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Line 1439: Removed the join with PJM_PROJECT_PARAMETERS for bug 7328006

1435: /*Added the above and condition to check if the employee_number
1436: is not null.This is modified for porting bug #1573297 in 11.0
1437: to 11.5 Bug 1660313*/
1438: /*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1439: Removed the join with PJM_PROJECT_PARAMETERS for bug 7328006
1440: all the logic for the expenditure type will be handled by the
1441: already existing API CST_eamCost_PUB.get_ExpType_for_DirectItem
1442: which has been enhanced
1443: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/

Line 1470: pjm_project_parameters ppp,

1466: wta.wip_sub_ledger_id c_wip_dr_sub_ledger_id,
1467: NULL c_person_type
1468: FROM wip_transaction_accounts wta,
1469: wip_transactions wt,
1470: pjm_project_parameters ppp,
1471: po_lines_all pla
1472: WHERE wt.transaction_type = 17
1473: AND pla.po_line_id = wt.po_line_id
1474: AND wta.accounting_line_type = 7

Line 2628: pjm_project_parameters ppp,

2624: 'P' transaction_status_code ,
2625: NULL cost_element_id,
2626: p_denom_currency_code denom_currency_code
2627: FROM mtl_material_transactions mmt,
2628: pjm_project_parameters ppp,
2629: pjm_org_parameters pop
2630: WHERE mmt.transaction_id = decode(ppv_txfr_flag,1, p_transfer_transaction_id,
2631: p_transaction_id)
2632: AND mmt.organization_id = decode(ppv_txfr_flag,1,p_transfer_organization_id,

Line 2814: -- set up in Project Parameters (PJM_PROJECT_PARAMETERS) or not.

2810: --instead of MTL_PROJECT_V bnd MTL_TASK_V because
2811: -- MTL_PROJECT_V shows only those projects that have been associated
2812: -- with a CG (in Project Parameters). However, for Capital Txns
2813: -- we need all valid projects irrespective of whether they are
2814: -- set up in Project Parameters (PJM_PROJECT_PARAMETERS) or not.
2815: -- Refer to Bug# 571127 **
2816: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2818: ----------------------------------------------------------------------