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Line 120: -- the releases against Blanket Agreeements or Standard

116: -- None.
117: --Function:
118: -- This API is called from the Approval Window or by the
119: -- Concurrent Program. This procedure will update all
120: -- the releases against Blanket Agreeements or Standard
121: -- POs against Global Agreements that have lines that
122: -- are retroactively changed.
123: -- Selects the blanket lines that have been retroactively changed
124: -- and selects all the releases againt BA (or std PO against GA).

Line 368: and pdt.document_subtype = 'STANDARD' -- Bug 3573266

364: and poh.org_id = fsp.org_id -- -- Bug 3573266
365: and nvl(fsp.purch_encumbrance_flag,'N') = 'N' -- Bug 3573266
366: and poh.org_id = pdt.org_id -- -- Bug 3573266
367: and pdt.document_type_code = 'PO' -- Bug 3573266
368: and pdt.document_subtype = 'STANDARD' -- Bug 3573266
369: and (nvl(pdt.archive_external_revision_code,'PRINT') = 'APPROVE' -- Bug 3573266
370: or (not exists (Select 'billed received shipments' -- Bug 3565522
371: from po_line_locations_all poll1
372: where poll1.po_line_id = pol.po_line_id

Line 508: AND pdt.document_subtype = 'STANDARD'

504: AND poh.org_id = fsp.org_id
505: AND nvl(fsp.purch_encumbrance_flag,'N') = 'N'
506: AND poh.org_id = pdt.org_id
507: AND pdt.document_type_code = 'PO'
508: AND pdt.document_subtype = 'STANDARD'
509: AND
510: (
511: nvl(pdt.archive_external_revision_code,'PRINT') = 'APPROVE'
512: OR

Line 661: -- Standard call to check for call compatibility

658: l_module := g_log_head||l_api_name||'.'||'000'||'.';
661: -- Standard call to check for call compatibility
663: IF (NOT FND_API.Compatible_API_Call(l_api_version
664: ,p_api_version
665: ,l_api_name


1722: l_module := g_log_head||l_api_name||'.'||'130'||'.';
1723: g_po_release_id_table.delete;
1724: g_po_header_id_table.delete;
1729: l_module := g_log_head||l_api_name||'.'||'140'||'.';

Line 2085: * Private Procedure: WrapUp_Standard_PO

2084: /**
2085: * Private Procedure: WrapUp_Standard_PO
2086: * Modifies: authorization_Status and revision_num in po_headers.
2087: * Effects: If any release shipment is updated with the new price, then
2088: * revision_num must be incremented and authorization_Status
2089: * has to be updated to Requires approval if the status is

Line 2093: PROCEDURE WrapUp_Standard_PO IS

2089: * has to be updated to Requires approval if the status is
2090: * Approved. This is called from massupdate_releases procedure.
2091: */
2093: PROCEDURE WrapUp_Standard_PO IS
2095: l_global_arch_rev_num_table num_table;
2096: l_row_id_table char30_table;

Line 2100: l_api_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(50) := 'WrapUp_Standard_PO';

2096: l_row_id_table char30_table;
2098: l_progress varchar2(3);
2099: l_module VARCHAR2(100);
2100: l_api_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(50) := 'WrapUp_Standard_PO';
2101: x_tax_status VARCHAR2(10);
2102: l_encode varchar2(2000);
2103: l_error_message varchar2(2000);
2104: l_doc_org_id number;

Line 2229: end WrapUp_Standard_PO;

2225: l_module,SQLERRM(SQLCODE));
2226: END IF;
2227: raise;
2229: end WrapUp_Standard_PO;
2231: /**
2232: * Private Procedure: Process_Price_Change
2233: * Modifies: updates the global variables with the release_id, revision_num

Line 2676: p_document_subtype => 'STANDARD',

2672: PO_DOCUMENT_CHECKS_GRP.po_submission_check(
2673: p_api_version => 1.0,
2674: p_action_requested => 'DOC_SUBMISSION_CHECK',
2675: p_document_type => 'PO',
2676: p_document_subtype => 'STANDARD',
2677: p_document_id => g_po_header_id_table(i),
2678: x_return_status => x_return_status,
2679: x_sub_check_status => x_sub_check_status,
2680: x_msg_data => x_msg_data,

Line 2739: p_doc_subtype => 'STANDARD');

2736: PO_RETROACTIVE_PRICING_PVT.Retroactive_Launch_Approval
2737: ( p_doc_id => g_po_header_id_table(i),
2738: p_doc_type => 'PO',
2739: p_doc_subtype => 'STANDARD');
2740: end if;
2742: -- Bug 3318625
2743: END IF; /* if (g_po_auth_table(i) = 'APPROVED' OR */

Line 3263: -- PO : Standard PO

3259: --p_document_id
3260: -- The id of the document (po_header_id or po_release_id)
3261: --p_document_type
3262: -- The type of the document
3263: -- PO : Standard PO
3264: -- RELEASE : Release
3265: --RETURN:
3266: -- 'Y': Retroactive Pricing Update
3267: -- 'N': Not a Retroactive Pricing Update

Line 3345: -- PO : Standard PO

3341: --p_document_id
3342: -- The id of the document (po_header_id or po_release_id)
3343: --p_document_type
3344: -- The type of the document
3345: -- PO : Standard PO
3346: -- RELEASE : Release
3347: --Testing:
3348: --
3349: --End of Comments

Line 3379: -- SQL Why : For Standard PO, column po_lines.retroactive_date will

3375: PO_DEBUG.debug_stmt(l_log_head,l_progress, 'Reset retroactive_date for PO');
3376: END IF; /* IF g_debug_stmt */
3378: -- SQL What: Reset retroactive_date for this PO
3379: -- SQL Why : For Standard PO, column po_lines.retroactive_date will
3380: -- be updated if any retroactive pricing changes. Reset it
3381: -- to NULL after processing retroactive pricing.
3382: UPDATE po_lines_all
3383: SET retroactive_date = NULL,

Line 3392: --For standard PO retroactive_date update (in above if condition), decdide

3388: --Bug12931756 no need to update the retroactive_date again as it is updated
3389: --in Massupdate_Releases already
3390: --For retroactive_date update via release form, modified POXPOL2B to take
3391: --care of the correct retroactive_date update.
3392: --For standard PO retroactive_date update (in above if condition), decdide
3393: --to leave the code untouched as I did not do regression research for PO
3394: --case
3395: RETURN;

Line 3455: -- PO : Standard PO

3451: --p_document_id
3452: -- The id of the document (po_header_id or po_release_id)
3453: --p_document_type
3454: -- The type of the document
3455: -- PO : Standard PO
3456: -- RELEASE : Release
3457: --OUT:
3458: --x_return_status
3459: -- FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS if API succeeds

Line 3494: -- SQL What: Querying for standard PO which is not consigned

3490: -- Bug 3314204, Pass Inventory API price in functional price
3491: l_base_curr_precision FND_CURRENCIES.precision%TYPE := 2;
3493: CURSOR c_stdpo(p_po_header_id NUMBER) IS
3494: -- SQL What: Querying for standard PO which is not consigned
3495: -- SQL Why: Need to process retroactive price correction of
3496: -- invoices and receipt account adjustments
3497: -- SQL Join: po_header_id
3498: SELECT poll.po_header_id,

Line 3542: -- SQL What: Querying for standard PO which is consigned

3538: AND polla.latest_external_flag = 'Y'
3539: AND poll.price_override <> polla.price_override; -- Bug 3526448
3541: CURSOR c_consigned_stdpo(p_po_header_id NUMBER) IS
3542: -- SQL What: Querying for standard PO which is consigned
3543: -- SQL Why: Need to process retroactive price correction of
3544: -- invoices and receipt account adjustments
3545: -- SQL Join: po_header_id
3546: SELECT poh.po_header_id,

Line 3740: -- Standard call to check for call compatibility

3736: PO_DEBUG.debug_var(l_log_head,l_progress,'p_document_id', p_document_id);
3737: PO_DEBUG.debug_var(l_log_head,l_progress,'p_document_type', p_document_type);
3738: END IF;
3740: -- Standard call to check for call compatibility
3741: IF NOT FND_API.Compatible_API_Call(l_api_version, p_api_version, l_api_name, G_PKG_NAME)
3742: THEN
3744: END IF;

Line 3782: -- For standard POs and PO releases(not consigned),

3778: PO_DEBUG.debug_var(l_log_head,l_progress,'l_consigned_flag', l_consigned_flag);
3779: END IF; /* IF g_debug_stmt */
3781: IF (l_consigned_flag = 'N') THEN
3782: -- For standard POs and PO releases(not consigned),
3783: -- call the new accounting events API
3784: l_progress := '040';
3785: IF g_debug_stmt THEN
3786: PO_DEBUG.debug_stmt(l_log_head,l_progress,

Line 4761: -- For Standard PO's, this function is called at the line level. So it

4757: -- None.
4758: --Function:
4759: -- This function returns true if the Inventory accounting period is open for
4760: -- all ship-to-org's at the shipment level for a Consumption Advice.
4761: -- For Standard PO's, this function is called at the line level. So it
4762: -- checks all PO shipments in a loop.
4763: -- For Blanket releases, this function is called at shipment level. So we
4764: -- do not need a loop.
4765: --