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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 43

   if (p_calling_fn = 'fa_addition_pvt.insert_asset') then
      l_event_type_code                       := 'ADDITIONS';
Line: 390

   insert into xla_events_int_gt
     (APPLICATION_ID       ,
      LEDGER_ID            ,
      LEGAL_ENTITY_ID      ,
      ENTITY_CODE          ,
      event_type_code      ,
      event_date           ,
      event_number         ,
      event_status_code    ,
      transaction_number   ,
      source_id_int_1      ,
      source_id_char_1     ,
      source_id_int_2      ,
      source_id_int_3      ,
     (140                  ,
      l_legal_entity_id    ,
      p_entity_type_code   ,
      'DEPRECIATION'       ,
      p_period_close_date  ,
      l_dummy_number(i)    ,
      l_dummy_number(i)    ,
      p_asset_id_tbl(i)    ,
      p_book_type_code     ,
      p_period_counter     ,
      p_deprn_run_id       ,
Line: 431

   select event_id bulk collect
     into x_event_id_tbl
     from xla_events_int_gt
    where source_id_int_3 = p_deprn_run_id
    order by event_number;
Line: 495

   insert into xla_events_int_gt
     (APPLICATION_ID       ,
      LEDGER_ID            ,
      LEGAL_ENTITY_ID      ,
      ENTITY_CODE          ,
      event_type_code      ,
      event_date           ,
      event_number         ,
      event_status_code    ,
      transaction_number   ,
      source_id_int_1      ,
      source_id_char_1     ,
      source_id_char_2     ,
      source_id_int_2      ,
     (140                  ,
      l_sob_id             ,
      l_legal_entity_id    ,
      p_entity_type_code   ,
      p_period_close_date  ,
      l_dummy_number(i)    ,
      l_dummy_number(i)    ,
      p_asset_id_tbl(i)    ,
      p_corp_book          ,
      p_tax_book           ,
Line: 536

   select event_id bulk collect
     into x_event_id_tbl
     from xla_events_int_gt
    order by event_number;
Line: 557

PROCEDURE update_event_status
   (p_event_source_info            IN  xla_events_pub_pkg.t_event_source_info
   ,p_event_class_code             IN  VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
   ,p_event_type_code              IN  VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
   ,p_event_date                   IN  DATE       DEFAULT NULL
   ,p_event_status_code            IN  VARCHAR2
   ,p_valuation_method             IN  VARCHAR2
   ,p_security_context             IN  xla_events_pub_pkg.t_security

   ,p_log_level_rec        IN     FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type default null);
Line: 570

FUNCTION update_transaction_event
           (p_ledger_id              IN NUMBER,
            p_transaction_header_id  IN NUMBER,
            p_book_type_code         IN VARCHAR2,
            p_event_type_code        IN VARCHAR2,
            p_event_date             IN DATE,
            p_event_status_code      IN VARCHAR2,
            p_secondary_flag         IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,
            p_secondary_sob_id       IN number default null,
            p_calling_fn             IN VARCHAR2,
            p_log_level_rec          IN FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type default null) return boolean IS

   l_trx_source_info   XLA_EVENTS_PUB_PKG.t_event_source_info;
Line: 588

   l_calling_fn        varchar2(80) := 'fa_xla_events_pvt.update_transaction_event';
Line: 600

      select event_id
        into l_event_id
        from xla_events xeve,
             xla_transaction_entities  xent
       where xeve.application_id   = 140
         and xeve.event_type_code  = p_event_type_code
         and xent.application_id   = xeve.application_id
         and source_id_char_1      = p_book_type_code
         and source_id_int_1       = p_transaction_header_id
         and ledger_id             = p_secondary_sob_id
         and xeve.entity_id        = xent.entity_id;
Line: 612

       select event_id
         into l_event_id
         from fa_transaction_headers
        where transaction_header_id = p_transaction_header_id;
Line: 621

     (p_event_source_info            => l_trx_source_info,
      p_event_id                     => l_event_id,
      p_event_type_code              => p_event_type_code,
      p_event_date                   => l_event_date,
      p_event_status_code            => p_event_status_code,
      p_valuation_method             => p_book_type_code,
      p_security_context             => l_security_context);
Line: 638

end update_transaction_event;
Line: 640

FUNCTION update_inter_transaction_event
           (p_ledger_id              IN NUMBER,
            p_trx_reference_id       IN NUMBER,
            p_book_type_code         IN VARCHAR2,
            p_event_type_code        IN VARCHAR2,
            p_event_date             IN DATE,
            p_event_status_code      IN VARCHAR2,
            p_is_secondary_ledger    IN boolean default false,
            p_calling_fn             IN VARCHAR2,
            p_log_level_rec in fa_api_types.log_level_rec_type default null
           ) return boolean is

   l_trx_source_info   XLA_EVENTS_PUB_PKG.t_event_source_info;
Line: 659

   l_calling_fn        varchar2(80) := 'fa_xla_events_pvt.update_inter_transaction_event';
Line: 669

   select event_id, dest_transaction_header_id
     into l_event_id, l_destination_trx_header_id
     from fa_trx_references
    where trx_reference_id = p_trx_reference_id;
Line: 677

      select event_id
        into l_event_id
        from xla_events xeve,
             xla_transaction_entities  xent
       where xeve.application_id   = 140
         and xeve.event_type_code in ('SOURCE_LINE_TRANSFERS', 'CIP_SOURCE_LINE_TRANSFERS')
         and xent.application_id   = xeve.application_id
         and source_id_char_1      = p_book_type_code
         and source_id_int_1       = l_destination_trx_header_id; --need to check. Secondary Changes
Line: 689

     (p_event_source_info            => l_trx_source_info,
      p_event_id                     => l_event_id,
      p_event_type_code              => p_event_type_code,
      p_event_date                   => p_event_date,
      p_event_status_code            => p_event_status_code,
      p_valuation_method             => p_book_type_code,
      p_security_context             => l_security_context);
Line: 706

end update_inter_transaction_event;
Line: 712

FUNCTION delete_transaction_event
           (p_ledger_id              IN NUMBER,
            p_transaction_header_id  IN NUMBER,
            p_book_type_code         IN VARCHAR2,
            p_asset_type             IN VARCHAR2,
            p_secondary_sob_id       IN number default null,
            p_calling_fn             IN VARCHAR2,
            p_log_level_rec          IN FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type default null) return boolean IS

   l_event_id         NUMBER;
Line: 729

   l_calling_fn       varchar2(80) := 'fa_xla_events_pvt.delete_transaction_event';
Line: 740

      select event_id
        into l_event_id
        from fa_transaction_headers
       where transaction_header_id = p_transaction_header_id;
Line: 750

         select event_id
           into l_event_id
           from xla_events xeve,
                xla_transaction_entities  xent
          where xeve.application_id  = 140
            and xeve.event_type_code = 'REINSTATEMENTS'
            and xent.application_id  = xeve.application_id
            and source_id_char_1     = p_book_type_code
            and source_id_int_1      = p_transaction_header_id
            and ledger_id            = p_secondary_sob_id
            and xeve.entity_id       = xent.entity_id;
Line: 763

         select event_id
           into l_event_id
           from xla_events xeve,
                xla_transaction_entities   xent
          where xeve.application_id  = 140
            and xeve.event_type_code = 'RETIREMENTS'
            and xent.application_id  = xeve.application_id
            and source_id_char_1     = p_book_type_code
            and source_id_int_1      = p_transaction_header_id
            and ledger_id            = p_secondary_sob_id
            and xeve.entity_id       = xent.entity_id;
Line: 782

         select event_id
           into l_event_id
           from xla_events xeve,
                xla_transaction_entities   xent
          where xeve.application_id  = 140
            and xeve.event_type_code = 'CAPITALIZATION'
            and xent.application_id  = xeve.application_id
            and source_id_char_1     = p_book_type_code
            and source_id_int_1      = p_transaction_header_id
            and ledger_id            = p_secondary_sob_id
            and xeve.entity_id       = xent.entity_id;
Line: 803

         (p_event_source_info            => l_trx_source_info,
          p_event_id                     => l_event_id,
          p_valuation_method             => p_book_type_code,
          p_security_context             => l_security_context);
Line: 810

         l_result := XLA_EVENTS_PUB_PKG.delete_entity
                       (p_source_info       => l_trx_source_info,
                        p_valuation_method  => p_book_type_code,
                        p_security_context  => l_security_context);
Line: 818

              fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Unable to delete entity for trx event',
                               l_event_id, p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
Line: 832

END delete_transaction_event;
Line: 834

FUNCTION delete_deprn_event
           (p_event_id               IN NUMBER,
            p_ledger_id              IN NUMBER,
            p_asset_id               IN NUMBER,
            p_book_type_code         IN VARCHAR2,
            p_period_counter         IN NUMBER,
            p_deprn_run_id           IN NUMBER,
            p_calling_fn             IN VARCHAR2,
            p_log_level_rec          IN FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type default null) return boolean IS

   l_event_id           NUMBER;
Line: 849

   l_calling_fn         varchar2(80) := 'fa_xla_events_pvt.delete_deprn_event';
Line: 861

      (p_event_source_info            => l_deprn_source_info,
       p_event_id                     => p_event_id,
       p_valuation_method             => p_book_type_code,
       p_security_context             => l_security_context);
Line: 869

      l_result := XLA_EVENTS_PUB_PKG.delete_entity
                       (p_source_info       => l_deprn_source_info,
                        p_valuation_method  => p_book_type_code,
                        p_security_context  => l_security_context);
Line: 877

        fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Unable to delete entity for event',
                  p_event_id, p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
Line: 890

END delete_deprn_event;
Line: 902

   select event_type_code
     into x_event_type_code
     from xla_events
    where application_id = 140
      and event_id       = p_event_id;
Line: 973

   select set_of_books_id
     into l_secondary_sob_id
     from fa_mc_book_controls famcbc
    where book_type_code = p_book_type_code
      and nvl(enabled_flag,'N') = 'Y'
      and not exists
          (select 1
             from fa_book_controls
            where  book_type_code = p_book_type_code
              and  book_class     = 'TAX'
              and set_of_books_id = famcbc.set_of_books_id)
      and exists
          (select 1
             from gl_ledgers
            where ledger_id            = set_of_books_id
              and ledger_category_code = 'SECONDARY');
Line: 1012

   select event_id
     into l_secondary_cap_event_id
     from xla_events xeve,
          xla_transaction_entities  xent
    where xeve.application_id   = 140
      and xeve.event_type_code  = 'CAPITALIZATION'
      and xent.application_id   = xeve.application_id
      and source_id_char_1      = p_book_type_code
      and source_id_int_1       = p_source_id_int_1
      and xeve.entity_id        = xent.entity_id
      and ledger_id             = p_ledger_id;
Line: 1049

      SELECT deprn_run_id
        into l_secondary_deprn_run_id
        from fa_mc_deprn_summary
       where set_of_books_id = p_ledger_id
         and book_type_code  = p_book_type_code
         and period_counter  =  p_source_id_int_2
         and asset_id        =  p_source_id_int_1;
Line: 1063

   select event_id
     into l_secondary_event_id
     from xla_events xeve,
          xla_transaction_entities  xent
    where xeve.application_id  = 140
      and xeve.event_type_code = 'DEPRECIATION'
      and xent.application_id  = xeve.application_id
      and source_id_char_1     = p_book_type_code
      and source_id_int_1      = p_source_id_int_1
      and source_id_int_2      = p_source_id_int_2
      and source_id_int_3      = l_secondary_deprn_run_id
      and xeve.entity_id       = xent.entity_id;