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Line 94: , pay_user_tables t

90: , uci1.value value
91: from pay_user_column_instances_f uci1
92: , pay_user_rows_f ur
93: , pay_user_columns uc1
94: , pay_user_tables t
95: where uci1.USER_ROW_ID = ur.USER_ROW_ID
96: and sysdate between ur.effective_start_date and ur.effective_end_date
97: and uci1.USER_COLUMN_ID = uc1.USER_COLUMN_ID
98: and sysdate between uci1.effective_start_date and uci1.effective_end_date

Line 175: , pay_user_tables t

171: , pay_user_column_instances_f uci2
172: , pay_user_rows_f ur
173: , pay_user_columns uc1
174: , pay_user_columns uc2
175: , pay_user_tables t
176: where uci1.USER_ROW_ID = ur.USER_ROW_ID
177: and sysdate between ur.effective_start_date and ur.effective_end_date
178: and uci1.USER_COLUMN_ID = uc1.USER_COLUMN_ID
179: and sysdate between uci1.effective_start_date and uci1.effective_end_date

Line 358: , pay_user_tables t

354: , ur.display_sequence
355: from pay_user_column_instances_f uci1
356: , pay_user_rows_f ur
357: , pay_user_columns uc1
358: , pay_user_tables t
359: , fnd_id_flex_structures_vl fsv
360: where uci1.USER_ROW_ID = ur.USER_ROW_ID
361: and sysdate between ur.effective_start_date and ur.effective_end_date
362: and uci1.USER_COLUMN_ID = uc1.USER_COLUMN_ID