_locations_pkg.get_location(l_cc_trx, l_return_status, l_msg_count, l_msg_data);
355     update ap_credit_card_trxns_all set location_id = l_cc_trx.location_id
356     where trx_id = l_cc_trx.trx_id;
357   end loop;
358   close l_loc_cur;
360   return num_rows;
361 end get_locations;
363   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
364   -- Stamp CC Transactions with Payment Scenario of Card Program
365 function set_payment_scenario(p_valid_only in boolean) return number is
366 begin
367   return execute_update(
368   ' update ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc
369     set payment_due_from_code = (select payment_due_from_code
370                                  from ap_card_programs_all cp
371                                  where cp.card_program_id = cc.card_program_id)
372     where payment_due_from_code is null ', p_valid_only);
373 end set_payment_scenario;
376   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
377   --------------------------------- (3) ----------------------------------------
378   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
380   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
381   -- Check for duplication transactions (card program, card number, reference number)
382 function duplicate_trx(p_valid_only in boolean) return number is
383 begin
384   --------------------------------------------------------------------
385   -- Duplicate transaction
386   --------------------------------------------------------------------
387   return execute_update(
388   'update ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc
389   set    validate_code = ''DUPLICATE_TRANSACTION''
390   where  exists
391     (select ''A corresponding transaction exists with this reference number''
392      from   ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc2
393      where  cc.reference_number = cc2.reference_number
394      and    cc.trx_id <> cc2.trx_id
395      and    cc.card_id = cc2.card_id
396      and    cc.card_program_id = cc2.card_program_id)', p_valid_only
397   );
398 end duplicate_trx;
400   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
401   -- Check for non-zero, non-null billed amount
402 function invalid_billed_amount(p_valid_only in boolean) return number is
404   --------------------------------------------------------------------
405   -- Invalid billed amount
406   --------------------------------------------------------------------
407   return execute_update(
408   'update ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc
409   set    validate_code = ''INVALID_BILL_AMOUNT''
410   where  (billed_amount is null
411   or      billed_amount = 0)', p_valid_only
412   );
413 end invalid_billed_amount;
415   -- Check for valid billed currency code
416 function invalid_billed_currency_code(p_valid_only in boolean) return number is
417 begin
418   --------------------------------------------------------------------
419   -- Invalid billed currency code
420   --------------------------------------------------------------------
421   return execute_update(
422   'update ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc
423   set    validate_code = ''INVALID_BILL_CURR_CODE''
424   where  billed_currency_code is not null
425   and    not exists
426     (select ''A corresponding currency exists in FND_CURRENCIES''
427      from   fnd_currencies_vl fndcvl
428      where  fndcvl.enabled_flag = ''Y''
429      and    fndcvl.currency_flag = ''Y''
430      and    trunc(nvl(fndcvl.start_date_active, sysdate)) <= trunc(sysdate)
431      and    trunc(nvl(fndcvl.end_date_active, sysdate)) >= trunc(sysdate)
432      and    fndcvl.currency_code = cc.billed_currency_code)', p_valid_only
433   );
434 end invalid_billed_currency_code;
436   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
437   -- Check for non-null billed date
438 function invalid_billed_date(p_valid_only in boolean) return number is
439 begin
440   --------------------------------------------------------------------
441   -- Invalid billed date
442   --------------------------------------------------------------------
443   return execute_update(
444   'update ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc
445   set    validate_code = ''INVALID_BILL_DATE''
446   where  billed_date is null', p_valid_only
447   );
448 end invalid_billed_date;
451   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
452   -- Check for inactive card number
453 function inactive_card_number(p_valid_only in boolean) return number is
454   num_rows number;
455 begin
456   --------------------------------------------------------------------
457   -- Inactive card number
458   --------------------------------------------------------------------
459   num_rows := execute_update(
460   'update ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc
461    set validate_code = ''INACTIVE_CARD_NUMBER''
462    where cc.transaction_date >=
463         (select max(nvl(apc.inactive_date,cc.transaction_date+1))
464          from  ap_cards_all apc
465          where apc.card_program_id = cc.card_program_id
466          and   apc.card_id     = cc.card_id)', p_valid_only
467   );
468   return num_rows;
469 end inactive_card_number;
471   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
472   -- Check for invalid card number
473 function invalid_card_number(p_valid_only in boolean) return number is
474   num_rows number;
475 begin
476   --------------------------------------------------------------------
477   -- Invalid card number
478   --------------------------------------------------------------------
479  IF(IBY_FNDCPT_SETUP_PUB.Get_Encryption_Patch_Level = 'PADSS') THEN
480  num_rows := execute_update('update ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc
481  set    validate_code = ''INVALID_CARD_NUMBER''
482  where card_id in
483       (select card_id
484         from ap_cards_all apc, iby_creditcard icc
485         where apc.card_program_id = cc.card_program_id and
486          apc.card_id = cc.card_id and
487          icc.instrid = apc.card_reference_id and
488          icc.invalid_flag = ''Y'')
489          and cc.card_number is null
490          and cc.validate_code != ''Y''', p_valid_only);
491  ELSE
492  num_rows := execute_update('update ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc
493  set    validate_code = ''INVALID_CARD_NUMBER''
494  where card_id not in
495       (select card_id
496         from ap_cards_all apc
497         where apc.card_program_id = cc.card_program_id and
498          apc.card_id     = cc.card_id)
499          and cc.card_number is null
500          and cc.validate_code != ''Y''', p_valid_only);
501  END IF;
502   return num_rows;
503 end invalid_card_number;
505   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
506   -- Check for non-null merchant name
507 function invalid_merchant_name(p_valid_only in boolean) return number is
509   --------------------------------------------------------------------
510   -- Invalid merchant name
511   --------------------------------------------------------------------
512   --4730543 : skip validation for AME mis_industry_code 'SP' - Stop Payment
513   --and Transaction Type '05'
514   return execute_update(
515   'update ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc
516   set    validate_code = ''INVALID_MERCH_NAME''
517   where  (merchant_name1 is null
518   and     merchant_name2 is null)
519   and    ( (transaction_type in (''11'',''20'',''22'',''80'')
520             and    sic_code <> ''6012''
521             and    (card_program_id in (select card_program_id
522                            from ap_card_programs_all
523                            where card_brand_lookup_code = ''Visa'')))
524            or
525            (merchant_activity <> ''A''
526             and    (card_program_id in (select card_program_id
527                            from ap_card_programs_all
528                            where card_brand_lookup_code = ''MasterCard'')))
529            or
530            (mis_industry_code <> ''SP''
531             and transaction_type <> ''05''
532             and card_program_id in (select card_program_id
533                            from ap_card_programs_all
534                            where card_brand_lookup_code = ''American Express''))
535            or
536             card_program_id not in (select card_program_id
537                            from ap_card_programs_all
538                            where card_brand_lookup_code in (''American Express'',''Visa'',''MasterCard''))
539                            )
540 ', p_valid_only
541   );
542 end invalid_merchant_name;
545   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
546   -- Check for valid posted currency code
547 function invalid_posted_currency_code(p_valid_only in boolean) return number is
548 begin
549   --------------------------------------------------------------------
550   -- Invalid posted currency code
551   --------------------------------------------------------------------
552    return execute_update(
553   'update ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc
554   set    validate_code = ''INVALID_POST_CURR_CODE''
555   where  posted_currency_code is not null
556   and posted_currency_code not in (select currency_code from ap_card_currencies) ', p_valid_only
557   );
558 end invalid_posted_currency_code;
560   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
561   -- Check for non-zero, non-null transaction amount
562 function invalid_trx_amount(p_valid_only in boolean) return number is
564   --------------------------------------------------------------------
565   -- Invalid transaction amount
566   --------------------------------------------------------------------
567   return execute_update(
568   'update ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc
569   set    validate_code = ''INVALID_TRX_AMOUNT''
570   where  (transaction_amount is null
571   or      transaction_amount = 0)', p_valid_only
572   );
573 end invalid_trx_amount;
575   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
576   -- Check for non-null transaction date
577 function invalid_trx_date(p_valid_only in boolean) return number is
579   --------------------------------------------------------------------
580   -- Invalid transaction date
581   --------------------------------------------------------------------
582   return execute_update(
583   'update ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc
584   set    validate_code = ''INVALID_TRX_DATE''
585   where  transaction_date is null
586   and    ((mis_industry_code <> ''PA''
587   and      card_program_id in (select card_program_id
588                            from ap_card_programs_all
589                            where card_brand_lookup_code = ''American Express''))
590                            or
591            card_program_id not in (select card_program_id
592                            from ap_card_programs_all
593                            where card_brand_lookup_code = ''American Express'')
594                            )
595   ', p_valid_only
596   );
597 end invalid_trx_date;
599   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
600   -- Marks the rows that are still valid as valid, and returns the number of
601   -- rows that are still valid
602 function valid_trx return number is
603 begin
604   return execute_update(
605   'update ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc
606   set    validate_code = ''Y''
607   where  validate_code = ''UNTESTED''', true);
608 end valid_trx;
611   -- sic_code is required if transaction_type code is 10,11,20,22,80
612   -- sic_code Must be equal to 6010, 6011, 6012, 6050 or 6051 if the
613   -- transaction type code is 20,22,80
614   -- The validation is required for Visa VCF 4.0 Format
615 function invalid_sic_code(p_valid_only in boolean) return number is
617   --------------------------------------------------------------------
618   -- Invalid mis_industry_code
619   --------------------------------------------------------------------
620   return execute_update(
621   'update ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc
622   set    validate_code = ''INVALID_SIC_CODE''
623   where  card_program_id in (select card_program_id
624                              from ap_card_programs_all
625                              where card_brand_lookup_code = ''Visa'')
626   and    ((sic_code is null
627            and  transaction_type in (''10'',''11'',''20'',''22'',''80''))
628          or
629           (transaction_type in (''20'',''22'',''80'')
630           and sic_code not in (''6010'', ''6011'', ''6012'', ''6050'', ''6051''))
631   )', p_valid_only
632   );
633 end invalid_sic_code;
634   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
635   --------------------------------- (4) ----------------------------------------
636   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
638   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
639   -- Returns the lesser of date1 and date2. Null values are considered to
640   -- be a date in the infinite future.
641 function get_min_date(date1 in date, date2 in date) return date is
642 begin
643   if date1 is null and date2 is null then
644     return null;
645    elsif date1 is null then
646     return date2;
647    elsif date2 is null then
648     return date1;
649    elsif date1 < date2 then
650     return date1;
651    else
652     return date2;
653   end if;
654 end get_min_date;
657   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
658   -- Assign the employee to the card and activate it.
659 procedure assign_employee(p_card_id in number, p_employee_id in number) is
660   l_full_name VARCHAR2(80);
661 begin
662   select full_name into l_full_name from ap_card_details where card_id = p_card_id;
664   if (l_full_name is null) then
665     select substr(FIRST_NAME|| ' ' || MIDDLE_NAME|| ' ' || LAST_NAME,1,80)
666     into l_full_name from ap_card_details where card_id =  p_card_id;
667   end if;
669   if (l_full_name is null or trim(l_full_name) is null) then
670     select substrb(full_name, 1, 80) into l_full_name
671     from per_employees_x pap, financials_system_parameters fsp
672     where pap.business_group_id = fsp.business_group_id
673     and pap.employee_id = p_employee_id
674     and rownum = 1;
675   end if;
677   assign_employee(p_card_id, p_employee_id, l_full_name);
678 end;
680 --
681 -- This version should only be called by the web interface
682 -- This version does not delete the AP_CARD_DETAILS record
683 -- and assumes that the web version will take care of that.
684 -- (Kind of a workaround)
685 procedure assign_employee(p_card_id in number, p_employee_id in number, p_full_name in varchar2)
686 is
688   x_return_status VARCHAR2(4000);
689   x_msg_count NUMBER;
690   x_msg_data VARCHAR2(4000);
692   l_instrid NUMBER;
693   l_party_id NUMBER;
695   l_bool boolean := true;
697 begin
698   update ap_cards_all
699   set employee_id = p_employee_id,
700       cardmember_name = null,
701       physical_card_flag = 'Y',
702       paper_statement_req_flag = 'N',
703       last_update_date = sysdate,
704       last_updated_by = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
705       last_update_login = FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID
706   where card_id = p_card_id
707   and employee_id is null;-- bug 5224047
709   -- 8799736 - PADSS- Setting card_member_name to IBY tables
710   p_card_instrument.Card_Holder_Name := p_full_name;
712   -- this part of code keeps iby in synch with party assignments for a card
713   -- note that source of truth is oie (ap_cards_all.employee_id)
714   -- and not iby for assignments check.
715  begin
716       select card_reference_id into l_instrid
717       from ap_cards_all
718       where card_id = p_card_id;
719       p_card_instrument.card_id := l_instrid;
720   exception when others then
721      p_card_instrument.card_id := null;
722      l_bool := false;
723   end;
724   if (l_bool) then
725       begin
726           select party_id into l_party_id
727           from  per_people_f ppf
728           where ppf.person_id = p_employee_id
729           and trunc(sysdate) between ppf.effective_start_date and ppf.effective_end_date
730           and rownum = 1;
731           p_card_instrument.Owner_Id := l_party_id;
732       exception when others then
733          p_card_instrument.Owner_Id := null;
734       end;
735       iby_fndcpt_setup_pub.update_card(1.0,NULL,'F',x_return_status,x_msg_count,x_msg_data,
736                          p_card_instrument, x_response);
737    end if;
739   delete from ap_card_emp_candidates where card_id = p_card_id;
740 end assign_employee;
743   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
744   ------------------------------ (PRIVATE) -------------------------------------
745   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
747 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
748 --
749 -- Update VALIDATE_CODE columns to UNTESTED for the selected rows.
750 function set_row_set_internal
751 return number is
752   num_rows number;
753 begin
754   return execute_update( 'update ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc '||
755                          'set validate_code = ''UNTESTED'' '||
756                          'where validate_code <> ''Y'' ' ||
757                          'and nvl(category,''BUSINESS'')  <> ''DEACTIVATED'' ', false );
758 end set_row_set_internal;
760 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
761 --
762 -- Execute an update statement on the set of transactions
763 -- (Builds SQL statement dynamically)
764 function execute_update(p_stmt_str in varchar2, p_valid_only in boolean) return number is
765   l_validate_where varchar2(50) := null;
766 begin
768   if p_valid_only then
769     l_validate_where := ' AND CC.VALIDATE_CODE = ''UNTESTED''';
770   end if;
772   if g_where_clause_type = 'ALL' then
773       execute immediate p_stmt_str || l_validate_where;
774   elsif g_where_clause_type = 'TRX_ID' then
775       execute immediate p_stmt_str || g_where_clause || l_validate_where using g_trx_id;
776   elsif g_where_clause_type = 'CARD_PROGRAM_ID' then
777       execute immediate p_stmt_str || g_where_clause || l_validate_where
778         using g_request_id, g_card_program_id, g_start_date, g_end_date;
779   end if;
781   return SQL%ROWCOUNT;
783 exception
784   when others then
785     declare
786       module varchar2(50) := 'ap.oie_cc_validations_pkg.execute_update';
787     begin
789         FND_LOG.STRING(FND_LOG.LEVEL_UNEXPECTED, module, sqlerrm);
790       end if;
792         FND_LOG.STRING(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, module, 'stmt  = '||p_stmt_str);
793         FND_LOG.STRING(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, module, 'where = '||g_where_clause);
794         FND_LOG.STRING(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, module, 'valid = '||l_validate_where);
795       end if;
796     end;
797     raise;
798 end execute_update;
800 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
801 --
802 -- Execute a select statement on the set of transactions
803 -- (Builds SQL statement dynamically)
804 procedure execute_select(c in out nocopy t_gen_cur,
805                          p_stmt_str in out nocopy varchar2,
806                          p_valid_only in boolean) is
807   l_validate_where varchar2(50) := null;
808 begin
810   if p_valid_only is not null then
811     l_validate_where := ' AND CC.VALIDATE_CODE = ''UNTESTED''';
812   end if;
814   if g_where_clause_type = 'ALL' then
815     open c for p_stmt_str || l_validate_where;
816   elsif g_where_clause_type = 'TRX_ID' then
817     open c for p_stmt_str || g_where_clause || l_validate_where using g_trx_id;
818   elsif g_where_clause_type = 'CARD_PROGRAM_ID' then
819     open c for p_stmt_str || g_where_clause || l_validate_where using g_request_id, g_card_program_id, g_start_date, g_end_date;
820   end if;
821 end execute_select;
823 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
824 --
825 -- check_employee_termination
826 -- Author: Kristian Widjaja
827 -- Purpose: To set transaction category to personal of those transactions
828 --          that belong to terminated employees' credit cards and
829 --          have a transaction date greater than the employee's termination date.
830 -- Bug 3243527: Inactive Employees and Contingent Workers project
831 --
832 -- Input: p_valid_only - update valid transactions only or not
833 --
834 -- Output: the number of updated lines.
835 --
837 function check_employee_termination(p_valid_only in boolean) return number is
839   return execute_update(
840   -- Bug 3313557: Replaced TRXN alias with CC, so that it is compatible
841   --              with the rest of the dynamic SQL.
845         AND EXISTS (SELECT 1
846                     FROM AP_CARDS_ALL CARD,
847                          PER_EMPLOYEES_X P
848                     WHERE AP_WEB_DB_HR_INT_PKG.IsPersonTerminated(CARD.employee_id)=''Y''
849                     AND CARD.employee_id=P.employee_id
850                     AND P.inactive_date < CC.transaction_date
851                     AND CARD.card_program_id=CC.card_program_id
852                     AND CARD.card_id=CC.card_id)', p_valid_only --
853   );
854 END check_employee_termination;
856 function validate_trx_detail_amount return number is
857 begin
858   return execute_update(
859   'update ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc
860   set trxn_detail_flag = NULL
861   where trxn_detail_flag = ''Y''
862   and abs(transaction_amount) <
863           (select abs(sum(transaction_amount))
864            from ap_cc_trx_details c
865            where c.trx_id = cc.trx_id)', true);
866 end validate_trx_detail_amount;
868   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
869   --------------------------------- (2) ----------------------------------------
870   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
872   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
873   -- Default merchant name for AMEX for trxn types 01,02,03,06,09,10,11,12
874   -- based on card program
875   -- Bug 5516466 / 5526525  Also for Transaction Type 08
876   -- Bug 6743651 For adjustment transactions for MasterCard
878 function default_merchant_name(p_valid_only in boolean) return number is
879 begin
880   return execute_update( 'update ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc ' ||
881                          'set merchant_name1 = (' ||
882                                   'select card_program_name ' ||
883                                     'from ap_card_programs_all apcp ' ||
884                                    'where apcp.card_program_id = cc.card_program_id and rownum = 1) ' ||
885                          'where merchant_name1 is null ' ||
886                          'and   merchant_name2 is null ' ||
887                          'and  ( '||
888                                 '(transaction_type in (''01'',''02'',''03'',''06'',''08'',''09'',''10'',''11'',''12'') '||
889                                 'and (card_program_id in (select card_program_id '||
890                                         'from ap_card_programs_all where card_brand_lookup_code = ''American Express''))) '||
891                                 'or '||
892                                 '(merchant_activity = ''A'' '||
893                                  'and (card_program_id in (select card_program_id '||
894                                         'from ap_card_programs_all where card_brand_lookup_code = ''MasterCard'')))'||
895                               ') ',
896                               p_valid_only );
897 end default_merchant_name;
900 -- delete invalid records.
901 function delete_invalid_rows(p_valid_only in boolean, card_program_id in number ) return number is
902        num_rows number;
903        card_prog_where varchar2(80) := '';
904 begin
906   -- Bug 6616092
907   IF card_program_id is not null THEN
908    card_prog_where := ' and cc.card_program_id = ' || card_program_id ;
909   END IF;
912   --------------------------------------------------------------------
913   -- Delete invalid records
914   --------------------------------------------------------------------
915  IF(IBY_FNDCPT_SETUP_PUB.Get_Encryption_Patch_Level = 'PADSS') THEN
916  num_rows := execute_update('delete ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc where card_id in
917       (select card_id
918         from ap_cards_all apc, iby_creditcard icc
919         where apc.card_program_id = cc.card_program_id and
920          apc.card_id = cc.card_id and
921          icc.instrid = apc.card_reference_id and
922          icc.invalid_flag = ''Y'')
923          and cc.card_number is null
924          and cc.validate_code != ''Y''' || card_prog_where, p_valid_only);
925  ELSE
926  num_rows := execute_update('delete ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc where card_id not in
927       (select card_id
928         from ap_cards_all apc
929         where apc.card_program_id = cc.card_program_id and
930          apc.card_id     = cc.card_id)
931          and cc.card_number is null
932          and cc.validate_code != ''Y''' || card_prog_where, p_valid_only);
933  END IF;
934   return num_rows;
935 end delete_invalid_rows;
937 -- Check for duplication transactions (reference number)
938 function duplicate_global_trx(p_valid_only in boolean) return number is
939 begin
940   --------------------------------------------------------------------
941   -- Duplicate transaction
942   --------------------------------------------------------------------
943   return execute_update(
944   'update ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc
945   set    validate_code = ''DUPLICATE_TRANSACTION''
946   where
947     cc.card_program_id in
948      (select acp.card_program_id from ap_card_programs_all acp where gl_program_name =
949      (select gl_program_name from ap_card_programs_all where card_program_id = cc.card_program_id))
950     and exists
951      (select ''A corresponding transaction exists with this reference number''
952      from   ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc2
953      where  cc.reference_number = cc2.reference_number
954      and    cc.trx_id <> cc2.trx_id)', p_valid_only
955   );
956 end duplicate_global_trx;
958 function default_detail_folio_type(p_valid_only in boolean) return number
959 is
960   c t_gen_cur;
961   stmt varchar2(2000);
963   l_validate_where varchar2(50) := null;
964   l_stmt varchar2(2000);
966   l_card_program_id number;
967   l_map_type_code varchar2(30);
969   l_count number := 0;
970 begin
971   stmt := 'select distinct cp.card_program_id, cp.card_exp_type_detail_map_code '||
972           'from ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc, ap_card_programs_all cp '||
973           'where cc.card_program_id = cp.card_program_id ';
975   if p_valid_only then
976     l_validate_where := ' AND CC.VALIDATE_CODE = ''UNTESTED''';
977   end if;
979   execute_select(c, stmt, p_valid_only);
980   loop
981     fetch c into l_card_program_id, l_map_type_code;
982     exit when c%notfound;
984     if l_map_type_code is not null then
985       l_stmt := 'update ap_cc_trx_details ac '||
986                 'set folio_type =  ap_map_types_pkg.get_map_to_code(:r0, ac.ext_folio_type) '||
987                 'where trx_id in (select trx_id from ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc where cc.card_program_id = :r1';
989       if g_where_clause_type = 'ALL' THEN
990         l_stmt := l_stmt || l_validate_where || ')';
991         execute immediate l_stmt using l_map_type_code, l_card_program_id;
992       elsif g_where_clause_type = 'TRX_ID' THEN
993         l_stmt := l_stmt || g_where_clause || l_validate_where || ')';
994         execute immediate l_stmt using l_map_type_code, l_card_program_id, g_trx_id;
995       elsif g_where_clause_type = 'CARD_PROGRAM_ID' THEN
996         l_stmt := l_stmt || g_where_clause || l_validate_where || ')';
997         execute immediate l_stmt using l_map_type_code, l_card_program_id, g_request_id, g_card_program_id, g_start_date, g_end_date;
998       end if;
1000       l_count := l_count + SQL%ROWCOUNT;
1001     end if;
1002   end loop;
1003   close c;
1005   return l_count;
1006 end default_detail_folio_type;
1010 end ap_web_cc_validations_pkg;