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1 PACKAGE BODY ben_plan_design_copy_process AS
2 /* $Header: bepdcprc.pkb 120.13 2008/05/15 06:24:16 pvelvano noship $ */
3    --
4    -- Global Variable Declaration
5    --
6     g_package   VARCHAR2 (80) := 'ben_plan_design_copy_process';
7     g_debug boolean := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
8     --
9 --
10 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 -- |---------------------------< create_process_log >-------------------------|
12 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
13    PROCEDURE create_process_log (
14       p_copy_entity_txn_id         IN              NUMBER,
15       p_row_type_cd                IN              VARCHAR2
16    )
17    IS
18       --
19       -- Local variable declaration.
20       --
21       l_count   NUMBER (15) := 0;
23       CURSOR c_proc_log
24       IS
26                                     INSTR (MESSAGE_TEXT, '<SMALL>')
27                                     + 7,
28                                       INSTR (MESSAGE_TEXT, '</SMALL>')
29                                     - INSTR (MESSAGE_TEXT, '<SMALL>')
30                                     - 7
31                                   ),
32                            30
33                           )
34                   || ' : '
35                   || SUBSTR (MESSAGE_TEXT,
36                               INSTR (MESSAGE_TEXT, '<SMALL>', 1, 2)
37                               + 7,
38                                 INSTR (MESSAGE_TEXT, '</SMALL>', 1, 2)
39                               - INSTR (MESSAGE_TEXT, '<SMALL>', 1, 2)
40                               - 7
41                             ) text
42              FROM pqh_process_log
43             WHERE txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
44          ORDER BY process_log_id;
45    --
46    BEGIN
47       --
48       FOR l_proc_log IN c_proc_log
49       LOOP
50          --
51          IF ( p_row_type_cd = 'PDC' AND l_count = 15 ) OR
52             ( p_row_type_cd = 'PDW' AND l_count = 8 )
53          THEN
54             EXIT;
55          END IF;
56          --
57          IF l_proc_log.text <> ' : '
58          THEN
59             --
60             ben_batch_utils.WRITE (p_text => l_proc_log.text);
61             --
62          END IF;
63          --
64          l_count := l_count + 1;
65          --
66       END LOOP;
67       --
68    END create_process_log;
69     --
70 -- 5097567 Added the following procedure
71 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
72 -- |--------------------< compile_modified_ff >-------------------------------|
73 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
74 -- This procedure is for compilation of fast formulas created or updated
75 -- by the 'process' procedure.
76 --
77 --
78    PROCEDURE compile_modified_ff (
79       errbuf                       OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2,
80       retcode                      OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER,
81       p_copy_entity_txn_id         IN              NUMBER,
82       p_effective_date             IN              VARCHAR2
83    )
84    IS
85    --
86     cursor c_fff_rows is
87     select cpe.information1 formula_id,
88            rpad(substr(cpe.information112,1,30),30) formula_name,
89            cpe.information112 full_formula_name,
90            ff_typ.formula_type_name formula_type_name,
91            cpe.information2 effective_start_date,
92            cpe.information3 effective_end_date
93     from ben_copy_entity_results cpe,
94          pqh_copy_entity_txns cet,
95          ff_formula_types ff_typ
96     where cet.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
97     and cet.copy_entity_txn_id = cpe.copy_entity_txn_id
98     and ff_typ.formula_type_id = cpe.information160
99     and cet.status = 'COMPLETE'
100     and cpe.table_alias = 'FFF'
101     and cpe.number_of_copies = 1
102     and cpe.dml_operation in ('INSERT','UPDATE')
103     and (cpe.datetrack_mode IN ('INSERT','CORRECTION')
104         or cpe.datetrack_mode like 'UPDATE%')
105     order by 1,2;
106     --
107     l_return_status VARCHAR2(2000);
108     l_fff_rows c_fff_rows%rowtype;
109     l_count number := 0;
110     l_effective_date DATE;
111     l_request_id NUMBER;
112     --
113     l_proc varchar2(80) := g_package ||'compile_modified_ff';
114     --
115    BEGIN
116         --
117         l_effective_date := TO_DATE(p_effective_date,'DD-MM-YYYY');
118         --
119         open c_fff_rows;
120         fetch c_fff_rows into l_fff_rows;
121         if c_fff_rows%found then
122             --
123             ben_batch_utils.WRITE (p_text => ' #   | Formula Name                   | Request  ');
124             ben_batch_utils.WRITE (p_text => '-------------------------------------------------');
125             --
126             loop
127                 begin
128                     --
129                     l_count := l_count + 1;
130                     --l_return_status := ben_pd_formula_pkg.compile_formula(l_fff_rows.formula_id, l_effective_date);
131                     --
132                     -- 5199512 - Instead of online compilation, spawn a concurrent request
134                     l_request_id := fnd_request.submit_request
135                                        (application => 'FF'
136                                        ,program     => 'SINGLECOMPILE'
137                                        ,description => NULL
138                                        ,sub_request => FALSE
139                                        ,argument1   => l_fff_rows.formula_type_name
140                                        ,argument2   => l_fff_rows.full_formula_name
141                                         );
143                     ben_batch_utils.WRITE (p_text => lpad(to_char(l_count),4)|| ' | '|| l_fff_rows.formula_name || '  | '|| l_request_id);
144                    --
145                 exception
146                     when others then
147                         --
148                         ben_batch_utils.WRITE (p_text => lpad(to_char(l_count),4)|| ' | '|| l_fff_rows.formula_name || l_request_id);
149                         ben_batch_utils.WRITE (p_text => SQLERRM );
150                         errbuf := SQLERRM;
151                         --
152                 end;
153                 --
154                 fetch c_fff_rows into l_fff_rows;
155                 exit when c_fff_rows%notfound;
156                 --
157             end loop;
158             --
159         else
160             ben_batch_utils.WRITE (p_text => 'No Fast Formualas found for compilation.');
161         end if;
162         --
164         WHEN others THEN
165             ben_batch_utils.WRITE (p_text => SQLERRM );
166             errbuf := SQLERRM;
167             --
168    END compile_modified_ff;
169 --
170 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
171 -- |--------------------------------< process >-------------------------------|
172 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
173 --
174 -- This is the main batch procedure to be called from the concurrent manager.
175 --
176    PROCEDURE process (
177       errbuf                       OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2,
178       retcode                      OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER,
179       p_validate                   IN              NUMBER DEFAULT 0,
180       p_copy_entity_txn_id         IN              NUMBER,
181       p_effective_date             IN              VARCHAR2,
182       p_prefix_suffix_text         IN              VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
183       p_reuse_object_flag          IN              VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
184       p_target_business_group_id   IN              VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
185       p_prefix_suffix_cd           IN              VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
186       p_effective_date_to_copy     IN              VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
187    )
188    IS
189       --
190       -- Local variable declaration.
191       --
192       l_proc                        VARCHAR2 (80) := g_package || '.process';
193       l_cet_object_version_number   NUMBER (15);
194       l_target_typ_cd               VARCHAR2(30);
195       l_row_typ_cd                  PQH_COPY_ENTITY_ATTRIBS.ROW_TYPE_CD%TYPE;
196       l_start_with                  PQH_COPY_ENTITY_TXNS.START_WITH%TYPE;
197       l_effective_date              DATE;
198       l_effective_date_to_copy      DATE;
199       l_exception                   VARCHAR2(3000);
200       l_delete_failed               VARCHAR2(30);
201       l_txn_effective_date          DATE;
202       l_encoded_message varchar2(2000);
203       l_reuse_object_flag           VARCHAR2(30);
204       l_prefix_suffix_text          VARCHAR2(30);
205       --
206       -- Cursor Declaration.
207       --
208       CURSOR c_cet_ovn
209       IS
210          SELECT cet.object_version_number,
211                 cet.src_effective_date,
212                 cea.row_type_cd,
213                 cea.information3 target_typ_cd,
214                 cea.information4 reuse_object_flag,
215                 cea.information1 prefix_suffix_text
216            FROM pqh_copy_entity_txns cet, pqh_copy_entity_attribs cea
217           WHERE cet.copy_entity_txn_id = cea.copy_entity_txn_id
218 	    AND cet.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id;
219    --
221    --
222    BEGIN
223       --
224       hr_utility.set_location ('Entering ' || l_proc, 5);
225       hr_utility.set_location ('Entering process package', 5);
226       --
227       SAVEPOINT plan_design_copy_process;
228       --
229       --Added for Bug 6881417
230       ben_abr_bus.g_ssben_call:=true;
231       ben_abr_bus.g_ssben_var := '';
232       --Endof Code for Bug 6881417
234       l_effective_date := to_date(p_effective_date, 'DD-MM-YYYY');
235       l_effective_date_to_copy := to_date(p_effective_date_to_copy, 'DD-MM-YYYY');
236       --
237       OPEN c_cet_ovn;
238       --
239       FETCH c_cet_ovn INTO l_cet_object_version_number,
240                            l_txn_effective_date,
241                            l_row_typ_cd,
242                            l_target_typ_cd,
243                            l_reuse_object_flag,
244                            l_prefix_suffix_text;
245       --
246       CLOSE c_cet_ovn;
247       --
248       --Bug 4365133 and 4368942. resetting the globals
249       --
250       if l_reuse_object_flag = 'YO' then
251         --
252         BEN_PLAN_DESIGN_TXNS_API.g_pgm_pl_prefix_suffix_text := l_prefix_suffix_text;
253         --
254       end if;
255       --
256       IF l_row_typ_cd = 'PDW' or l_row_typ_cd = 'ELP'
257       then
258         --
259         l_start_with := NULL;
260         --
261       ELSE
262         --
263         if l_target_typ_cd = 'BEN_PDIMPT'
264         then
265            --
266            l_start_with := 'BEN_PDC_TRGT_DTL_PAGE';
267   	 --
268         else
269            --
270            l_start_with := 'BEN_PDC_SLCT_TRGT_PAGE';
271   	 --
272         end if;
273         --
274       END IF;
275       --
276       --
277       IF l_row_typ_cd = 'PDW' or l_row_typ_cd = 'ELP' then
278         BEN_PDW_COPY_BEN_TO_STG.pre_Processor(p_validate =>p_validate,
279                                               p_copy_entity_txn_id            => p_copy_entity_txn_id,
280                                               p_business_group_id      => to_number(p_target_business_group_id),
281                                               p_effective_date                => l_effective_date,
282                                               P_exception                     => l_exception
283                                               );
285         ---- Copied portion from pdw_submit_copy_request in bepdwapi.pkb ----
286         hr_utility.set_location('After preProcessor: '||l_proc,10);
287         -- write the table_route_id
288          ben_plan_design_wizard_api.write_route_and_hierarchy(p_copy_entity_txn_id);
289         -- this is for making the number of copies 0 for those rows falling outside of effective date
290          ben_plan_design_wizard_api.update_result_rows(p_copy_entity_txn_id);
292         BEGIN
293         savepoint SUBMIT_REQUEST;
294         -- first call delete so that if any row needs to be end dated before submit
295         -- this may fail because these rows which we are trying to delete may be
296         -- present as foriegn keys before the submit api updates them.
297         BEGIN
298         savepoint DELETE_REQUEST;
299        ben_plan_design_delete_api.call_delete_apis
300        ( p_process_validate   => p_validate
301         ,p_copy_entity_txn_id => p_copy_entity_txn_id
302         ,p_delete_failed      => l_delete_failed
303        );
305       -- submit api is failing if it picks up the end-dated ben entities.
306       -- added nvl for non-date tracked entities
307       UPDATE ben_copy_entity_results cer
308        set number_of_copies = 0
309           where cer.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
310           and l_txn_effective_date between nvl(information2,l_txn_effective_date) and nvl(information3,l_txn_effective_date)
311           and cer.dml_operation = 'DELETE';
313       EXCEPTION
314       when others then
315       -- we are not raising them at this time but remove it from stack
316       l_encoded_message:= fnd_message.get;
317       l_encoded_message:=null;
318       rollback to DELETE_REQUEST;
319       l_delete_failed :='Y';
320       END;
322         ---- Copied portion from pdw_submit_copy_request in bepdwapi.pkb ----
324     ben_pd_copy_to_ben_two.create_stg_to_ben_rows (p_validate =>p_validate,
325                                                      p_copy_entity_txn_id            => p_copy_entity_txn_id,
326                                                      p_effective_date                => l_effective_date,
327                                                      p_prefix_suffix_text            => p_prefix_suffix_text,
328                                                      p_reuse_object_flag             => p_reuse_object_flag,
329                                                      p_target_business_group_id      => p_target_business_group_id,
330                                                      p_prefix_suffix_cd              => p_prefix_suffix_cd,
331                                                      p_effective_date_to_copy        => l_effective_date_to_copy
332                                                     );
333       --
336       -- call delete again if the delete failed previously
337        if(l_delete_failed ='Y') then
338          l_delete_failed:='N';
339          ben_plan_design_delete_api.call_delete_apis
340          ( p_process_validate   => p_validate
341          ,p_copy_entity_txn_id => p_copy_entity_txn_id
342          ,p_delete_failed      => l_delete_failed
343          );
344        end if;
346 -- p_validate is true
347     if p_validate = 1 then
348     raise hr_API.validate_enabled;
349     end if;
350     hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc,20);
352     when hr_API.validate_enabled then
354     when app_exception.application_exception then
355      raise;
356     when others then
358     raise;
359    END;
361     ELSE
363     ben_pd_copy_to_ben_two.create_stg_to_ben_rows (p_validate =>p_validate,
364                                                      p_copy_entity_txn_id            => p_copy_entity_txn_id,
365                                                      p_effective_date                => l_effective_date,
366                                                      p_prefix_suffix_text            => p_prefix_suffix_text,
367                                                      p_reuse_object_flag             => p_reuse_object_flag,
368                                                      p_target_business_group_id      => p_target_business_group_id,
369                                                      p_prefix_suffix_cd              => p_prefix_suffix_cd,
370                                                      p_effective_date_to_copy        => l_effective_date_to_copy
371                                                     );
372     END IF;
373       -- Write Log Data to PQH_PROCESS_LOG
374       --
375       ben_plan_design_txns_api.create_log (p_copy_entity_txn_id);
376       --
377       -- Write Process Information to Concurrent Program Log
378       --
379       create_process_log (p_copy_entity_txn_id => p_copy_entity_txn_id,
380                           p_row_type_cd        => l_row_typ_cd );
381       --
382       pqh_copy_entity_txns_api.update_copy_entity_txn (p_copy_entity_txn_id         => p_copy_entity_txn_id,
383                                                        p_datetrack_mode             => hr_api.g_correction,
384                                                        p_status                     => 'COMPLETE', /* To enable View Log Icon */
385                                                        p_start_with                 => l_start_with,
386                                                        p_object_version_number      => l_cet_object_version_number,
387                                                        p_effective_date             => TRUNC (l_effective_date)
388                                                       );
389       --
390       COMMIT;
392       --Added for Bug 6881417
393       ben_abr_bus.g_ssben_call:=false;
394       ben_abr_bus.g_ssben_var := '';
395       --
396       hr_utility.set_location ('Leaving ' || l_proc, 10);
397       --
399       --
400       WHEN OTHERS
401       THEN
402          --
403 	 ROLLBACK TO plan_design_copy_process;
405 	 --Added for Bug 6881417
406          ben_abr_bus.g_ssben_call:=false;
407 	 ben_abr_bus.g_ssben_var := '';
409 	 -- if this is ELP then raise the error this is online submission
410 	 if l_row_typ_cd = 'ELP' then
411 	    raise;
412          end if;
413 	 --
414          ben_batch_utils.WRITE (p_text => SQLERRM);
415          --
416 	 BEGIN
417 	    --
418 	    SAVEPOINT update_cet;
419 	    --
420             -- Bug 4415568
421             IF l_row_typ_cd = 'PDW'
422             THEN
423               --
424               l_start_with := 'BEN_PDW_PLN_OVVW_FUNC';
425               --
426             END IF;
427             --
428             pqh_copy_entity_txns_api.update_copy_entity_txn (p_copy_entity_txn_id         => p_copy_entity_txn_id,
429                                                              p_datetrack_mode             => hr_api.g_correction,
430                                                              p_status                     => 'ERROR', /* To disable View Log Icon */
431                                                              p_start_with                 => l_start_with, /* Bug 4415568 Enable Continue*/
432                                                              p_object_version_number      => l_cet_object_version_number,
433                                                              p_effective_date             => TRUNC (l_effective_date)
434                                                             );
435             --
436 	    COMMIT;
437 	    --
439 	    --
440 	    WHEN OTHERS
441 	    THEN
442 	       --
443 	       ROLLBACK TO update_cet;
444 	       --
445                ben_batch_utils.WRITE (p_text => SQLERRM);
446 	       --
447 	       COMMIT;
448             --
449 	 END;
450          --
451          COMMIT;
452      --
453    --
454    END process;
455 --
456 END ben_plan_design_copy_process;