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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 23

        SELECT fou.oracle_username into OracleUserFND
               FROM fnd_oracle_userid fou,
                    fnd_product_installations fpi,
                    fnd_application a
              WHERE fou.oracle_id = fpi.oracle_id
                AND fpi.application_id = a.application_id
                AND a.application_short_name = 'FND' ;
Line: 39

        SELECT fou.oracle_username into OracleUserJTF
               FROM fnd_oracle_userid fou,
                    fnd_product_installations fpi,
                    fnd_application a
              WHERE fou.oracle_id = fpi.oracle_id
                AND fpi.application_id = a.application_id
                AND a.application_short_name = 'JTF' ;
Line: 105

     Delete From fnd_Concurrent_Queue_Size
      where concurrent_queue_id in
           (Select concurrent_queue_id
              from fnd_concurrent_queues
             where manager_type in (2,6));
Line: 111

     Delete from fnd_concurrent_queue_size
      where concurrent_queue_id in
           (select concurrent_queue_id
              from fnd_concurrent_queues
             where manager_type in
                  ( select service_id
                      from fnd_cp_services
                     where upper(service_handle) in
                                ('FORMSL', 'FORMSMS', 'FORMSMC',
                                 'REPSERV', 'TCF', 'APACHE',
                                 'JSERV', 'OAMGCS')));
Line: 124

      Delete From fnd_Concurrent_Queues_tl
       where concurrent_queue_id in
            (Select concurrent_queue_id
               from fnd_concurrent_queues
              where manager_type in (2,6));
Line: 130

      Delete from fnd_concurrent_queues_tl
       where concurrent_queue_id in
            (select concurrent_queue_id
               from fnd_concurrent_queues
              where manager_type in
                   (select service_id
                      from fnd_cp_services
                     where upper(service_handle) in
                                ('FORMSL', 'FORMSMS', 'FORMSMC',
                                 'REPSERV', 'TCF', 'APACHE',
                                 'JSERV', 'OAMGCS')));
Line: 143

      Delete from fnd_concurrent_queues
       where manager_type in (2,6);
Line: 146

      Delete from fnd_concurrent_queues
       where manager_type in
            (select service_id
               from fnd_cp_services
              where upper(service_handle) in
                         ('FORMSL', 'FORMSMS', 'FORMSMC',
                          'REPSERV', 'TCF', 'APACHE',
                          'JSERV', 'OAMGCS'));
Line: 156

      Delete from fnd_concurrent_processes;
Line: 159

      Delete from fnd_nodes;
Line: 166

  execute immediate 'delete from fnd_conflicts_domain fcd ' ||
                    ' where dynamic = ''Y''' ||
                    ' and not exists (select ''X''' ||
                    ' from fnd_concurrent_requests fcr ' ||
                    '  where fcr.cd_id = fcd.cd_id ' ||
                    '  and phase_code in (''P'', ''R''))';
Line: 175

      Update fnd_concurrent_queues
         set diagnostic_level = null,
             target_node = null, max_processes = 0,
	     node_name = null, node_name2 = null,
             running_processes = 0;
Line: 182

      Update fnd_concurrent_queues
         set control_code = NULL
       where control_code not in ('E', 'R', 'X')
         and control_code IS NOT NULL;
Line: 188

 *  DELETE all PRINTER Profile option values other than 'noprint'

      -- Delete all PRITNER Profile option values other than 'noprint'
      Delete from fnd_profile_option_values
       where profile_option_value <> 'noprint'
         and profile_option_id =
            (select profile_option_id
               from fnd_profile_options
              where profile_option_name = 'PRINTER');
Line: 200

      Delete from fnd_printer
       where printer_name <> 'noprint';
Line: 203

      Delete from fnd_printer_tl
       where printer_name <> 'noprint';
Line: 207

      Update fnd_concurrent_programs
         set printer_name = null,
             enable_trace = 'N'
       where printer_name is not null or enable_trace = 'Y';
Line: 213

      Delete from fnd_concurrent_requests
       where phase_code in ('C', 'R');
Line: 217

      Delete from fnd_concurrent_requests
       where phase_code = 'P'
               (select application_id, concurrent_program_id
                  from fnd_concurrent_programs
                 where execution_method_code = 'P');
Line: 354

     Delete From fnd_Concurrent_Queue_Size
      where concurrent_queue_id in
           (Select concurrent_queue_id
              from fnd_concurrent_queues
             where manager_type in (2,6));
Line: 360

     Delete from fnd_concurrent_queue_size
      where concurrent_queue_id in
           (select concurrent_queue_id
              from fnd_concurrent_queues
             where manager_type in
                  ( select service_id
                      from fnd_cp_services
                     where upper(service_handle) in
                                ('FORMSL', 'FORMSMS', 'FORMSMC',
                                 'REPSERV', 'TCF', 'APACHE',
                                 'JSERV', 'OAMGCS')));
Line: 373

      Delete From fnd_Concurrent_Queues_tl
       where concurrent_queue_id in
            (Select concurrent_queue_id
               from fnd_concurrent_queues
              where manager_type in (2,6));
Line: 379

      Delete from fnd_concurrent_queues_tl
       where concurrent_queue_id in
            (select concurrent_queue_id
               from fnd_concurrent_queues
              where manager_type in
                   (select service_id
                      from fnd_cp_services
                     where upper(service_handle) in
                                ('FORMSL', 'FORMSMS', 'FORMSMC',
                                 'REPSERV', 'TCF', 'APACHE',
                                 'JSERV', 'OAMGCS')));
Line: 392

      Delete from fnd_concurrent_queues
       where manager_type in (2,6);
Line: 395

      Delete from fnd_concurrent_queues
       where manager_type in
            (select service_id
               from fnd_cp_services
              where upper(service_handle) in
                         ('FORMSL', 'FORMSMS', 'FORMSMC',
                          'REPSERV', 'TCF', 'APACHE',
                          'JSERV', 'OAMGCS'));
Line: 405

      Delete from fnd_concurrent_processes;
Line: 408

      Delete from fnd_nodes;
Line: 411

      Delete from fnd_conflicts_domain fcd
        where dynamic = 'Y'
        and not exists (select 'X'
           from fnd_concurrent_requests fcr
           where fcr.cd_id = fcd.cd_id
           and phase_code in ('P', 'R'));
Line: 419

      Update fnd_concurrent_queues
         set diagnostic_level = null,
             target_node = null, max_processes = 0,
	     node_name = null, node_name2 = null,
             running_processes = 0;
Line: 426

      Update fnd_concurrent_queues
         set control_code = NULL
       where control_code not in ('E', 'R', 'X')
         and control_code IS NOT NULL;